gppklï¬v flu ï¬gu Grade and students from Minesing Central School get helping hand boarding caboose at the yards in Allandale About 30 young EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Clossdled Advertising 72824 All Other Departments 7266537 113th year No58 Che iï¬arriv Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada ilhursday March 10 1977 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly County school taxes up budget boost 96 per cent By SHEllA McGOVERN Examiner Staff Reporter Barrie residents will pay an average $29120 $22 more than last year to keep Simcoe Contys public schools open Wednesday Simcoe County Board of Education trustees ap proved spending nearly $70 million for its 1977 operating budget The budget which totals $69726398 is about 96 per cent higher than last year from municipality to municipality While this years increase is considerably below last years hike of 25 per cent Bill Straughan budget chair man said the board is still feeling the effects of the privinces 1976 restraint pro gram In his preamble Straughan said in 1976 the provincial To reduce possible 40 per cent increase in 1976 taxes the school board cut its reserves reduced its maintenance bud get eliminated furmiture replacement cut school sup plies and deferred final pay ment on the new Bradford and District High School While these factors reduced last years increase to 25 per cent these measures taken in years rates had not been ab normally reduced through the use of the boards reserves Other factors given as rea sons for the increase were An increased student enrolment of 550 students in 1976 and 350 students in 1977 adding $650000 Increased utility costs electricity 30 per cent natural gas 18 per cent fuel tional teachers and con sultantsaddin $101715 In total it wil cost the board $1265 to educate elementary school student and $1938 for each secondary student Last year the boards per pupil cost was below the provin cial average The board has always had one of the lowest costs per pupil in the pro vince Mr Straughan said 375 9tvgg In Barrie the actual increase to taxpayers is 82 per cent while average county tax in crease is given as 796 per cent Actual percentage figures vary Lawyers for lnnisfil Township have dropped one of two applications for judicial review in connection with the adjourned Ontario Municipal Board hearing into Barries an nexation bid The Examiner has learned Dropped is an ap lication for acourtrulingthatt eOMBlost urisdiction over the case when arrie announced that it no longer wants the 2100 acres of 0m Township for which it originally asked Still on is later application for rulin on the status and propriety letter to the OMB from Darcy McKeough On tario treasurer which appears to support Barries 20000acre annexation proposal court date for the application is ex pected to be set soon Barrie has applied to the OMB to annex 13500 acres from lnnisfil 4600 from Vespra government considerable tax school boards Inn isfil drops first annexation roadblock Township and 2100 from Oro All three townships plus Sim coe County council and group of Oro ratepayers are opposing the application before an OMB hearing which has been ad journed until May while op position lawyers seek judicial review of the McKeough letter In charge of both judicial review applications is John Sopinka lawyer for lnnisfil with the support of county coun cil in the 0m case and of all an nexation opponents in the McKeough case Barrie lawyer James Mc Callum announced Oct 29 the second day of the hearing that the city no longer wanted Oro land and would present no evidence in favor of annexing it though no formal change was made in the citys annexa tion application Sopinka applied for judicial in drastic change of policy shifted from the province to the local burden said revxew arguing that the an nouncement substantially changed the citys application and that the OMB lost jurisdic tion by allowing the change to be made without authorization by city bylaw in December the hearing was thrown into an uproar by McKeoughs letter to OMB chairman William Shub Me Keough said the province has accepted as policy population target of 125000 for Barrie for the year 2011 and wants to deal with single municipality in planning for the growth Both points were part Barrics an nexation case and both were disputed by opponents of annex ation earlier in the hearing Sopinka again applied for judicial review arguing that the treasurers attempt to it ject specific provincial poll into the middle of the heari was improper 1976 had to be compe in the 1977 budget Straughan The average increase in mill rates of 796 per cent if last Exciting tour for students sters toured Ns facilities in Allandale Wednesday seeing the inside of caboose and locomotive hearing train whistle blow through the operations cen tres at the station aminer Photol and going Ex lost in cloud of smoke BARCLAY lnnisfil town hi councillors Kathe Jans an William Tipplc squared off Wednesday in debate on as deputyreeve Blake Con stable puffed on cigar Coun Jans later agreed to delete the fine from her mo nsated for oil 20 per $325000 Improved services to students with disabilities including addi Actual hikes vary While the average county tax increase will be 796 per cent the actual increase and tax dollars paid by each municipality vary in Essa Township taxes on home assessed at $20000 will go to $29121 from $26914 an in crease of $2207 and 818 per cent in the tax rate In lnnisfil Township taxes on home assessed at $20000 will go to $29125 from $26982 an Timmy is in hospital misses his Rotary date Tom Pinkney Timmy for this years Easter Seal camlt paign in Barrie is in hospital as the result of an injury and miss Talks to Carter gunman gives up WARRENSVILLE HEIGHT Warrensville Heights Ohio AP Armed only with good luck wish