Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1977, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES CIIUl0lIOI Classified Advertising All Other Departments 113th year No68 7266539 72824l4 7266537 The Barrie Exomin I5 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly WEATHER FORECAST CLOUDY Clip Earrir Examiner er Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday March 22 1977 I4 Paces charin from human diets cancer in animals or man under FDA control malignant bladder tumors FACTS LEFT llT tumors pearharmless US authorities still split on saccharin issue WASHINGTON AP Consumer advocates are urging members of the US House of Representatives to take serious tests showing saccharin causes cancer in animals But dietindustry spokesmen and some lawmakers say the tests are questionable and should not force ban on sac similar split exists over the Delaney clause law reqUiring ban on any food additive that tests show causes Hearings are continuing before Home health subcom mittee headed Representative Paul Rogers DemFla who pledged Monday there will be no precipitous move in Congress to change the Delaney clause The diet industry and many members of Congress under pressure from dieting or diabetic constituents want the law changed They want to give the Food and Drug ministration FDA authority to weigh benefits with risks in deciding whether food additives should be banned They also are asking for suspension of theénoposed sac charin ban likely to go into effect in July pen But Dr Sidney Wolfe of Ralph Naders Health Research Group testified that recent Canadian tests on saccharin confirm other experiments He cited 1973 FDA study said to show that some laboratory rats fed saccharin developed Wolfe said the Canadian test was conducted to eliminate the possibility that impurities in previously tested saccharin were responsible for the tumors Wolfe also accused the FDA of having orchestrated the current controversy by omitting important facts from its original saccharin statement earlier this month He said the omitted facts include the results of six previous studies in which rats fed saccharin also showed an increase in bladder common attack against the anadian study disputes any relation between human cancer and rats fed saccharin equal to 800 bottles of diet soft drink day But both Wolfe and some FDA officials said large loses of test substance must be fed laboratory animals to avoid to result which makes known cancercausing chemicals ap Ad ng new tests Protrial system may cut backlog TORONTO tCP Attorney Gcneral Roy McMurtry plans to introduce new system of pretrial procedure which he hopes will help lessen the backlog of court cases in On tario The new procedure to be in troduced next May is deg signed to allow lawyers freer access to evidence against Showroom open today Jackson Motors showroom is open today but there wont be any servicework done until Monday says Bob Jackson Fire damaged the service department and caused smoke damage in the showroom Mon day after fumes from an electric fuel pump ignited Further details on P3 proved success NEW DELHI tAP Repudiated by the Indian electorate Indira Gandhi resigned today as prime minister saying The col lective judgment of the peo ple must be respected With returns from the general election last weekend almost com lete Mrs Gandhis foes sait they will have majority of at least 126 seats in the lower house of Parliament In statement conveying her best wishes to the new government and offering the constructive cooperation of her Congress party Mrs Gandhi said she and her col leagues accept the verdict unreservedly and in spirit ofhumility baby was doing very said PSULE NE WS UN membership for Japan urged WASHINGTON tReuterv President Carter has propos ed that Japan be given permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council Carter did not expand on his proposal made in toast at White House dinner honor ing visiting Japanese Premier Takeo Fukuda But Japanese diplomatic sources here said the presidents suggestion iii dicated that the talks between the two leaders so far have Tea price sets UK record LONDON Router The price of tea in Britain where consumption of the beverage is hallowed tradition rose even higher Monday setting record on the London tea market kilo 122 pounds of African and Indian tea sold for the equivalent of $516 20 per cent above last weeks price year ago the same tea sold for $115 kilo Dealers said the increase was due to shortage of stocks lull bet ween teaproducing seasons and increased tea consumption in India the worlds largest producer Gandhi resigns in humility Surgery for tot with four legs SHEFFIELD England AP thrcemonthold baby born with four legs has successfully undergone an opcration in which two of them were removed Sheffield Childrens Hospital said today hospital spokesman said the unnamed well But surgeons refused to forecast the babys life span before the operation and the spokesman said it still is impossible to make predictions Quake hits Iranian coast TEHRAN Reutch strong earthquake struck Irans southern coastal region early today and persons were kill ed in series of shocks around the port city of Bandar Ab bas the official radio reported The broadcast said at least 16 other persons were injured in villages around the port but no damage to harbor installations was reported The tremors registered 70 on the Richter scale number of houses in the villages were damaged or destroyed the radio clients charged with criminal offences IcMurtry said that at present there is