Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1977, p. 1

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Confederation The study by between 1961 and 1975 The 222page re EXAMINER TELEPHONES CIILUlOitOIl Classified Advertising All Othei Departments 113th year No72 the federalprovincial com mittee on provincial economic accounts says the federal government collected $43 billion more in Quebec than it spent in the province rt tabled in the national assembly by R0 rigue Tremblay industry Translated into 1975 dollars taking and commerce minister also shows that for the same period Quebec had $43billion surplus in its balance of payments in flation into account $43 billion equals almost $9 billion Tremblay told news conference af terward Since these data contradicted its positions notably on the value of an eventual 726 6539 72824l4 7266537 Quebec dollar and on the economic viability of Canadian federalism the previous Lib eral publication LEVESQUE PRESENT Premier Levesque also present at the news conference with Claude Morin governmental affairs minister and Bernard Landry minister of state for economic development said Obviously such tables enable us to determine precisely whether Quebec comes out winner or loser in its dealings with the rest of Canada even if Quebecs membership in the Canadian Con government had forbidden their federation depends on many other factors besides the strictly economic one Former Liberal finance minister Raymond Garneau after quick glance at the study inter said that if the figures are correct the Quebec government should work to correct the situation not to break up the country The figures do not give the complete pic ture he told re One chart submitted to reporters by Trem blay shows that in the 15year period studied the percentage of total federal revenues drawn from Quebec has steadily declined to porters The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Saturdav March 26 1977 Losing money in ConfederationQuebec QUEBEC CP Using Statistics Canada figures to back up its argument the Quebec government released study Friday to show that Quebec IS losing money by staying in 219 per cent in 1975 from 286 per cent in 1961 The same chart shows that federal in vestment in Quebec has steadily risen to 256 per cent from 198 per cent FIGURE DROPPED Another chart shows Ottawa took out $759 million more than it spent here in 1969 but ped steadily to the point where in 1974 and 1975 the federal ment put in $542 million and $2021 billion that figure has drop more than it took out Tremblay said petroleum subsidies ac Ulir Tantra Examiner 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly from federal petroleum and from the global deficit of the Canadian government Tremblay said that by collecting more money through taxes in Quebec than it in vested here in longterm beneficial projects govern the federal government has had destabilizing and deflationary impact on Quebecs econom counted for the major part of this spending in crease in 1974 and in 1975 Levesque said Unfortunately this is just passing phenomenon resulting exclusively subsidies for imported WEATHER FORECAST sHowéns driver employee SANDY COVE ACRESAn early lunch and heavy wooden desk saved bank employee from serious injury or death Friday when car crashed into the Royal Bank here lnnisfil Township police said today car driven by Alfred Cunningham 66 of Sandy Cove Acres left the townships 11th Line and went through the bank shortly before noon Friday Cunningham was reported in stable condition this morning in Barries Royal Victoria Hospital but no further details were available Police said he may have had seizure of some sort leading to the accident but hospital officials did not con firm this Treated and released after suffering bruises and cuts to her legs was Annie Carson 25 of Utopia who has worked at the bank branch since August Mrs Carson said today she was away from her desk eating lunch at nearby desk with another employee when the car came through the wall and struck her desk could see my desk being pushed and could see the car coming in she said in telephone interview She was struck on the legs by her desk and chair She said the heavy wooden desk which takes several people to move slowed down the car and probably saved both her life and that of her lunch coni panion Im sure thankful that did go for an carly lunch or would have been sitting at that desk shesaid She said she can walk put ting most of her weight on her right leg and expects to go to Work Monday Hank officials said Friday thcy hopc to bc ablc to open for business Monday Airlines sued by victims CHICAGO Reutciw Forty two hijack victims rescued in the Israeli raid on Ugandas Entcbbc Airport last summcr Thursday sued Air France and Singapore Airlines for $127 million for alleged failure to take precautions against the hi jacking The 42 most of them Isracli citizens were among about 250 passengers and crew aboard an Air France planc hijacked by proPalcstiniaii