14 The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 10 1977 st found BROACH LOST Monday downtown west end of post office area or In front of Canada Trust large round silver with amber stones Cairngorm Sentimen tal value Reward 7288082 71 help wanted AV ELECTRONIC 42 articles wanted BUYING Coin Collections Hoards or accumulations paying 100 over face for all UNCLAIMED FREIGHT ALL THE HELP YOU NEED Safety Inspection slurs no RIGHT HER Ioelm to rent 32oers for sale FU RNISHED BACHELOR apartment 3190 month overlooking the lake Par Jclng included year lease required and references Call 7260241 7268420 BEDROOM countyapartment for rent south of Barrie Telephone 4589450 THREE BEDROOM upstairs Apt Elmc Special Offer 202 DUNlOP for makes models JUST wrsror BARRIE ARENA vale area heat and hydro supplied 51 95 Tcermcoe pHONE Silver Canadian coins 1966 and reasonable rent Includes parking 300 f0 P3543333 °° °I°7fff °°°dM°° 7262900 igiéiitvsfloiir TECHNICIAN Call George Fox 7261711 SMALL room apt near Barrie Plaza summed mechanics OPEN Need help Jusi look over he 0dS below The advermers share kitchen and bath S35 weekly or Applications are being received Canadian Stamps from technicians experienced in $140 monthly Includes heat and hydro II ssu re of the Phonenooasveveninos MARSHARCHER MOTORS 60 Rs WEEK listed are experts in their lie and WOWCd the repair of sound proiectors BEDROOM upper apartment 3190 167 amdiord 51 finest lob poswble Mintond Used tape recorders television month 39 Donald Street Heat and hydro supolied Fridge included Phone TThsMu 371599 betweens and pm CALL 7263162 receivers and video tape recor ders Technician to service school equipment in central area of Simcoe County from the BEDROOM basement apartment heat hydro and all appliances supplied 5165 month 39 Donald Street Phone 7371599 between and pm M12 CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre NEVER BEFORE 1975 TRIUMPH TRo Yellow with roll bar radio and rust proofed also radial BRAND NEW snow tires Included Less than 20000 PECE miles not yet2yrsold inexcellentcon l950i19ms7337 Technical Service Centre Tgwo BIEDROOM apartment $225 dltion Telephone4246403 llVlNG ROOM JIM Ions DRESSMAKNG INCOME TAX RENTALS ALil CASH for ggszLgqniture pictures loco in Barrie Preference 1y aso one bedroom 8195 mon hy mi lADiES AND entlemens alterations 26 DRESSES if made by JOSlE Aoumo income TAX rgturns rdAn usBar the EFF919 came Tv rergeramr and sIove Ingludr lesizla Mary St Telep one 7373432 or residence Specializing In pantsuits gowns and altera r1 area SSUp gobspgn 4245 10 alter AUCTION SALE everY TUGS nighlt be glven applcans WIh ad Queen street Available immediate mspmoiing Ming glaling excellent 7288446 tions42 Eumia Sl tan7266000 Sand weekends pm Beginning March every Sunday at least years experience in LY72£1EU59I on at pm Consigned merchandise Wei BEDROOM apt on Napier St ALUMINUM WALL repair or applicants who have successfully completed year electronic course at com comed Old Canada Bread Building Hwy No 11 at IOth Conc of Ora For in ferrnationiphone 4872044 or 4873226 44dogs and pets minute from Simcoe Plaza Ist and last months rent $200 monthly includes heat For appointment call 7372614 after Available April Everything For Entertaining MOT DRYWALL Tables Chairs dishes glasses on aprl res en etc 10b 00 or MIL We DeliverReserve Now condition $2600 or best offer Telephone 7221 1970 CHRSYLER 300 Power stee brakes and windows doors radial tires airconditioned 62000 miles Cer titled $1000 or best offer 7371406 or DELIVERED munity college Duties to com ggï¬ Ergggigdï¬goabépggï¬ï¬ng 7286532 manna EAVESTIDUGNING compleIe Ascoumng 7371388 EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums mence as soon as possible fish plants all accessories Lowest sublet with new furniture throughout to 73 CADLLAC E°°° hadlw An Tiffm st Borne Starting rate $462 per our In be purchased atalractton ofcost0nly4 5V9 Nellab °P° 5098 onoMAN WW VESTROUGHING 5° prtce143Ardagh Ram 0094 throughout$4900 Telephone7283004 trou hln lnstallodColl72B6628 months old Phone 7267996 Bookkeeping SerVIces SWIVEL ROCKER ROOFING BARRIE PooDLE SaTohshampooino l9f95ed P650715 bPl9°59 c13P rr SUPERIOREAVESTROUGHINGSpscloIlIlsIce and clipping of all breeds Sophia in writin on or afora Marc °NE BEDROOM ap°e 56 LITIgmaTIETITiï¬y coititcspegciéoo°titf BACK Am and showremovalfromraofs onlyFreeesti °Year end Financtal Statements streetEast7264141 18 19779 mthwEfgï¬ggg sitgvnï¬eléigtgles new snows extra tires Excellent Conl matesCo114241956New Lowell T4s and Roofing New Asphalt shingles