fresh meaty pork side spare ribs 118 special value fresh pork special value fresh whole pork loins special value Loblaws macaroni cheese loaf luncheon meat mock chicken or bologna sliced cooked meats boneless stewing beef shoulder roasts avg44 203 special value sweet pickled vac pac cottage rolls special value frozen beef steakettes store packaged lb special value Bluewater Brand cooked ï¬shfnes thrift pac 32 oz pkg this weeks passport polskie ogorkie plain or garlic Loblaws dill 32 fl oz jar any flavour frozen all varieties Shopsys meat entrees rim frozen fancy French style York 10 on wax beans it French onion Di Chi Zion Loblaws ll wieners hm 1iirfliffilllift luluum Westons wagon wheels pkt Home Juice orange fl drink IOIHf Velvet creamy eanut par kftI ti plus $1 Lt tfcitos returnable momié CocaCola ms Bee Maid no white honey Neilsons pkg of 12s assorted Prince Edward Island potatoes 1hb containc top quality bag Prices effective to Tues March 29 We reserve the right to limit quantit product of nrw fll ptorfiitr ll 53 royal mandarin garden fresh ill oranges radish mus rildrrririrriwrtrinryitmrlv McIntosh ll Flower De Special apples mt Scotch eather produce of endive or onuuole Boslonrirronnnno lettuce for 47F Uloonn beautiful 59 83 each McDonalds flit 59 43 49 79 ltltltildl tirittwutolrh riltllgt0 99 127 utter 34 creamed popslcle 902L311 Attention all Big Mac attaCk victims help is on the way Theres different McDonalds item featured in our ad every week for the next few weeks so save your Bassports to McDonalds and treat the whole family emember your passports are good until Apr 30 1977 except produce bakery prices effective to Sat March 26 Watl Wanda rm 1112 Market Place Wednesday March 23 2977 13 Great weekly specials everyday low prices plus passports to McDonalds ofany item listed bean Shopeanyforbestsmecuonasquanhheseuehmued and no rain checks Will be issued for these items Shake any flavour offer expires at Loblaws Tues Mar 29 1977 but your passports are redeemable at McDonalds until Sat Apr 30 1977 Brernner thin crisp saltines 16 07 crackers box McCormick gram 14 0x cookies pkg Pepsodent dental 50 mi cream tube tel liqurd detergent this cont Loblaws lemonade grape or or flavour my crystals allflavours Loblaws Plilrc1 ice cream Carton from the produce dept fresh unpmed 149 bag dates Neilsons inStant gt00 iran1 chocolate tin ï¬almpijivc dgtergent ltltl185lilltirt plus many more selected items in store res BARRlE ONLY Loblaws passporttDMcDonalds another reason why more than the price IS right Angus neuw By BEVERLEY ANDREWS Examiner Correspondent SIMCOE STREET SCHOOL preschool screening will be held at Simcoe Street School on Thursday Appointments can be made by calling the Simcoe County Health Unit at 7269300 ext 236 THE ROWENS Happiness is friends and neighbors helping out in times of tragedy The Rowen family who recently lost their home and all their possessions in fire advise they have received almost all the basics to re establish themselves after things settle down bit Mr and Mrs Rowen who are ex pecting their second child in April are now living with Mrs Rowens mother Mrs Hill at 25 River Dr Angus CENTENNIAL LIBRARY Among the many features Essa Centennial Libary on King Street across from the plaza has to offer librarian Mrs Loretta Metcalfe reports the addition of 16mm projec tor which is available to library users for $250 rental fee for any 24 hour period Films are available through interlibrary loan at no charge for ath0me viewing and selec tions can be made from reference catalogue on hand at thelibrary Borrowers are advised that their film selections should be made at least two weeks before renting the projector and at the time of borrowing will be re quired to sign equipment loan form accepting respon sibility for any damages Pro jection operation manuals and instructions are available from Mrs Metcalfe In addition to films there are Ererecorded tapes talking ook services and some 6000 books Essa Centennial Library in cooperation with libraries throughout the coun try operates an InterLibrary loan service which gives readers access to almost everything readable Current activities at the library included televised program featuring Mrs Met calfe Mrs Edith Wilson Librarian and teacher at Sinr coe Street School and students Janet McDonough Maureen Williams Susan and Brent Wheedan Nancy Elliott and Wilma Rodgers The program filmed by Cable 10 TV which was shown last week will be aired again this weck covcrs an informative discussion on school projects the whys and wheres of it all With group discussions and demonstrations by the students using visual aids the whys of project became evident Basically project is given to teach th0se skills necessary to glean information from all sources ie catalogues pam phlets mockups discussions etc skills which will bc necessary throughout the students school years Another program underway is Story Telling Time which takes place Saturday after noons from 22 3t RROWNIES RIDES AND RANGERS The Local Association of BR will be hosting Mother Daughter Banquet on April 26 for all area Brownies Guides and Rangers lpcoming is box plant sale to be held in May VILLAGE TRISTEES The Village Trustees will hold their regularly scheduled mecting on March 29 pm at the Orange Hall Area residents are cordially welcomed to at tend HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Best wishes are extended to Mr and Mrs Anthony Mancini who celebrated their 30th wed ding anniversary on March 28 Hope you had nicc day BRIDE If you have missed familar face at the Post Office these last few days youll be pleased to hear that Mrs Evelyn Sparks has become the bride of Charles Nugent Mr and Mrs Charles Nugcnt were married on March and are on extend ed honeymoon to Mexico Evelyn never to do anything by halves also retired March 11 after 18 years of dedicated and faithful service to the Canada Post Office Mr and Mrs Nu gcnt will live on 1600acrc ranch in Manitoba BLOCK PARENTS Of interest to area parents is the Block Parent Program gaining considerable momen tum in many communities throughout Ontario Initiated in London Out in 1968 the pro gram is designed as means to provide emergency assistancc for children Further informa tion may be obtained from on stable Rick Milne of the Al liston Police Department or Betty Jean Smith at 43548535 meeting will be held at King Edward Public School in Barric on March 28 730 on stable Gary Logan of the Barrie City Police will be on hand to outline the program SIMCOE STREET SCHOOL Simcoe Street went to the wire in last Thursdays broom ball game against Oakley Park last man on thc floor Wayne Kennard fell and Oakley Park had wide open field winning 10 Great game guys Area parents are advised to caution their children using thc roads on the way to and from school Two ncar tragedies have occurred in the last two weeks when two primary children Angela lriggcr and Shirley Clark were hit by cars on the road Iortunatcly neither child has sustained seriousinjuries