ANN LANDERS Follow advice throw burn out Dear Ann married guy 10 years my senior when was 1a Bill was handsome smooth talker and my first serious love affair My parents didnt like him because he showed up mtoxrcated few times and said some things that werent true Of course the more they determined was to prove the talked against Bill the more in wrong When my father came home with com lete report from Erivate investigator learned Bill had een married and ad son He admitted it claimed he was afraid to tell me for fear hed lose me We eloped the next night My life has been plain hell ever since We have two small children My mother keeps them while work Bill cant hold job because of hi kin rm lem wont go to AA refused to ta He denies he has prob to our cler an When Bill gets drunk which is often he becomes violent The children are afraid of him and so am learned last week he has been bringing women to our home while Im at Work Im heartsick and fed up My doc tor says will get rid of my colitis when get rid of my husband My clergyman says should still have chance to make get out of this marriage while life for myself Im only 27 and feel like 90 What should do Messed Up Early Dear Early The motion has been made by your doctor and seconded by your clergyman Im with them Throw the bum out Dear Ann Landers Our neighbors cau ght their 13year old son smoking They told him If you want to smoke wed rather you do it In front of us than behind our backs They reasoned if the boy was permitted to smoke hed overdo it get sick and quit forever Well he didnt get sick and hes not quitting Its revolting to see this young punk puffing away in front of his friends Now our son age 14 wants to know why HE cant smoke We need help Battle Weary In Wyoming Dear Bat Tell your son he cant smoke because its bad for him and to drop the subject for at least eight years The parents of that 13yearold have oatmeal where their brains belong Too bad the boy may have to pay big price for his parents stupidity Dear Ann Landers The following was received in the mail recently Dear Friends Mom and Dad would like to go to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary and we would like to help them make it possible We also want to ex tend the opportunity to you if you would like to make finan cial contribution toward their trip We are not asking you to do so merely leaving the opportunity open to you You may use the envelope provided These people have lenty of money Ann How does one re spond to such an of er It was enclosed with an invitation to attend reception in honor of the anniversary Con fused In California Dear Confused Attend the reception if you wishif not stay home If you feel like contributing toward trip to Hawaii for couple who has plenty of money go ahead Speaking for myself thats an offer could easily refuse Mr and Mrs William Sjerps CallenderSjerps St Pauls Anglican Church Stroud was the scene Nov 27 when Linda Mae Callender and William Nicholaas Sjerps were married Rev Walter Lee of ficiated The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Russell Callender of RR Stroud and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs Niclr olaas erps of RR Barrie The ride wore traditional floorlength gown of Lagoda on empire lines with cathedral Baxter Community members are sending cards of sympathy to the Shipman family on the sud den death of Mrs Jean Ship man in Alliston One area woman escaped the cold weather with months holidays in Daytona Beach recently Mrs Olive Riddick has returned home after her vacation to report the weather was cool in Florida Mrs Winnie Denney and the Bell family Mr and Mrs Dave Bell Timmy and Shawn spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Donald Holdman while Denney Brown was with Mr and Mrs Darwyn Denney inAngus Sunday 0r tORNE BETTY HAY HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE x728i700 45 Dunlop St Hunt to Ihr Thvaiw length train The gown had high neckline long sleeves with deep cuffs and was enhanced with lace appliques and seed pearls She wore an open cap head dress of matching embroidered lace and seed pearls which held cathedrallength veil of two tier illusion trimmed with lace to match the bridal gown She carried cascade bow quet of miniature white carna tions and red sweetheart roses Maid of honor was Janet Cal lender sister of the bride Best man was Jack Sjerps brother of the groom of RR Barrie Ushers were Greg Callow of Oro Station and Ken Law of Barrie The mother of the bride and mother of the groom received guests at her reception at RR Barrie The bride wore street length green dress with mat ching accessories and white orchid corsage for the honey moon The newlyweds will live in Barrie Adam may For All