Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1977, p. 11

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The Barrie Examiner Tuesday March 22 1977 11 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day Or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIOIIS Accepted up until am ii FE SD accommodations to share 26 births 81 cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 houses to rent 17 lost found 70 opportunity for men women74 property for sale or rent 03 snowmobiles 38 adoptions 82 boots motors 41 cottages for sale 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots for sale 04 pasture for sole 61 property management 08 space for rent 24 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 cottages wanted 29 feed seed grain 60 in memoriams 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 property wartted 02 stamps and coins 45 apts wanted to rent 13 camping equipment 56 deaths 85 financial instructions marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 public notices 80 summer properties for sale 31 articles for sale 40 card of thanks 86 dogs pets 44 crisis 39 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers l4 personals 68 resorts 30 swaps 46 articles to rent 43 cars for sole 32 employment wanted 7o fruits and vegetables o7 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 photography 49 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 OFIlCleS wanted 42 cars wartted 33 engagements 83 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 rooms to let 20 tenders 78 auction sales 79 coming events 88 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 7i livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 trees and shrubs 51 Oulo service and repairs 35 Construction mGCltlrttBIY 55 forms for sole 05 home improvements 47 livestOCk wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 property for sale 01 service and repairs 54 truCks and trailers 34 91property forsole 12 mortgages 01 property for sole 01 property for sale 01 property for sale 01 property for sale 07 business opportunities 16 opts to rent 01 property for sole LARGE bedroom arfment for rent omsundmg opportunity PI and Second available April Gaol residential area Precm MORTGAGES ARRANGED Appliances included $270 month Reasonable Rates Teleph°ne72°225 Palm House Exisfing Two LARGE begrogm apartngentfi Ll usroue va motor manufacturer of Mortgages SigieEAiariinaorfiifMiiy stpvg trdltgge recut parking laundry ac1lties lrs an as DUNLOPSTREETEAS Realtor LIMITED REALTOR gonent SIESLZdeii cool P532155 334 Mm BEDROOM GROUND floor downtown 726326 67 DUNLOP sesr BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 pp nor1 in gr its dleoier Mortgageliteswance greadrew appliances my when 12 oom ar ing 185 an EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ISBRANDT HOMES STo degalersahigr usg FINANCIAL inclgded np6psets Security deposit re ELCSJJN SOIL259 we IN TOWN Photo Multiple listing SerVice avalable seleced ENTERPRISES $253130iniZSAmSSJaiZQTEZi READ THIS AND SAVE 55$ areas Outstandin ear own hydro and cable Laundry facilities Esther Kennedy 4245471 Moro wood no toll 4373143 nings and row BAYFIELD ST and parking Stove and fridge Included EAST END SPECIAL Reduced to $44900 bedrooms TV no covonough 7281207 Bobgaunders 7263883 7268173 bmhs when lo 19 fenced Yard paved drive Assume saeooo Larry Wood no toll 4873l48 Ross Botstone 7263043 ponunny Off 1135553ng lirancrlhigibtgliarlirlleilh afng mortgasggogt 10 COHIOCI Domfab Lfd cebymrn9 Pm redecorated in altiiet building Rent in me idsheatarnst dfld $3 lmmacu ate con omlntum road oam roug out 2305 Monterey Street Member onto Egngeumisgediydgsir£2g 9e astefully decorated excellent locatlonl 919e BEDROOM apt stove and NORTH END level side split Large foyer With interior