terrorists last June 27 after it left Athens The plaiic was forced to land at Entcbbc Airport whcrc Ugandan Prcsidcnt ldi Aiiiiii eventually freed some of thc passengers and Israeli armed forces rescued 102 in daring raid Iuly The suit filed in Circuit Court licrc allcgcs Air France failed to screen passciigtrs boarding the plaiic in Athcns and faich to detect weapons carried by the hijackers Bank official Paul Smithson surveys the wreckage Car crashes in to area bank are injured Employee was away from desk left when car struck Examiner Photos Four Indian leaders refuse to be sworn into cabinet NEW DELHI AP Four powerful lcadcrs of the move ment that ousted lndira Gan dhis govcrnmcnt rcfuscd today to be sworn into the now cabinet of Primc Minister Moraiji Dcsai lbc boycott turiicd what was to have been display of solid arity into major embar rassmcnt for thc 81yearold primc miiiistcr It was led by Jagjivaii Rain Desais chicf ri val fur thc prime ministcrship within the antiGandhi coalil ion that won last weeks national elections Dcsai and the othcr gov iiiiiiicnt iiiiiiistcrs who wcrc sworn today cxprcsscd hopes that thc apparent rift in their ranks can be quickly rcsolvcd Advaiii one of Dcsais ncw ministers said thc thrcc joining Ram in thc protcst wrrc his closcst political ally IIN Bahuguna and Socialists Raj Naraiii and ticorgc Fcrnaiidcs llic prcsidciitial palace had is sucd coiiiinuniquc latc Friday Quebec doctors to go on salary in 1980 MONTREAL IP Qucbcc doctors will be put on salary when agreement between physicians and the government runs out in 1980 Social Affairs Minister Denis Lazure said Friday In an address to the Quebec Federation of General Prac titioners Dr Lazuic said salary system for physicians was part of the Quebecois platform the current collective The government is com mitted to distributing income throughout Quebec on much more equal basis but doctors will be closely consulted before it goes ahead with the program Lazure said Sonic doctors take advantage of the current remuneration system by providing unncccs sary services to patients be ad dcd salary systcm would help prevent such pract iccs listing the four among the 18 members of Dcsais ncw cabi nct taliuguiia former chief iiiinistcr of lttar Iradcsh Iii dias most populous statc is Rams deputy in thc longrcss for Democracy party which won 20 scats in the new S42seat lower house of Parliament Dcsais Janata party coali tion of thc Socialists and three other part ics W011 270 seats IHIFICAIICD GANDHI Naraiii dcfcatcd Mrs Gandhi iii the election contest for her seat in Parliament and Fer nandcs is onetime chairman of tlic Socialist party and an im portant labor lcadcr In scparatc development Dclhi chief magistrate threw out conspiracy case against Fcriiandcs who had been ac cuscd of trying to topple Mrs Gandhis government through sabotage Fcrnandcs was freed on hail from prison earlier this week After the swearingin cerc moiiy Hahuguna told icportcrs that Rams Congress for De mocracy bloc in Parliament would still support Dcsais gov ernment even if it does not pai ticipalc in the cabinet Bombardier Ltd Ontario HQ to stay here Hoiiibardicr Ltds Ontario headquarters will remain in Bar ric but some facets of the operation will bc moved to Quebec Paul Swain public relations otfictr for the company said to day Swain said rumors that thc company is closing its Barrie operation arc coiiiplctcly iiiacctiititc llic company he said in Oltltl to iiicrcasc cfficiciicy and in keeping with current industrial trends is centralizing some of its opcrat ions Sonic optrations will inovc to company headquarters in alcourt Que and sonic shipping will be carricd out in lloiichcrvillc Quc suburb of Montrcal Parts accessories and sportswcar clothing supplits which havc bccii warchouscd Ill Harrie iill now bc shippcd llll to dcalcrs from liouchcrvillc Swain said About 30 employees will be transferred or laid off because of the move he said The breakdown between the number laid off and the number transferred is not available he said as some employees have not yet indicated if they will accept transfer About 30 employees will remain at the Barrie plant involved in advertising public relations sales functions administration service and actual snowmobile warehousing Swain said the Barrie operation is profitable one and the change is part of the companys longterm plans This move toward increased efficiency is on that extensive studies have showed will be more effective for overall opea tions Swain said this change will not affect services to Bom bardicrs Ontario dealers in any way Dcalcrs will havea direct Zenith lineto Quebec Blunt warning for Liberals right economic mess or else TORONTO The Lib eral party received blunt war ning Friday cithcr take pain ful and unpopular measures to corrcct Canadas dismal cco nomic mess or face lllt pros pcct of collapse in on federation Some of the partys scnior economic adViscrs told na tional policy conference that anada must