Every morning the elder statesmen of llawkestone gather at the general store OMB okays Oro bylaw for township zoning The Ontario Municipal Board tOMBt has approved ro town ships comprehensive zoning bylaw and the terms of settle ment reached between the township York Sand and Gra vel Ltd and William and Joan Reid on an official plan amend ments dealing with lands owrr ed by York on Concession The decision released Wednesday also reaffirms ad journments granted on the townships resortresidential zoning and sixmonth approv al of the agricultural zoning on the site of the proposed Barrie airport Part of the referral to the OMB was an official plan amendment designating land on Concession owned by York Sand and Gravel Ltd as gravel pit and an adjoining 41 acres as general industrial to permit the company to make and store equipment related to its pit operations The pit designation was in advertently left off the oificial plan when it was prepared in 1975 Mr and Mrs Reid objected to the amendment because it would allow expansion of Yorks gravel pit operations During the OMB hearing the three parties involved reached settlement which would nine 12 of the acres as general iii dUstriaI to permit the company to make and store equipment on THORNTON By MRS GEORGE Iltll THORNTON March 27 will be the last Sunday that Trinity United hurch will have The Forsters as leaders for the mor ning services John and Marilyn Forster have served in this capacity for the past three months while the pastoral relations comr mittee has been seeking p01 manent minister Trinity Ifnited Churchs an nual strawberry supper will be held Iune 22 this year Attending the recent Simcoe County Presbyterial United Church Womens annual meeting at ollingwriod were Mrs Hartley Evans Mrs 0r val Carr Mrs Itaymoiid Malt by Mrs George Ilolt Mrs Black and Mrs Clarence Fisher Six of 48 units in Simcoe County were represented At tendance was about 330 the theme Let Communicate George and Florence Ilolt recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary An open house was held The Thornton Womens In stitute catered to the afternoon tea at the church Robins were sighted in Thor nton on March 11 Mr and Mrs Vernon Sturgeon chrated their silver wedding anniversary at their home recently Visitors to the community have been Mrs Dorothy lohnr ston of Elinvalc Mr and Mrs Jack Woiich ol loronto Mrs Jim Johnston of Stayiicr Mr and Mrs Cecil Jones of Guelph and Don Stephenson of Calgary Ten of the lhornton liricnr dship Club members were guests of the Barrie let Together Club recently at the ANAI Club Itooms fashion show St Iatricks hat parade and films of an Alaskan trip were among he feat UltS Stella McGIadray anrl Hertha Cochrane Won hats Mabel Jacobs the door prize iiircu its Complete Kitchen Remodelling Services BRADFORD PLANNED KITCHENS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM t9 Morrow Rd Barrie 7269861 MonFri 93010 530 501 t04 pm MWFJyl4 and swap tales about Ilawkestone in years gone by phie Leigh left and his the site The rest of Yorks land would be zoned agricult ural Based on the settlement the Reids withdrew their object ions to the amendment OLLDNTAPPROVE In its ruling the board said it could not approve the general industrial designation in the amendment because it was coir trary to the townships policy contained in the official plan to steer future industrial growth to existing builtup areas The township was ordered to restore the agricultural land use designation and pass the zoning bylaws to permit agri cultural land uses The township will determine the land use and zoning for the re mainirig 12 acres During the hearings in January the board adjourned consideration of the townships proposed resortresidentiaI zoir ing for three months to permit Horseshoe Valley Ltd and Sal vil Investments Ltd to pursue THE EXAMINER Available Daily at These Simcoe County Merchants IN ANGUS Shopping Bag Botemcms Store Rosss Phormocy Smiths Market AM Grocery Lockies Variety Sunnidole Gas and Burger wood brass copper china plastic con gloss 10t to $95° 25 to 50 OFF Adair Volume Sales Auctioneers Appraisers Liquidators 21 Mary St Opposition finance critic Sinclair Stevens PCYork Simcoe Monday predicted that the federal budget to be unveil ed by finance minister Donald MacDonald March 31 will con tain some