problem of delay in prevtrial procedures especially the preliminary hearing which has been the subject of considerable discussion at attorneysrgcncral conferences The new procedure is do signed to shortcn costly preliminary lltitlltlgSAhCerlIl gs in the courts designed to determine whether there is enough evidence to bind the ac cused over for trial Lnder the new procedure rown attorneys will advise de fence counsels of the nature of the written disclosure that is available and review the evi dence with him Defence counsel will be asked to undertake selection of how the accused wishes to he tried INDIRA GANDHI best wishes girls best friend it isnt not by long shot iind Wright is reluctant to touch the nccdlc she got at The touch of caution ssikinack School Ionlii cvcn aftcr being gicn the us cd syringe as souvenir Shi found her oncliour physical ciininition quite icccp table until the needle came into play ssikinick as the sccnc of one of several pre school Slfivttitllllfl clinics be ing held this Htk Stories and photos on Pagc tt Rx amincr lhotol Committee upholds bus bylaw despite law is an ass advice ity councils general com niittcc has voted to uphold it bylaw which forbids bus tcr minals outsidc downtown arcas despite advice from city stall that tliclaw isan ass Thc committcc rcjcctcd Mon day staff rccommcndation that the ll hold furthcr action against an upper Itayticld Strcct bus terminal which is in violation ofa zoncing bylaw It was the second timc this year the committee has turncd down staff advicc not to enforce the zoning bylaw against the Iravclways Ltd terminal Iravclways licence for its OrilliaRarricIoronto service requires Barrie terminal within half milc of Highway 400 but no land within that distance is zoned to permit tcr minals City planning board is currently reviewing zoning restrictions on tcrminals fact mentioned in the staff rccom IIItIltlitllOll Ihc firm is using the leased propcrty across from Rayficld Mall on tcmporary basis wliilc awaiting the outcomc of an Ontario Highway Iransport Hoard hcziring which could lead to revoking the newly granted licence in connection with con trovcrsy ovcr competition bct wccn Gray oach and privatc firnis like lravclways Ald Alex Arthur said the firm should have brought its roblcni to council beforc it egan using the site and called the recomincndation to over look the violation most disheartening to council and the public It may be positive attitude toward development but its negative attitude toward Despite Highway 11 accident Still against boxbeam median TROWN IIIII lhc prcsi dent of the Oro ISusintssmcns Association rORAi continch to oppose plans to install box beam nicdian on thc Oro sec tion of Highway ll despite thi Public meeting on Iakeshore park public meeting will be held tonight at 730 at ity Hall on proposed parkland develop ment on the Lakcshorc bet ween Hayfield and Mulcaster streets The development approved in principle by council calls for fill to point roughly even with the end of Government Dock landscaping like that at cnten nial Park docking picnic play and other facilities and controversial extension of Lakeshore Drive from Hayfield toMulcastcr The proposed development could cost as much as $1 million but the cost could be cut drastically by waiting for free fill and using random rip rap instead of shectestccl piling to hold in thc fill Ncithcr issue has becn settled by council death of Pcterlmrough wo man after an accidcnt on lllt highway Saturday Iico Westra owner of llic Rivcr iiirdcn Restaurant said today he feels badly about the womans death but said he hasnt changed his personal feelings on the median No matter what highway you are talking about he said accidents do happen and it What you need is job morality he said of the staff position NT IN IT If the Iaws an ass dont follow it responded city ad ininistrator Gerry Iamblyn We have law here thats an ass number of council members including Ald Nelson iarrctt who initiated the complaint against tlic viola tion have said that the ter minal is an appropriate use of thcliiiid Your toning bylaws should be tools for good govcrnmcnt lainblyn told the committec It shouldnt bc set up as it Hi blcto follow blindly dont care how bad the bylaw question the wisdom of going on the record in favor of breaking the bylaw put in Ray Allen city cnginccr doesnt matter whether you have median there or not Doris Rcitcn died at Royal Victoria Hospital Saturday night as result of injuries she suffered when car in which she was riding was involved in tractortrailcrcar accident Rarric OII said the truck Iackknifed and crossed the highway into the path of thc Reitcn vehicle He said the association has dropped its formal opposition to the median since James Snow provincial minister of transpor tation and communications in Rick Rates zoning ad ministrator said notice to the owner of the land expires this week and the matter will go to solicitor for court action He said today court action will pro bably take about three months Maximum fine is $1000 but the court usually lcvics fines of $50 to $100 for bylaw violations he said Ald Arthur said the delay is getting court judgment could provide the firm with the necessary lccway for solution to the problem without requir mg council action supporting bylaw violation Only Ald Ross Stephens and Ald Del olc supported the rccommcndation to hold off on legal action Aldermen Ron Ilynch Janice Laking Ernie Rotiiiaii and Cd Thompson were absent dicatcd in Harrie two weeks ago that the median is ministry priority for this area Work