tacklc its cco nomic and political troubles tor gcthci making difficult cons ccssions to Quebec and accept ing austerity and sacrifice as way of life The warning caiiic during 10 hours of soiiibcr dcbatc among 300 Liberals from across thc country tittciiding fourday policy session at suburban airport lioth The first full day of meetings ciidcd late Friday with Libcrals heading for latciiight parties orgaiiizcd by Qucbcc and lint ish olunibia dclcgatioiis lhc Libcrzils rccitcd titan of complaints about the state of thc ccoiioiiiy thc separatist sitr uation in Qucbcc regional iii LONDON Rcutcr and maid $170 PARIS AI council been expected iiicnt majority the Republic iiiovciiitut not in Paris He is the thh mayor Paris has had since the French Revo lution in 1709 Quebec City convention site EDMONTON CP The national convention of the Pro gressive Conservative party will be held in Quebec City Nov 13 prcsidcnt Michael Mcighcii said Friday He told news conference that holding the annual meeting in Quebec was considered the best way to dramatize the two main problems facing the country the economy and na It will be the first time the convention has been held in Quebec City LIMA Peru AP tional unity 7A PSILE NE WS Eden estate $158000 Lord Avon thc foriiicr British prime minister Anthony Ediii left an cstatc with gross value of £92900 3158000 it was disclosed in his will published Friday The bulk of the estate was left to his widow larissa llis chef received $53400 his gardener $510 Chirac is Mayor of Paris Gaullist leader Jacques hirac was clccted mayor of Paris Friday beating leftist candidate Ilciiri Fiszbiii Communist by 67 to 40 in voting by thc new city hiracs clcctioii had The election of hiiac the first mayor Paris has had in 106 years was greeted by applause front the bciichcs of thc govcrii hirac head of thc Rally for and premier from 1974 to I976 was chosen following tWo rounds of countrywidt municipal elec tions March 13 and March 20 in which the SocialistToinmunist front made sweeping gains in big cities across France but Lightning kills two players Two young soccer players died when struck by lightning in the midst of game in the Andean Province of lluaiicayo it was reported Friday The two soc ccr players were struggling for control of the ball in an af ternoon match when the storm brokc IlllllflIlllllllllllIllIIlllllIllIllllllllllllllllllIIIllIllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll equalities and western alien atioii ASIONISIIIIIURUII Former dcfciicc minister James Richardson astonished oiic discussion group by accus ing Prime Minister lrudeaus govcrnmcnt of aiding thc scpa ratist cause by preaching too loudly about anadas bilingual charactcr lrudcau was supposed to at tcnd most of the sessions Fri day but slipped away in mid altcriioon for private meetings and tclcvision interview in which hc said he did not want the debate over national unity to turn into cockfight be twccii hc and Quebec Premier chc chcsqtic It would be tragic if the na tional unity dcbatt liccame battle of iwrsonalitics he said bccausc all anadians must participate in the decision on whcthcr or not Qucbcc remains port of anada SINIII FOOTBALL lhcrc has to bc something much more than the rest of Canada dilcttantclikc sitting lilllllllIIllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIllllllllllIlllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll JMQUE IIIRA cxprciiiicr EliillllllllllllllIIIllIIIIlIIIlIIIIllIllIIIIIlIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllll back in chair watching foot ball game between the Parti Quebecois and the federalists hesaid Everybody has to play in this game because its the game for Canadas future At the conference Trudeaus warnings that Canada would go down the drain without greater economic restraint were echoed by Toronto tax lawyer William Macdonald former finance minister Walter Gordon and Toronto business consultant John Kettle Both Macdonald and Kettle made direct link between anadas economic future and its political survival as united country Macdonald law partner of lohii Turner who quit the Trudeau cabinet in 1975 in dispute over wage and rice controls said Canada ha dis mal economic pros ects made worse by the sha state of Confederation MAKE CONCESSIONS Macdonald said English speaking Canada will have to make economic concessions to bolster the Quebec economy Most of the give must come from Ontario and the only take for Ontario will be con tinuingCanada Gordon called for further unspecified devaluation of the Canadian dollar now worth about 95 cents in United States currency He said devaluation would provide needed stimu lation to export industries Gordon leading Canadian nationalist who has sought to reduce US influence in the economy said legislation con trolling some US takeovers of Canadian companies has suc ceeded in guaranteeing greater domestic ownership of in dustry However William MacEa chern Nova Scotia social serv ices minister cited the controls as an