F3666LE TRTMM on dition Certified Telephone 7260032 and last months rent Suit middleaged couple No pets 84 Worsley Street evenings lihouses to rent PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake For In Repalrs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 14168957533 collect Siding Eavestrough ELECTRICAL Olncome Tax returns Soffit Windows AND ROOFING New and old RIpalrs PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial For an appomtment Focla Doors Residential Industrial Installations and ser Fr maes9897 anybpfl DB gt Shutters OAwnings vlce7264996 Your convenience VTA AdditionsRooting SIMCOE iiicnuc PHONE 4364952 IUI Audio Visual Centre Simcoe County Board of Education 295 Edgehill Drive Barrie Ontario L4M454 grooming all breeds Map and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio DOBERMAN PiNSCHER male years good disposition show quality and breeding stock From Ravenalre Kennels Leduc Alberta Telephone 4241930after5p evenings 1974 AUSTIN MINI 1000 Blue very good condition low mileage certified Asking $1150 Phone 7370492 alter pm Any time Saturday and Sunday 1974 MERCURY MONTEGO door M1112 power steering power brakes radiO ONE sTLkYtoyterrEFloiSSETIiyVéEks ormanon can Ham nm 77623 Excellent condition Certified Tele Porch Endosires Indus° commerdal Old male$25 Phone 72678049 geningstm9682 90993lr319m Sl°new°r Residential Farms Ltï¬OME TAX rottttirnht0 Propamdhlfr anti Hauooï¬ng Tar POODLE months old purebred ht anus arm on me lit 00 mgaefiliï¬gcirndéfysetEu€9Â¥l$7 127135935653Stoï¬laéitogniiiitléeitié Forlree 05106 llghtmg des9 vaei £is7iaï¬orIeT23ltt2foSifziitgltiéttififi Posmon stove parking Call between and payments Southern USA car Telephone CallPHlL SPURLING Electrtcolconsulttng TAx RETURNS prepared Qualified nx Tbypooï¬ï¬gpuggfan 5715335 ï¬iflï¬zm77£LLWW Egg 7266907 20yrs experience Wisjggngiggzï¬gggf C0 NEW 8110 Repalrs weeks old male female 3125 Phone person to issue and control THREE bedr°°m W595 MI em 19 COUGAR WV wm mar City Masters Llc 116 Eavesimughing 797M eYIEflIY2 purchase orders for mechanical range $750 to $310 For further par intertor 351 auoma ic power steer ng Aiocalpamily Business tAx RETURNS prepared personal small pooDLE pups tor sale miniature ticulars call 7253757 and brakes radio rear defroster 411110 77WAMA 77 buslneu farm Reasonable Call 7284634 or Commercial purebred males white weeks old and GIGCHCOI maleral For éENrrEi°égsiaï¬alr ï¬re65W mggagxgeglentgrédlt02égh020ar$ng ALUMmuM wmmwi doc Mini 50 4589172 anytmo 575 each Telephone 726 777 thorough knowledge of bedroom fully furnished home Four 72 ore BRAND NEW Fascia and trough all colours 20 year INCOME TAX returns done lrom your home HESldenllaI giggle lo manufacturin maerials and appliances plus color television S400 PT 8m CHESTERHHDS ggoroqloo4246q71r Poer 901100 Prompt 000 monthly Available immediately Apply weeks old blonde male and female CKC registered Champion blood line 6200 Phone 4361052 1968 CHEV van real good condition For estimates call 57000 miles standard can be certified Roeer bOYCHOFF Excavating haulage °b9°953°7P13°532 COMPIETE WIT septic systems trenching loader work in writing to Box T38 The Barrie Ex aminer capability to deal with suppliers Ph 728 3725 55 is essential Typing is an asset rvr LRle ATT ELECTROLux CatiddaLId authorized sales av1436455345164257 GERMAN SHEPHERD female years solo comm mum Wm ex ROOM HOUSE 599 1973 PLYMOUTH Fury 14 door sedan OgdiorxiceLlEAllignce95517289 wiimzï¬mm OFESSIONALLANDSCAHNGdummwp old and male pup months old for SSIrZTEtSircfsrgesolBWéï¬iflii333 38 mmaic cumn 77 uroiEPMis ondSont R112 Miriam97267630 piled Treeremoval Custom sprayingLr hr cAr saler7PhoVne322 235177 77 penance last months rent in advance1Availble Efficcsegl5 °r be oner ca 7267255 WEST GROVE bd 79m SEWING MACHINES sogarden supplies REVEL immediately References elep one LL ELL 7251319 between am pm ggfdngzl ogodzritlresszclilaghglsincayltngg 5ngarni1llA5gogn 0f17d Itaaprznissse TROpchL pLANTS varieï¬es Big loomed plants our specialty Brays Garden TriageEDStgyeM Iaï¬gylyardroagllandale Tennessee IIed serous nqures DELIVERED 22941 Bcckhoe Excav MASON block and Nick unplug SINQE TMINEDIEVVCWTJ wll°° EZI Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 73 Moï¬row Rood aréa Available immediately 527s °YP°E°59°°Z°3 BIRD HOUSE Trenchin No lob too small Reasonable romf g°mk gmrggdci 57vetockfor sale Barrie0nt motilitygallsnjggyaj37959 76 PACER 0s Sgeed 9° kl 7373357 7mm AWWm 7262900 mA M10 AVAILABLE MARCH 15 townhouse 23 giggiieSggoï¬irxséflflgzgnï¬s PURPlEMANTIN Homerowo