Mme 27 1911 Quaint 48 Ledger entry aurmo 3BAlllllE aurmo $322 325935 goiiTogihsaTiEoflg 13pr wgigo 215 coniietiiitiiEESZZUSSEI S° 49 832 TORONTO JAIL WITH THEM THEN HE WOULD H55 safety play at his disposal He compMd 54 Selfesteem BUFFALO mono ram villi b°°°s THE H0095 COME OUT UNTIL H5 COMPLETEL could have led low heart iri 12 Measure of DU on omes ma ers AMIITON PHERBOROUG will go smoothly provided you INEEREP COLLECTED THE REWARD otA 862 Stead the 130k from MS 13 35f° old BARRIE CABLE 22 otosaf dont try to dominate things HE U550 WEST EAST ggggtrfchsiyggtgï¬gg lggygg Mi indebtedness WW EVENING 203 20 BI FOR THEIR 10 the eight from 1083 and 15 Ermine so 3932 300 FEMS Beauties atw Stur syou om v4 1083 would have insured the con ower home Newsweek 9Sweene 2Saturda the open today Keep it locked 16 Wipe out st 3Movie is 10 tract ainst an and all 61 Malaria fever Ge ha Boy l9Academy Awards FMOVIE Idme inside and you will only brood 17 males 5N9Ws nNumbcrio Call Brooklyn It nt 10 trump breaks 18 Songstress 62 6° h°le lrézggn Kreskin 25LAcrobate G7Mpvie Paths of SOUTH Home 63 Infirmities lO Cooling drinks 43 Sunflower naers 79Toronto The Good ry GEMINI 214 20 64 Havin pedal 11 Cape state abbrl l9P lk no uno nloy AKQ 19 Mo ocle ngigs elm siftBob Newhm illincrgiliiiwm Yourself today but try to do it as 21 Mugc syhable dlglts 20 Car fuel 45 Moron TilFBI 7irisii 9Laurel and Hardy inexpensively as possible You 23 Actor Mineo 65 Dundgrhead 22 N° 47 Empire State 531mm 25 F0 Classics dont want to blow it all on one New York reader wants to 24 Fines 66 Negatives 24 Sleeps In city 79N9WS éMovie The Stone 3L50Movie Pleasure of days un Both vulnerable know if anyone ever won 29 separates I0 25 49 MOWain ltgogeï¬geï¬n inner is CANCER Jun 214 22 the events at major tourna size DOWN 26 29be pass in India 19D0nl Ask MeBlngo iIfldilizfyTnEiiutcn ngwgagiimmer Make It 90 mday to aV°id North E85 Smnh ment 33 zhzsmcmrs media 27 L52 pSrISd 50 Shakes fvaelles mo Wishes Winter domineering or dictatorial types 14 Pass 330k 1934 When mere 34 Year Hams of time beatean gispamu 2383 in Sea magma You will react to them in harsh Pass Pass Pass were only three events in the 36 Cleveands gld time 28 Break short Villain 700 ioioo viiintemationai Cinema way YOU 999 Pass Eastern championships waterfront amage 30 No charge 51 Sticky stuff 228 rtstbe 4c IE it 1215 IN REHABILITATION ening lead Oswald Jacob won the mixed genum 52 Notes of debt eeH me LEO my 239 22 1979s 11 he mmusraioii 316 37 Presses Seep work 50 aw 22 Mixed Doubles 9Movteilhe Last Man th ld 53 Shehers wnh +tts Academic rscontaet 1230 something you need from r5 ECO ema 39 Onebillionth Strong can 32 BetraY Isl 319 Oscar Hopefuls ioiis 22Movie Talk About peer this may not be good day By Oswald James Jacoby von ZedtWItZ and MIS prefix idiots 35 Large hands pazhirkland and Com 9liaser Kelly Reporl 5tnsrl to ask for it Your favor could be Geraldine Furlow the open 41 Building Hunting guide antelope 55 Festive 9Eme ency 331308 and cm non granted in way youll find Emil 833 know pairs with David Bruce and 42 3232 gawk 4d 33 Eeï¬splre 375 mm 11Frie sofMan 22Your Choice for the 2430 KirShnerS Rock demeaning the team of four with Bruce 9e WW 30 lHtories Around The MS No we re lied North World mNfifiiresties 5Alfred Hitchcock Hour VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Not Machiavé himpse couldnt SCh3nkeih and Olmtheb 5Cosmos 1999 BWmstling 7Challenge good day to work out However at was on ree Paws =0 sN business deal with friend Do it have used better 0f events 13 730 23+579iiNews ews hocuspocus 44mm Hum 19Academy Awards con 210 when it can be accomplished in 5Andy td 3Movie Thunder in prope setting West had cashed the ace and 7Dolly 25Politique Federale The king of diamonds and shifted llGreat Debate 05 East LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You had in illgirth Weekend 37ch Franklyn 23mm mm Magus enjoy doing things with partners By THOSTESON MD did find an interesting note ï¬gsaon°ulga the Nile of Office denies 20 unwiidiifflmema 510mm Tame Zita but today they could be liabili Dear Dr Thosteson What in an issue of the bulletin of the hearts and messed dumm 800 15 3Movie Mr Motos