Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1977, p. 15

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maximum war Card of Thanks 25 wo Notices Engagements Births ds additional words cents per word rds $500 Additional words cents per word Memmlcm lno verse $500 per count line extra 21 cents per line $322 per column inch Verse Coming Events births CHRISIISON Lucky and Debbie nee Usselmanl are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Deanne Patricia weiqtiino lbs to oz at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on March 24 l977 Pro ud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tony Usselnian ot Barrie and Mrs Daline christison of Calgary Alberta GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nouncv llIt nirih oi your nild in The Bar rIc Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those tar away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 728 2114 85 deaths CROWE Fred at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday March 28 1977 Fred Crowe in his blst year dear father of Beverley Mrs William Jacksonl at London and Wayne Crowe of Toronto Survrved also by grandchil dren Dear son or Mrs Jones and brother of Fraieign DeLisle and Dolores Mrs Wray all of Barrie and RoseMarie IMis Allan Jagol of Mid land Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after Tuesday Complete service in the chapel on Wednesday March 30th at Interment Barrie Union Cemeterv Masonn Servrce Tuesday at 30 under auspices of Corinthian Lodge number 96 In lieu of tlowers memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Sor Ietv CURRIE Alex At the Bestview Nurs ing Home Orillia on Monday March 28 1977 Alex Currie beloved husband of Janet Jennroi Clarke ot 51 Dunedin St Orillia In his 90th year Lovmg father of Ross ot Barrie andy Mary Mrs Ed Bonouardi of Waterloo grandfather of 10ur grandchildren Resting at the Mundnll Funeral Home 79 West St Orillia tor tuneral service in the chapel on Vtednesnay March 30 at Spr trig interment at Knox Cemetery Oro Township In llLU of flowers donations to your ravnrrtpcharttv would beqratetully appreciated ROTMAN Maris Suddenly at Bran som Hosortai Toronto on Monday March 21 ii Vloris Rotman beloved husziano of the late Sophie dear lather of Clam tiudr QIYII Cohen ind Ernest oi Burr Lo no uranatather of six orand rtiiltir ii ind OIIY great grandchild Finnr it serve took olare March 21 in Toronto 87 in memoriams ELrt in loving memory of Ilear husznind and Miner Charles Elltih who pass it Mar ti 29 WM so at Ickly nt Iett us Hrs IIITKHOV1 It thoughts memory Were proud to 1Urn cord In our oarden var Hl was Orw or the mt Rarity nitsseit in mind memory 01 Rose who pass tllOILtInitham iii hnt ill in vain aw MARIO part urvars sorrow at ones hetirt Srrrirrimrert an saitlr mtsiert at suanw Ioeantt iaiiotrter tirran rv to IOv Irivrrtu memory of tear JCttil who Drtiswfl Jdr in r73 rmn EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 78 ieiiiéism Phone 7282414 78 tiinders 87 in memoriams AN EASTER TRIBUTE TO YOUR LOVED ONES With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In MemOriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter sonor those beyond the immediate family circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select on appropriate memoriom notice for Easter time the Classified Department of The Barrie Examiner will publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL To ensure that your message appears at this time Telephone 72824 or write BEFORE WED NESDAY APRIL TThSTF 88 coming events ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm JockpotSSOO must go every week Admission SI 00 f0r cords Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section Ontario Government Tender SALE OF PROPERTIES Tenders are invited for the sole of two threebedroom bungalows with full basements and attached goroges situated on lots 50 I68 and located at 83 Thornton Avenue Bradford Please quote file number 30510 17 Bradfordl TO 302 73 Thornton Avenue Bradford Please quote file number 30510 T7 Bradford3 TO 303 Each property is to be quoted seporotely These properties may be viewed from I030 am to 830 pm on March 30 and I977 when representative of the Ministry of Government Services will be in attendance Tender documents may be obtained from the representative on these dates or from Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room Ml 43A Macdonold Block Queens Pork Toronto Ontario Telephone 416 965l l52 deposit of ten percent of bid is to be submitted with the tender documents Separate individual sealed tenders will be received until 300 pm Thursday April 14 I977 NOTE For further information regarding these tenders please con tact Mr Relics Ministry of Government Services Telephone 416 9654770 The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted M2229 Ministry of Government Services Ontario Ontario Government Tender CARPET VINYL FLOORING Supply and Install Carpeting in Various Locations in the Registry Office BARRIE Ont 82866 Supply and Install Resilient Flooring in the Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James St ORILLIA Ont 670l4 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Wednesday April 20 I977 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Of lice 