Applyaln H°1°° A9°9 MASONRY BRICK and block work SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and Will appliances bedmomst NCPEO 9°°9989997715399 Fireplaces chimneys etc ll Rochey New Horse Trailers Several makes broaatoomed Rent $305 month plus LyiéAgréRseeérifg agglgattlacbepggce luxu GROWING DRUM LESSONS Starter oqulpmenlprovidod 7285380 SEW TECH pg Aisolaase and rentals7261551 utilities Call Harry Magill PEDresen 519 so inngrs and admitde at 77 Dunlo Â¥LLLWLL hmi peclat re VITL LouGewemondt Real Estate 7234057 and rear speakers 46000 mtles good Liogydcobmi 7264721 Ripucs MICROWAVE OVENS makes industrial domestic sewing ma HARNESS RE AIRS 05 equp If YOU W°nl Work 0P or72o3864 condition$2795 Phone7282655 hrr ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains wick 737 2982 chines New used Agents Brother Sewing DELL MICROWAVE M991993737é7 EME proximately hrs daily days gt INEF NIT RE BEDROOM house with double garage 1971 FORD Meteor Rideau 500 station It baths Barrie Tall Trees area Call wagon with power steering brakes and Fun pm week no saurdcys or Elï¬nale 3272559 4gOOFS GOOCI body MUST be seen 3950 AND General Contractor Kitchen rec sonlce HOhduysr BEDROOM older home with garage 999779915 °° °°V°° °dd° WP Among Litton Panasonic we SPECIALIZE in show blowing of dames with over 15000 lbs milk hodovalid driverslicence Edge of Barrie Close to shopping Gar 1966 FORD cylinder automatic 2219239735°7 Specializing in natural stone d5VW0YS FO 09 WWW Ca 10 P°9737 0697 over 21 yrs of age den land available Adults preferred certified4075309 CARPENTER Specializing rec rooms in IOC it 05 OOYO 73709660rDon7372859 $230 month Available April ISt Reply T9774 VEGA Cfrairrcmdiygmmg good toriot remodelling trim etc Please call anhque poss medical 95TUABEWEEETIW Condition will certify $2500 or best of 773539 °°9i Custom built and designed Agnano sunt DéKALB EEADO 1376M Then we want YOU BEDROOM bungalow for rent in Bar flflfléfljllffiw WWW CEDAR DECKS rooms extension etc warran on Utiets avanameA m9 ndjune rieilocatedAgnes Street90° monthlt 1976 GRAND Torino door hardtop RETURN To Eujlrgnperwvcod 7769001779260 AllWOkmOPShIP Quownleed YAniano fi3°¥o2ï¬ $22le Aglgopfarm fresh egg Criig Hunter COHMrS NmLsfhone4240548ir11ntormatton 11000 miles still under warranty This SENSIBLE pmcmc CAtiiNcT MAKER European trained Ktt mm Ensu 73748 75 mm OWN 7330 poulry Farms smug Stock Brothers School Bus Lines BEDROOMmobiIe home for rent 5225 car ls like brand new Owner transfer hens vanities Pine furniture renovations ave up on r0 gull55 YEAR OLD HE NS Dressed ready I0 month with fridge and stove Located 311 Brittle 59 CEILBQZilï¬gï¬ PCE BEDROOM 9300 D°m°3lt CommGCOl 776 T7 7264177 do lot and idwiml womb my the freezer to pounds 5135 each Shady Acres Trailer Park On lake 1968 PONTIAC very good condition 7919 ndabte7767757 Free delivery on orders of 25 or over 11 PCL KITCHEN STONEWORK and lireplaces specialty Vic vrm Pmm VW 77 77 19110093221543 Asking $6 or best OIIET TGlEPhone LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes Watson in imm 7784599 NT SIMPSON Phone 372lll5 BEDROOMS baths master bed Pjfliuarmï¬iï¬ï¬‚ï¬ PC VINO ROOM collages renovations moons Solsluctton an gowplowmg c833z°ffom°° wfeedseed rain radio has piece ensuite rec room 1972 PONTIAC cylinder door for is ii In 92019093948996JCOlswcllen76746 FIREWOOD WARREN BROWN Mom who berg SNOWF Emir7 double garage large lot $335 monthly saleTelephone7372125after51159m CONSTRUCTION licenced carponiors km don Good 72895 ROWNi °° HAY 2000 bales otltrstand second cut T777Â¥TiTAAV VA xlm v7h HivÂ¥ Larry Thompson represent Tau us 1969 NOVA 55 vs sandardl 3560 low BACK Am for renovations additions homes cottagu SEASONED MAPIE Ash El appro only 7I7325aa afgnohe Ar °° dry stored Phone 835 2512atter6pm BEBEiae Udl73QL gear 411 post 3500 Telephone Bryan OTTDMAN Fl If 4351995 °9 5mg °d moo DIIV HT irqéf in can BALES oi good quail hay Lo 20 Make moneY Whle Ihe kds are ROOM FURNISHED mobile home for 31617 afters pm SNOW PLOWING realdentlal cammercml anywhere Phone 7283775 or 7373653 CNESTENEIELD GunAR LESSONS Clank and 909mm also general contracting Crawlord Const ltd 7266162 Mo sum your WW moms 040 S11°fl951fl9194991323i Revitalize your carpets wtlhA ofpgt gloom HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and ACCORDION guitar piano organ mm SNOWPLOWINC l°b5 050 00 rent Washer dryer stove fridge Like new Call 4357559after6 pmL Conc Vespra Township Phone 705 726 1120 HAY FOR SALE lst cut no rain in school Instead of waiting in the house for the kids to come 1975 Vplyrnouth