le lelnldlel to March 31st but better hurry Customer demand is causing short supply on some CB models tl The $50 Voucher actually reduces by $50 the already low prices on any 23Channel CB in stock Or get $50 reduction on 4Channel unit when they become The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 1977 available 53 Heres how it works When yoti buy the first CB unit at our low prices yoti are entitled to 850 Voucher Retain your $50 Voucher and use it at Canadian Tire against any new 40 Channel unit when they become legally available0R let $50 savings on any other 23 hannel CB unit Vv ll ll in iiiiiiii WHH munmiiiiiiiiii iii and you get to keep your first purchased CB unit as well utlit the second Share the SSH family car or your Voucher and help power hoat lriend oi neighbour get CB unit Voucher vahd unï¬t December 311977 Conyert one CB unit to base station with pow er supply tiiiit Ltltt All our CB units are D0C Approved All olour 23Cliannel CB sets are licensahle and will continue to he t=liccnsahle by ll JllClianuel sets sold by Canadian lire when ayailahlei ill also he appioy ed hy lC Purchasers ot any approx ed JH Channel sets bought prior to April 1st are entitled to use only the lirst 23 Channels Alter April lst all 4H Channels may he ttsed Prominent with illuminated SRF Meter Say now and lot more in the long run gets you trayel directions when youre lost gets yoti help it you ltayc car problems and much more lciltltes illuminated channel selector yolume and squelch controls detachahle llllcliiv phone PA and eternal speaker lacks Come on in and look it oyet Fanlare 330 with switchable noise limiter llltlllltllc noise himth switch aid litltll Ill noise hlankci cut down llelllltll and motor noise hci llUlt reduction is not necessary you can switch oli the to vwn WWW sm 0V Plus your e5 saves you $50 on any other 23Channel CB unit now or any 4lChannel CB when available Pius your saves yOu $50 on any other 1H hannel unit now or any 4tlChannel CB when ayailahle icceHc weak llltl lsi has squelch control lr and mternal speaker tacks Illuminated it meter and channel Indicator etat hahlc mike oneeeioeieOliOO eeeeeeeleeleelt eeeeeeeoeeeeeet ooveeeeeeoeeeee eoeneoeeeleelet testesevoeeoee viveoeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeelee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeoetceeea eteeeeeeeoe BELTEK Base StationMobile KRACO with RF Gain control KRACO with PA on selector Boasts leatures comparable to higher priced lets you line tune unclear sienals llas switchable Nl squelch pluusin mike Switchable ANI noise hlanker leta line tune squelch automatic modulation de lits hook shell or dash top ANL squelch illuminated SRl and channel indicator detachable mike lAest speaker jacks models Squelch ANI automatic modulation pltltylll mike PA and external speaker iacks mm mm MMAMkMMdé MM MWMW mlmhmmb youth 50 youth 550 wflvayvmtmww saves YOU 350 saves you $50 on any other 237hannel CB unit now or any 0H any other 23Channel CB unit now 40hannel CB when available or any Al liannel CB when available tachahle inike plug in mike iaek lA jackl Meow WM wemMWm kM wet Plus your saves you $50 on arty other 23 Channel CB tiiiit now or any 4lliannel CB when available IA iack illuminated SRl Super buy Wimflwm $50 wwwwmtmm saves you $50 on any other 23hannel CB unit now or any 4tlhannel CB when available Get extra savings with Cash Bonus Coupons or Use your Canadian Tire Card CB Antennae at our low everyday prices 3295 3895 Gutter Moiunttnot shown mounts on rain gutter $1995 48 Bumper Mount Sliukrsuun iihre glass 45 Trunk Mount SIiutmlnurc ï¬breglass Combination Antenna 299 Root or trunk mount 48 Truck Mirror Mount ophased Willi cahle BROWN Barrie lTl Bayfield Moll Bayfleld 51 Hwy 27 Telephone 1266 New Store Hours 930 to pm Mon Tues Sat 930 to pm Wed Thurs Fri