ty especially if you want to move kind of disease is called acm Utah Arthritis Foundation wth chanfeur clalm 22 23 gï¬glï¬ghncyk firProvmcialAffairs siiscamblel quickly moneywise alasia Can you describe the which crossed my desk recen que9n E0 dmgme 0° in Ir cause and treatment for it tly It involves research at the hestitm 35 mppe TORONTO CP The On BrumsvsLeals 359 News 0nst SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 ht 27 29 iMary Tylchoore Even it youn bit behind in never heard of it before UntvehSIty of UtallMedlcal elgh hSlzio tarioombudsnians office on suiioiir momma you work pm today You IIGA Centre Aruiritis iniSion that Sout re me 01 £5 Thursday dented an allegation 36 5155 Mass heart wom be in it You peh nPronounced AkhbAY bears on your question hand With the queen of by member of the legislature 9qu5 2Jeny Falwell 7Flimswm form hahheartedly zha the word means failure Researchers report that in in order to lead the Jack of that Ombudsman Arthur Malo coo 3Jimmy Swaggart Fparadox to relax In medicine it flammation from arthritis pro trumps If that eight had been ney spends about $3000 year 33Sgopf5urvrval 4Tarï¬an imitation Panorama sAGITTARIUS NOV 2309 describes the inability of the duccs what is called super played from 103 douhieion onachauffeura mam we Egg ï¬ï¬‚gaid iglgrflmiam 21 Something of speculative lower twothirds of the gullet to oxide damaging oxygen South would pick up the whole The Office said 13 W5 liightensteln 11Masters Touch 7958 oriï¬e East attire may be OIIered YOUIOdaYr propel food downward in product and that aspirin and sun and make an vertrick If lease lhatlthe provmce is ac ig Th 19Polkfl Dol Door 030 It WI appeal 10 be OK WI response to the act of other substitutes break down it had been Singleton South tually savmg money because 47 is Theme 79La Voce Della zzrestivaiPortugutse major ingredient will be lacking swallowing ihie substance into com unds Bruce ChurchillSmith Malo Christopher Closeup Spcranza nRa p0 would lose one heart to West 9Encounter 900 The cause is not known It isa that are less harmful thus re ney administrative aSSISlanI 57 100 22 Search The Quiet iiiumitiir M3 CAPRCORN Dec 22 Jan 19 disturbance in the nerve con ducing feverand pain and make m5 comm UM also doubles asa chauffeur zlC Nellhef YOU YOUr male tunatel for South West held ZEctlrhiedi Ngvvv ca 3216 Time Gospel our gtï¬gggeChm should make major decision trolling the gunet mUSCIeS The Dear Dr Thosteson What 15 the Singleton and once south The Offqe sad Churcmu 4Public Policy Forum 4Iinited Way momma eckly today without the others 39 Emblem can occur at any age your view of epsom salts for re led the jack Ea was sure of smth Pad base salary or 1grosm3lioags llIather Meehan moo proval Achng independently will ut lS most common between 30 he of constipationoMrs Ln $13080 With maxrmum of 50 62 63 M8350 harities 19Hattytown Tales zOral Roberts cause mg problem and 50 It is too harsh on the W0 trump tr hours overtime month to 9Cartoons ghmdrfigncmgazine iiï¬ifdglliï¬fd It usually develops slowly system The effect is to force ICC game had dlsallpcared bring his estimated annual AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 dff forever salarto$19 80 NChinese Show 91 5Meeimg place IC lmS may 8V8 more the colon to extra actlvnv by 12l5 5Moe Trouble For 74mm Even though your coworker cuhy swallowing cold foods 72130Church Invrtation 19 3on 9Peoples Church shares equally in what you get than hot foods and strangely Lislel gawgaiuze your zéOral Roberts 930 mm zétstncï¬iiiifiï¬gh he may be as amblous He solid foods are usually swal thantheoriginalpmhlem 2Day of Discovery raw 7Vd 22 Walk The World 30 ASTROGRAPII Bernice Bede Osol need prodding to get him to pull lF POP REALLY POP IS ALL HEART BUSTER50 WA$ AN UNUER NATURALLY HE GOT FOND 0F COVER AGENT THE GORY FOUR WHEN THEY lowed more easily than liquids iJ tar5 or inn4 is Iowans WIN AT BRIDGE Better safe than set 3Crossroads 2R rd ms wet hi Its better to get sufficient lvaircle Square hnxrn$epie célrahrta¢idlreus Because ll Interferes With the liquids along Willi some frutts 800 iFDay of Discovery 7AnimaIS Animals PISCES Feb 2045 20 YOU orderly Passage 