doster power steering power brakes slant six automatic Easi ly certified Good condition Telephone FOR RENT Inniisfil Township home become an AVON leared Heatin cables Installed 4362387 Prior 87 570 bedroom IarmrlOUSe at 12th ConceSSIort 4589083 affer4pm 726 637i finish old and trim uaanQQd not to and advanced months trial instrument an 20 Sidemad beglnmng Apr 1971 MAVERTCK 302 ytiï¬soeastan RENT To OWN Pym chip orpeqel 10250341 loaned lor home practice Canadian Aca KENS SNOWPLOWING Residential $400 HAY FOR SALEr 300 bales of quality ePesenIOWe YOU 199 1977Rent$175 per month tenant pays dam 5m buckeyseam yam BRAND NEW CARPET INSTALLATION 55371131MuiiiiyvEgyliild£lr799LÂ¥7r Commercial $1500 hour 4362695 utter $312125de omwnrolOSalwn people earn money and be HMï¬ggmflggflflr maculate condition 77 plate sticker WALL to WALL FORK um DRUM LESSONS Starter equipmentpravldad mopBALES gnaw or sale 60 cents home belore they get there For TOWNHOUSE FOR ENT bedrooms st Certied best offer 7261482 WHOS my ed 72 broadloomed4 maior appliances Avail 0330 IY99°d °9°bl° 34 hï¬iï¬iffwafli oh u£$3ï¬ 7337533 °p STUCCO per bale Phone 705 436 3167 details call 7285809 am tos vw WW awe Apr $265 mommy ca 7° METEOR cemmd New CERAMICS Iocale the exact forklill you require Call pAlmmG RUSSELL TEXTURE srRAv Exterior stucco BELEBHAYIOJdSrfe iS fnd Seam rim or thte PO BOX 485 775319HED0ME rwv automatic transmission 302 V8 new 51oouun interior textured walls and ceilings Free fBarrfécggtjghonea71f23520 some RNIS orrentwi new 156000rbstof 11 DISPNBOCGS in Angus bedrooms $290 Igrréscoggogegzhltfazfnlely car 7367 0288 ngfgffésarfs 00 and we mg NANDYMAN yttuNGA TANINE d°° $7323 on Russ Mm um elephone TOP QUALITY hay and straw for sale WTltM10 mogthty Phone 4246763 days or 424 6801 after400 Am mm 33335336963 952m°d no Telephonoiar 2619aftorop nig fsAvailablenow 1975AUSTINMARINA4cylinderradial WAYNE FOLEY Professional pow rr bitpasture wanted ggï¬oï¬gfï¬ï¬s Eï¬tï¬ï¬sngngSi 95 USIPVOOedr excellenl C°di° COL0R TELEVISIONS ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING oosras toner and Interior Free estimates Work THE TAILOR SHOP 2Fred GrorttSt Chamber rv Class Engineer quied Big Bay Poi area Can Phone7288552 afterSDm gt My penance TelephonaJBSomeu 436 7299 Gore as cleaned guaranlood 7267389 commune 3Ude lam ï¬lming and CATTLE PASTURE water shade and I418775982 I969 TCTIRYSTER NEWFORT Power low COMMERCIAL ha 56 de gouging Mung Olliratiorts gt gig énx 900 80611 Reply Box T53 00139 NEW SemidetaChéa73 steering 90W brakes door sedan 5439 WEEKLY r05 away tartar exterior paper hanging custom work ADVANCE CUSTOM Tatlotiitg all kinds of am 3WT botlers Deamms brwdmmed and beauimy Ve 383d 239 écVttrtB°2€sS 36 MONTH FACTORY COMMERCIAL ARTIST to dough art JUST GIVE US 5°°9FE°1lf7999909 °°° WON Dunk 67frUIISvegetables water softeners finished Available immediately Call 1897 zbz work layout etc Plese cal collect 416 YOUR HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex 7296450 APPLES IS 18 and do Maintenance Gar DAmbrosio 7263422 or 7372043 sun very letior wa tin sfo 11 ppy ooeant on on repryesenting OR DAmbrosia Realtor good condition Track tape player and 26 and limwp7372130705733233 Iovzsl ression Oro 726 1907 7288489 Closed on same MODERNrrTrzTTio Tor rent 09 9h 395 ceped CUSTOM FENCING 4875525 726344 rr Sundays Yourcomainer5 bedrooms living roomusgining room Telephones 5059 Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes poTATOES FOR SALE No sebago Canadian MIST DISIII BIS car garage Referehces required 1972 EL CATATNJVT automatic power RESIDENML FENCNG 00 WW MTV I° 530 WEV on 82 leop Eu cuswm 121 AZ 35123 Y°° 75 lb bags Charles Ellsmerc Phone Collingwood Ont Availableimmiediately Call4584389 fzggringbznp pawergrrarkeshgagsl tatzteesr °° pmpw 737 WEflANDTCOTTAGE illamtananco PairT framing of all types We stock many sins V9 DIGGING 778 4956 Phone Collect Ro HOME Shant Ba tin Pl mbln Roof and him re lrs Ph 7203270 arcéfgn taoroe lot Phohe nitsalt oetl GREMLW AWFM COMPARE ANYWHERE cunums duo °° 3953993 7054454690 weenoIO 1976 ereo semaczitcueosoéaroomgiarge liv track rear 091999 new 95 Ge mm or heavy draperies try comaone WIAGE ABBEYWOOD LONE STAR HOLIDAY THE SUN L°m°° Th TF ingrown and when baseman ltl2e9djllobfl3m111583871850 or best offer BRAND NEW Com th and my palm WAVE wk man may CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING WE DIGGING At Treasure Island St Peter or will BayIa aiabt$th imnusriiNomriaï¬isism KING K011 RETISio3923S°05353° c° °° comm batonm nm or any RETAIL COMMERCIAL sburg Florida We have vacan oooxrecoco