on the project which includes five flychrs at the in terscctions of onccssions It It and Hand Highway ll plus the boxbcain median is slated to begin next month ORA representativcs met with the minister in Toronto earlier this month to ask for delay in the start of the project to allow further study of the ef fects of safety improvements made on the 0m section of the highway two years ago Storms hit search for tanker survwors WILMINGTON tAIt Squalls hampered the search for remaining survivors from Panamanian tanker that broke apart after an explosion and disgorgcd thousands of barrels of oil into the Atlantic Ocean The US foasl Guard said Monday it has rescued 27 of the 39 crew members Italians and Uruguayans aged 25 to 65 Several survivors said the ship the Iaudc Conway was split in two by blast caused by welding equipment They said the blast killed the captain the radio operator and number of other crew The ship remained afloat Toast guard officials said they have found no bodies btit plans were made to board the stern rtion today if rain and gale iiircc winds case Metro hostage drama ends in meek surrender TORONTO UP bizarre hostage drama ended late Mon day when gunman meckly surrendered himself and four hostages to police after 12 hoiir siege in downtown bank branch There were no injuries in the incident The tcnsc situation started shortly before noon when the man brandishing sawedoff lzgaugc shotgun seized con trol of the King and Yonge branch of the Bank Canadian National Saying he admired Ugandan President Idi Amin the man demanded military transport aircraft to fly him to the Afri can country The man who identified him Self in telephone interviews as Ilaycarold Bob Mcliagan of Vancouver held hostages at one point as he negotiated for 2130 Hercules aircraft to make thctriptoUganda He told rcixntcrs over the telephone that hc was great admirer of Amin and that he wanted to join the Ugandan ar my FAN OI AMIN want to scc my pal Idi Amin Im fan of his Ive never met thc man but Im fan of his want to soldier for Amin Ive always admired him But radio broadcaster harlcs Doering who took part in the talks at one point said af ter the man surrendered that he actually had planned to assassi natcAniin Doering of Toronto radio sta tion FRIL said the gunman told him he wantcd pair of fragmentation grenades to use in the murder of the African leader The broadcaster also said the mans claimsof African service as mercenary were fabric ations In various interviews the man claimed to have fought in the Congo in 1965 was mercenary in the Congo in 65 and just want to Hostage TORONIO Pi 22year old Toronto woman held hos tage in downtown bank Mon day by an armed man says she passed out at invervals just from sheer terror thought it only happened in the movies Ruby Rodicr said in an intervicw aftcr bcing re leased by the man Only when youre in there its hell of lot more scary than at the mov ics Miss Rodicr was onc of 15 Susan Illgic has an anxious iiionicnt watching her shot head to the house during Mondays opening round of the Ontario Itcdcration of Secondary School Athletic Association UFSSAAt girls curling championships at the Toronto policeman runs to take up position at hostage takiug sccnc iii downtown Toronto Monday man who identified himself as Bob Mcliagan of Vancouver and get back down in that area just want to get back to soldierv mg He said he seized the hos tages in order to get to Uganda PIIE SWEEP AREA Moments after he entered the bank at King St police swept into the area turning one of the citys busiest inter sections into deserted no mansland As passersby gaped from be hind barricades heavilyarmed members of the Metropolitan Toronto police Emergency Task Force took up positions at the doors of the bank and snipers zeroed in from rooftops Traffic was disrupted for said he was holding IX per sons hostage in Bank ana dian National said he wanted an airplane to take him to Lganda Photo blocks as police sealed off the area From the surrounding office towers hundreds of office workers watched fascinated as the drama unfolded below them Ambulances waited in the background as the tension grew and the man talked with report ers and police for much of the afternoon In that time he fired three shots saying he did so to dem onstrate he meant business and to warn off the police Ill only start shooting if some cop comes in here and Eope these people dont get urt kept passing out people taken hostage at the Bank Canadian National by man who identified himself as Bob McLagan 38 of Vancouver and who said he wanted an air craft to fly to Uganda The man released 12 hos tagcs including Miss Rodier Monday afternoon in return for police sergeant The remain ing hostages were freed when he surrendered to police about 12 hours after the drama began No one was injured Anxiety on the ice Rurric urling lub Elgic is viceskip of the cntrc Duf fcrin District High School Sliclhurnc which is winless aftcr three draws Port Perry and Windsor are the two rinks unbeaten following Miss Rodier assistant secur ity director at the bank for four years said she was on her way to lunch when the armed man entered the bank panicked started shaking and fell she said wanted to faint find chair She said that at one point the man ordered the tables turned over But we didnt know what he meant so nobody did anything had to play this morning Both have three straight ins There are 12 rinks divided into two divisions oinpctilion con tinue today through Wednesday Examiner Photo

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