access Quebec H7L or CO ers 55°°°° refrigerator heat and hydro plus park lrom garage Main floor family room with walkout Master TF ing Near downtown area No Pets 3210 Marketing Department hfih monthly Avallable Apr117286980 bedroom has both ensulte Only $48500 For details on the above MORTGAGES Dough and sold Imme Av evennea is LLL 15146888440 ONE BEDROOM flat avallable April can Helen Bums 7262386 aiate action confidential Davtd garage and basement $200 including M19121 22 Wass Real Estate Broker call 7264651 ummes 7261239 Bite BRICK STOREY Duplex bedroom apartments plus full basement Live in one rent the other Asking only $43900 Call Mike Lysobild 7266054 evenings COMPARE our rates First Second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedsit ting room kitchen and bath with heat and hydro supplied stove fridge park ing private entrance $140 monthly GLEN COURT OPEN YOUR own mobile truck and MUST SELL Lovely bedroom brick split entry bungalow an extra building cleaning business in the Barrie area Canadian company established large lot on quiet culdesac Beautiful high grade broadloom thrcughout Large family room with natural fireplace IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GREENFIELD AVE bedroom home l2 baths family room with fireplace games room and laundry room Double paved drive car MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 1963 invites you to write for full inlorma 73744 tion regarding franchise equipment and potential profits Write to Wilson I4 mobile homes trailer 7262316 SUBLET ONE bedroom apt central fridge stove heat hydro and parking in garage Immaculate throughout Coll Gerald ONeill 7267733 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL 3623 66 Vpacmc Affnue Torronloj momhly Available Apr ONLY 533990 S°°Y bedr°°m b°°d°°ed NICELY TREED HOMESITE with bedroom bungalow and garage o9commercialIndustrlal one BEDROOM apartmentNorth °Wh°me °°° °d° °d f° P°Wder large bright lower level with guest room Asking $48900 Call Ron EXC agogge pni MOble H°mes $9919 649 gawrefiouple Preter room appliance5 Almhed garage Excellent llnancng Jones 7268997 LUSFVOERAGENTS pose repairs or storage Alland7ale area Ltd iiigplkgligyanyfi Chlldren or pels 77777777777777777 26 ASHDALE OUT OF TOWN 2° mgg3gag°fagfgm some SALE RENT 17houses to rent ATTRACTIVE bedroom side split with attached garage Fully available Allandale location 1050 broadloomed Roughedin fireplace in basement Reasonably pricedat$47900 WATERFRONT with Boat Dock only $54900 bedroom bungalow 60x21 JUST MINUTES FROM BARRIE $38900 Immaculate bungalow on freed lot Garage workshop beach rights SHANTY BAY RD Reduced to $33000 Interior has been com MIDHURST Willow CLarldirLg Open Sat Sun noon till dusk square feet Immediate occupancy Ex collent for Fast Food outlet Butcher Shop Call 726 5407 or 728 6165 anytime MAINTENANCE BUILDING for sale or Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake For in formation call from to pm 7262361 Evenings 7289682 st 6000 18 non with large rec room Qualified purchaser needs only $5000 down PlelelY renovaled FUllt hQl bosémenl Wllh WalkOU When SPWQ 32 532 $2992 8rcjaogoersy 2000 n6 Modular Homes gyzaoaegggggngmtguyse isn2sgovvaitgsren payment calls around buy like this wont be found For details call Helen high Stock room offices 6000 86 Northlanders syove parking Ca beycveen and 71 11 GRAHAM HOLLOWAY 7265113 Burns 7262386 on the above Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 83 risiTQSZricari 562536 gwiiiayrsem Travel Trailers Weekfyz7T734776 JOANNE THOMSON 7287177 ACREAGES Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 my 568 C°5° enema Eggdroim 67159115251323 53 M22 $17500 or best offer for small acreage north of Barrie good Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 T2 mortgages Cygnm 