WITH Supervisory ex ggnwyanéccsli 15s ea eeo he with positraction new brakes and ball P93Call9hh77267m7 CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE STROUD cies from April onward when peerJence irija moegiicrgl orgégclatreeds ficeldi rrrWi verse in BEDROOM in Brentwood fridge and °5 headers and agï¬wcrksxtgkesa nous HOME IMPROVEMENTS prices are low EIIICIenCy Units Fleming and Associatgs 7283309 any stovesupplied31705 month utilities not 50 ggaispuciiifncags 03 °m°mings 00x SPRINGI MATTRESS U9 included First and last months rent time for further information R6I9l0nCeS required 03117263044 $75 week for two persons BARRIE LAW FIRM requires secre Music By INTERIOR REMODELUNG Klthons rec see our ad in the Yellow pages Homes Cottages Forms Industry Phone Barrie 7260 82 4167292073 tat7970511795 OUR SUGG RETAIL 29999 mom coll gmy 436 368 on 30 Specializing In Concrete Tile References available Custom picture framing flfide Steelreinlorced concrete lilo lalY Experience as legal secretary es wan192 rgLL 33 cars wantedm 1203 NEED Mop MW spa no solectlons Fast tom Half price 7233633 arlmgmfloualo WThFAul7 38911161 Telephone Elaine Tubman 726 Wnin Diameter 21348 inimh finiiri TWO BEDROOM apartmen agar 70 pRCE °9 7° M°°5 Mm °°°° °Y°°°° TELECARE wrty fight your problem HAIRDRESSER experienced pay ac gegéhglflgglgazig°yzg 321393 Ltd 119 Brgfordrsï¬tgewarfleng 8111 Em2°ggt°lms Wollpopï¬rmar Murray PLUMBING pylgn7gi27Let friend help Call Telecare cordingto ability and experience For in on into qulrea May References Telephone CUSTOM REC ROOMs Complete basement °3° 53 Fan 58 753 C°°°W 728735297evenlngs NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer JUNK CARSWANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto ALCOHOLlcsANONYMOUS72e6seiit EXPERIENCED ATTRACTIVE so lannin and decoralin rivac screens wreckers 7253711 Count to Disco cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom you drlnk thats your busnness If you son rEqUIFQG as retail manager for ex Roar195SUnTTTSEIYIWCICï¬sldni thicywmtaissairuciTo 3315533323363 °° °°° mm NUTICI Wa°ia°CeaYfe elusive d°W°W 3909 £6303 agafmzm Na R9353 wrecking and parts top prices paid Weddings Dances Banquets gééiAiiilgo rmk Mn 91733 deodll lmcilmd UNWANTED HAIR removed safely mentcall72673561H 7gtU able rent 7267497 after EVERESKUEJSIEEISEQWLEQW DELIVERED waterproofing brick and gooï¬ng PUBLIC ADDRESS word ad Dtrmanemv medically approved Ly BOOKKEEPER Duties to include com SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices Spemal prices Mon Fri do and Wuon io wm gum HEMWK Cfrlllle EeCmIOJSl plele set of books up to and Including II9mouse wanled re paid free immediate pickup anytime ind 53ng 737 26 trtal balance pay roll typtng ability an 4362900 r4 asset Telephone 7287141 business WANTED To RENT by careful retired We CONSIRUCTION Home rolstne loun 0chch MOBILE add gygtgnt available OU hours warn 3gfdgxmggrggglogggegéo2 foeLEerisiigcaFsagrd 160335 d°°r °V°° 0ddl° 1° 07 commerclal or music Ior all occasions noon Solitidny TT sand close by with other buildings 056327Alterbpm4295949 399 STORE MANAGER SERVICE Going on trip or vacation2 Leave with an cosy mind knowing your plants are being competently cared for For in formation call Barbara 7263020 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor nrona 3266842 ask for Bill 20rooms to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere S22 weekly Phone evenings7269859 WANTED Clean usedCanfBarrle Hon SEE 991839 7299 BRAND NEW 34trucks and trailers PC Barrie location Salary plus incentive Previous experience preferred Strong photographic background plus Apply at Shutterbug Photo 33 Alliance Blvd PERSON TO clip and groom doastxi 40 articrlesfiorselo articles for sale 40 articles for sale GARAGE SALE 40 erticles for sale ALLANDALE Furnished room cook Ing facilities available Gentleman pre ferred Phone 7284268 daytime or 7280810 CLEAN FURNISHED rooms Broad loomed throughout community kitchen and bathroom equipped Central loca tion Please phone 737 1605 after430 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 671 BRIGHT CLEAN ROOM Essa Road Anne area Kitchen facilities bus stops at door linen changed weekly Call 7370966 FURNISHED large modern furnished rooms single or shaed kitchen and recreation facilities Downtown area Telephone 7266392 22rooms wanted HOUSES APARTMENTS COTTAGES AND ROOMS Wanted for six weeks July August 12 Accommodation for faculty of Wilfrid Laurier University teaching summer school In Orillia and Barrie Please reply to Mrs Margaret Meston Wilfrid Laurier university Waterloo