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillio Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsoac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted M26 29 Ministry of Government Services Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF the ESTATE of JOSEPHINE MATILDA GREEN of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Spin ster deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of JOSEPHINE MATILDA GREEN late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Spin ster who died on or about the 2nd day of March I977 are hereby notified to send par ticulars of some to the un dersigned on or before the I2th day of April T977 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any per son whose cloim she shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 8th day of March I977 Doris Emrick Executrix of the Estate of Josephine Motildo Green by her Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE AND TAYLOR 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Ml52229 PrincessSlim Printed Pattern If it SIZES 8I8 57 rms it Irril rilit to get Into die AVAIII tllrtlly fill an ulccl and grarctnl llll DHIICP lltttllltfl firw II III IPdIIly Irept5 llntll or knit Printed Pattern 4681 Misses Tilcall III 14 lb l8 SIc 12 boat 34 tatea it yards 60 iiih ldbrir $125 for with pattern Irtll cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for liitt Cla ITldIl diltl handling uni residents add 9t sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Artams Pattern Dept Ihc Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Ontario MIPMT ANSWER to Inflation sew and Save ltdlllallt lollnrI Send Ini NEWSPRINGSIIMMIRPAIIIRN CAIAIOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates Illlllptllll day evening drenw 80an 75¢ Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Clauifiod advertisement and noticos Ior those pages must be rocoivnd by day prarodinq publiralion with the ox option of Clouiliod Dilploy ad VOTIISOmOnI which must in by two days prior to publication IIRTNS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES words 35 00 Additional words 9th on word CARD Of TNANKS words S500 additional words ll per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 35 00 With verse par rounl line unit per line COMING EVENTS $3 22 par rulumn inrh WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Chili DII count Ruins apply if paid within days One or two insertions per word in man Thrno consortliv l01lltl and one half cunts par word insertion total 36 I2 Six consecutive insertions per word par Insertion total SH 52 Multiplo innrlinns may be ordorod tubioct to on callotion when tutslortory results ob toinud Mathod of rounting Iowor than 74 words count as 24 words Each initial ab bIOVIOIIOD sot ol numbau otc Ioporoto wards count as ERRORS ANDCORRICIIONS All phorin intuition orders are utrnptod as convoriinnro to tho adverttors Thornton tho Clustiiud Advurimrig DonrlnHltll Inqutl ad advertiuu to fun dly haci thuii odvurtiunimii iivi mdiotoly altar IIYII insortion in ordnr that any error or oquion may be reported before in in order that sum rnoy be yutiliod for the following day publication The Barn Examiner Is Iospnnsiblu for only one irirorlnrlly prinlorf insertion of any ad vortisnmant and than only to the extent of portion of art that irimlrus tliri niuprint trrort whirh do not Inuit the value of the advertisement or not eligible for corrnc on by make goods The Burrii Examiner reserves the right to rltiuily revise or raintt any wutil mt PHONE 728 74 120 workers 90 on strike WINDSOR Ont CP About 120 employees of Rock well International of Canada Ltd went on strike Monday Bob Cushman plant chair man of the United Auto Work ers union said in an interview that the workers members of UAW Local 195 want three year contract similar to one al ready reached with Rockwell plants in Chatham 0nt and Milton Ont Negotiations on the Windsor agreement broke off Friday He said the company is offer ing oneyear pact with unsa tisfactory pensions medical benefits costofliving allow ances and wages The men earn $607 an hour including cost of living allow ances on the basis of contract that expired Jan 31 Cushman said Paul Doman industrial rela tions officer for the company refused to comment on the strike or on negotiations Unity call by Smollwood NORTH BAY Ont CP No sacrifice is too great to keep Canada united Joey Small wood former Newfoundland premier said Monday He told service club that next to the gift of life Gods greatest gift to Newfoundland is Confederation He said Canadians must re spect those who speak another language and work for more af fection and tolciution of people with different cultures rind lan guzigc Earlier Siiizillwoorl said in an interview on it local radio Slit tion that he does not believe Qucbcccrs will vote in favor of separation from 11 nzidti If separation is approved he said Quebecers would soon re zilizc lltill they will not have as many advantages as they now have under iiifclcrzitiun Separatism debate urged TORONTO Pi Former prime minister John Dicfcnbzr ker called Monday for na tional conference on separatism and asked Prime Minister Trudcziu to set aside week for debate on the issue in the House of Commons In an emotional address to 400 members of the Canadian Club Dicfenbuker referring to his proposal for debate in the Commons said That is where we hear the