Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1977, p. 4

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Ellie 73mm Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Publisher anJGeneral Manager SEVICK Advertising Manager ELIO AGOSTINI 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario HENSHAW Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Tuesday March 221977 Collingwood Shipyards local MPs are mum Dr Gus Mitges where are you you Dr And where are Rynard and Ross Milne What do these men have in com man They an impending layoff workers at Collingwood Shipy Dr Mitges is the PC member for Collingwood In the House of Commons late last week George Hees PC Prince and David Orlikow NDP Winnipeg North questioned manpower minister Bud Cullen and Prime Minister Trudeau about federal assistance for the EdwardHastings workers are federal MP5 for ridings which have constituents affected by Dr Rynard Milne and Mitges did not take part in the daily question period grilling Surely one or all of them could have contributed of 1000 ards Or were they absent from the House as were two federal ministers whom Hees wanted to question Whether any he should not raise the matter of the local MPs felt because he is not the party critic for ing YOUR BUSINESS Understanding unemployment By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The 79percent unemploy ment rate last monthhighest since 1958didnt descend on Canada suddenly as bolt from the blue And high unemployment wont be cured suddenly by such gimmicks as onemonth tax moratorium or return to noholdsbarred inflation Unemployment has remained above seven per cent of the la bor force in 18 of the last 24 months and has been creeping higher in recent months The January jobless rate was 75 per cent seasonally adjusted The reasons behind the rise are varied and are even valid in the sense that they repre sentto great many Cana diansprinciples that are more important than jobless total that is made up of other people Immigration is just one ex ample out of many Canadians through their elected represen tatives have adopted one of the most liberal immigration pol icies in the world Inevitably certain propor tion of newcomers lack the skills education and language facility to fit immediately into the labor force and so they add to the jobless total until they become established Their shelter requirements create greater demand for housing than the building in dustry can meet quicklyespe cially in the big citiesand that pressure has led to aboveaver age increases in the cost of ac commodation PITCHINGIN That in turn has brought in to the labor force many mar ried women who might other wise have stayed home but feel themselves forced to earn an in come in order to help keep roof over the familys head Younger women as times change are choosing to stay in the work force because the job Ellie Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 early Single copies 15 cents Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly gator Throw Off $3900 yearly alance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 1541710 640 Cathcart St Monlt treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tisrn and editorial material tcrea ed by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for dama es arising out of err ors in vertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actual occupied by that por tion the advertisement in which the error occurred whe ther such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertise ment yright Registration Num r203815register61 313l opportunities are much more varied than they were gener ation ago There can be no de bate about the sanctity of free dam of choice itsjust that the labor market cant supply roughly twice as many jobs as before When people quit or lose jobs today theres strong in centive to remain in the labor force as one of the unem ployed rather than to return say to fulltime commitment to runninga home Without getting into the neverending debate about whether unemployment insur ance is abused one can recog nize that it does represent an in comeproducing alternative to unpaid housework or to unap pealing jobs It has to be con sidered by those who have be come eligible for it and its only natural that certain pro portion will prefer it to the al ternatives The list of other factors conlt tributing in some way to unemv ploymcnt could go on almost endlesslyvthe export slump induced largely by inflationi Quebec separatism rbecausc of it few businesses are ex panding in that province even the current craze for lotteries twinning fortune beats work ing foriti BASIC GROUP The Economic Council of Canada in report last year laid some stress on the rate of unemployment among prime age males because 19 out of 20 Shipping is irrelevant The loss of 1000 jobs is serious blow to the area economy All three should take an active part in convincing the government to find work for the shipyards Their silence is most embarrass such men are steady part of the labor forceand therefore give more reliable reading of the labor market The unemployment rate among men 25 and over was 49 per cent according to the Feb ruary survey by Statistics Can ada up from 46 per cent in January While its cold comfort to the jobseekers 49 per cent unemployment ratetaking in to account the number of people who are changing jobs at any given time as well as the chronically uncmployable doesnt necessarilv represent crisis Its also probably cold com fort to the young people under 25 whose unemployment rate is above 14 per cent to know that surplus of jobs may well re place the current scarcity within few years in their age group Demographics show that the results of the postwar baby boom already are in the labor force