example of programs es tablished for the benefit of Up per Canada that cause eco nomic trouble in the Maritimes The country gets little case of economic constipation and we all have to suffer through the castor oil he said GROWTH INHIBITED The foreign investment con trols have seriously inhibited growth of Nova Scotia industry he said Other Liberals said Western Canada is seething with resent ment against the Ottawa gov ernment Solutions included proposals for wholesale constitutional rev form David Anderson former British Columbia Liberal leader said westerners would pay more attention to their MPs if they werent always jockeying for cabinet ap pointments BULLETIN By THE CANADIAN PRESS No Canadians held tickets on the top three horses in the Irish Sweeps Lincoln Handicap run today at Doncaster England The race was Won by Blus tery Fluellen finished second and Miss Filbert was third Soviets prepare to greet Vance MOSCOW AP The Soviet Union prepared VIP welcome today for US State Secretary yrus Vance amid calls by the Kremlin for serious negotiations on disarmament the Middle East and other world problems But Soviet leaders have also made clear that any substantial attention by Vance to the Soviet humanrights issue might put chill on the talks the eve of Vances arrival the official Tass news agency said outright attempts by offi cial US bodies to interfere in the Soviet Unions internal af fairs were causing USSoviet relations to stagnate The word ing was an obvious reference to US government support for dissidents in the Soviet Union Vance is to arrive this eve ning after stop in Brussels for lunch He plans meetings at the US Embassy and trip to the ballet during the weekend then is to negotiate with Soviet offi cials Monday through Wednes day before leaving Thursday for Western Europe Firm starts campaign to kill candy tax TORONTO CP Toronto candy company has started campaign to have the Ontario sales tax on candy bars re moved calling it dis criminatory William Neilson Co Ltd has sent letters to all members of the provincial legislature and selected civil servants urging that the sales tax now two cen ts on 25cent candy bar be removed The letters say the company was forced to close its produc tion line for week March 21 because of dwindling sales lag it attributed to the sales tax The twocents tax on the 25 cent candy bar has created an irritating timeconsuming and costly transaction which has antagonized both retailer and consumer the letter said The company also takes the position that candy is food and as such should not be taxed In letter to Treasurer Darcy McKeough the company says snack foods such as potato chips are not taxed and if can dy bar is called chocolate biscuit it is not taxed vi TANIN KRAIVIXIEN in command Rebels claim Thai coup BANGKOK AP Army rebels seized the Thai govern ment radio station and security headquarters killed general and his aide and declared coup by military junta early today But the radio station later went off the air and an army television station said the gov ernment of Prime Minister Tanin Kraivixien was still in control Most of Bangkok was quiet and pedestrians appeared to be going about their busi ness The army station said about 300 soldiers moved into Bang kok before dawn from base in Kachanaburi province 65 miles west of the capital and seized the Internal Security Operations Command ISOC headquarters and the govern ment radio station The commander of the lst Ar my Division MajGen Aroon Tavatasin and his assistant were killed when they resisted an attempted takeover of division headquarters the tele vision said It said the soldiers who stormed the division head quarters surrendered later Injured in crash Midhurst man was taken to Barries Royal VictOria Hospital early this moming after his car went into ditch in lnnisfil Townships 14th Line at the Essa Town Line Township police saidtoday Police said Dalton Slessor 20 suffered head injuries and cuts He was reported still in emergency at press time and no further information on his con dition was available Damage to his car was estimated at $150 Police said Slessor was charged with careless driving Five charged in vandalism HAMILTON CP Police said fifth person was charged Friday in series of vandalism incidents that caused as much as $40000 damage Wednesday to five homes and Royal Bot anical Gardens building Charged with breaking and entering with intent is George Milligan 16 of Hamilton James Walton 18 John Cam eron Walton 16 Bruce James Kelly 16 and Richard James Park 17 all of Hamilton were charged Thursday They also appeared in provincial court Thursday and were remanded until Monday John Walton is charged with eight counts of breaking and en tering and mischief and one charge of attempted breaking and entering James Walton is charged with five counts of breaking and entering and mis chief one count of attempted breaking and entering and one countof theft under5200 LA+

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