from the Middle East potential for substantial from other countries Circulation Clossdied Advertising All Other Departments ll3th year No 65 Lloyd ook left was at Midhurst Thursday to pre sent an award for conserva tion of funbearing animals to the lluronia District of the The lluronia District of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has been named wm ST ANIliUNY Nfld Ili Brigitte Bardot and the Green peace Foundation of British Co Iumbia appeared Thursday night to be at the point of join ing forces against the seal hunt but it was unlikely the French actress would be on the ice to day for confrontation with RCMP While Miss Bardots imme diate plans remained un Gets hearing adjournment preliminary hearing for Robert Rowbothain charged with trafficking in hashish oil has been put over to April 26 Rowbotham and his co accused John Mepstead ap peared in provincial criminal court today in Barrie to ask for the adjournment The two are still involved with drug trial in Braniption which Itowbothain told ludge Don Inch could take another two to three weeks The two appeared in court shortly before the 1030 am deadline Iudge Inch set when they failed to appear at the opening of the 10 am court Jud Ie Inch said he would issue iench warrants for their arrest if they failed to appear The minister who tabled in the Commons reports from his department showing that the exists said were living in dreamland if we think we ll always get large amounts of oil World oil supplies are dropping and EXAMINER TELEPHONES East is oil discoveries years The de partment reports say cubic feet of natural gas and about 85 billion forecasts say that by the middle of the 19805 the OPEC countries may not be able to meet all the demands of the consumin countries In addition the minister sai the Middle litically unstable area and there is signi icant possibility of major in terruption in oil shipments in the next five 85 trillion barrels of oil have been discovered The coun 7266539 72824 7266537 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and got friendly greeting from wellcon served timber wolf Holding ner of the Ontario Trappers Associations Jules Perron kin servation Award as Ontarios certain Greenpeacer Patrick Moore said his organizations protestors would be at the hunt 55 miles northeast of here despite federal fisheries ser vice request for RCMP officers to enforce seal protection regulations under the Fisheries Act Weather was expected to create difficulties today for protesters and police alike The weather office said Mythks mir Ara you sure this Carter fellow didn have speaking part in Gone With The Wind try now uses 14 trillion cubic feet of gas and the playful wolf who also tried chewing the plaque is conservation officer Murray Townes of the ministry outstanding contributor to the conservation of furbearing animalsandtheirhabitat Bardots plans uncertain in seal hunt confrontation southeast winds of up to 30 knots with heavy snow every night would change early today to southwest but visibility would be no more than one to six miles too risky for helicop ters to fly Moores said he thinks Miss Bardot she is looking for people to bring her into this movement Ilc ke in an in terview at liourres du Blane Sablon Que early today The Greenpeace headquarters is at motel in the town across the Strait of Belle Isle Moores said he had initiated discussion with Miss Bardot and found her very sensitive person She cries when she hears of seals being killed The actress once had pet seal of different species Miss Bardot arrived Wednes day at the invitation of Franz Weber Swiss who opposes the hunt Weber said late Thursday Miss Bartlet would return to Paris today for demon stration Saturday against the hunt But Moores said it was pos sible she would join the Green peacers on the ice at some point When asked if Miss Bardot would be at the hunt today he said What do you think No Well be facing the RCMP about 730 million barrels of oil annually But it also says there is good chance that significant additional supplies of oil and gas will be found with most of the new reserves coming in the frontier areas of the North and the eastern offshore POTENTIAL VAST The study says there is 90 per cent chance that up to 229 trillion cubic feet of gas and 25 billion barrels of oil will be discovered Even more oil and gas might be found but the probability is lower Both Gillespie and his officials warn that there is heck of big difference between proven reserves and potential As one of ficial said the only certainty about the new figures on potential is that they will change They say the report is based on how much oil and gas the department feels will be avail able for discovery but no consideration of the economics has been included further study considering the economics as well is expected to be available by about the middle of the year the officials say It The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Friday March 18 1977 Trappers in the district occa sionally come up with timber wolf ook said but not often IIxaiiiiner Illotol Huronia District is Winner of annual conservation award Lloyd fook of Barrie association president made