and that there will be proportionately fewer Lita2+ yearold recruits entering the labor market in the years ahead None of this means that the unemployment problem doesnt exist or that we should sit back until it cures itself It does mean however that sound longltterm economic growth policies rather than shootfromthchip gimmicks are badly needed to stimulate jobcreation INTERPRETING THE NEWS Carters UN speech ends disenchantment By GEORGE KITCHEN UNITED NATIONS CP President Carter brought the US resence back to the UnitedPNations Thursday night endin long period of Ameri can isenchantment with the world organization Diplomats welcomed his ad dress to the delegates gathered in the General Assembly cham ber as fresh affirmation of US support which heralds the beginning of new era of co operation The speech painted the broad outlines of US foreign policy for the benefit of world au dience and gave the diplomats chance to examine defini tive thoughtout document as opposed to Carters recent and seemingly offthecuff com ments on world affairs at his news conferences He disclosed several steps bound to please many of those in the assembly chambcrthe removal of all bans on Ameri can travel to foreign Countries an increase in the American contribution to the UN Fund for Underdeveloped Countries and promise to work for congres sional approval of UN con ventions long awaiting US ratification Diplomats noted that while the US often acts as global champion of human rights it still has not ratified basic UN treaties covering economic so cial cultural civil and political rights These include the Con vention against Genocide WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street address and phone number although they will not be published letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter signed by the US 25 years ago but never approved by the Sen ate Presidents Johnson and Nixon were regarded in diplomatic circles as being negative towards the UN Both were deeply involved in the Vietnam war never popular with large segment of the UN delegations Gerald Ford in his brief term in office displayed no particular enthusiasm for the UN Carter has long been sup porter of the world organization and chose to deliver the first major foreign policy speech of his election campaign at UN seminar last May Once elected Carter chose close personal friend Georgia congressman Andrew Young as US ambassador to the UN and provided him with an office and staff in Washington something never before done for US envoys Then he invited UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim to vWashingon two weeks ago and received him with headofgov ernment status with privileges accorded to no other secretary general American disenchantment with the world body goes back to developments in the mid 19505 which signalled the begin ning of the end of US domi nance of the UN When the UN was formed in 1945 its membership included 51 countries all members of the wartime alliance which de feated the axis powers In its formative years it became forum for coldwar clashes be tween the Sovict Union and the West with the United States commanding clear majority in voting power American strength in the UN began to weaken in 1955 when 20 countries including Japan Italy Mongolia and number of Eastern European countries were admitted It was further eroded in the 1960s when newly indepcndent African states gained indc mdencc and the concept of ird World of non aligned nations began to emerge PARLIAMENT HILL Some ludicrous repercussions from OttawaQuebec squabble By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service The problem may be too serious to joke about but there could be ludicrous repercus sions from the current Ottawa Quebec squabble over who can speak for whom at in ternational conferences We caught glimpse of it at that international conference of Frenchspeaking education ministers in Paris when Qucbcc Education Minister Jacques Yvan Morin refused to preside over the Canadian delegation He took his Quebec flag to an other table and sat down And then there was that inter national water confcrcncc in Argentina whcrc Quebec Envi ronment Minister March Leger member of thc Canadian delegation threw spike into the spokes by an nouncing he would not speak for Canada He was only there to represent Quebec In reply to these incidents Prime Minister Trudeau an nounced that if provincial offir cials continue to renounce their ties with Canada they will be barred from attending future international conferences Trouble is thats easier said than done While the British North America Act gives Ottawa clear jurisdiction in the field of external affairs there are some grey areas involving inter national relations on subjects under provincial jurisdiction lraditionally the problems have been solved by provincial delegates attending under the umbrella of the anadian flag There was hit of flareup over this in 1904 when the QueL bcc Liberal government of Jean Lesagc demanded to have its own representatives at two iri ternational conferences of Frenchlanguagc educationists Canada cannot go to inter national meetings spcuking with morc than one voice declared an annoyed prime minister Lester Pearson In one case thc problem was solved by making the Quebec education minister the head of theanadiandelegation There were widespread suspi cions in Ottawa that the French government of harlcs dc iaullc rather enjoyed watching the Canadians bickcring ovvr thcir deligallons And there was no doubt that had Qucbcc rcprcscntativcs decided to quit the official anudian delegation they would have en joyed ohscrvcr status with their own flag And ll the current disputc gets out of hand this type of thing could happen again Only this time with Quebec