The Market Place Wednesday March 1977 Society plans public meetings The Barrie branch of the On tario Humane Society is going public This year for the first time the branch wants to hold open public meetings during the year Previously the public and branch members could only at tend the annual meeting while the board of directors met about once month to discuss society business think there was lack of communication says Edith Madigan 1977 branch presi dent Mrs Madigan said two meetings are planned April 13 and June 22 at the Barrie Public Library at pm Other open meetings during the year may be held she said This could be start she said ALLISTON By MARGARET STOLTZ ALLISTON Hospital ad ministrator Consaul in speaking to members of the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary stated that the hospital has reached its highest peak in five years with all wards busy and 14 babies in the nursery On behalf of Mrs Carlton supervisor of nursing he ex lressed appreciation of the help of members participating in the InService program which in dudes portering of patients to and from Xray and other ser vices to the patients which is assisting the nurses Mr Consaul explained that citizens who have paid memberships are entitled to vote at the annual meeting of the Hospital Board to be held on March 29 when four Governors will be chosen Rules call for these memberships to be paid by February 26 Dr Gripper first vice pesident is filling the vacancy of board president Dr Ola valued member of the medical staff who has ac cepted position in Houston Texas Mr Consaul advised the members of the new equipment to be purchased and other still awaiting approval of the medical staff The new prssident Jean Kingsbury was in the chair and announcements included the Spring Conderence on April 20 roposed tag days for May 13 and May 19 recognition of an dyStripers with March meeting to be suspended Donations to the auxiliary were received in memory of the late Mr Frank Ferrier of Beeton at the time of his death inlieu of flowers An interesting letter from Bonnie Hartley bursary recilt pient was circulated and thanks expressed to aroline Collins for providing tray favors for the hospital on Valentine Day Since the an nual meeting several new members have been received several of whom are interested in the lnltService program Mr Gingras shared ex periences of trip last fall to the Far East by showing lovely slides of Japan China and Ports of call on the twoweek cruise of the Indonesian Islands from Singapore Hawkestone By MRS lTlt HART HAWKESTONE Messages of congratulations and best wishes were extended to Mrs Leslie Jermey who celebrated her 87th birthday in this ro community the other day Mrs Jermey received numerous cards and gifts and many visitors called to extend goodwishes Mr and Mrs Ed McBride are spending few days with their cousin Mrs Leslie Jermey Mr and Mrs John Smith returned home on Sunday after an enjoyable vacation in Fort Iauderdale Florida Visitors with Mrs James Leigh recently were Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh of Willowdale Mr and Mrs Mike Butler and Jennifer of Rich mond Hill and Mr and Mrs Paul Leigh and Lisa of Barrie Chris Hart son of Mr and Mrs Brian Hart was detained overnight in hospital for obser vation after he suffered slight concussion in fall at school Mrs William Baker and Mrs Roy Gray attended the spring executive meeting of Kern pentelt District Womens In stitute at the board room of Simcoe Coop in Barrie recent ly 40 articles for sale ZENITH Color console TV Now lost or weekly or $649 cash basis Talu llfr tonith and start payments in May wulh no down payment where else Krnry Knit2 Barrie Shopping Plaza 73 lIBI BEDROOM SUITE in wulnut lunsh Mixed matched set An etullent Jrillll at $187 or take use 01 our to lftllll plan Phone 487 3605 Farmer Jar SWIMMING POOL Sarrilice Leuqu Canadian manutalturer and distributor has aluminum pools lett over lrom I916 season V2 price GUflrflleltlIll$lrlllrlll0li and terms Call collect day or Ivenlnq 416 221 4840 LEADING SWlMMlNG Pool Wholennler must dispose of I976 all aluminum pools in stock Sacrifice price for desperately needed iactory warehouse spa Brunt new swimming pools In ludo llter walk round deck lencn mu Wdrrolly size 15 77 it 355 cash or terms all Perc collect days or evenings into at 880 GORGEOUS RCA XLIOO top the line Spanish color console 7V Put no money down and take free delivery tonight Start payments at $9 00 wetHy in May Available now on cash llflnl it lilill Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Pinu 737 Ill SKI 80075 mens Humanr Dyrim Victory teams 5m Io used seuon Perlett LOndIllOf Cood hu liltplilflll 728 9765 otter choice un unsweetened Vitamlnlzed SqU eeze from concentrate apple juice 48 fl oz tin tissue 43 airfreshener mix 69 mo 69 picnic style lb 00 49 garbage bags rut lilmlwl potatoes l105 tea bags 23 mayonnaise 711 23 Will1191 49 corn oil Bil Villupluu sliced loaf biscuits Wealcarle granulated to iiéifj white sugar bread In addition tothe savings in this ad look for extra savings not advertised for only 10¢ and $50 worth of Loblaws cash register tapes Passport includes 21 coupons each worth $1 00 oil inyadult adult5011 to 21 lust run rnovtes listed in passport plus 20childrenscoupons each worth 25¢ all any lllltl admissmn years and under to any mow ldylllt Ill Ontario subjectloclassuhcallonandregulations 000000000 00000000000000 CD mu Olympic brand cooked smoked pork shoulders as fllie acaroni and cheese CateIll Dinner tresh quarter pork lom pork chops lly thi thitbdtlt unllnli hilpu itlllltrl llhl ends mount 113 everyday meat value beef chuck boneless blade roast sweet pickled corned beef brisket beef steakettes store packaged everyday meat value beef cube steaks 158 special value Loblaws bee18 pork breakfast sausage special value fresh pork shoulder roasts special value frozen predressed young turkeys special value beef prime rib steaks Canada guide ray pac under 14 lbs lb lb lb special value beef porterhouse or tbone tail oft loin steaks 148 special value special value IggyS Ziggys varieties dwurst or cooked meat sa bas Sice chul each oz pkg