lt59 Levesque reasserts national sovereignt pledge QUEBEC CP Premier Rene Levesque reasserted his Parti Quebecois governments determination to achieve na tional sovereignty when he opened the second session of the Blst legislature Tuesday Only through national sover eignty can Quebec develop fully he said reading from 32pagc inaugural address which included promises of laws setting the ground rules for referendum on independ ence and new language legisla tion strengthening the primacy of the French language in Que bec independence does not mean isolation from the rest of the world said Levesque who read the speech himself rather than as is traditional the lieutenant governor lt means rather estab lishing new type of associ ation inspired by models em ployed by other peoples which have enabled them to cooper ate and develop together with out permanent tensions politi cal inequalities and the con stant spectre of animosity in traditional federalism The government would un dertake study of the form EXAMNER TELEPHONES CllkUloltOll Classified Advei tisiiig All Other Depot tiiiuiits 113th year No57 Jeff Hanch thirdyear mechanical technology stu dent at imrgian ollege checks the temperature on solar collector designed at the college Air drawn into 7266539 72824 7266537 the device by fan is heated by 10 degrees in the time it takes to pass through four tool pipe heated by an ab sorber of solar rays The col lector cost about $70 to make it and other eamples of alternate energy sources will be ayailable for public perusual at the olleges such an association would take with the rest of Canada he said and the results would be presented to Quebecers as soon as they are available PROMISE LAWS However the speechs refer ences to separatism were brief The bulk of the address prom ised laws implementing much of the partys social program and modernizing the govern ments administrative machin cry The premier said afterwards that of the about 40 government measures mentioned roughly dozen represented decisive turning points Among these was the Ian guage legislation soon to be presented to replace the 0f ficial Language Act legislation to set up stateoperated automobile insurance system and revisions to the Electoral Act to make parties disclose their financial sources Levesque also said the need for reform in education is the most pressing emergency The premier announced dur ing his address that his govern ment would introduce char ter for French in Quebec to re place existing language legisla tion before the new school term begins in September The new language law would be clear and vigorous affir mation of the French language in Quebec But it would also re flect the self confidence and spirit of tolerance of nation which knows now that it need not form ghetto to affirm it self and develop The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday March 1977 open house scheduled for March 1X from 9150 ani to St pm and March from lo am to pm lilllillll1 lliotot Open house marks anniversary Georgian ollcgc will hold threeday open house starting mission on March 17 as part of its loth air mvcrsary celebrations Most departments of the col lege will be preparing exhibits and displays for the open house which is being held Georgian campuses At the Barr ic campus economist iir Stevenson Planning pm in the building all Theatre from the tiiitaiio ltoyal Tom lIlcctric will and answer questions at an it public meeting March 17 Georgian fashion show of mens and woiiiciis clothing will be held March in at pm in Tickets are $3 in ad vanceand$25ti at thedoor Power present slides lheat re and the ill with two of Stones members TtJItUNlU CF spokes man for the tolling Stones rock group denied today pub lished reports that quoted him as saying Margaret Trudeau CA NE left Toronto on Tuesday to ac company two members of the group to New York City Paul Wasserman public rela tions officer for the Rolling Blast felt 100 miles away IAltEY Ohio AP dynamite blast fell 100 miles away in Michigan tore through rock quarry in rural Wyan dot County today hurling debris for mile and causing damage to homes in fivemile radius There were no reports of injuries Sheriff Mark Kaublc said the blast which occurred at 346 am formed crater ioo feet long by 80 feet wide and 50 feet deep Agrees to link PLO Jordan Allttl tAl Yasser Arafat has agreed to link his Palestine Liberation Organization PM with Jordan Arab sources say and this may help remove the chief obstacle to resumption of the Arablsraeli peacetalks in Geneva Israel has refused to negotiate with separate Palestinian delega tion but has not objected to an Arab proposal that the Palestinians attend as part of the Jordanian delegation The sources said King Hussein of Jordan at luncheon meeting Tuesday with Arafat asked the Palestinian leader whether he wanted to establish formal link before or after the Geneva talks are resumed possibly this fall Arafat replied that he would like to forgo the bond before the conference the sources said Criticism prompted CBC probe OTTAWA Cli Mounting criticism of the HC promp ted the Canadian ltadiotelevision and Telccommunications Commission to accept Prime Minister Trudeaus suggestion to launch special inquiry into the corporation Cltlt chair man llarry Boyle said Tuesday it is only the second special inquiry ever undertaken by the commission