12 The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 26 1977 lllllllllIlllllllllllllilllllIllIllllilllllllllilllllllIIIIIIIlllllllllilllIllilllllIillIllllllllIllllllilIIllllllllllllillilllilllllllillllllllilllllilllilll 73 St Kilian the patron saint of uerzburg West Germany is as touch symbol of the city as the Eiffel Tower is of Paris llis statue IIIllIllllllllIIIllllllllliilllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllliilliiillllllllilillllllllllIllIIIlllllilfllllliillllllillIllllllllllilIlllIIIIllIITIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIllIlilIlllllfllilllfllllilflilflliflilifllllilmllllflll allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIlllllllllllIllIIlllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllli Symbol of the city dominating the statue adorned ls Saints Bridge across the Main depicts the saint holding his long robes Points to Ponder and golden staff in one hand the other upraised in kind of for Victory Sign pointing to heaven Photo Enthusiasm great force By DOROTHY KILBLRN If falter push me on If stumble pick me up If retreat shoot me This is the motto of the Fren ch Foreign Legion Whether or not we agree with the principle involved we have to admit that the Legionaires were enthused about their dedication to their calling lack of enthusiasm to her calling as wife was shown in the attitude of visitor to our home some time ago Her husband admired finely grated salad that had prepared for them He asked his wife to get the recipe so that she could make it for him When she saw the grater that had used she said If you want salad like that you would have to grate it yourself because always skin my fingers when use that type of grater ANOTHER FRIEND While resisted the impulse to urge her to smarten up thought of another friend of mine Charlotte believed in put ting everything she had into her job of wife mother and homemaker One day she said it MllmlmmlilllliiillllllflllillillllilllllllllTlllIlilllllllllilllllllllilllllillllililllllllllIIIlIllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllIllllllllIIIlilIllllllIllllllllIllillllllllllilllillliilllllllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllli If my husband wants hot biscuits for supper that is what he is going to get hot biscuits year after her death her husband reminiseed with me about her She had looked so queenly in pink dress that she had worn the holiday before her tragic death As he talked his love for her spilled over into tears that clung to the corners of his eyes in life and in death Charlotte held the love of her husband Would one of the reasons be that there was dedication plus enthusiasm in her relationships Enthusiasm is lively spirited force that drives away boredom and apathy and happy is the person whose inner being is lit by its warm sparkling flame In the word of God we find that the Moabite girl Ruth had this warmth and enthusiasm of love when she was willing to follow her motherinlay into strange land saying Whither thou goest will go and where thou lodgest will lodge thy people shall be my people and thy God my God Cookstown United Church llllllllllllllllllllllillllilllllIlllilllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllIllIIIlIllllllllIIIIIllIlIiIllIllIllIIilllIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllll The apostle Paul was dedicated to the cause of Christianity when he said that he was even willing to die in Jerusalem for Christ ENTIILSIASM Does our enthusiasm for Christ give warmth to our lives If not if we ask Him He will kindle the flame within us The Word of God says if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light In other words if we are willing to do the will of God He will bless give us joy which is deep holy enthusiasm Doing the will of God is not onceinaiifetime decision it is an hour by hour moment by moment interchange of our will with Christs will for us As Christians we shall find not only peace and joy but an enthusiasm and excitement to living if we submit to His will for our lives TAKEN FROM LATIN requiem is religious serv ice for the dead so named from the first word in the Roman Catholic Latin ritual mlllllllllIIIIIIIIlillllllllIilllllllllllllllillIIIiIlliillIIllllllllIllllIlllllillllllllllllllllllllillllilllllllllllllllllliilillillillimmlllllllllllllliflNilllllllillllllilllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllll Converted