cuts in personal in come tax but no further re straint in federal spending Your personal income tax will be lower and mortgage in terest on your home will be and inflation which have con tinued unabated since MacDon alds first budget last May The government he pre dicted will try to tame un employment by giving tax in centives to industry and sinking more taxpayers money into iobcreation programs program will be disappointed Stevens said Though MacDon ald has promised to refer to the grossly unpopular program in FEWER MEMBERS MIDHURST Staff Sim ooe County council at one time had only 16 members instead of the present 53 it was shown by old records Cuts in personal tax forecast but not restraints in spending his budget speech there is only philosophy for land sea and air 20 chance the finance travel and the postal service minister will tell the country when the restraint program will be lifted says Stevens Neither is MacDonald likely to permit businesses to claim tax deductions equivalent to the inflation rate on inventories and fixed assets The budget may also call for an extension of the user pays he said Stevens attacked that philosophy saying it helps bureaucrats bury their spen ding mistakes while those in cabinet are spared the embar rassment of increasing or dinary taxes or plunging the nation further into debt Where elder statesmen gather partly deductible from your in come tax Stevens said but added The government will not announce further re straint They may play with figures he said but there is only live chance that they will do any meaningful cost cut ting Stevens also predicted the Irudeau government will re duce federal sales taxes in the THE EXAMINER Available Daily at These Simcoe County Merchants MORTGAGE MONEY torany Useful Purpose prime rates ist 2nd 3rd mortgages builders interim loans Comet Milk Hwy 2627 Midhurst Milk Hwy 2627 Midhurst General Store Wig Silver Ma He said the taxes hit hardest Ph pse servce Hwy 27 can COIIeCt cousin Frank Leigh drop with exploits from their if23232élggnslmum be mduc Ziton Itore pcd into the store to entertain past Examiner Iliotoi mva la owners Bob and Judy Fisher hum 0f ht federal sales tax on building materials would reduce the cost of hous ing by about 11 Stevenson said the March 31 budget must try to reduce unemployment now at 79 MAMMOTH DAY EMERGENCY SALE Thurs March 24 10 to Fri March 25 10 to Sat March 26 10 to Krozy Kim Kelly says We have truckloads of TVs arriving early next week This is real emergency We have only days to sell thousands of dollars worth of brand name colour televisions Come in Thursday Friday or Saturday and take advantage of some big savings Buds Billiards EImvoIe Beckers Elmvole Petries Esso Orr Lake Western International Funding Corporation Rynard gets rent answer From the Ottawa Bureau of the Barrie Examiner lTAA Three federal government departments are paying between $7 and $8 reiit per square foot for space iit Barries ivic Square Tower building Atrcording to Alexander yr parliamentary secretary to public works minister Iudd Buchanan rent on the fourth and sixth floors range between $7 and S7 210 per square foot while first floor space costs SH per square foot Ile told It ltynard Il Siincoc Northl that the govern merit employees located in the ltthl are ctiiploytd by the health and welfare national revenue manpower and int inigrat ion departments MI7H RCA XL 100 18 PORTABLE RCA XL 100 20 PORTABLE RCA Xl 100 20 COLOR TRAN RCA XL 100 26 SPANISH GE 19 100 SOLID STATE GE 20 100 SOLID STATE GE 26 100 SOLID STATE ZENITH 26 CONSOLE ZENITH 20 PORTABLE GUASAR 25 SPANISH QUASAR 20 INSTAMATIC lIST 54995 lIST 54995 LIST 69995 LIST 89995 lIST 54995 lIST 59995 lIST 79995 LIST 89900 LIST 54900 lIST 77900 LIST 59900 SAVE1509539300 SAVE1009544900 SAVE15695 54300 SAVE2009568800 SAVE1839536600 SAVE1659544300 srwrzoms59800 SAVE2110068800 SAVE1660038300 SAVE2200055900 SAVE2110038800 NO DOWN PAYMENT NO PAYMENT TIL JUNE 77 on extended term plan 7371182 PHONE TONIGHT INSTANT DELIVERY 7371182 $151 LYS BARRIE PLAZA 165 WELLINGTON ST NOTE All merchandise is brand new some in sealed cartons some blemished cabinets some one only end of line Hurry for best selection AII mer chondise carries full warranty plus Krozy Kellys stan dard service policy Extended service policies available at cost 7372221