Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1977, p. 3

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¢summmimsia¢gt mx lt Every morning the elder statesmen of llawkestone gather at the general store IIIiI Where elder statesmen gather and swap tales about llawkestone in years gone by Ophie Leigh left and his cousin Frank Leigh drop ped into the store to entertain owners Bob and Judy Fisher with exploits from their past Examiner Photo Margarets next step to take NY apartment magazine NEW YORK CP People magazine says that Margaret Irudeaus next step for per sonal independence will be to take an artment in New York City and egin work on part time basis as photographer But she will stay in New York only part of the week commute ing to her Ottawa residence the publication says The wife of Canadas prime minister earlier denied report in the New York Post Thursday that she intended to move to Manhattan and set up shop as photographer have no intention at all of doing that Mrs Trudeau told an Ottawa reporter for News radio Ltd an organ ization that serves private radio stations in Canada She said she had no iii tention of moving to Manhattan but would work there occasi0n ally and added Im going to be working around the world spokesman for People magazine says writer Robin Leach taped threehour inter view with Mrs Trudeau in New York last week and he con firmed that Margarets words about pursuing photographic career in New York were in the The magazine says Mrs Trudeau disclosed her plans last Friday the last day of what she called in the interview her ultimate freedom trip headlinemaking jaunt that linked her with the Rolling Stones in Canada and the United States know it will blow minds but plan on finding an apart ment in New York the maga zine quotes her as saying Ill commute to Ottawa so can still be Pierre Trudeaus wife and the mother of our three childrenw but also want to be working photographer The magazine reports that she expects to put in threeor fourday working weeks in Manhattan and already has lined up phototaking aSsign ments including two which will take her abroad in the next two months Since 1974 photography has been passion and People quotes Mrs Trudeau as saying For Christmas gave Pierre collection of photos Id taken quietly for the past two years and he thought they were fantastic He was as enthusias tic as was about my going to New York to pursue career DECLINES COMMENT On Thursday at an Ottawa news conference the prime minister said he would not com ment on the New York Post story Examples of her workphoto graphs of Greenwich Village scenes and shots of her friend Princess Yasmin Khan and rock star Mick Jaggerware published in next weeks issue of People Mrs Trudeaus ultimate freedom trip to New York tur ned into something of bum mer as hordes of reporters and photographers besieged her at almost every turn It was like being in front of firing squad with notebooks and Bronzecasting at Georgian Georgian ollege sculptor Peter Dennis right and Creative Arts student Zoltan Markan pour liquid bronze into moulds in the recently complcted foundry at the Barrie campus The moulds are packed in dry sand for support The broiizc which has been heated in melt kiln to temperature of 2000 degrees will set III few minutes and the moulds made of ceramic material can be easily broken away in about ill minutes revealing Jesus was feminist theologian claims KINGSTON Ont CP Jesus Christ was feminist and there are passages in the Bible to prove it says theologian visiting Queens University as part of scholarinrcsidence program Shelley Finson said Thursday in an interview that she is Christian feminist one who combines Christian belief with the ideals of the womens liber ation movement She is the only paid member of project called Movement for Christian Feminism sponv sored in part by the United Church of Canada and the Ang lican Womens lntcrchurcli Council She said an example of lesus empathy with women can be found in Luke where Jesus for gave the sins of Woman of ill repute Ms Finson said she is trying to bring new perspective to the Bible by looking at it from feminist viewpoint As feminist understand that the norm setup was that male and female were created by God and that was good she said found nothing in Genesis that would say males are supe rior to females DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE RIVER GARDEN Tavern Restaurant miles North of Barrie on Hwy II in Gasoline Alley After good home cooked meal stay and enjoy fine music presented by Disc Jockey From 9pm lam Everyone Welcome For Reservation call 7261009 Licensed Under LLBO the still hot sculpture The process used aboic is known as the lost wax pro cess of casting metal or cire perdu in which the artist starts with wax sculpture ml IF YOU DRIV microphones poised to kill me she is quoted in the magazine as saying Theyre talking about making me their new tar get now that Jackie Onassis has quietly gone to work Mrs Trudeau told the maga zine that she believes that all the gossip emanating from her visit to New York started be cause her trip came on her six th wedding anniversary Ive never been one to cele brate anniversaries she is quoted as saying But it was her spending the night at the Stones Toronto ho tel after being Jaggers guest at nightclub concert that set tongues wagging People says she insists her in terest in Jagger was purely photographicthat her at tention was focused mostly on Marion Richard whose parents Anita and Keith the Stones guitariin had been arrested on drug charges IIIIIJSBOY Instead of cavorting around in hallways as was accused of spent most of the time building modcl log houses with Marion 10 floors away she is quoted as saying The next day found him home and school and then ill tended the Stones second recording session But speculation mounted when Mrs Trudeau and lIll Stones minus the Richards flew to New York early last week on separate planes Mar garet is quoted as saying IVllllllllllOIy Pieric has never felt threatened and there liavi never been romantic iii volvcments with anybody but him We both gave up our lovers when we married it Tatar it lit 74¢ EWAY LoOKs Discovered how smog is formed PASADENA Calif AP Dr Arie HaagenSmit who dis covered how smog is formed and then tried to force the oil and auto industries to clean up urban air has died of cancer at the age of 76 His laboratory creation of smog in 1950 at California In stitute of Technology marked breakthrough in the under standing of how sunlight acts on pollutants to form the brown haze that often blankets