Your Travel Information The Best Service In Town BRISTOW Travel Service cl phases of travel 1370340 MINT 19 Owen St Ianlo Ont Angus Community News By BEVERLEY ANDREWS Start saving your pennies to support the 48th annual Girl Guide Cookie Sale on April 30 The Guides are self supporting organization and proceeds of the sale provide more than 50 per cent of the funds needed to train new leaders subsidize girls who need help finance the ad ministration of the Guides and help with the upkeep of cam psites PLANTS NTHINGS Helpful hints and advice on plants gardens etc are avalable for Angus residents from the Angus Horticultural Garden notes Society in existence since 1929 Next meeting is scheduled for March 15 at the home of Mrs Watson 125 Raglan Street Everyone is welcome SENIOR CITIZENS The Angus Senior Citizens Club meets every Thursda at 130 in the True Blue Hal lf oure 60 or over and would ike to meet some old and new friends drop over and take part in their activities TRUE BLUE HALL Members of the True Blue Hall were pleased with the results of their Pancake Supper held on Shrove Tuesday good start for hopefully an an nual event Upcoming is St Growing of roses topic at By JEAN GABLE The Horticultural Society en joyed speech by noted hor ticulturist Knox Henry of Mc Connells Nursery Port Bur well and the man in charge of horticulture for the CNE at its March3 meeting Port Burwell must be in storm centre worse than Barrie Mr Henry showed slides of an ice storm last win ter with 30 yearold birches whose tips were bent right to the ground with ice He said everyone had thought they were finished but amazingly they recovered and are fine Then the area had tornado in July 1976 He showed slides of seven large greenhouses flat tened along with large plastic greenhouse Packing boxes were strewn everywhere nine large spruce trees were simply heaved over along with fully mature sugar maple As if that were not enough at the end of the season when all the equipment was being stored in large barn the barn caught fire and burnt down However the company is currently replacing all greenhouses and all equipment As if tornadoes and fires were not enough the McConnell Com pany decided to transfer to computer use for their record work Mr Henry described this as horrendous operation However he seemed to feel all problems would eventually be solved McConnell Nursery is one of the largest rose growers in Nor th America Most of their roses are grown in California where they farm 6000 acres Some are also grown in Texas on fine clay loam They are watered from wells dug by oil rigs and are three to four thousand feet deep The fields are so set up that flood irrigation can be used if necessary The days get very warm here and the nights are cold These roses are dug from the field and sent 35 carloads of them in December or January to the McConnell Nursery in Port Burwell Here takes lace the grading label ing packaging and storage and finally shipment to the buyers Mr Henry showed slides of numerous roses He mentioned patio roses are becoming very popular They are just the right size to plant in pot on your patio He named all the 1977 American Selection these have appeared in this column so wont repeat Mr Henry asked for full sup port for the Horticultural Com petition classes at the CNE Herb Markle is in charge of these and is doing great job Mr Henry said This writer remembers when Larry Whitby and Coutts made real show at the CNE with gla iolus and Little of Richmond Hill and Roy Ives of Stayner with delphinium It will be great to see competitions from individuals return to CNE He mentioned new wood carving class for the CNE The writer immediately thought of Stan Hathway of Big Bay Point Sup rt was asked for the Cana ian Rose Society because of what that group does for roses in our country meeting He gave these tips Put newspaper in the bottom of your flats or flower pots It does as good as stones and holds moisture If you want some lacy ferns for winter arrangements use the carrot tops you buy Save all your tea leaves and put them on your rose beds They are good fertilizer and the tan nic acid they give off is good for roses When cleaning garden tools use soap pad dipped in coal Patricks Tea Bake and Rum mage Sale to be held on March 17 130to 430 BEST WISHES Best wishes for speedy recovery are extended on behalf of Angus residents to Mrs McMaster who is in hospital WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Angus United Church was host for World Day of Prayer service Friday evening for all faiths Speaker Mrs Audrey Emms spoke on Love in Ac tion The them of this years service chosen by the Christian women in the German Democratic Republic Some 3000 communities across