gov ernment committed to inde pendence the overtones would befar more serious Mirthermorc we have this great Canadian tradition of en suring that all provinces on the surface at least get equal treatment So if one province began turning up with flag in hand to observe conference how long would it take for other provinces to get in on the act Each international conference could be followed by an official Canadian statement and 10 provincial press conferences iiéIBIENTIibfiiiGHT For hrist also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God be ing put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit Peterll lit The purpose of His death was that we might live abundantly here and eternally there with Him The same Spirit that quickened Him is calling you now Dont turn Him away The blood of Jesus Christ Gods Son cleanscth us from all sin 131th SUN more Countries with any sense of mischief could build an enor mous tourist business by in viting Canadian delegations to international conferences on education highways hydro power and hospitals FAST RESPONSE Mr Trudeau is obviously anxious to nip this in the bud with his warning that Quebec will not be invited to future con ferences if it wants to behave as though the province has an international personality If they do that they wont beinvitedtocomealong But Quebecs minister of in tergovernmental affairs Claude Morin argues that his province has every right to at tend international conferences which discuss issues under provincial jurisdiction If the prime minister of Canada pretends we do not have the right to fully express our opinions in matters which the RNA Act grants us sovereignty then Mr Trudeau denies Quebec the competency we are granted by the con stitution And if Quebec wins the right to speak with its own voice at these conferences all nine provinces would obviously want the same privileges see think page PART IV PICTURE QUIZ He recently visited the US to discuss energy matters He is Canadas Minister of Energy Can you name him POINTS HOW DO YOU RATE to 100 point TOP SCORE ll to 90 points Excoilom 71 to 30 points Good 61 to 70 potato Fair 60 or Under Hmml tAMILV orscussion QUESTION How would you rate bilingualism among our national priorities Is it an important objective or not STUDENTS YOUR NEWS QUIZ PART NATIONAL AND INTERNATDNAL Give yourself 10 pointo for each correct answer For the first time in year the Liberal Party CHOOSE Nt did better did worse than the Progressive Conservative Party in the Gallup political preference poll Canada has Ordered stepbystep ban on the use of the artificial sweetener on the grounds that it is potential cancercausing agent black Islamic group held hostages in three buildings in thc US city of but eventually released them aSacramento Calif hWnshington DC cMiami Fla Jim Ursels Montreal rink won the Brier the Canadian curling championship This gave Quebec Province its CHOOSE ONE first fifth Brier title in history The African nation of which used to be known as the Belgian Congo claimed that soldiers had invaded one of its southern provinces aTanzania bAngola cZairc PART II WORDS IN THE NEWS Take points for each word that you can match with its correct meaning accord carcinogenic calliope calumny accrue amalicious lie bagreement cmusical instrument dgrow accumulate ecancercausing PART III NAMES IN THE NEW Take points for names that you can correctly match with the clues James Callaghan Anwar Sadat Felix Malloum Cyrus Vance Fidel Castro 32177 aPresident Egypt bUS Secretary of State cPrime Minister Cuba dPrime Minister Britain ePresident Chad VEC lnc Save This Practice Examination Valuable Reference Material for Exams Answers on page Spring election take What he says at full face value By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service Protestations by Premier William Davis that he doesnt seek spring election should be taken at their face value Twice in two decades the Tories have gone to the elec torate without an issue and twice theyve been burned While they scraped through the first crisis under John Robarts in 1967 they did so at the price of making the New Democrats viable alternative The last time under Bill Davis in 1975 they lost their majority position for the first time since 1945 They might not be so lucky if they went another round with out an issue Davis himself acknowledges the lack He gives it as reason for not wanting an election believehim HAVE ADVANTAGES Yet the Tories appear to have everything going for them The Gallup Poll on party preferences among committed voters shows them 15 points ahead of the NDP and 17 in front of the Liberals Davis personal popularity continues to climb as the wide spread hostility to the man evi dent in 1975 evaporates with time The Big Blue Machine image that hurt them so much by its implications of arrogance and ruthless mani ulation was ap parently sh the hard way when they took hammering in the 1975 election The Liberals new leader Stuart Smith is portrayed in the media as Dr Flipflop bumbling incompetent While not necessarily true the image has convinced many people THE WORLD TODAY Schlesinger huge department By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service President Jimmy Carters commitment to reduce the size of the federal bureaucracy and at the same time to create large new department of energy are not in conflict Both moves were among his major election promises And the need for single depart ment to coordinate the sprawl of energyrelated agencies in the United States government was made crystal clear by this winters severe energy crisis The new energy secretary will be the impressive and often imperious Dr James Schlesi nger who was briefly defence secretary in the Ford adminis tration until he quit over