50ggzcevgifbg°gmleéfggi°nA3 building site Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Termiup T015 Years in arming to Box T33 Tens Barritelng Bert Cuff 7284067 Lorry Brewer 7289745 Hi9 way ll 50 Ewing LL hL $28500 Beaulitul stand of pines cover entire 10 acre parcel John Colwe 7267726 any Magi 7263864 70 Burton Ave 7289866 LARGE OLDER Home Grooms The on paved road south west of town fridge and stove Central location $300 REALTOR Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 hm 71 monthly Deposit required72694la 344500 53 oeres with creek pines maples and meodow For Jim Harris 7267173 Paul Dumoulin FRl cRA TRAVELMATE 25 sleeps rental or BARRE 15 Park5° °Y 59 Rmallrusi these and more call Ron Jones 7268997 737 on sale fully equipped Reserve now Bar Daphne Crescent bedrOOmS 1fg rie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfield St Te¢PhQ0€L4165E3Jé7Z CO Lr NNISFIL SPECIAL $27900 Starter home With flreplace 726 6438 TOWNHOUSE bedroom no ap mpany bedrooms and bath on hedged lot Coll Ron Jones for the above at ENT TRAILER with new tentsleeps Piances 5N3 0le PU5i95 N° 7268997 only $425 1Aonly Canabe Sgen pt lIzarrsie rprfggkhfisvfélablgbfiggy Is and 351 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE ionoaslin wng av 9603 Fofirfirfimé 7288800 TOR LINE 3661246 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW bedrsmm or den In NH 68 bungalowwith detached twocargarager WI room on war op WI gor all broadloom drapes and light fixtures basement th la ndr 75 201 th DUNLOP 7283293 IP13 To rent den Co Ken Mine 4873365 dishwasher and fireplace on acrelot BARRIE BEDROOM BRICK Under $40000 $3900 down Family EAST WE HAVE funds Immedimely KANEFF miles south of Barrie V4 mile private room with wet bar fenced yard preschoolers delight semi STOREY Home Will °P°rlmenl C°mmerd°l l° G°°d available with competitive rates iiiignbrigistoifigaa momh plus ummes detached storey Anne Maronic 7288800 87193M mortgoangb Zigzag Owner take back 2nd Survey at office coll of Interest prompt com TOWNHOUSE FORrentVio naming arvey er BARRIE WEST $2500 DOWN TO QUALIFIED BUYER Barrie outskirts M22 Hours Weekdays to mltments and complete con Barries Finest ll baths appliances fully broadloom ed close to bus service shopping public bedroom brick bungalow Watch it being built for you Anne lldonllonlY for Cond 00d lMPERIAL TOWERS E91199lP9899£32°19LD$1L74338 Maronic 7283800 371671 Ross Miller 7260563 Ron Sproule 4873715 sodOYS third mortgages 729958217 7294991 19houses wanted to rent STAYNER Have Your own business 32 ft on King huge rem Al R059 728 3115 Mike Ltsctbld 726 905 WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR AWN All TYPES of property residen 30R bedroom home in quiet residental and cold storage ideal buycher oufle heav traffic room in Harvey Wabe 43638 Ce C°°k 7283036 tlal commercial and vocational ltw area 93 PW 5mm Family r°°m eluded $92 soofgnoncin Ra hw 72 880067186 ROn Jonas 7268997 Ron Thorne 7288714 John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 3°23 garagfededarggxggfiggg °ms Percy Ford 7257930 Les Lovegrove 4241289 David Shelswell 4872389 Jim Cross 7262159 WE 50 bUY °9 wellngton Place reefer5nocg77g3046 ACRESORO PARK 57500 dwn custom built side Split 1700 sq Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Sheila Simpson 7262263 tooges for cash ZFrobmSm let rm ft of graCIous living Quality broadloom throughout Double garage Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 OUR ADVlCE ls FREE pa men FURNISHED ear ct ond much more Erlc Mllon 7283800 B7l06M Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNObb 7261881 Call IAN KERR 35 wellington route quiet atglgztgtgglée 052 Mgeeklf 1700 SQ FT BACKPSLIT ASKING $48900 Open concept family KenM9 4873365 Bernie Bum 4872299 Bus 7371881 Street We EhgneEemqS 3649 room baths bedrooms