Ontario NZL 3C5 23foffices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angelo OVER 601 SQ FT Office space for rent at 359 Bayfleld street Barrie 416 2217233 Benmor Construction PRIME Warehouse Space for rent 1200 sq ft heated Apply at Smith and Rut ter Furniturerl37 Dunï¬lop St East OFFICE SPACE for rent Downtown location offices main floor parking adlacent Call Bill Summers 7373453 OFFICE SPACES FOR RENT downtown Barrie 2nd floor Ideal for dentist or other professionals Parking and heat included Available Immediate ly Call Mrs Robinson 7263338 zitspace for rent PRIME lNDUSTFllAL SPACE 4550 6000034 ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726713 FOR LEASE Industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelfo VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large fenced In property Phone 7287044 or 416 635 0617 26 occollinloiletions to share SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS for two responsible girls Totally furnished plus washing facilities Angus Borden area $125 monthly Phone 4357559 after six I973CHEVI incl stan dard finisheeisienteerslgtï¬nsetcuyplforeCamp lng all van extras Clean best offer Telephone 4240397 SATURDAY and SUNDAY MARCH 12 8t 13 Tiockcxtsrsranrsrfoiass deluxe man am model also camping inser uni on one year old Priced reasonable Telephone 14 OAK STREET BARRIE 73 470 AND UP Household items van parts 197 FORE LTD wooitandernTexCéllent Pr ceeds for NOT condition 60000 original miles Phone 0352531 local TAWASAGA VAN CLUB 1971 FORD F100 sports custom V8 M12 automatic summer steel giraIIEd radials $1850 or best offer one 7282171after6pm ELECTROHOME 26 Color 1V Now only $499 or iustu 00 1975 34 TON super cab pickup 360 V8 SINGLE nkl auomaim power veering and brake wcc money ow prtymint tll May Phonioniglll IfIlVIl toni ht ST4IOTIOYWISIIrrilddï¬4£1€léwzslom mnes CONHNENTAL BEDS Krmy Kellys Barrio Shoppirlu P1226 COMPLETE 737 1182 37motorcycles VACUUM CLEANERS Singer Priced 1974 KAWASKI 900 21 9000 miles from $48 Cannislers $79 upright Clean perfect condition matching helmets ers Singer Georgian Mall 728 7960 00X CHESTERFIELD SET iece new in MIEPEEEQEEPLFIISEEJP7373924 MA herculoan Must be soon 13 believed HARLEY DAVIDSON trike year 45 $219 cash or make use of our to credit speed springer and mags $1000 Phone NEADBOMID plan Phone 487 360 Farmer Jacks 7282028 Ask for Rod 65 I97HONDAHOCEForSaIe Matorjcy cle low mileage and excellent condition Telephone 4167292776 after five HUSQVARNA Enduro speed ex cellent mechanical condition 5600 Telephone 7266714 evenings 1972 YAMAHA 80 cc motorcycle 3000 RRAND NEW 737 lm miles like now Great for beginner or 9013350 Telephonem 3062 BEDROOM SUITE SALVAGE HEAI lost up your chimney Install it hertt tniSLr on your furnace 38snowmoblles aucx pm nmsu CSA approved Used $20 on Electric GORGEOUS RCA XLIOO top of the line 26 Spanish color console TV Pitt no money down and take free delivery tonight Start payments of $900 weekly in May Avmlahlo now on rtSIl basis at $899 Kraiy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza fan 7780755 SNOW CRUISER 1969 for sale Asking SPIRAL HEADBOARD gt COLOR TELEVISION 10 Inch nfh $175 Please call after 728 9567 FOOIBOARD pre owned and gunmmeew payi 1799 40 articles for sale TRIPLE 0mm Ema 3202ng 30 gkcsredn Plan Phone WITH MIRROR Color console TV Now lust $600 weekly FOUR DRAW CHEST 2o YO as TiakMdeuvlThy °2° itllwpéilflétizltl lisyn°fs2°oifciii an ar aymen ayw no own paymentpWhere else Krazy Kellys TRULY BEAUTIFUL With no money and no payments tll May Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 Phone tonight for free delivery and setup BEDROOM SUITE walnm nish tonight where else Krazy Kelly Bar Mixed matched set An excellent value fie Shopping Plam 737 87 at $107 or take use of our to credit UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY all alum plan Phone4873605 Farmer Jacks iIllUl Swimming 9001 13 77 inClUGES decking fence filter liner and safety lock upstairs Sell for balance owing of $1775 Call Credit Manager collect days or eveningsf416l 221 4840 MEDALS Proof Set 43 sterling silver medals depicting British Kings and Queens from 1042 to modern times com SWIMMING POOL sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season price Guaranteed Installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 14162214840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler mus dispose 01976 Mummum pools FREE plotewlth special album Phono4241057 In stogk Sacrifice price for desperater EARGEI QUANT ITYused store fixtures neede factory warehouse space