9f 00d the and vegetables for bulk These HEQE 233éiénmygnaggart iiiCt ls Written Animals may impulsiver make stomach there is great tits allow one to make headway 4Farmyr€epocovery gMlaiuglnhflbmgnm 1Etiill2rgliglgame generous gesture today y0ull comfortand often regurgitation with most constipation Sjiiildgyégggrise mltalianissimo 79Voz Da Prufecia late regress Tunk before You problemsh was give away Sore And at do ou mean mUkranian Shoe ï¬wLa Bible en papier nvgohhny llï¬rqbardl alasra IS diagnosed by xrays constj ation9 gottors are of es va aia Sln Touch 22Avramis Greek Show l9Jardlln Des sirrishtioiis Conservauve treamem con I9 CO Fonted by pauems Com OFFICE 830 3Peoples Church 55 SISIS Small bla Iowbmk plaining about constipation af 22Toronlo Christian Cen 4Catholic Charities 1075unmnners meals eaten slowly The patient ter having missed movement SUNDAY AFTERNOON Shoud OI down W0 for couple of days The fact is izioo mo sBrady Bunch UT hours an 938 DIatm that movements every single 2Championship Fishing 2ï¬alholic Charities llHee Haw the lowgr gullethis often effec day are not necessary to good bGarnerT Armstrong 355 22Asape tive wi enlng outlet of the health Yet 50 man on the flï¬hï¬ï¬‚hï¬gï¬t Thgrgiwgtgagada 503mm dos quues Mmh 27 1977 esflihaglus inIOtIhï¬ Stomacm Ad laxative bandwagoii Secause of 7M Th l9A La Rencontre Des zzaln Private 19 re we new 8C ntque C8 9flutéuï¬l We ames Grands Musmiem 4+ GO Unusual cond mons couid coupl of days Without one If llCamera on Canada 25Sematne verte 19th De Semana l2215 125 kNBA Basketball 200 zzChurch 7Aulo Ractng 19 Ski De Randonnec 415 19Echec Au Roi develop for you this year that wrll bring about maior alterations in your life Look for change of hydrodilalion has been effec live In cases not responding to di latioti surgery is necessary this shoe fits wear it Dear Dr lliosttsun About two years ago my husband was sAWayOut 357Superstars in residence or an additional 19Canadiens Canailles 931I3n COOKING 22Money Talks source of revenue fnqlt has high degre 0f bu told he hgh IIFd pielssurg Canayens l9 Grandeure Nature 35 Money Makers 935 WdS given pills ISU tpcsl 1230 25Unlverse Des Spans 7Wide World of Sports As Willi many of the smooth to take daily Soon after he be 2Meet The Press 8Herald of Truth BItallanissimo Sunday IS llTlny Talent Time 19Eleclrtc Company muscle disorders anxiety and came moody and different 5Marketplace 79haicme Le mande en bow emotions can cause an attack character He continues to take 11News mo 7o MovtelYoungIcupltn Intrarlirflhostcson utof them and still acts moody i24s 22Pe0p125Church 500 03113 to curioSity Id like to know how Also he drinks too much oultl llBusiness Report lSRecits De Tuktu l00 ZFishin Hole 35Music To See Framuy Finder wrclvmsamn Smmd Regard OTTAWA John Since the cause of arthritis the red flag reactions to the nMovietHouston 330 530 Rodriguen alive South IS not really understood how drug you mention It should be Weve Zsngwn to the Sea in Oceans Alive America called on the govern various drugs affect it exactly discontinued at the first evi lygmal £31133 ges slfl at the Academy 15 menl Thursday night to bar is not quite clear Aspirin has dence of depression Alcohol Enhiera demain Awards Canadian banks from lendlhg an antiinflammatory effect depressant drug can add lolhc it resentabie ice mMemories oi Greece 7Boxing shim Chips money to the military lic Similar to cortisone Too it problem His doctor should be This is Sunday on you 7a or sum mm tatorshlp governing Chile dulls pain centres in the brain informed bag 000 4rRhoda 197 Iresques 7News 736 Million Man bNouvellcs 35World of Disney IsiPallisers ll io tï¬wsweï¬k gigaught hth A0 ZyCinema lla roisiere oney agazme promo loot jaunei 7T TMTT MW TVA LEfS AVE ONE tN ERE iiiPolka Dot Door 830 llzl5 THREE DAV 71 ANDY THEY TELLME THE ONE mLNC V5 ï¬g 2hhiihmme gt ONLY 1j BARMias REALOTSTUFF CERTAlNLY $422553 3335 ion usmess 82 EBeaux Dlmanches 20 I0 LO rlev THREE DAV Foam LOOKS IT SELDOM ARE zwiid Kingdom mrrec For All seniors HAE oCandid Camera 900 30 YOU HAD $there and How 22mng tPart 7i Movie Bunny Lake is THAT ews mkPe ormance Missing mu ilNew Faces 0n the Johl World At War BA mMedia 77 