differ ences with Ford and person ality clash with Dr Kissinger What President Carter in tends to do with the new energy department is really part of his reduction and rationalization of the now vast federal bureau cracy Nine of the 11 US cabinet members now have authority one way or another to deal with energy and energyrelated mat ters These include the federal power commission the agency which will approve or not the entry of an Arctic pipeline into the US the department of the interior the energy research and development ad ministration as well as Dr Schlesingers present office as energy adviser to the president It will be huge department of the scope and size which should appeal to Dr Schlesi ngers ego He will have one deputy secretary two under secretaries and eight assistant secretaries In terms of this number of up perlevel appointments the new department of energy could be as large as the prestigious department of state It will absorb the many exist ing and often overlapping agen Riels defeat was inevitable By BOB BOWMAN Louis Reil was successful at Red River during the uprising in 18691870 but was defeated in Saskatchewan in the rebellion of 1885 There were three develop ments in the intervening years that made his defeat inevitable First the North West Mounted Police arrived on the Prairies in 1873 Second the trans continental railway was built which could bring troops to the area in 12 days instead of the three months it has taken at Red River Third there now was telegraph system that en abled instructions and messages between Ottawa and Red River So when Reil proclaimed his provisional government at Batoche March 19 1885 and began taking hostages Prime Minister Macdonald knew within hours what had hap pined He mobilized troops arch 22 and rushed them to the area The first detachment left who dont want socialism that there is no alternative to the Conservatives THEIR WAY So everything appearsto be breaking the Tories way Why then not go to the polls Campaigns can take strange turns and leads in public opin ion polls can evaporate rap idlyespecially when increas ing numbers refuse to tell inter viewers their choice With no issue the opposition makes the case and the govern ment is forced to react Already the NDP are documenting the more blatant Tory failures in protecting the environment and Davis has already reacted in an exchange that most ob servers consider he lost All thats not to say the gov ernment wont be looking hard for something to fight with Judging by speeches over the last months they are in con stant search of hook to hang an electoral strategy on Spending restraints looked like good cause and caught the imagination of some NO RESPONSE The catchphrase was the affordable society which had nice ring but which the media made conscious decision not to use After few tries at trying to spark response speechwriters gave up The government bungled the implementation In 1971 Davis rolled to vic tory on hangover effect from the Tory leadership convention hed just won and the image he projected as an innovative new premier not to mention an un derground wave of hostility to expansion of separate school grants Hell need something similar before he is likely to go again cies departments and com missions including the powerful federal power commission their more or less 20000 em ployees and with budget of $7 billion High on the priority of Dr Schlesingers new department because it also is high priority with him will be accurate data gathering about all aspects of the American energy industry Not only Dr Schlesinger but many congressional legislators before him have faced futile ef forts to obtain truthful figures from the oil and gas industries They had assured us of nothing but surpluses and huge reser ves before 1973 and nothing but the opposite since then Dr Schlesinger as well as President Carter are deter mined to do something at last about the lack of credibility of oil and gas company statemen ts and positions Indeed during the winter energy crisis which has not yet ended credibility about avail able gas was almost as much part of that crisis as the gas shortages themselves IIIT GAS INDUSTRY The new administration al ready has begun to lay down the law in its recent bill order ing the gas industry to meet in terstate needs in such emer gencies as the end of reserves in the midwest this winter Under the American system gas sold between states moves under price ceiling adminis tered by the federal power com mission But gas sold intra state that is within single state like energyrich Texas does not come under federal price ceilings Now much of the nations gas is produced in Texas and the lo cal gas companies were getting very rich suggflying Texans and ignoring the esperate northern tier states Its this kind of selfserving by the energy companies whic Dr Schlesinger among his other many duties is going to try and stop Winnipeg March 25 with Mac donalds son Hugh among them Regiments from eastern Canada were boarding trains March 30 to the ac com animent of bands playing Aul Lang Sync and The Girl Left Behind Me It was the first time that Can ada took military action without assistance from Britain It also was the first time that newspapers in the United States gave extensive coverage to events in Canada American correspondents got as close to the action as possible using route from St Paul to Winni peg Unfortunately their pur pose seemed to be to portray the situation in Canada as gloomily as possible British newspapers took little interest and the London Times filed its reports from Phila delphia using information from the American correspondents Even as late as May The Times was predicting long and bloody war

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