from President Car ter surrendered gunman Cory Moore is in county jail awaiting probable indictment on kidnap ping charges resulting from his tw0day siege at city hall here Moore was jailed Wednesday after receiving telephone call from Carter Secret Service agents permitted no one to monitor the call Moore was taken to the Cuyahoga County Jail in Cleveland Teachers salaries again take cent addmg up the major portion of the budget over 70 per cent with maintenance and opera tions taking the second largest chunk learning increase of $2143 or 773 per cent in the tax rate In Oro Township taxes on home assessed at $20000 will go to $29126 from $26968 an in crease of $2158 or 732 per cent in the tax rate In Vespra Township taxes on home assessed at $20000 will go to $29119 from $26952 an increase of $2167 or 834 per cent in the tax rate We had this great little house nice car kids were happy Then we won lottery Raps Davis on Quebec Mr Paul said Tom was ad mitted to Barries Royal Vic PARRY SOUND CF toria Hospital Tuesday for rest POStmaStePGenelél Jean and treatment for bruise suf JaclPeS 31815 CTItICIZed fered earlier atschool Premier DaVIS On WedneSday Tom suffers from Christmas for his stand on Quebec and disease form of hemophilia Confefjelatwfl which keeps his blood from 81315 to gathering at ed todays appearance at the Barrie Rotary Club Paul campaign chair man said the 11yearold is ex pected to be released in time for his next scheduled ap pearance Tuesday at the Bar rie Lions Club clotting unless he is given special injections Any bleeding including the bleeding under the skin caused by bruises is major sig nificance to hemophiliacs As Timmy Tom is representing the handicapped children of the area in series of public appearances Liberal club that Stuart Smith Ontario Liberal leader had done more than Davis to keep Quebec in Canada Last week Health Minister Marc Lalonde accused the On tario government of talking about hel ing francophones but doing litt Davis in re ly re ferred to Lalonde as atchet man Parliament opens March 29 TORONTO ICP The fourth session of the 30th Ontario Parliament will open March 29 Premier William Davis an nounced today The session will begin with the throne speech followed by the budget sometime in midApril Standing in the 125seat legislature is 52 Progressive Conservatives 38 New Democrats and 35 Liberals Flynt fails in cheque try WASHINGTON AP Larry Flynt publisher of Hustler magazine tried and failed Wednesday to deliver $1million cheque to President Carter for presidential commis sion on obscenity and pornography Ill be back he told reporters outside the locked northwest gate to the White House grounds Flynt publisher of the sex magazine with headquarters in Columbus Ohio was found guilty last month in Cincinnati on obscenity charges He told news conference Wednesday that aside from the constitutional free speech issue involved in his case there is the basic issue of whether pornography is harmful Africans Arabs in liaison CAIRO Reuterl Leaders of 60 African and Arab coun tries have ended their first joint summit by agreeing to close political and economic cooperation which observers say may lead to the emergence of formidable power in world politics During the threeday conference which ended Wednesday major Arab oil producers promised almost $15 billion to assist development in Africa The aid pledged by Saudi Arabia the United Arab Emirates Kuwait and Qatar has met almost twothirds of an original African demand for $22 billion as proposed by Tanzania Expelled American is safe VANCOUVER CP Charles Stewart 22 expelled from Uganda after being detained for week has sent telegram to his father saying he is safe John Stewart of nearby Chilliwack said Wednesday telegram received from his son said he was well He wished his mother happy birthday but did not say where he intended to go Stewart said he wasnt worried about his son The boy is on the spot and isnt fool Ive every confidence in him Breakaway Quebec unwelcome NEW YORK CP Canadian Finance Minister Donald Macdonald says nobody in his right mind can seriously believe that breakaway Quebec would be welcome in an economic union with the rest of Canada That kind of think ing is absurd Macdonald said Wednesday night after be ad dressed the Canadian Society of New York Flooding here is unlikely There is little danger that the current thaw will cause significant flooding in Bar rie Neil Pox public works superintendent for the city said today Fox said city officials have been watching watercourses since the thaw began but have found no problems and expect none Public works employees have spent the past two weeks opening catch basins and culverts he said and all watercourses are expected to be open by the weekend when rain is predicted John Public at City Hall Do you have question on how city council operates or how John Public can deal with City Hall Tonights your chance to ask Mayor Ross Archer or either of two township clerks The mayor Oro clerk Henry Neufeld and Vespra clerk Earl Richardson will be panelists at the second of five local govern ment seminars sponsored by the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce The seminar will begin at 730 at City Hall and admission is free while space lasts in ad dition the seminar will ht broadcast live on Cable with phonein facilities City clerk Hen Straughan be cosmoderator joining Barb Marshall of the chambers civic affairs committee and the two will direct questions to panelists on the operation of council and on how to deal with your municipal government anning smoking at council meetings oun Jans moved that moking be banned during ouncil meetings and $10 ine be imposed on violators The fines she said would be divided among the non mokers present at the time the offence compensa tion for injuries to their health suffered