the presentation to district manager Dennis Schafer Thursday at the districts Midhurst headquarters The twoyearold award is named for the late Jules Per roii former director of the association Cook praised the districts work in trapper education humane trapping trapline management and conserva tion As result of the ministrys efforts he sai we have more furbearing animals in this district than when my father wastrapping It was the lluronia district he said which developed technique of rejuvenating beaver ponds by planting oplar slips to provide food for eaver and incidentally for deeraswell The district has sent 16 employees to courses on trapp ing he said and in turn con ducts seminars to educate trap pcrs on humane trapping techniques biology and other useful subjects Conservation officers from the district also make regular tours of traplines with trap pers he said and two minist ry employees are always prscnt at any meeting of trappers in the district The lluronia district takes in all Simcoe County plus most of Dulfeiiii and small part of Muskoka There are an estim ated 300 trajlipers working in the district ant value of furs taken this year is expected to reach $450000 Species trapped include beaver muskrat fox brush wolf fisher otter mink and rarely timber wolf likely will reduce the current estimates of petroleum potential Gillespie says one certainty is the need for higher prices for petroleum products but it is not yet clear how high the price will have to go discoveries are made Even in the frontier the bulk of the supplies will come from offshore areas 0hr iï¬arrir Examinrr IS Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85lt Weekly Much of the resource potential lies in the frontier areas of the North and the east coast offshore and will be expensive to produce if to accept fuel price boost Gillespie 0TTAWA CP Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie said Thursday the country is going to have to accept higher oil and natural gas prices in order to reduce its reliance on oil risks with very say hostile environments and attendant high costs logistical problems and environmental Gillespie and his ex sands and heavy oil deposits of Alberta and Saskatchewan as major potential source of oil saying they could yield anywhere from 80 to 200 billion barrels of oil Cost of oil from the sands could be as much as $15 to $17 barrel compared with the cur rent domestic oil price of $975 the officials perts still view the oil WEATHER FORECAST 16 Pages PM on Quebec Englishspeaking Ottawa would step in if rights curtailed St Pat hat spat TIAWA Ii An Iriin gesture by Sinclair Stcvcus ltIt YorkSiiiicoci during it Commons debate on the economy drew an angry out burst Thursday Iron lid Broadbent New Iciiiocratic Party leader Stevens celebrating St Patricks Day entered the ommons wearing green but while Broadbcnt was delivering an angry speech about unemployment When Speaker James Jerome askcd Stevens to remove IllS hat IIIIIllt Minister Donald Maidoiiald sprang to IllS ItItlltt otlci mg to quote ltllcs gtllip4illlllL Stcvcns right to car hat Macdonald said Stevcin had only to take olt IIIS but while addressing the Speaker Mr Jeromcagrced Ihc prearranged joke did not sit well with Broadbcnt The Nlll leader inter rupted in midspeech leaped to IllS feet to denounce Stevens saying that any aiiadiaii of Iriin descent would hold him in contempt torliis action 1t boggles the mind Broadbent said that Stevens would try such frivolous gcsturc iii the midst of such an important discussion IIe quoted stitstics to the tilllllltillS SlltilllL that 41 pci cent of ill those who coiiiiiiittcd sliicidc Ill Van couver last year were out of work tor them uniiiiploy Illlllt was serious No service cutback by area Red Cross The Barric ind IllSllltI branch of thc tunidmn ross Society will not bc illIlIIlt back in IIS services to lllt com munity this year even though it probably wont get the ltIlltllllL it had Iiopcd for from the Barri and District Iiiitid ppcal The Imth Appeal ot which it is an agency thI signiticaiit Iy short of IS target during ll caiiipziign last tall That likclj means lIlIilllllitllI lll local funding said branch president Ilon Iiittick think wi will be cut back from thc budch submitted last year It we dont get adequate funds to cover our costs We can do two IllllllS We can curtail our services or we can ask In tario division ot the ltcd Trossi tolend us support The local branch IS opting tor the latter Thus funds to sup port the Barrie operation this year will come from other com munitics III the province if our expenditures are in excess ol ctl IIUZSIIIIZNI AIIIIIII kceps promise DUBLIN tlteuter habit the Irish and others 7A PSULE NE WS US lifts travel ban in perfect parading weather our rcunuc tiltl imagine they III bcf Inttn said Vcrc not tr mg to cut back on tlYIt us were tr mg to llli pltiyt thciii hi commented ittci Thursday annual iiiiituig ot lhc lociil branch of it xiidriws Presbyterian Ibnrch thittick returning as prcsi lcnt ot thc Barrie branch fora lIlIll tlillSttllIlYl year said that iniplcnicntation ot the region ihsin concept will be one of lhc major cliaIIingcsof the new year IIi