people of Canada speak At 21 news conference follow ing his speech Diefcnbukcr said the national separatism conference should be made up of people from all walks of life in all parts of the country and should last month Charged with illegal entry SUVA Fiji IAPi crew of 10 New anlzindcrs recently paddled homemade canoe 000 miles from the Gilbert Islands to this South Pacific island They were arrested on charge of illegal entry when they arrived Fiji ind other South Pacific islands are tightening up on what they regard as wandering gypsics of the sea the rising number of yachtsmen cruising the occur in craft that range from 25foot singlehanded sloops to 100 foot flouting apart ments with air conditioning The island governments are particularly tough in searching for drugs although they rarely findany In Fiji the authorities insist that the yuchlsmcn culled yachties or sliippicsgo through port and immigration formalities before cruising to the outlying islands This can take yachtic 1000 milcsout of his way just to get his passport stamped In September and October Suva is like yzichtics con vention centre with more than 100 yachts if dozen nation alities readying to sail in Aus tralia and New Zeziland or reach the United States before the hurricane season starts in November No one knows how many yachts cruise the Pacific at any one time but estimates range between 500 and 000 For many the fascination of cruising the Pacific has long since worn off Gossip in an chorages across the Pacific tells of broken marriages fuilcrl love affairs and ruptured friendships Sailing is the most ex pensive way of travelling third class know of is common gripe among yacht ies But for others like Jeff Mungcr former stockbroker from Rumson Nl it is way oflifc Sure there are some nights when its blowing and youre there hauling in sail he Silk You say to oursclf why the hell arent li my brother liv ing on farm in Vermont At least his bed doesnt move But you make up for it in places like Bora Bora Roy thats paradise NOTICE deadline for classified word itde pm previous day noon Saturday PIter Reiiio IIustlIrs junior and senior volleyball teams will be heading to the IIttIiIlIO finals The Juniors will play in Toronto in late April Iutc and plzice for DC senior finals hasnt been set The Hustlers III their fourth season iiicludc the examiner Tuuday Much 29 1011 15 PeterReina Hustlers look to provincial championships lizick for stint Examiner Photos PM purchased carvings and helped the Eskimos It NICK LEICS The Canadian Press The Arctic Ray Eskimo com munity made it licfly profit on czirvmgs solrl to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and used it to help set up it Hip Trudeau on visit to the community in 1976 itllCllfltd in official dinner ill the school hull and later said he would like to purchase some carvings Of course we put it markup on the carvings and the profit Firms establish fitness programs EDMONION Pi Some Friiiiniitoii ciiiplnycrs have de cirlcrl something is wrong when top executich arrive at meet ing ieIlfzicrxl and out of breath iftcr climbing it flight of stairs They have established fitness programs for their employees setting up their own small gyms or using facilities at loczil Itfilllh clubs It Angus Alberta Itl one of DC first to set up an employee fitness program about three years ago considers being physically fit as part of ti mim igcis job Personnel manager Jess Mriirill says program of medical checkups and organized physical fitness development begun in the fzill of 1973 aimed initially at the companys ITSmember senior management group This group tendslto have high level tension coupled with IitCk of physical activity which can lend to fitness prob lems III at time when the man ager would normally reach his prime prrxluclivity said Mor rill Angus lilittlt it policy that any adverse physical condition discovered in the medical checkup which could be con trolled by exercise or diet be came port of the managers standards of performance STANDARD SIII Suitable exercise programs were established it the down town YMCA minimum standard of ill visits year was set and recently the program has expanded to include com pctitivc sports such as tennis and handball Banister Continental in Ed monton plans to put an exercise room in the basement of its new headquarters Pauline Weller office admin istrulnr says the room will in clude shower exercise change and locker facilities to be used in conjunction with planned employee fitness program lrilzitls Alberta Brewery is organizing similar program for its 200 management and iiii IOII employees expected to be underway early this your Personnel manager Elmer Mchillivray says he is iii vcstigziting different ap proaches to the program and that It doesnt want it to be costly for either company or employees The aim is to com binc it with use of it nearby health spa in south IIIITHIOII COMPANY ONIRIItIWICS Shell Canada Ltd is another company encouraging physical fitness among its employees program begun last November pays half an employees fitness program fee up to maximum Of $75 David Stuart manager of the Nautilus Training Centre here 51in cm layers have definite responsi ilily to offer physical fitness programs to employees Most Canadian office workers are overweight and have poor muscle tone says Stuart masters degree