brick fireplace 36 small trees Hannol Pemlohd 7288028 Clarence canning 7264676 HOME 4875385 and bedroorn filibLlalyiliDtielSEEIVBllggllflégegnllifimncggz Beautiful foyer Allandale twin home Vendor transferred Gord PUHS 7260 090 737037 KINZIE MITED coored ances ered PM 7284268 dayllme °r Brown 7288800B7149M AshJom 7269915 £0 pp 7389310 107 Dunlap St East year lease Adults Co FURtilsthD ROOMS Clentrai Flark ALLANDALE HEIGHTS BDRMS Move in now 700 sq ft family BARBIE 9995 °9e kl It room off kitchen Log burning fireplace 12 baths Fenced 183 ft COLLIER 57 M°b°3 onlorio MOTIQOQG lean GarrICR EggggleyblgjsJéHighly ac 05 lot $36500 mortgage 107 Nora Rivers 7288800 B783M CORNER or OWEN COLLIER STREETS Brokers Association Real Estate Ltd FURNISHE largefi mzdeglymisheg BARRIE PERSONALITY PLUS spacious and gracious throughout BARRE 726 7263827 3225335375015ergolvnlosvnenafena4 builtin extra quality bdrms sunny family room stonewoled Dorothy MOOUOTIIC 728 6358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 T918909e79j639 ILL fire lace stud sur risin value 550 7238800 Corb Adams mono or 728 6829 Audre Marshall 4362880 MODERN luxury very argea bedroom ROOMS Ewe me °r B72314M are BorryyCompbeIlNasgh 7371324 aparmem 385° Que 60 mpemmeswmsme beaSharek 990 Ph°ne 7é95evsrfirl95 ROOM FOR rent in private older home close to Westend Plaza No smokers pre ferred Parking Telephone 7266376 REAL ESTATE LIMITED NJ ll TF JUST NORTH OF MIDHURST $75500 l4 acres Custom built beautiful stone brick split entry with car garage Full suite dining room good bedrooms sewing room or bedroom den or office ding No pets References For informa tion call 728 9682 90 Holgate Apartment 102 BEDROOM apartment central 17 Worsley St Barrie fireplace and park ing $225 monthly plus hydro 7373700 days SUBLET bedroom apartment Im periat Towers $270 month Everything included Phone 456 3337 ask for Jim or ask for Stan at 726 9580 AND BEDROOM apartménts available immediately $175 up Central MORTGAGE LOANS GEORGIAN COLLEGE AREA $6000 do bedrooms baths dining area overlooking family room with fireplace Professionally landscaped Harry Samson 7288800 Bl760M SUNNIDALE ROAD $49000 this brick side split is located on V2 acre lot Newly decorated Loads Of extras Joyce Samson 7288800 B7218M Royal Trust Co Ontario Realtor 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM JOHN 0123 LTD EA LTOR BRIGHT CLEAN rooms south end of town Linen changed Shared kitchenand baths parking Bus stops at door Phone 7370966 FURNISHED ROOM for rent LitTen supplied $20 weekly Central location Telephone 72813484491w 7264882 23officesstores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease 95 LOANS location Deposit required 7269418 M22 plus 24 ft family room with stone fireplace Glass doors to patio small or large suites immediate oc 1st MTGS from 93 BEDROOM atMldhurst Available im cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Many otherextras Call Rita Scandrett726 1938 or 728 4865 MLS723 40 Mape Ave Barrie 7372101 2nd MTGsifrom 12 milligmesy parrzinggo artist1e agunst 593973 WHU ASKING $26900 for this bedroom bungalow on Margaret St months rent No pets Telephone OVERoooosdfFTl Office space for rent Open Daily 9am 530 pm 76672Clf t59BfldSt tB 416 Angus Call Lee Benham 7261938 or 4245033 MLSNo662 Agent for Plneviow Estates of Mldhurst Sat evenings N7ICE 53 sedisxgghmem Ea 1329gfiéggfiogfwgfigiyW ea ONE ONLY $39995 New split entry bungalow lmmediale 042 JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 VSY gpgsmm figfi°hn$fi2€f°h Wm Sgrileinsapi155 lgéaleibr 33mm cupancy with Ist mtge at 978°o Excellent retirement or young TOM CAIRNS 7280653 AI Calhoun no toll 8352742 mmers EUémsgeo One Maggi beapmm other professionals Parking and heat in Professionals Since 1913 family home bedrooms full black basement