KZA The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 26 1977 Mayor Archer Optimistic Tight for moey good year for development but bit tight for money Thats how 1977 looks from Mayor Ross Archers second floor Window at City Hall Mayor Archer said in an in terView he is looing forward to solid year for housing con struction and takes an op timistic view on industrial growth as well Unfortunately he said taxes seem certain to grow too City council has set goal of holdmg the municipal tax in creases to two per cent Mayor Acher says that even five per cent ceiling would put severe restrictions on what services the city can provide while ad ministration officials at City Hall estimate the two per cent ceiling will mean four per cent cutback in the level of ser Vices To hold the tax line complete ly the mayor says would mean deteriorating services roads in terrible condition and other unacceptable consequences Restrictions or not Mayor Archers general outlook for the year is sunny one For starters think well see quite an increase in housing development this year he said Its no secret that home con struction in Barrie hasnt been booming but the mayor ex pects that to change this year Focus of the growth will be in Residential District the Edgehill RoadAnne Street North area the mayor says Services are available and lots are being sold in the district JAMES SNOW no commitmcnt which will ultimately house 10000 residents think we can accommo date all the people that want to move into Barrie for the time being in that area he said Itll surprise me if there arent 200 to 300 homes up in there by the end of the year and maybe quite few more He said he is particularly happy with the fact that the area will include plenty of housing for the masses especially lowpriced single family dwellings INQUIRES On the industrial side theres lots of activity so far as inquiries are concerned the mayor said Though the city is running low on industrial land he said he expects what is left will accommodate the amount of industry Barrie can hope to attract in 1977 The exception would be any industry which needs large parcel in the 100acre category If an industry needing that much land ap proaches the city Mayor Ar chcr said officials will try to keep the company interested until the magic date of Jan 1978 when the city expects to annex substantial amount of land from Innisfil and Vespia Townships Settlement of the annexation controversy currently before an Ontario Municipal Board hearing which has been ad journed until May will be another priority this year The city has applied for 18000 acres from the two townships which are fighting the bid and Mayor Archer said he expects to get Significant amount of the land NOT TO THE FINISH The mayor said he still hopes negotiated settlement with the townships can take the place of fight to the finish at tthMB Im hopeful we can conic to some agreement with Inriisfil Township he said Thcrc are obviously some critical areas they want to retain and think we can work out com promise As for espra lic said thc critical area is obviously the Highway 2627 commercial strip north of the city The strip is major source of thc townships tax rcvcnuc think theyre going to have to give us that he said think the loss of it can be cascd by grants from the govern merit For 10 Years We Have Sold and Serviced MAYOR ARCHER more housing development Once annexation comes such services as police and fire pro tection snow plowing and gar bage collection will have to be extended to the new areas im mediately Part of this year will be spent studying man power and equipment needs for extending these services and the mayor says proposed fire hall in the south cnd of thc city may have to bc built earlier than had bcen planned Hard services like sewers and pipcd water will go in as needed he said primarily on local iniprovcincnt basis with lxncficiaries footing part of tlic bill In otlicr arcas Mayor Archer cxpccts final plans for lake shorc lcyclopincnt betwccn Mulcastcr and Hayfield streets to bc complctcd this ycar along with thc extension of liakcshorc Drivc to Mulcastcr and plan ting of cnougli grass in tlic arca to rcmovc thc construction at iiiosplicrc which has char actcricd the arm in rcccnt years omplction of tlic park and tillltl dcvclopincnt tlicic he said is lorigcr ltllli pro jch DUWNIt Anothcr projcct which now appears to bc long term is thc rcjuvcriation of llll downtown core Planning board has lcarii In 1976 to keep up with increasing Volvo sales we expanded our service facilities with new fully equipped service bays ed work on second ary plan for the area could take one year The mayor said he hopes the city will be able to work faster than that with any private in vestors who want to move into the downtown area with impor tant developments wouldnt want them to be stalled waiting for year while all this planning Work to evolve he said Another project the mayor is looking forward to is the widen ing of uppcr