Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1977, p. 6

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The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 19 I977 Picture Yourself Fashion was highlight of Georgian Colleges 10th an niversary open house Friday as Georgian fashion promo tion students presented Pic ture Yourself Framed in ANN LANDERS Use cold cream to clean hands Fashion Spring and summer fashions ranging from swimsuits formal wear and lingerie to wed ding dresses were presented to the public at the college theatre Models Chris Lucas AT LEFT and Cathy Hun ter CENTRE display spring sport wear while Wendy Brooks models one of the at tractive raincoats in photo at Brooks right Commentator Valerie Dunn introduced the fashions as worn by models Wendy Dianne Brownson Kathy Destefano Duhaney Pat Fleming Cathy Hunter Liz Irvine Chris Lucas Cathy OHara Anne rgar Debbie Parr Helen Margaret Volpe Mary Anne ittM Rt BECK No more goss1p What to talk about Volper Janice Warden Kim Watterson Lincoln Jeffery Tony Lockwood Reilly Saso and Brad Watts Examiner photos by Rolf Kraiker ramed in Fashion Dear Ann lianders Recently you published letter from wife who was ashamed of her husbands hands He was me chanic and his hands looked dirty especially under the fin gernails Years ago was introduced to man who had the bestlooking nails and hands had ever seen was surprised when my frien ds told me he was an automobile mechanic His treatment con sisted of keeping jar of cold cream the cheapest he could buy in his locker Every morning before he started to Work he would stick his fingers and thumb into this jar and rub the excess cream all over his hands and wrists When he finished be wiped off the grease with paper towels washed his hands and was ready for an evening of bridge or whatever Another mechanic who also used cold cream kept heavy bath towel handy He pushed the cuticle back on each finger and his nails looked great Anothtr Fan Dear Fan Thanks for the tip Another writer said lard Works Just as well as cold cream and its cheaper The things you folks teach each other Isnt it beautiful Heres another Suggestion Dear Ann Tell the mechanics wife to keep large shaker of sugar handyhear the smk When he washes his hands no matter what kind of soap he uses if he shakes little sugar into the palms of his hands he will wash the grease and grime away This hint came from Heloiscs column and it works Bayou Dear Bayou Thanks to you and my friend Heloise Heres another tip Dear Ann Before the days of detergents engineers and mechanics cleaned their hands the natural way If you care to pass it on feel free Use about onevhalf pint of ordinary motor oil and wash the hands in it until the grease dissolves Then wipe clean with piece of cloth Finish with warm water and mild soap It works like charm FM Dear FM Sounds sensible Thanks for writing Dear Ann want to say thank you to Thanks for the Memories the girl who wrote and said her father died when he was 42 She was ashamed of the times she had talked back to him and was sick at heart that her father would never walk her down the wedding aisle or sec her firstborn child She wrote wish had seen such letter when was 1ft Well Im 13 and have never been so touched by letter in all the years Ive been reading your column Both my parents are living thank God but too am ashamed when think ofail the times mouthed off to them They want the best for me but Janis Diabetic association will discuss camp amp Iluronda summer camp for diabctic ctiildrcn ill bc thc topic of discussion at the March ftti meeting of the lluronin ttltl District Branch of the Canadian Diabetic Association lion Andirson camp dirccr tor will show slides oi campnc tivitics and cxplaiii how the program helps diatirt it childrcii to acccpt undcistand and control thcir diabcics chcpstakc tickcts at $l irc bcnig sold by branch iiictiilicrs Irocccds Will go to the camp and to lllltll£ll icscnrih Thc iiicctiiig will bc hcld at in thc ltluc Iltiiiic Room at tonsumcrs ins For furthcr iiifoiiiiitioii cal 74 l7ltt til 731 3815 Recovery Inc panel to be held in Rcctivcry inc tiic association devoted to bcttcr mental health will bc holding public puncl March 27 at St in in the banquet hall at St Iauls Iinitcd Church Orillin The public is welcome to attend the meeting to learn how Recovery members can overcome their nervous or mental problems Recovery Inc provides training in systematic method of selfhpr after carc The aim of Recovery Inc is 11 to prcvcnt relapses in formcr mental patients and to niiniinic nervousness in othir paticnts Itccotcry Inc niccts Monday night at it pm at St Iauls hurch lOll EASILY Pass the bladc of thc kiiilc through flamc so that thc bladc is hot and cuts new frcsh brcad in pcrtcctly smooth Sllt ll IIRVI litHIIIICCK midnight on cw Yiais cw my fricnd and put out lcft iiiid oyci thc phonc hook iaiscd our llLlll hand and solciimly sworc that from lllh do tornard would no longci cossip about our flillltl so hclp us litili liairctt ic how