from crime MILL VALLEY Calif AP Holding his Bible aloft Joe Donato steps to the pul it and tells how he beat mur er rap of life of crime he says was tied to the Mafia The thousands of dollars was makin brought me notrue peace or asting happiness adds the fasttalking immacu later groomed yearold ex con He tells of wild Hollywood parties high living heavy drinking abuse of his wife and neglect of his two children Donato also tells how he couldnt sleep because of gnawing fear of being mur dered underworld rivals recounting how some of his un derworld associates died that way Then on March 1972 at oclock on Wednesday morn ing God came into my life Donato tells the audience of about 75 seated in folding metal chairs on recent Sunday serv ice of the nondenominational Christian Lighthouse Centre The voice of God spoke to my heart to tell my friends Thats why we have entitled our book Tell It to the Mafia book he says has sold about 75 000copies BOOK SEEMS TRUE Law enforcement sources say everything in the book seems to be true and that Donato has in recent years been involved in hel ing former drug addicts an delinquents Later in telephone in terview from his home in Bur bank Donato said that during the past four years he has carried his message to people he knows in the Mafia and to churches schools and prisons make my living now stric tly on speaking engagements and on royalties from the book Donato said never make charge for speaking If they take an offering fine if they dont take an offering fine again live day by day week by week Donato said hi was totally broke in 1974 had given all my money away for Gods work and they were going to turn off my utilI ties But he said iod always pro vides and in the past two years he estimated his income total led about $2400o far below what he made when he ran lucrative Ios Angeles book makingoperation He explains his religious phi losophy this way Im nondenominational dont preach religion Religion is the biggest failure in the World There are 1100plus relir gions involving tens of millions of people If religion was the an swer the whole world would be different front what it is now What he informed on former associates because of the book or his new life No havent They know that havent and wont do or anything to harm them he said Two former un derworld associates have had similar religious experiences Donato said Still plan celebrations HAMILTON CPI Mem bers of the Anglican Thurch in Uganda are still planning to hold centenary celebrations this summer despite recent religious persecution the primate of the Anglican hurch in Canada told local congregation Wednesday No one yet knows whether visitors from outside or the bishops who fled the country will be allowed to enter Uganda to take part in the celebration Most Rev Edward Scott said Scott who is also moderator of the central committee of the World Council of Churches ad dcd that the members of the Anglican Church in Uganda will celebrate because they say God is to be celebrated and worshipped and that we owe much to God for what he has achieved through the church in Uganda The message Christians all over the world get from anda is plea that we not orgct them in this time of their trial that we wherever we are seek to be as faithful as they are try ing to be And that we seek to give expression to the Christian values where we live as they are struggling to do where they live Spanish TV readied for election MADRID Reuter The government has begun relaxing its iron grip on national tele vision as Spain prepares for the first democratic general elce tions in 40 years The role of television until now state monopoly will be crucial when scores of new po litical parties bid for the sup port of Spains 22 million voters In an apparent move to en sure officml neutrality in the forthcoming campaign the government has set up an inde pendent governing council to direct the mediums two chan nels Speaking at the councils in auguration Information Minis ter Andres Reguera Guajardo said the government wanted television to be at the service of all Spainits regions political parties and economic and so cial groups Fellowship of Believers Praise Prayer and Communlon Church Directory Lord Jesus Christ Sunday 1030 om III Wodnordo l00 llllllr ST JAMES CHURCH The Churches on this page are lmnmmmm gathering places for those concerned It mm run for information phone 7287406 about Spiritual Needs of