Brand enera purpose we units island units new Swimming pools Include filter MON Dow and special units Call 7286431 or 123333911iiisilitifi22ii 5T0 NANCNG 23 °° URIER SPARTAN slrlebahdcr Perc collect days or evenings 1416 WE ACCEPT ear Old 23 channel be mo 4010002 tI rs se plimew pr ce 43 se or 2502yrs 1e lonwar SLIGHTLY DAMAGED box spring and ARGEX AIV PPM 999691005 matfress 54 inch for 509 or make pay MASTERCHARGE QUALITY STEREO system for sale in men Plione487J605 tarmer Jacks Mug IO GUI r1146 Grove St East Cobra 23 channel Chm I1111ll stock Discount with antenna Installation HANTSUPE IQinch Color Portable TV n$333°8 or pay just $300 weekly with no money down and no payments till May Phone tonight for free delivery and set up tonight 7371 182 Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza MTThFTF ZBinch Color console TV 343300 or pay just $450 weekly with no money down and no payments till May Phone tonight for free delivery and set up tonight 7371 182 Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza MTTI1 NE 39 Posturepedlc box spring and mattress vinyl headboard drapes and spread to go with It used one year Also leather car coat ladys Phone 7287320 58 evenings SKI BOOTS mens Humanlc Dynafit Victory Teams size We used 12 season Perfect condition Good buy Telephone 728 9785 offers pm SOFA BED and matching chair fur quolse In good shape Phone 7372441 weekdays 72876865 after RECLINER dark green excellent con 911100 99111060293 aviatorm HITCHHIKER Trailer sleeps two in newcondltlon steel ats750 Youve got to see It to believe 11 Owner transferred to AlbertaLCall 7267996 WthHERAND DRYER 2months old 3575 or best offer also stove and fridge $7 or best offer Call 7373553 CHESTERFIELD chair and matching recliner months old 3450 TV set 75 Spin washer $713 Skl boots $50 or will exchange 10V for 8V2 Map desk S75 1968 Pontiac 50 Phone 726 3094 after pm ONLY soft top tent trailer new lent sleeps four $495 Call Barrie Tent and Awning 7266437 18FOOTrEdithraller fridge stove and furnace $3000 1975 Yamaha cycle 50 cc 5400 Call 4241490 THREE ROOM GROUPING Grouping includes Chesterfield suite suite coffee and end tables lamps liv lng room bedroom and kitchen ln cludlng FM AM stereo track Package price $649 Cash or take advantage of our to credit plan Farmer Jacks BED SOFA 100 per cent nylon by Bever ly Two only steal at 3199 Phone 487 3605 Farmer Jacks BARN SHED gold all site 1012 bed room Phone 487 3605 11 12 wooden barn shed shingled hip roof very well built with wheels for easy moving Asking $400 Can be seen at 409 Edgehlll Dr or phone 726 3980 HARVEST GOLD fridge and stove months old Fridge Is 13 cubic feet stove Is 24 Call 7267964 alter330 20 SOLID STATE GE color portable TV New in carton Now only $443 or lust $400 weekly Put no money down and take free delivery tonight Start your payments any time before May Krazy Kellys Plaza 73771102 Barrie FIECE BEDROOM sonar double dresser drawer chest double bed box spring and mattress Asking $350 Call 7289366 aftert pm drawer available 15 below list Phone Stove 726 9816 evenings or contact Skyryder XM4731567 PIECE MODERN dining room sottn in good condition asking 3300 Must sell by Friday as owner is moving to smaller home Call 4316 2746 SKI BOOTS Boys or girls Colour Size or good condition Asking S30 Phone 7261166 after prn MUST SELL Lionel hardtop trailer sleeps sink stove fridge lurnance lots of storage Annex coal wood stove large bow window 98 foot counter top foot new Please call 458 9083 affer4pm FREEZER 17 cubic feet Blue Ribbon Deluxe Chest type as new condition S250 Telephone 728 6227 after pm FREEZER CHEST style 21 cublic foot like new $150 firm Telephone 72111750 afler5pm STEREO SYSTEM Yamaha YPBOO lurn tahlo Yamaha CA800 amplifier 65 watt Altex 891V speakers one year old Must 39113800 or best offer 726 0891 SPACE SAVER swivel Chair like new Dressers chest of drawers antique dressers and chests washstand Ed Balle Furniture12 Bayfield St 728 3003 TELEVISION RCA black and white 19 inch years old Also piece stereo Sanyo Telephone Gary Sarin 728 6191 or 737 7504 TEAK BUNK beds baby Change table $25 Electric heating dish $12 Cof fee perculator $6 large Irish linen table cloths $10 and $15 Basketchair coffee and end tables and lamp $25 Double quilt bedskirl and pair mat Chlng curtains $45 Telephone 7265940 AUTOMATIC WASHER McClary Easy needs work $60 or nearest offer New hoses Phone 726 5549 ELECTRO freeze soft Ice cream machines Electra freeze Mr Freezlo machine propane deep fryers elec Irlc grill refrigerated soft drink foun lain machine NCR cash register like