by breathing mokefilled air Her motion was seconded Coun John Young ormer smoker who kicked the habit just last week Ioun Tipple who said he njoys smoking objected to the motion saying it was violation of his rights have the right to smoke drink and have sexual in tercoursc three times day if can stand it he said Not in the council chambers Coun Jans rer plied Well maybe should so youd have to pass motion against it lipple shot back KATllll IANS asks smoking ban Council chambers are well ventilated he said adding that he doubted the smoke was harming anyone Toun Jans said she propos ed the ban because she feels smoking poses health hazard to smokers and non smokers object to having smoke blown in my face she said Machetewielding terrorists tion after Tipplc said The concern seems to be collec ting the money rather than cleaningtheair However he continued to denounce the motion ridiculous and waste councilstime So the only bylaws tha are important are the one that come from you Coun Jansan rily replied She ater decided withdraw her motion DeputyReeve Constabl rekindled Coun Jans ire minutes later when he sug gested council could find more rational solution the question of smoking council meetings Coun Jans told Constabl she objected to him labellin her motion irrational front of reporters Coun Jans irritated the laughter from other coun cillors township staff an reporters as she read her mo tion later said she did no intend her motion to be take as joke say heads will be chopped WASHINGTON AP Machetewielding terrorists holding hostages in three build ings and threatening that heads will be chopped off demanded revenge against Black Muslim leaders whom they blame for mass murder four years ago Three bands of gunmen all believed members of the Hanafi Moslem sect killed black radio station employee and wounded 12 other persons including city councilman as they seized Jewish centre an lslamic mosque and the District of Columbia city hall on Wednesday Early today police could not say how many hostages were being held how many terrorists were involved or what de mands if any had been for mally presented But from various accounts it appeared that anywhere from nine to gunmen were holding seven hostages at the District Building 14 at the Islamic Cen tre on Washingtons Embassy Row and anywhere from 50 to 80 at the headquarters of Bnai Brith the Jewish service organization Bnai Brith official said there may be as many as 118 hostages in the building In telephone conversation from the Bnai Brith building the apparent leader of the ter rorists Khalafi Hamaas Abdul Khaalis was asked if he would hold out indefinitely He told an Associated Press reporter Dont worry when the heads start dropping out the window then you worry may Two share patroller award Two grade eight students at for January Nancy Henry Club Safety Chairman Doug Maple irove School on lrove Street in Barrie shared the Kinsmen Safety and Chris Morrow were pre sented the paque and cer fiticate of merit at the Barrie Renault and Barrie Police Safety Officer in charge of school patrolers Const Gary Patroller of the Month award Police Station by Kinsmen Margaret Jagger deride rumors of affair NEW YORK Reuter VA Margaret Trudeau wife of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau appeared at ballet performance here Wed nesday night and denied rumors of romantic link with Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones Asked by reporter whether she was having an affair with Jagger Mrs Trudeau appear ing startled replied Heavens no Jagger also in New York is sued statement Wednesday night in which he derided ru mours of an affair between him and the 28yearold Mrs Trudeau Arriving at the City Centre Theatre in Manhattan to attend performance of the Eliot Feld Ballet Mrs Trudeau also sought to scotch reports that she had gone into hiding follow ing her muchcriticized party going with the Stones in Toron to last weekend Asked about her relationship with Jagger she said lm fond of him and would like to think hes friend But hardly know him When reporter asked Mrs Trudeau about her relationship with her husband she snapped Hows your relationship with your wife Mrs Trudeau was accom panied to the ballet by Yasmin Khan daughter of Ali Khan and Rita Hayworth IS RlliUlllS Jagger in his statement said Really this whole thing is ridiculous Margaret Irudeau is very attractive and nice person but were not having an affair never met her before and havent seen her since got to New York In fact have not seen her since Sunday Mrs Trudeau who declined to say where she is staying in New York said she plans to re turn to Canada this weekend Meanwhile Mrs lrudeaus visit to New York generated only an embarrassed silence in official Ottawa Prime Minister Trudeaus of fice would sa only that Trudeau knew his wife had gone to New York for private visit and that she was expected back eventually The prime ministers of ficials beseiged by inquiries from Canada and abroad maintain that Mrs Trudeaus private life is no affair of theirs The prime minister has car ried on as usual He made his daily appearance in the Com mons made plans for his Thur sday afternoon press con ference and gave no sign that he is upset or even aware of the commotion surrounding his wife Mrs Trudeaus mother Doris said in an interview with To ronto newspaper that she was surprised by the news that her daughter was in New York and said she had not heard from the prime ministers wife for week if she has any problems she knows she has home her par ents and sisters who love her Mrs Sinclair is quoted as say ing The London tabloid The Eve ning Standard devoted half its front page Wednesday to Mrs Trudeau and the Stones And newspapers from the United States Australia and England have telephoned Ottawa report ers seeking stories rawlcy Examiner Photo