broadloomed and large 80 190 lot Great country living Coll lan Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 01 property for sale mergerm tarsal INCOME PROPERTY 167 amt apart 91 Boyfield St Barrie 7373451 Res Creemore 4662136 apartments available Central Adults only Telephone 7260988 BEDROOM apartments available Close to downtown Rent $130 and $155 cluded Available immediately Call Mrs Robinson7263338fl OFFICE SPACE 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking waterfront and mu nicipal parking modern decorating Call ca BUILDING LOTS IN ORO too fpf in on each Barrie One Man mont blilldlng plus extra building lot it plus hydro wm lrvdge and slove SUD BII Sakers Natonal Trust Co side $12 500 C0 pate Swizer 7269r°rg7e28635 N22740 Real Estate Office desired Good condition Call Bernice TF pled Telephone 726 3257 72879201 Wholan 726 2334 Rep Pat Quinn SPLIT ENTRY BRICK BUNGALOW F° °5°Swih°dc°usi° 37 °9°9° °9°9° Biéiiéuitsigél 828728128 Seliwith TWO BEDROOM weekend retreat or grgunrd Heapé 9ggzléuiygmoeunlop Street starter home In Ora with garage and 869 ALHVW Miles south of flame on lot 100 495 bedrooms Muman Lake srmm Ca Dam th Shelswell representing Norman oml Yl room WI lrep ace recreation room WIT or Shelswe ReaEsae PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 55° Br A7 flimnufiinwwm 600005 It fully sprinklered transport 73 hTOUQhOUt $52900 Peter Bracalente REALTOR 02property wanted lmmedme and 2nd Open M°rl9°ge L°°n5 and 119th truck loading docks 18 ft $47900 BRICK ALUMINIUM SIDESPLIT Small down payment to $40000 financing at IO4 Beautiful home in Tall Trees Broadloom throughout Must sell this week Peter Bracalente 7370011 $47500 OAKLEY PARK AREA bedroom brick bungalow $30000 first mortgage at 10V Good area Peter Bracalente 7370011 TOLLENDAL $74900 Excellent area Large treed lot Restored century Must se BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY bedroom home on busy highway Close to Barrie 114 th TThSTF bay Service Station Restaurant Licensed Steakhouse 84 bedroom house on acres for sale Phone Bill Rawn 117 STARTER HOME furnished with bedrooms Alcona Beach area ll asking only $24900 122 FOR PROMPT ATTENTION CALL 7281071 TThSTF DOWNTOWN Commercial Location Ideal retail or office setting 10 per cent financing available Bob Urry Vial Real Estate 726 1771 or 728 5811 $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum siding bungalow Big Bay Point Im maculate condition Garage Attractive grounds Bob Urry Viau Real Estate 726 1771 or 728 5811 BUILDING LOT $12000 100 181 with septic permit Located in quiet village near Barrie Terms 801 Urry Vlau Real Estate 776 1771 or 728 5811 WE HAVE clients looking for homes in the Steel Street Puget Street area We hnvn sold all the homes we had listed in this area and are in need of morn Priced in the $48000 to $60000 bracket If you are considering selling would you plmsn rail Loon Garrick Real Estate Limited 11726 3827 04lots for sale Limited Selection of Fine Anywhere on all homes cotta vacation and commercial properties ges farms To consolidate debts low monthly payments Construction funds free advic it W1 Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING clear part of large expanding industrial m9673° FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelotf VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large fenced in property Phone 728 7044 or 416 9351093 26accommodati8ns7to share FEMALE TO share bedroom apt share expenses Grove and St Vincent Erea3117264293after9130pm WANTED Business girl to sharé modern bedroom apartment East end close to bus and shopping April Telephone 7260517 home 24 place baths ultra modern kitchen floor to Aiopdr lofatlgn bfidlioorghome9vzgg pa2tlo brle barbeque geifofzgsxKvfi13peggnlbplloigézstgritk I29 DUNLOP ST EAST CalAnytime 347 