new electric shelf pizza on home refrigerator all in good wnt no condl tlon Telephone 4245411 ask for AI flboats and motors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor AI condition Asking 2500 Telephone 435 4245 afteritztlo pm HYDROPLANE 11 no accessories only used onco$195 Phone 726 2047 15 HP JOHNSON outboard new block good running order Asking 5200 Phone 7370393 izfarticles wanted SET OF DRUMS required Ar Base snare Tom Tom Floor Ride symbol Head hat symbol Please phone 728 7758 alter6130pm Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Hnugh Farm 726 0192 HOE DOE VALLEY Fun Ranch Year round catering Now booking winter par 778 6875 728 9734 WHY SUFFER agony with Cams and Callousos Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with offer live results medicated pad that really does the lob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdons Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists TAX RETURNS prepared personal or small business also accountingpayroll for small businesses or contractors 776 1888 BET WE have the muffler for your carl The Muffler Shop 180 lnnisfil Street 776 ZYGQ HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides Weekends evenings Close to Barrie Call Duncan Murdock 726 4756 evenings lNTERNATIONAL Investigation 50 vices Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet confidential 737 2972 REDUCE THE easy Slendor Reducing Plan way Eat three satisfying meals day Two sizes weeks and weeks Supply Available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists ORDER NOW FOR EASTER Tree ripen fresh oranges ruby red grapefruit Delivery April For in formation phone Eastview String Stu dents 778 3274 7287524 MONECA psychic and card Teadtng counselling Day and evenings Mon through Friday Phone 7288868 AMAZINGLY QUICK relief for discom fort of mouth sores white canker spots dental plate sores tender gums with Fletchers SoreMouth Medicine Available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all drugglsts TNHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold lor over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the lobl Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all drugglsts ARE YOU tired of your old look Learn now make up techniques in your own home For more information phone Merle Norman 726 4982 T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Ronald Burns formerly of 61 Belcourt Avenue Barrie Ontario will not be responsible for any debt on this day for ward March 10 1977 without my written consent 69instructions ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Well SChOUIlit horses Indoor arena minutes from Barrie 726019727 perionced person only Apply Sat am to 12 noon Barrie Poodle Salon Sophia St SALESPERSON required immediately for Ontarios Largest and Progressive Furniture and Appliance chain Exper ience in sales essential Telephone 726 7053 for appointment ATTENDANT REQUIRED immediate iv for Little Joes Family Casino in Bayfield Mall Successful applicant will be senior person looking to supplement existing pension or investment income For interview call Mr Battaglia 7264082 CLEANING maintenance foreman for regular evening shift Send resume to Box T75 Barrie Examiner stating age experience salary expected Also open ings for part time workers in building cleaning maintenance TEMPORARY phorographer needed for week assignment Must have good 35 milimcter camera and an electronic flash unit using disposable batteries Available mornings afternoons and evenings days Car necessary Sports specialties Ltd 4167430177 PARTTIME TEACHER for specialized elementary school focus on individual programming Ex periencc in teaching French preferred Low salary Contact Peter Noy Mld hursf Schools Ltd Midhurst 7269685 EXPERIENCED PRINTER Slotter Operator for new corrugated paper sheet plant to be located in Barrie to commence production early April Rep ly to Box No T77 co Barrie Examiner or phone Toronto 4166256120 DRIVER WANTED with own car To work evenings full or parttime Apply in person Robertas Pizzeria 147 Dunlop Street East 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pies Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 TWO SALES Representatives required by well established expanding Barrie company Job Involves selling building products to residential and industrial ac counts Excellent potential and op portunity for advancement Clearly defined Simcoe County territory Pro and knowledge supplied Please for ward resume to Box T72 Barrie Ex aminer EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414