Our Com munity Please Attend the Church of Your Choice Barrie United Pentecostal Church Timothy Christian School 49 Ferris Lone Sunday School 1000 om Morning Worship 00 om EVERYONE WELCOME For further information 7282353 PASTOR MARTIN Baptist Churches Emmanuel Baptist Church 128 St Vincent St Barrie The following services are scheduled for Sunday March 27th Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie Church Service Sunday School 110m TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs 730 930 pm Tel 7261602 935 AM Bible School lt all ages 1100 om Restitution 700 pm Family Service This Sunday evening the Christian Service Brigade will be caring for the entire program Several of our boys will be taking part so come outondiornuslor uninteresting evening Thought It is better to go Irshing With your child now than to go hunting for Him lotcr Luthern Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worship Service 1100 om Sunday School REV JOHN KLEIN Pastor REV FRANK WUEST 7283017 1877 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF WITNESS 1977 Methodist Church 200 Boyfield St 7267221 Clopperton Worsley MINISTER REV RAY WALDDCK 1030 om Family Worship Missionary Church 229 Crawford 51 Barrie Come and Worship With Us This Sunday 945am nd ho Guest Pastor Ron Gollupe lorthe Sholzmomily 945 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Fashi HOOAM Il000mMORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Ymn Mom woghip CHILDRENS CHURCH SERVICE Everyone Welcome 700PM 730 pm EVENING RALLY Evening Service Wednesday 800 pm Christian Growth Hour Iov Woyno Datum7264750 Secretory 7285614 Mrs Florence Downing Friendly Welcome Awaits You Presenting the film THE PASSOVER friendly Jewish family invites you to meet the Messiah at their Passover Feast Wednesday 630 pm Programs For All Ages AT Heart of Barrie With Barrie At Heart REV CARI BULL Pastor REV EARL GRIGG Dir of Christian Ed aaaaoaaanaaaaa on Steam United Churches Exciting far The Whole Family ï¬g Collier Street Church 112 COLLIER ST new crrrrgALL 950 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 AM WORSHIP Pastor Noword Courtney SS 930 om we mg Bible Study 700 PM PRAISE om Postor Roy Running WOFShIP Message speaking HIWAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH nanamananmnannnasan Presbyterian Churches FAlLURE Featuring The Singing Seven Tues 12 noon Preaching Service Peter The Fisher of Men John Howard Preaching Guest Soloist Mr Bruce Owen You Are Welcome to all Services St Andrew Westminster P5555 Bland Presbyterian Church presbyteriun rosyg non venue Owen and Worsloy Sh mm Church at Burton Ave United Church Rov Samuel Stewart 70 599 P09 Miriiisierl3 0° 37 Burton Avenue MAW M0 MINISTER Hut MILLS ev oror oar ALLANDALE ORGAN 0200 AM MDV REV ARTHUR srom GuesMinisen CASE VAN rrmr MORNING WORSHIP ORGANIST Passion Sunday Rev Emerson Know AM WORSHIP NW5 Prï¬vid MRS VERA DIAMOND 00 AM Sermon JuniorC urc MARCH 27th Morning Worship WEREYOU THERE HllitlJl Hill IHII Grades 16 Its Preparnrow SenIce ucon You Fmd Yourselï¬n 00 om 945 Chrd SCh°°l 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP Church school Nursery and Cgugch School 0r 0985 Do YOU UNDERSTAND during the service provi SENIOR CHURCH SCHOOI wednsesiwl 8130 pm 730 PM Mom Toddler COME AND JOIN USI ll AM Blb on Prayer Bible SUdy Nursery Available Rev Paulo Morrow Minis Church School during tho Iorvlco Jr Doportmont 930 om ALL WELCOME Everyone Welcome to 21 Christ Centred Ministry JR CHURCH SCHOOL All VISIIIIHS WI HM For Transportation PHONE 7260796 The Friendly Fellowship Director of Music Mr Doug Gorroway AnglicanChurches Trinity Church Rev John Spoon Rector Conon Nolnby Auistont Passion Sunday Central United Church Ross and Toronto Streets St Giles Church 95 Cook St Barrie St Thomas St Georges Burton and Granville om Sha MINlSTERS Holy Communion 900 The Van azsiï¬onks REV DONALD BA 30 1030 am Howlzuggonst Rev John Dowker REV mam ASHTON BA 30 ChogrcgleErpszgrisl St Giles Invites YOU To Worship Talents giver 8230 om pm MorniggrfJOYer Holy Communion AM Egelnsgng Sermon I033 UPn er Sacrament of Infant Bopllsm ommulIOn SundojrsrlhogmrNrrser Meditation The Seven Last Words of Christ Tues 730 pm Come St Thomas He Died As He Lived Rev Jay Thurs 1030 om who The church school meets at the some hour Fri Noon Hour 1230 pm Ioctor Hol spear Rev It Kayo °° WELCOME TO JOYFUL CHRISTCENTRED FELLOWSHIP Nursery Rev Desmond Hunt