not cirricd on conversation itilitl than innititc and it half sincc lhi otnci day coiitrlnt stand it You know whats ironix uth you snapped Yotiti hii iiig shallow unintcicsting per son liopi you said that with lt wrylj on ick oi iiiinc good Thanks to you hnw lost ill of lit flltlltls How do you thiiikl finl ittnit liirc around itttllllit and not licing iiltlt to ion in tcci llitl soiiiminc clip pod in itilitllt Look siltmlltl tciigiicd it wccouldnt so anything nicc about llitillt wcd say nothing lixnitl lto you know what its likc to sit around and talk about static electricity from your pniitylioscfoi thicctiioiitlis We didnt agrcc not to discuss anyonc We just said Uytl hint to picscnt thctii in good light Now lcts try to carry on con litlltill ltltl you hcar thcy gavc surprisc llll thday Mllk totli lll wockr shc sinich iINSSIIIKINtitOVIESI Tracy tlrcaycs tirade sttdciit at ltcst public school in Oro placed first in the Use Region to Lions lub cffcctivc speaking contcst in lilllnillt Tracy finished thcad of about Iiliotliciconipclilois itcware or graniti or aluminum kcttlcs for cooking ltklt and use woodcn stiriiiigorliltingthcpicklcs when get angry dont seem to remember that At night when lay in bed thank the good Lord for giving me such wonderful parents The letter from Thanks for the Memories really made me think My parents read your column every day hope you will print my letter They will know wrote it Dear Friend am not printing your signature or city yeat many parents who have 13yearold daughters would like to think this letter was written by their child Lets let them Snowmobile courses offered by local club snowmobili ridcr should know cvcrything from machine parts to survival and first aid And that is why courscs are being held throughout the province says ltick llubbert of the Sntr Voyageurs Club Snowmobiling is the third fasttstrgrowing sport in North America next to sailing and tennis llubbert said llubbert along with Al Harris also member conducted course for motorized snow rehick operators on Saturday at the ministry of natural resources More than 37 people fair percentagc being kuts he said learned about machine parts maintenance operating the machine after dark riding trails signals traitcring sur vival frst aid and clothing The course is sponsored by the ministiy of thransportation and coiniiimiication and is taught by selcctcd members of clubs affiliatcd with the tin tnrio licderation of Snowmobilc lubs The Still incinbcr Sno Voyageurs is the largest of the 29 clubs in the Huronia Snonobilc Association There are seven clubs in Barrie alone This is the second course held which enables people to get motorized snow vehicle operators permit This has been terrific season for snowmobiling llubbert said Weve certified about 70 people this year HARICLYCOVERED Next summer the miniskirt will be the newest covcrup for sun bathers especially since laris fashion designers have focused on that look thought for nioiiiciit liid shc show up for it Yes wiiy Im glad Thi poor dcar hasnt shown up for hcr last eight birthdays lint she is good mother We saw hcr in church last Sunday withhcrchildrcn My friend nitzoiircd her words carefully For that she should bc cziiionixcd If the iood Lord find meant for Kay to take her children to church ilc Would have ptit john at thccndofcvcry pew True hear shcs vcry happy about her pregnancy Who wouldnt be Shcs almost assured of ITA presidency Wltll her 27 years ex pcricncc ch wonderful wondctful Kay Shc could find tun laundering diist balls Spcnknig of dust have you heard frotn wondcrful Ethel Iatcly do admire anyone who can sort the priorities in her life and put them in perspectiw Is she still playing the pointlt1 think so You know weve been talking for to minutes or so and not once have we been vicious You scc how easy it is not to talk about our friends Yeah but ncxt ycai its going to be har dcr Wcrc going to includc thc word whispcr Household helps FOLLOW ll Klilil TIIS porcclain lined LIIANCHEAPER Theres no need to buy cx pensive scale removers for electric kcttles and steam irons beciiusc white vinegar works just as wcil and is cheaper granr spoon for PEOPLE AND PLACES StiTII ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Truman Pad dison will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday from to pm and to pm at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Dawson 264 Codrington St Friends and relatives are in vited DAFIOIHL TEA Members of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority will be selling daffodils April and to raise money for the cancer society Marg Ab bott on the executive of the sorority says they hope to sell 25000 daffodils to raise $4000 WINS DRAW Ed Wismer of HR Barrie won the draw for dune buggy held by Powys Hall Equestrian Ccntre Hawkestone The draw was held at Georgian College TRIP TO TORONTO Members of the Bell Ewart Senior Citizens Club recently took bus trip to the new Eatons centre in Toronto The trip was planned by Ross Newlove Gord Kneeshaw