The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March I977 23 county news Federal spending ifse cut to productivity SWIFTS VAcuum PAK EVERSWEET reports ROSS Although the federal spen surance program has been ding budget is increased to $45 tightened up The UIC budget is billion the roposed spending droppingbyssz million for the new iscal year starting Inflation Increases April will decrease in propor There will be increases in tion to gorssnational product it spending in certain areas to was pointed out by Ross Milne help keep up with inflation MP inare rt from Ottawa with mention made of family The Pee Dufferin Simcoe allowances oldage and vet government commented erans pensions and spouses That is another way of saying allowances that the federal presence in the One big area of increase is economy is being pulled back $304 million more to the Man little bit This has been achiev power Department for expan ed by trimming the budget and ding programs to create more by turningovertotheprovinces jobs he said Another $267 significant portion of federal million will be added to Central involvement in medicare Mortgage and Housing Corpor hospital insurance and post ations budget to build and secondary education renew more homes for Cana Continuing his report on the dians This increased construc new budget which is up from tion which will provide more last years estimated $422 jobs should have significant billion the riding member stimulating effect on the said economy This demonstration by the The riding member said dif government that it takes ser ficult choilcles has to be made riln iousl demands for less order to ocate money tot CK WAY WE IM 00 MEAT goverdment involvement in the most important program at the economy provides further sup expense of others which also port for the our antiinflation gave gieritt One examplï¬ irsl rogram The program has eur an ransitsupportw ic Cl 30M CANADA GRADE am en very successful with in has been postponed while more flation now down to 61 per cent money will be directed at eas bettter than the target set for ing the unemployment problem this stage in areas such as the Maritimes There has been considerable Which are experiencing very discussion lately among the high rates of unemployment various governments and hesaid business and labor represen Another example mentioned tatives about the postcontrols was the area of peace and period he said explaining the security which has neces antivinflation program will not sitated hiring more prison be simply abandoned guards and RCMP officers Reference was made to the Large Transfers LB finance minister Donald Mac think it is important to donald who said controls will remember that relatively little be lifted only when they can be of what makes up federal replaced by assurances that government spending is really HA MEATV wage and price increases will federal spending he com continue to be restrained merited as he pointed out that Comments Asked for 197778 685 per cent of the Mr Milne in his report to $45 billion budget will be constituents sai that com redistributed to others in BACKS AnAcum ments and suggestions are transfers to provincial govern welcome We need the ments businessmen farmers broadest possible representa and fishermen consumers and tion of opinion while making pensioners Fully onefifth of decisions having such major all federal spending is simply impact on this countrys turningovermoneycollectedto economic life for the next few provinces municipalities and years the territories Nine percent of Getting back to the es federal spending is for defence timates growth in the public Only 22 per cent goes to wages service has been almost elim and buildings and other costs of inated for 197778 he said government itself it was stating the authorized increase stated is only 21131 jobs or06 per cent Concluding he summarized LB Enlarging on his remarks he so government spending is for explained If the hiringof new the most part money plowed RCMP officers prison guards back into the Canadian FRESH NEVER FROZEN and mailmen is not taken into economy feel we have achiev account there will actually be ed good balance between 