graduate in exercise physiology from University of Alberta And just because they dont do any bloody exercise Its lazy society One of Nautiluss few corpo rate customers is Trendwond Ltd small Edmonton forest products distribution firm Vince Lachzmce 34 owner president and physical fitness buff pays the annual member ship fee for five of his eight cin ployccs to exercise at the cen tre The company also en courach employees to lilkt up skiing on long weekends If everyone is physically and mentally alert think you certainly get better response from the individual on dayto day basis said Lucliuncc It benefits the company and of course benefits the in diviuil we made we kept stud Qa mzinirq who handled the trans action for his friends The story is revealed in the book We Dont Live in Show Houses Now collection of in tcrviews and photographs Iti£ll among the Arctic Buy Eskimos The book is the first in it series that ziiiaiditiii Arctic Producers the marketing zigciicy for limit art and crzifls of the Northwest Ieiritories is planning on the communities whose CilptltllthS are its shareholders and on the artists who live and work in those coin iiiuiiitics lcxts are in English and Inuit illlfl were Illilflt from tape recorded interviews by Rhoda liiiiuksuk 1an Susan Conan The Eskimos tell how their nomadic life in the land of plen ty vanished ilttl how they gave up their struggle in hostile en vironiiicnt and their game liuiitiiig ways in live closer to the qulllltlilitl white people who crime to teach religion educate Ilitll children and search for resources Many Eskimos moved to Ar clic toy to be with their chil dren attending school rind were told by the government that dogs but to be tied up to pre vent spreading disease Dogs on the loose would be shot Soon the animals were no good for hunting through lack of exercise And snowmobiles couldnt find seal liolc Some Sitltl they found it hard to make 2i living and their chil dren IX£IIII sick more often rind found it too cold to play out side Roads and telephones seemed to cut off rather than extend hospitality fail the goveiiiiiicnt is not helping us well said lmzirui tuq Iuqtu It puts quotas on iiiiimuls iiid docsnl stop liquor We have limits on the game which we illt use for food mczit money everything There are no limits on alcohol which brings trouble problems killing Carving was the way out for many They found their work as good as coin ail the store But TIEDEN RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY FEATURING CHEVROLETS ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH BARRIE 341 BAYFIELD ST 705 7370800 JIM RAWN SAN FRANCISCO Reuter Californians have already begun exercising their right to die under controversial new act which allows terminally ill patients to order plugs pulled on lifesupport equipment The exact number of patients who have signed Directives to Physicians and deposited them with their doctors is not known But kidney patient here is believed to be the first to have the order carried out The singlepage directive valid for five years says If at anytime should have an incurable injury disease or illness and where the appli cation of lifesustaining proce dures would serve only to arti ficially prolong the moment of my death direct that such procedures be withheld or with drawn and be permitted to die naturally The righttodie law came in to force Janl making Califor nia the first state in the union to have such law IROMPTED BY PUBLICITY It was prompted by publicity over the case of Karen Aim Quinlan the 22yearold New Jersey woman kept alive for months on machines after she went into permanent coma froth an overdose of drugs and alcohol Californians exercise their right to die players from throughout the courtly The teams have won number of titles in Ontiiriri Womens Volleyball compelitionincluding junior and senior titles last year At left Terry Brown moves up to the not At right Brenda Vascy goes The law stirred bitter con troversy before it was passed Its critics called it the legal murder act and said it li censed doctors to kill the aged the weak and the poor It still is stirring debate in the Californian medical profession as doctors say they are unsure about some of the terms of the act They say they do not know whether the 56yearold kidney patient allowed to die recently was really covered by the act Albert Jonson associate pro fessor of bioethics at University of California Medical Centre at Berkeley said the man ordered that his life not be artificially prolonged because he was fed up with surgery needed each time he was put on the kidney machine Im tired of being cut the unidentified man told his sur goon according to Jonseii COULD IIAVE LIVED Jonsen said the man did not meet the popular stereotype of terminally ill person With dialysis kidney machines he could have lchd for long time perhaps years The California Medical Asso ciation says it has distributed 10000 printed directives to member physicians to give to patients who ask for them for SPRINGiZ Wall to wall Rugs Furniture Pension Plans Life Insurance Disability Income Annuities on an Individual or Group basis IMPERIAL 7284761 CARPET 205 DUNIOP amt CHAIRS will Rayner McCullough Chartered Life Underwriter Phone 266515 10 Dunliip St Suite 301 LIFE covers on for life

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