was the driver of the bus ELCIIRE Emerson Curtis had score of 85 and Orville Mitchell had 81 iii mens euchre play recently at the Bell Ewart Community Hall They also tied for lone hands Alice Gilligan had 80 and Lily Curtis had 78 in ladies play They also tied for lone hands There will be special prizes the last Tuesday of each month BRIDGE RESILTS Jean Burke and John Hazel were first in northsouth play March 11 at the Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club Russ Church and Heino Lentsius were second and Barb Menezes and Dr John Post nikoff were third In eastwest play Marg Flewelling and Ella Swain were first Sven Hansen and Sherm Boulter second Audrey Mason and Midge Stub bings were third On March 14 John Hazel and Bill DeWitt were first in northsouth play Ralph Brand and John Park tied for second with Russ Chur ch and Heino Lentsius In east west play Danny Schamehorn and Gary Edmunds Scottie Church and Jean Burke second and Marg Flewelling and Bill Purvis third HONOR LERGYMAN The congregations of St Paul St Peter and St John Anglican Churches met recen tly to honor Rev Ron C00 who is retiring from re or Sunday duties after nineteen years gourmet supper was served an there was Gospel singsong Mr Cooper was presented with the gift box con taining $2 bills He was also given recliner rocking chair PLANS FOR EASTER The Womens Missionary Ser vice of Essa Road Presbyterian Church made plans for Easter when it met this week at the home of Margaret Henry Holgate Street The Easter thankoffering meeting will be held in the church auditorium April 17 at pm Bill and Hazel Campbell will show slides and discuss their recent trip to the Holy Land President Donna Stillwell was in charge of the meeting The mission study was led by Muriel Pegg using material om The Glad Tidings Dont keep quiet about rape doctor Crown attorney advise My ROSIIANNII McfAHIC Ilxaniincr Staff Reporter Vitt iiii of rnpc has bcttcr chantc of pro ving her case in court if she secs doctor iin incdiatcly and tells the police according to Tom Ticary Simcoc Countys assistant Irown attornoy and Dr Ruth Sky family physician at Toronto iciicral llospitnl Sonic victims kccp the information to thcmsclvcs Mr Tlcary says and thcrc is often an aura of suspicion of the whole allegation The two were panelists Wediicsday night at the meeting of the South Simcoc chapter of the Registered Nurscs Association of in tario The meeting was held at the on sumcrs ins HIuc Itlamc lititilll The film Frederic Storaska advocatcs go ing along with therapist not sexually but at titudiiially until she gains his confidcncc thn she gains his confidence Storaskas believes she will have better chance to escape Struggling or screaming only poses fur ther threat to the rapist says Storaska who has researched the topic for more than nine years This approach however has caused some controversy among experts who feel this will weigh against the victim in court if it doesnt work The issue of consent becomes very awkward Ileary said Fighting back often provides more evidence for the courts he said But Storaska says the validity of his ap proach lies in the fact the girl is given se cond chance if she tries his approach and it doesnt work then she can scream and strug glc But it you scicnin and stitigglc first and it docsnt work llicii youtc blown it all iii onc try licsays lioth ltr Sky and lcaiv igicc thcy ap proach could bccltcctivc like his approach lh Sky siid how daughtci and Id rather tiavc lltl aliyc and damaged than dcad slic stud Dr Sky is on call at Toronto General Hospital She said the aims of tlic piogram thcrc itlt to cxaminc the victim thoroughly for the tilltt prcparc follow up treatment for the victim if they wish it and to appear in court She said many doctors are hesitant to ap pear in court and thcrcforc dont encourage the pat icnt to press her case Ive been in court many times and its not the terrible extxricncc they think it is Shc said just her presence made one accus ed person change his plea from innocent to guilty Attitudes toward rape are changing she said Judges lawyers and policemen are becom ing more sympathetic to the victim She says they used to see rape as bit of joke with the attitude of well youwcrcwearing nIow cutgownanyway Mr lcary said rape cases are seen now as different types of assault cases Questions in court regarding the victims past life must be directly relevant to the case We dont just go rambling through her past hesaid lir Sky said victims arent dreadfully af fectcd by rape Im impressed by the resilience of the human animal she said Dr Ruth Sky left fainin pliyis in at Toronto iiicral chats with Tom liary assistant crown at llospit al tonicy for Simcoe County and Ann Henderson presi South Sinicoe Registered dent of the chapter of the Nurses Association of On tario Dr Sky and leary were panelists Wednesday night at the meeting of the nurses association held in the Blue Flame Room Con suiners Otis Examiner photo

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