urban areas His family announced Friday that HaagenSmit died in his sleep Thursday night at his home The biochemist had been ill for several years with cancer of the colon which apparently spread to his lungs said Gra ham Berry spokesman for Cal tech HaagenSmit retired from Caltech in 1971 after having taught and conducted research there for more than 20 years After discovering how smog is created he turned his efforts toward getting the auto and petroleum industries to build cleaner cars and refineries His efforts were met with attempts to discredit his work native of Utrecht the Neth erlands HaagenSmit graduated from the University of Utrecht and received his PhD in 1929 In 1936 he lectured at Harvard then in 1937 joined the faculty at Caltech where he taught until his retirement He is survived by his widow Maria four children and sis ter No charges against Polanski LOS ANGELICS AP No charges have been filed against film director Roman Polanski booked last week for investiga tion in the rape of 13ryearold girl because the investigation has turned up new evidence and is continuing deputy district attorney said Friday Polanski 43 the director of Chinatown and Rosemarys Baby whose actress wife Sharon Tate was murdered by the liarles Manson family seven years ago is free on bail Police ommandcr Peter Ha gan had rcported at the time of Polanskis arrest that thcdircc tor was booked on charge of rape Polanski actually was booked for investigation of rape can promise you that we will file at later date said Deputy District Attorney David Wclls after lolanskis arraigii ment was put to April during brief court hearing Thursday Wells did not say what the new evidence was He has three weeks in which to file formal charges The incidcnt last Friday was alleged to have occurred at the home of actor Jack Nicholson as Polanski photographed the girl for European magazine st If JR IS GOOD IN THE YEAR I999 ITS BECAUSE YOU MADE THE RIGHT DECISION THIS YEAR Twenty ycars hundred years to KNR IlllltASltiNIl Ilt ones that can takc lIll toughest pounding the hardest wear extremes of heat and frost ilIIfI always look as good as the day you set them down The Interlocking Iavnii Hone KNR IHIIAHIUN Ilic lflt variety of shapes and colours allows you to create your own designs Installat ion is fast and Its all the same maintenance free practicality of interlocking paving stone makes it the pcriiiniieiit solution to any driveway problem If youre considering asphalt poured concrete or conventional slabs dont oiisidcr Nit IlltA Slt ll KNR cosy no mortar is required in the joints just sand And the low cost attractive appearance and DURASTONE STONE PAVEMENTS Ld Walkways DrivewaysPoolsides Patios Contact JIM BRADY 212 Victoria St Stroud 4361039 One of the many ways ex perts suggest to save on home heating bills is to in sulate your home properly At the energy forum Thur The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 19 1977 Explaining about insulation sday night at Georgian College Simcoe Insulation Specialities Ltd of Barrie set up display of insulation materials FROM LEFT Barrie residents George Jones and John Viney listen as Paul Tremblay mechanical technology in structor at Georgian ex plains the relative merits of cellulose fibre rock wool fibreglass and vermiculite insulation materials Examiner Photo At least killed in Karachi riots KARACHI Reuter At least 17 people were killed to day in savage riots in Paki stanslargestcity The government imposed curfew on the city after eight hours of clashes and major fire which destroyed state owned motor vehicle assembly plant Troops patrolled the main troublespots warning people through loudspeakers that they risked being shot if they ven tured into the rubblestrewn streets Riots began Friday over the arrest of six opposition leaders in the protest movement again Calls for action on seat belt law TORONTO CP Trans portation Minister James Snow said Friday that stricter en forcement of Ontarios seat belt legislation is necessary to increase the number of drivers and passengers using seat belts and to reduce traffic deaths Miracle Service with Bill Prankard Holt of the television series The Masters Touch BARRIE MARCH 26th 730 pm BARRIE CENTRAl COllEGIATE Dunlop Street West st Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto The worst violence flared in the district of Pathan where 13 people were shot and killed in gun battle between political op ponents Reporters at the scene said all 13 were shot in house which was then set ablaze The reporters were told that supporter of Bhuttos Pakistan Peoples Party had opened fire from inside the house on group of Pathans sympathetic to the opposition The Pathan tribesmen who come from the northwest fron tier besieged the house and killed everyone inside the re porters said Fires burned in various parts of the city as rioters set fire to at least 15 shops five large buildings three movie theatres and about 10 buses Four persons were killed and at least 100 injured in similar protests Friday The opposition has charged that Bhutto rigged the March elections It wants him to step Come believing God to meet your needs The Masters Touch Sundays CHCII TV 830 run down and surrender rule to would conduct new elections caretaker government which under army supervision This ad will save you 15 off the cost of insulating your attic with cellulose fibre for the month of March only Discount CAll TODAY NNISFIl 4364899 NSUlATION Present this ed at time of free estimate my ce cockbum by ROGER HER PAT REY BILL USHE AT THE GEORGIAN THEATRE 900 PM SAT APRIL 977 AdvonceTickets $500 AttheDoor $600 Tlckot ovoloblo at SAM TIIE RECORD MAN MUSIC WORLD TIIE IANDSTAND GEORGIAN THEATRE IOX OFFICE Breathtaldng land of silent splendor One week incl airfare from Toronto Cruise the spectacular inside passage No imagination will ever match the wonders of Alaska ltmni Ketcliikan to Junoiufroin Sitka to Glacier Bay Alaska is Mother Nature at her very best Features include Quebecair between Toronto and Vancouver Free inflight meals and bar All transfers and baggage handling One week cruise aboard ss Ve icniz M99 while they last Cruise only one week from Vancouver An exceptional opportunity See Western Canada and Alaska tool Include Strands fabulous Alaska cruise with your other vacation plans From plus taxes 32 Departs Every Sat May 28 Sept 24 1977 hi my Round trip jet flight via Transair andor All meals with choice of menu NewlAsk your travel agent Airconditional carpeted cabin with private about Strand 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