both centring on tthHC Hoyle said Announcement of the inquiry follows wave of recent attacks number by prominent Liberals that the CBC is failing to live up to its mandateofpromoting national unity Liberals have also accused ltatliotfanada the CBCs Frenchangrrage division of being riddled with separatists Stones said in an interview Mrs Trudeau told him and group of others on Sunday that she was planning to go to New York this week and stay with woman friend But he denied reports quoting him as saying Mrs Trudeau left with lead singer Mick Jag ger who is visiting his daughter in New York and Ron Wood who is taking break from the rock groups activities in Toronto Wasscrman said the two members of the group left on different aircraft at different times and Mrs Trudeau was not with either of them Mrs Trudeau attended two performances by the Rolling Stones at Toronto nightclub during the weekend and stayed until Tuesday at the same downtown hotel as the group Wasserman said he said goodbye to Mrs Trudeau when she checked out of the hotel Tuesday He did not ask her where she was going Tenders called for resurfacing Tenders have been called for resurfacing 65 miles of Highway 26 between Midhurst and Stayncr by the provincial ministry of transportation and communications The resurfacing will extend from the eastern boundaries of Stiiyner east to point about 12 miles west of Midhurst The work will include 18 miles of grading drainage granular base and hot mix paving Tenders will be opened April in Toronto Hours for the open house arc rill and ion in ttl411i March Displays include working models of sources shopper security system and nicdical legal from the limos radios instrated Denies MargaretN Ybound to ii in March 11 alternate energy sit at home telc model of home secretary clothing ltockctry and will be dcm If vol One thing for sure She is not married Stephenson here tonight Bette Stephenson ntarios first woman minister of labor will discuss the rights of women in the work force tonight at Harrie Central Collegiate facul tyloungc Dr Stephenson tlC York Mills was elected to the Legislature in 1905 and ap pointed to the cabinet in tobcr She was also the first Woman president of the anadian Medical Association during the 1974 75 term Excouncillor is honored WASAGA BEACH Ted Gordon former Wasaga Beach town councillor was honored Tuesday night for his years of servicetothccomniunity Gordon who lost his bid for reelection last lcembcr received fiveyear service pin bearing the official crest of Wasaga Beach from Mayor Clair Robertson in brief ceremony during the regular council meeting Uhr Earrir Examiner 15 Per Co py Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly Bayfie ld widening not this year Snow lippcr Hayfield Strcct cannot be widened this year ntario lranspirt Minister James Snow told ltairic audience Tuesday Snow told the Barrie lro grcssic onscrvative Associa tions Queens Park Night land acquisition and other problems would delay the pro posed widening 12 to 18 months even if the province and the city reached agreement on the pro ject at once There isnt snowballs chance in hell of its being done this year he said The province and the city are studying the possibility of widening the heavilycongested fourlanc highway to six lanes from Highway 400 to the city limit Studies are not yet com pleted and apportionment of costs also remains unsettled The province would pay 75 per cent 01 the cost under its connection links program but the city is asking for 100 per cent funding blaming the con gestion on commercial develop ment encouraged by the pro Vince Arch Brown owner of the Canadian Tire store on the west Wasaga Beach council warned on town sewer installations l5 llljll ill LIES l1llllllll1lilltSplilltltlll VtASMiA lllJAtll The plan iicr rcspoiisiblc for Wasaga Hcaclis official plan lucsday warned tlWll council that llic lt1lltt will allow tlic town to stagnatc unless agreement is reached on installing scwcr ser viccs ill the near iiturc ob lcliiiiin planner with the lit Group of loronto said llll tmtario Municipal hiard position mi the lllltlul plan which is based on sewer ser yiccs is to withould approval until agreement is reached if the town doesnt come to an agreement with the provin cial government hcsaid the town will be allowed to stagnatc The sewer dispute hinges on the projxirtion of the installae tion costs now estimated at $31 million to be paid by the pro vmcc When the new town of Wasaga Hench was formed by cabinet order 1971 the pro vmcc prepared sewer scheme for the enlarged municipality The provincial government was willing to pay only 30 per cent of the total cost The town held out for five years until the province agreed to pay 75 per cent of the estimated installation cost which had by then risen to $30 million However the town has con tinued to hedge on the proposal because it wants the province to honor commitment made by former natural rescources Leo Bernier and other provin BarrieInn isfil dispu te on annexation unresolved Harrics itlllltt14li dispute with lnmstil lownship remains unsettled after another meeting Tuesday between township council and irrics city dcvclopmcnt committee ac cording to both liarric Mayor ltoss Archer and lnmsfil ltccyc Hill tiibbiiis Mayor Archer said this morn ing the two groups were unable to find mutually