Illl II The Home branch has been lcsigniited as key branch iii the new breakdown ot the province iiito l3 regions Itiiltll region has key branch which has the rcspoir sibitity of providing the other branches within IIS area with resource material and leader ship There are li branches in Bar rics icgion ISIIINI iAIi An executive order that has kept HIT0115 from traveling to tour oininuiiist countries expires today This means tltlltllS may travel anywhere in the world for the lust time in 27 years President arter announc ed nine days ago that he would not renew the ban on trach by INS citizens to lnba Vietnam North Korea iiidimbodia The restrictions had been renewed Stllllllllllllillly by previous adniinistrations but artcr decided they were inconsistent with his tllll iiiitiiieiit to international humanrights IRA guerilla captured 77 me of Britains most wanted men guerrilla Kieran McMorrow has been captured after gunbattle near the Northern Iriin border police said Thurs ff day McMorrow 20 had dodged arrest since 1973 when he headed list of guerrillas suspected of bombings and murders in England He had number of spectacular escapes from British law before being caught by Irish troops after gunfight on farm In London Scotland Yard said it was in toltch with the Iriin police but no extradition request for McMorrow had yet been made Great day for the Irish By THE ASSOCIATED PIIIISS Paying homage to Thristian saint in particular the heritage of Ireland in general and good spirits jiist out of celebrated St Patricks Day Thursday The biggest celebration was in New York where an estimated lZIti00 marchers took part in the worlds secondbiggest parade after Moscows May Day Perhaps million people watched from the sidewalks of Fifth Avenue Joseph Nugent who sent the marchers off with blast of his whistle at noon wore green tie with his blue policeinans uniform In Dublin an estimated 6000 Americans watched or marched in the Iriin Republics biggest parade Among them was the Sliriiiers rieiital Band comprising l20 Iowans none of Iriin extrac tion OTTAWA CPI The federal government would intervene if the Quebec government cur tailed the rights of its English speaking minority or tried to act as an independent country in international affairs Prime Minister Trudeau said Thurs day The Quebec government would not be permitted to dis regard the constitutional rights of the provinces minorities in cluding the federal Official Languages Act which promotes the use of both Fren ch and English Trudeau told his weekly news conference He was commenting on Que bec members of aiiadian delc gallons to international confer ences in Brussels and Argen tina this week announcing they would speak only for their prov ince and not for anada as whole The federal government would also not permit Quebec to develop an international jxrsonality by acting as an iii dcpcndent nation at iii tcrnat ional conferences Trudeau cautioned English anadians not to expect threats to national unity to disappear even if Quebecers oppose indiL leter Reiuo Hustlers womens volleyball team is practising in earnest in preparation for the Mario pendence in Premier Rene Le vesques referendum WONT LIE DOWN If there is an active dedi cated energetic minority of 40 per cent they are not going to lie down the day after refer endum and say We love Can ada Separatism would not die un less the cause was clearly clob bered he said Trudeau reiterated his view that Quebec independence is not negotiable subject with him But if Levesque wished to discuss new association the federal government was willing Speaking on the recentlyan nounced inquiry into an alleged separatist bias in the Canadian Broadcasting Corp Trudeau said all of the networks em ployecs even the many separa tists working there must pro mote national unity By law the publiclyowned network must promote national unity Iie said Separatists could work there but inUst not use their positions to promote Quebec independence It was wrong to say the CB must have profederalist bias he said That was Iikesaying an Up and at em junior and senior finals in early pril Kay Root of Woodbridge is veteran member of the Ilustlers and employee of bicycle shop had bias in favor of bicycles Trudeau also touched on eco nomic issues saying unemploy ment figures released earlier this week showing the highest jobless level since the 19505 re sulted partially from decrease in the attractiveness of Canadian exports Canadas trade imbalance had caused ldpercent deval uation of the Canadian dollar forcing Canadians to pay more for imported goods and making us 10 per cent poorer than we were year ago Canadians must realize this and not ask for higher prices and wages he said Trudeau refused to comment on New York Post story quot ing his wife Margaret as saying she will open photography studio in Manhatten Mrs Trudeau however denied the story Speaking on rumors that Manitoba Premier Ed Schreyer wants to return to federal poli tics Trudeau said he had heard the New Democrat wanted to lead his party through the next provincial election Its up to him to say hes available for job in Ottawa MW of the reasons for the clubs success to date Ex aminer Photo