49Switch Mary Hartman BNouvelles 19 Judy LaMarsh The 11Health Care Today 025 Govt We Deserve 19 Dehats Canadiens lt ItsTelescopic 1000 DMy Country 100 2Hollywood OutTaka 1135 mGon Show $5vNewsmagazine 9Queslion Period 2Wor of Digéiey 4Delvecchio 50 HBeachcom rs 7F the dF the 460 Minutes 621g ran 33225 Man called WWW I5LU 74km Boys 9w5 5anie The Ghost JUST SOME RICH DAME JOKER UNTIL THE omv COME asex 986 Million Man llAre you being served wFour for Adventure firQuinn ans plus tard WBoogie 130 2Science International asTony Randall Again IlColduz iiWhai is Tmth 1030 19Communique iiiOlympic Profile 35This Land 79International Cinema mBeaux Dimanches ï¬Nouvelles 130 300 00 ZWith This Ring zitMovie Flight to Holocaust 3sWayne and Shuster 3b NCAA Special 9Star Trek llMarcus Welby l9Pins and Needles 300 IlPolice Woman IiiEn Se Racontant LHistoire Dici zzGeorge Anthony Previews the Oscars BBeaux Dimanches 79Movie Jolson Sings 22Money Talks 2345791 lNews 22 rvBugs BunnyRoad Runner 35Hymn Sing llWild Kingdom lSStsame Street Goes West l2200 nMovie The Mountain 4Marcus Welby 7Peter Marshall 9David Susskind Sunday Surprise 200 7ABC News Students like MP wants ban CLUMSY CARP Tears ME HE ONLY wmrs MOQE CLAMS To 66M This YEAR WOULD You CLAQSIFY TAAV AS HOLD our aspirin helps relieve arthritis pain Do you have material on arthritisJH FNE CLAMS FOR CLUMSY the combination be causing his queer moods Mrs KT Mental depression is one of KERRY DRAKE WlTH 555700 lN CASH CAN BE Mt OWN MAN 736 FACEf IM NEVER GONNA MAKE IT ASA ROCK STAR IM 32 YEARS OLD MANAGER it DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 44 English composer Cremation fire 46 WaterlFr Answer to Previous AND WILL TO GET HER BALLOON BURSTSAND II ALWAYS 00551 DARLING CAN AFFORD To PAV vs Puzzle DISAP EARmm ems OtfMlWF PERMANENT Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters Never Miss Call PHlLlPS CODEAPHONE OFFICE telephone answering device extra challenge EDMONTON CP Mary NORTH ERN Ivany is an eightyearold who as do most girls her age loves playing with animalseven classes is that nobody really cares if were in it or not Robert knows all about tte egghead label and he doesnt li it Mostly he says he just STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 We provide loanout service Pick Up Messages from any phone OUTFITTER BARRIE PLAZA though Im allergic to all of ltmotundrlonromoto 737020l them doesnt like to be thought of as But Ma also reads as many any different from other as seven oks week finds children TELLME books in the childrens section of the public library which dont have enough information to answer all her questions and likes Picassos painting Robert Galbraith 10 is Grade student and drama nut He has written his first play and says his favorite pain ter is Rem randt because like the style and the way he ints you can tell how he eels Robert and Mary are gifted children They are among 368 public elementary students who are taking enrichment classes parttime program that takes them out of the regular class to give them an extra challenge Mary Grade student isnt yet aware of her ability al though she says other children in her class are always both ering her for help with their les sons Robert says one of the best things about enrichment They think the enrichment class makes you smart at ev erything But think it sort of helps you You get to ask more questions and the teacher an swers you You get picked more often when you stick up your hand Brian Harley Grade student says its just another class but we get to do proj ects Brian an amateur entomolo gist collects spiders There are million of them want to keep them in the bathtub Brian notices that most girls are frightened insects but he says they shoul nt be because there are only two in Canada that are harmful and neither are found in Edmonton Brian ea the enrichment program oesnt rush you too much It gives him time to study all the things that are in teresting ABOMiuABLE was new BUG BUNNY °977hl uhedLS Ill wmnci Bun HA Ian AI ONE MORle WHEN IVE 855M WIZARD 0F ID FRANK ERNEST TEN OICLOCK AND THINGS AROUND HERE ARE PRETTY EDIQQT IFIFUEQE OUT OF TOWN FORGET IT JUST READ THE CARDS JIMEAE OFF 0N THE EDITORIALS