Bayficld Street to five lanes as proposed by the ci ty or to six as suggested by pro vincial transport minister James Snow The mayor says he Would like to sec work bcgin this year but some people tell me lrn dreaming Mr Snow has said he doubts construction will get underway in 1977 Mcanwhilc the mayor is pushing to have thc province pay the full cost of the project because the strcct is provin cial highway and the pmvince was instrumental in cncourag trig thc coinmcrcial dcvclop incnt which has caused thc con gcstion thc widcning is intcnd ed to rclicvc Mr Snow has made no coin initrncrit on funding but the provrncc will pay at lcast 75 pcr ccnl Our stall of class mechanics have been fully trained in the ser vicing ol Volvos and the use of special tools and equipment required in the maintenance of the highly durable and sophisticated Volvo engine Replacenimil parts when needed are readily available in our com plete parts department Come in today and see the designed for safety Volvo we have one for you opp Barrie Raceway MOTORS I78 Essa Rd 7282287 but good year Citys growth inevitable says Chamber and revitalization an important move Barries growth is inevitable says Ed Harper Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce president Barrie is going to grow Theres nothing we can do about it he said in an iri terview Mr Harper says its up to the chamber to prepare or an nexation and what it will bring to thecomrnunity You can turn away from it fight it and deny reality he said but its better to prepare forit He says thc chamber favors annexation plans because Barrie nccds industrial land and can attract industries with the added acicagc And as in dustrial lands are dcvclopcrL our membership will grow native of Toronto Mr Har pcr says pcoplc coming to Barrie from largcr cities will apppicciatc the change both in terms of thc chamber and the city Toronto chambers are long way off to the average per son he said You dont really have the opportunity to get in volvcd There is more of sense of belonging in city this size be said The mayor bccomcs more readily available to pcophl and pcophr are more in touch with each othcr The chamber fills rolc in Barrio says Mr Harper as spokesman for the business community Its way for the smallest business to make its feelings known he said Its also way of harnessing energies that are available in the com munity llll SUMIZ At Ive always felt when youre in business you have to put lit tle back into the community youre operating in he said You cant just keep taking and taking And because we are not ilitical we can objectively ook at different levels of gover nment as businessmen and react in very nonpartisan way Barrics chamber has taken an active approach to govern ment Mr Harper The chambesz legislative affairs committee chaired by Peter Howden operated Waste Watchers program to uncover examples of government waste and inefficiency The committee has also spearheaded presentations to Ottawa and Queens Park presenting chamber policy Thc Barric oinniunity rcdit liiion moved iiilo brand new quarters in tin past ycai Located few stcps down ollicr Strcct froin the old biiilting thc iiiw structure was dcsigncd by Barric architects Salter and Allison llic cost of the building which officially For information on fulltime Day Programs offered in Barrie Orillia and Owen Sound Contact The Registrar Georgian College 401 Duckworth St Barrie 7281951 opcncd in July is estimated at $300000 tExaniiiicr llioto GEORGIAN COLLEGE or APPLIED ARTS ANDTECHNOLOGY BARRIE statement to the property taxation commission in Orillia lastyear Chamber comments on government activities carry weight he says The govern ment is very aware of the chamber and what it stands for he said While the chamber has worked with government of ficials in some instances it has split with the federal govern ment over wage and price con trols There are too many govern ment controls says Mr Har per Thats one of the reasons the costs of our government are escalating so The free enterprise system is working It should not be tampered with and the cham ber does not agree with wage and price controls HEART OFCITY Another Barrie committee has worked with municipal politicians to get an official plan amendment designating the downtown core as the heart of the city to get it rejuvenated Revitalization has been most important move say Mr Harper Marshall Green has very capably focused at tention on the need and his com mittee has got the city to recognize the neglect He says he has hopes for the second stage developing the of ficial plan With the change in political climate the future looks good One thing Mr Harper wants the chamber to make headway with while he is still president is to educate youth about business Art Rogers has done an ex cellent job as chairman of the education committee in getting input from the high schools he says We re trying to overcome very bad image that business has To make money seems to be sin and it has hurt us