309fewercivilservicejobsthan spending to stimulate the there are now One of the economy and to protect those largest cuts was at the who cant work and cutting Unemployment insurance back in areas which we perhaps BY THE PIECE Commission where 653 jobs cannot afford to support in were wiped out because the in times of restraint for centre at Edgar Mammal EDGAR Keith ft or on cwas Irec or minister of community and staff development Lilfliillflglliiil 801 CUT mom CANADA GRADE 355p CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CROSS RIB Boneless Waste Free FRESH NEVER FROlEN MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 68 FORMERLY GROUND CHUCK CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CENTRE CUT BONEIN STEWSHANKI 58¢ FARMER STYLE CUT SPARERIBS 11 FRESH ONTARIO PORK MINI SIZZlERS FROIEN DELICIOUS BEEF LIVER 53$ FRESH NOT FROZEN CANADA GRADE FRYING CHICKENS 59E FRESH NEVER FROZEN CANADA GRADE EXTRA LARGE ROASTING CHICKENS mm69 FRESH NEVER FROZEN SAUSAGE SAUSAGE ITALIAN SAUSAGE FROIEN LARGE DELICIOUS VANILLA OR MARBLE lAYER CAKES 989¢ REG 139 SAVE 50 lUNCHEON MEATS lB FROIEN FAMILY PAK MACARONI CHEESE 99 LB SITE REGULAR PRICE 149 SAVE 60 social services today announc istry In 1968 Miss Lovering ed the appointment of Bernice joined the Ministry of Health as Lovering as facility admin coordinator of staff develop istrator of the Adult Occupa ment for mental retardation tional Centrein Edgar Miss Lovering native of Ot Midss LIaovefring presently tawa has Bachelor of Science coor ina menta retarda de rec and Masters de ree GENERAL MILLS ALL FLAVORS tion facilities Central Ontario in Eiducation from the Ulll$i region will assume her new tyofOttawaShcisarcgistcred position effective immediately nurse and worked as public Shereplaces Seaby who health nurse in the City of Ot has retired to become executive tawa from 1958 until joining On director of the newlymerged tario Public Servicesinl968 ngwanada Penrose Mental She also spent one year as Retardation facilities in consultant in developing sev Kingston eral provincial training pro She has been coordinator of grams in mental retardation at mental retardation facilities the National Institute of Mental since early 1976 Prior to that Retardation I4 01 ounc1110r 1S charged CHAIN PRICE 89 SAVE l2 over thefts of wheat TORONTO CP mem which vanished last year from ber of Brock Township council Maple Leanills UNSWEHENED CONCEMRATE and Streetsville truck driver Two other men scalesopcr have been arrested in con ator at the company and for nection with largescale thefts mer scales clerk were charged of wheat from Maple Leafs earlier with theft in the case Mills Ltd police spokesman Police said they were called said into the case when an internal Albert Hewitt 30 of Beaver audit at Maple Leaf Mills CHAIN PRICE 59 SAVE 20 ton wheatdealer and town showed that the gross weight of ship councillor has been wheat trucks was falsified on charged by provmmal police weigh scales With possession of 320 tons of VALLEY FARM FROZEN l3 BAG PEAS wheat worth $50000 CHAIN PRICE 99 SAVE 20 CREAM PIES REG 89 SAVE 40 ONTARIO NO RED SKIN POTATOES 69 REG PRICE 129 SAVE 60 iiiiiii Bowl CLEANER cuAm PRICWI SAVE Ir TOASTMASTER CRUSTY WHITE SLICED BREAD 293 REG PRICE 49 SAVE 20 tinfif PKG on PuOOINGS CHAIN PRICE 103 SAVE I4 VALLEY FARM FROZEN Steven Taylor 24 of Streets EXPORTS GOODGRASS 01 01 Villeuhas been charged by Met Northern Alberta produces MW ropolitan Toronto police with more than 100 varieties of grass cflAm PmCE stagSAVE 22 theft of the same amount of and legume seeds contributing wheat more than half of Canadas ex McCAIN DELUXE PEPPERONI OR BACK BACON PIZZA The wheat is part of 540 tons ports of forage seeds HAIR PRICE 248 SAVE 49 um 01 it sunrsts HEAVY mm DEIERGENT There is an error on Page of our ircular Sale star MANNING III IIAG EIchOiAIEcIIIR 9ft COOKIES REGULAR MIC 09 SAVE 30 RUPERT BONELESS MccAIu inf ting March 1977 Item should have Save 25 on Crewel Kits and not 30 as stated are gry for any inconvenience this error may lLB PKG VEGETABLES vewu SEARS BARRIE PEAS CARRDTS PEAS ANOCARROIS Georgian Mall 509 Hayfield North CHAIN PRICE 719 SAVE30 cIIAIRPRIcEI 39 SAVEAI