Canada and 170 countries took part in the inter denominational day of prayer and fellowship Offerings from the day of prayer are used to support ecumenical programs throughout the world DONATIONS Area residents are invited to help out the Rowen family who lost their home and possessions in fire Feb 27 Mr and Mrs Rowen have fouryearold son and are expecting another child Donations can be made in care of Mrs Hill 25 River Drive or call 4241310 UNITED CHURCH Good food good fun was the consensus for the Pot Luck Sup per held Feb 16 at the Angus United Church Confirmation classes are being held Wed nesday evenings at 730 for United Church teenagers from Utopia Grenfel and Angus The course made up of 10 weekly held at the Angus United Chur ch Total cost is $2 for materials Teenagers not af filiated with any other church are of course welcome FAMILY LIFE Area parents should circle March 10 on their calendars for the introduction of the new curriculum on Family Life education The presentation and discussion afterwards will begin at 730 at Simcoe Street School SCHOOL BREAK reminder that winter break school closings are March 2125 Classes resume March 28 PRESCIIOOLERS Parents with children who will be entering Kindergarten for the 197778 term are advised that preschoolers screening will take place during the win ter break March 2125 and during the last two weeks of June Appointments can be made by calling the Simcoe County Health Unit at 7269300 Ext236 SIMCOE STREET SCHOOL Simcoe Street School has been extremely busy over the winter months with activities such as crosscountry skiing skating trip to Baxter Laboratories Quebec Carnival Winter carnival competitions and the latest successful event was trip to watch the tri country track CanadaUSA USSR meet at Maple Leaf Gardens bus load of students accompanied by principal Don Fleck viceprincipal Ed Gray and teachers Sue Nichols David Kingston and Art Martin oil or turpentine stops rust To ri 11 green tomatoes put green anana in plastic bag with them It gives off ethelene gas which helps ripen tomatoes SOCIETY NEWS The Royal Botanical Gardens is putting on meeting at Barrie Public Librar 730 to 930 pm April 12 an you are invited The subject will be sessrons one hour in length are le rec Stalin Total Decorator and Coordinating Services Houseplants for Indoors with emphasis on foliage plan ts There are still seats for the tour to the Toronto Garden Club Show March 12th Reg 1295 Cottage Curtains colors to choose from arrived home tired but happy Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrie FINEST FRENCH TERGAL SHEERS Decorator Colors Each Panel 100 White 95 Elliotts all and Window Decoratin Bayfield Mall Barrie Brown Avocado $1 PER PANEL BEAUTIFUL VELVET CUSHIONS SIZE I2 12 Wall Covering Window Shades Stock Siles Centre Ivory Gold IN STOCK 7267292 MARCH SUPER SPECIAL IMAGINATION AND GILB PUSHBUTTON FREE ARM MODEL 1199 SALE ENDS MARCH 31 st lVMVVV Rm Silb 349 llUllll rllllllll su1gtmyV¢ PERFECT BUTTONHOLES IN IO SECONDS world famous since I862 simple to operate dialastitch no coms to change Specially suitable for modern fabrics Beautiful design and finish with at tractivn carrying case Straight stitch Zigzag stitch Elastic stitch Blind stitch Shelledge stitch Overlock stitch Elastic triple Straight stitch Cross stitch Elastic triple zigzag stitch Tricot stitch Pullover stitch Elastic blind stitch Automatic buttonhole mechanism Button sewing OVER 30 STRETCH AND DECORATIVE STITCHES BUILTIN MARY FUSEDALE 7263273 CUSTOM MADE BRAPERIES and BEBSPREADS The Barrie Examiner Wednesdayivfllarch 1977 OUR PRICE IS THE ONLY DIFFERENCE Family Clothing At Ridiculous Prices WEEKEND BEST 3qu YOUNG MENS DENIM JEANS Modified Flare Style in I4 02 Denim The original Levi Jean sizes 2836 LADIES PULL0N PANTS 100 polyester Pontide Roma knit elastic waistband latest spring fashion colors Sizes 8I8 Best Buy Price Best Buy Price Unwashed Washed 538 1488 399 YOUNG MENS Applebee Sport SHIRTS Large selection of long sleeve print check and striped sport shirts tapered body Best Buy Price 788 44 MENS SHORT SLEEVE LADIES DRESS SHIRTS DENIM JEANS 65o polyester 35 cotton 100 cotton OZ denim permanent press latest traditional eon styling fashion colors Sizesl42I7 99 Silhouelle COMFOSI 5m Bestnuy price ching Sizes 816 Best Buy Price 377 566 LADIES wxxwmmmcmwm accrssonv BELTS Elastic belts Choice Of fashion widths colors and buckles Best Buy Price Best Buy Price JUNIORS SHORT SLEEVE TSHIRTS IOO cotton short sleeve shirts crew neck printed front and back Best Buy Price MENS WORK PANTS 100 cotton drill work pants loden green cuffs tapered legs Sizes 3242 Best Buy Price Miracle Food Mart Restaurantl Mall Entrance iEI afield Ml arrie 7372352 MIIIJtIve