BAY STREET 27cottages to rent ceiling fireplace Worth close look Peter Bracalente fees on °l ysa ll 19361300 Vic DonorViau Real Estate BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT BEAUTIFUL WHITESTONE Lake 737001 no 23 or l7 CUSlom bUllder has °Xlr°m°ly 7260981 Phone service 3633421 and bedroom housekeeping cottages THERES NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT to own home of the past to make your future beautiful Solid Victorian 2storey sheltered by trees with view of bay Gorgeous interior complete with CHOLKAN REALTOR CO LTD rilfrir TALL TREES $1500 DOWN bedroom semi detached front split double garage broadloom throughout quiet CuI do snc school and bus steps away Asking $43500 Murray Warsh Realty Ltd Call Marlene Knowles 728 9636 choice lots available for spring construction On Codrington Street overlooking Kem penfelt Boy and Sunnldale Road area Well treed Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc MORTGAGE TF Private lake frontage for each cottage excellent swimming and fishing $85 to $100 weekly Call 7053892927 32 ears for sole 1975 GREMLIN 1421000 miles speed standard cylinder radial tires TOWNHOUSE F°d°° risilqiwniigfxmi °laii°reicei°m lrep aces rooms at exquisite ixtures GEORGE DAQIES or fyflfiif e5 °° $12000 For appt call Judy Pennett 7370011 10 COlle same 7284401 bedrmmsgaEdEJéimc av STAN COHEN at fiioréHRSYLER 73007 P9Wérmte74713r FLOWERY PHRASES UNNECESSARY for this lovely bdrm brick bungalow on Rose Come and see for yourself Call Judy Pennett 7370011 Direct Toronto Line 3546625 pliances professionally decorated $39900 Returning to Toronto Must soil Phone 7377337 PRIVATE SALE new house12thllno 728921 or 7286220 TF VrforanyUsetul PurpOse prime rates brakes and windows doors redial tires airconditioned 62000 miles cer tilted $1000 or best offer 7371406 or 72116532 1972 TORIND door hardtopi new lfil IkIbd filb BUILDING LOT ifiT JOE DlRRACOlO 7260567 JOE DYSO 7264090 Ifrlgnsl Sgteaall aarngunitff fllgttiJSrlilnguneeggd Asking $12000 Make 3tlercgfiilialg 13f 2nd 3rd mortgages rariiiiésnimimwm cmmed 00 RUTH GIBBONs 7281409 MARG FERGUSON 7286172 Ca 436 me Va RCIFSaemNomi1601 Id 1972CHEv IMPALA door hardtopiaso Peter Bracalente 7263916 Bill McCreary 7281865 JOAN THOROGOOD 7281742 DON ALLAN 4872412 50mmLia3333pitflmfiifiiffiv 333153380 3311052gapvioéiillsfifl ers Interim oans 222Tsiespife33i963 °° Jim Concillo 7374597 Verna Mullin 7282875 MARTHA DYSON 7262090 RUDY HERRMANN 5266461 and high cedar felnce Horno features r£eprgsvgl£rigzyaormgh Sholswell Real Call collect to MERchRY MoNTEGO door II 5502 472389 EnldDoy 7266904 Judy Pennett 737 1264 808 WEST 7284401 MURRAY VALIQUETTE7260617 brrggdtggmQVEJEBIdJSSamssioiiiincgfi 7267861 Barrie Eowerllstefrlng powler bragesraldig Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 7371264 LORNA VERSTRATEN 4241956 DOUG FERGUSON 7286172 Bernice Whelan 726 2334 Rep Pal Quinn 06farms for rent 325 4334 Ir Tagghofigndggora on or Vicki Kent no toll 4872501 Jack Slessor 7266280 TORRANCEAREEYIE 82277175731 VA 7A REHH ORA ED NATEIR1FRONTI COTI TAGE in Ora on la 197iOLDs CutlasSSupremefbr salélofs TASTEFULLY DEC and well Mae ealur no re lace boath use 00d dltl kl maintain too bedroom homein town and guest cabin Call avid Shelsxell Westpm Internal 23800Taesleptong 7284c62llaftgl523059f119 0r It If re resnntl Iona BO ST TO 08111 nflnlgfrtgg lizsnliyorigiftn wig Esllati778ni293cbrrnigi2389 heswc Real 75 TOYOTA 595 0° CC le no fireplace Large decks and storage shed Funding maculate condition low mileage ra Call Dnvld shelswcll representing Nor WANT ADS corporallonl 913151899LTFIEPhQDEIMQ58 man EShclswellRealEstaio 728 32930r 72344 19 VEGA 51 Cillnder hatchback 4372389 77 IF uncertttied Best offer Telephone 4246584 or 7269791

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