Choosing automobile insurance these days is no easy taskWhat you get for your money with one company isnt neces sarily what you get from another Whether youre talking coverage premi ums or service there are big differences between whats being offered out there The real differences in auto insurance make themselves known after the fact After you disc ver fender lt really can cost three hundred dollars In short what separates one insurance company from another is the service offered when you need it most The Ontario iVIotoiist Insurance Company was founded by the same people who live service three hundred and sixty five days yeaizThe people at the Ontario Motor League We have very simple working philos ophy If you service the heck out of your policy holders youll continue to have policy holders to serviceWith this in mind wed like you to consider OMI the next time you consider auto insurance Were constantly looking for new and better ways to look after you and in this day and age thats got to be new idea Why not take couple of minutes and call Laurie at Barries new Ole office In practically no time at all shell work out quotation for you as well as telling you about few more of our new ideas One of which is coming through in the crunch For more information about OMIU call Laurie at 7261803 lheallQanadian wiflmemdeasonlnsurance The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 261977 3A Laurie Mendel OMI 19 Representative in Barrie AL