icccptablc lxiundary liiic between the ex panded city and the township He described lllt meeting as vcrycordial ltccye tiibbiiis said lucsdny attcrthelalkslicliopcstlicncxt meeting can involve the entire lit member Harrie council in stead of just the four member city development committee plustliciiiayor Mayor Archer said such meeting is possibility but iiotlimgdelinitcliasbccnsct ltecvc tllbbins said the township will have to prepare for resumption of the adjourned Ontario Municipal ltoard hear ing on the dispute if no settle ment is reached by the end of tlicmonth Harrie has applied to annex 135011 acres of lmiisfil along with 4601 from Vcspra Township and 21oo from ro lownsliip All three townships oppose the move lnnisfil has offered about 45000 acres as an alternative The MH hearing which began in October has been ad journed until May while op poiiciits of annexation seek judicial reVicw of tlic letter to the OMB from Ontario trca siircr Darcy McKcougli which appears to support Harrics case court date for the review is expected to be set in the near future Meanwhile Simcoc luffcrin Mll icorgc Mctaguc newly appointcd parliamentary as sistant to McKcougli said in Barrie Tuesday he would like to see the municipalities involved Blood units total 213 The lted fross collected 213 units of blood luesday at blood clinic at leorgiaii Col lege We did much better than last year at the college says Mrs MatLoren organizer of the clinic filling in for Maisie Murphy The blood clinic which was scheduled for college students was opened to the public be cause of the nor turnout at the public clinic eldlast week liorty of the donors were not students The next clinic will be held the last Monday and Tuesday May 30 and it come to voluntary settlement of the issue It To batch or not to batch that is the question From left Marsha Walker Wilma of man and Trudy Duckworth puule over the answer dont think its too late yet licsaid which is expected today at the Warnica Public School science fair The three 13 yearolds have an entry in the fair called Baby hick cial officials that there will be no expense to the ratepayers of this area for the sewers because the town was created by the province for its own con vcnience Town Clerk Ron Raynor said the province created the town so that it could deal with only one municipality instead of Flos Sunnidale and Nottawa saga township individually Raynor said town council was also upset because the province wants to exclude the biggest potential user of the sewer system the provincial ministry of natural resources from pay ing share of the installation costs Carl Mitchell Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce tourism director two weeks ago said the natural resources share of the total installation cost would amount ti abouts million Comes to Life After three weeks in an incubator the 17 eggs that theyve been ten ding are scheduled to hatch side of the street drew ap plause when he called for speedy solution to the problem He said the widening should be started this year Brown also predicted newly installed traffic lights at the streets interchange with Highway 400 will back traffic up on the 400 itself by the May 24weekend He said cancellation of pro posed Barrie bypass on Highway 400 is inconsistent with the provinces policy of making Wasaga Beach day trip playground for Toronto residents who now leave the 400 and drive up Bayfield Street on their way to the resort Snow said the combination of commercial development and highway route found on upper Bayfield is responsible for the congetions though he declined to place the blame for the pro lem When you turn provincial highway into gasoline alley with an entrance every 50 feet you cut down tremendously on the capacity of that highway he said Bayfield Street is also Highway 26 and 27 Snow said the proposed widening is one way of com pensating for cancellation of the Highway 400 bypass Other partial solutions are widening Highway 400 north of the city scheduled to begin this summer and signposting of county roads as an informal bypass today The public can find out if they did or not by visiting the fair tonight from to pm Examiner Photo Shameem an expert on igloos 1A1NSW1CK Shameem Rashid is only years old but she knows lot about igloos igloos have Eskimos in them and the mother has background for her babies to sit on Shameem said Tuesday while explaining her entr in the Warnica lublic Sc ool science fair The kindergarten pupil has one of about 300 entries in the science fair which the public can visit today from am to pm and to pm Shameems study of the Eskimo includes styrofoam igloo which her father helped her make and mother made the glue for and several drawings of the Eskimo lifestyle In one an Eskimo and his dog are confronting walrus The walrus is dnagerous animal because its got tusks Shameem said although she felt little badly about forget ting to draw in spear for the hunter Marsha Walker Trudy Duckworth and Wilma Hofman at 13 have worked four weeks on their roject Baby Chick Comesto ife Theyve had 17 eggs in an in cubator for three weeks and have timed the hatching for to day Three other eggs were opened at various stages in the study Tuesday however there was bit of sadness in their camp when one of the eggs hatched prematurely The chick died soon after Garth Robinson and Jamie Miller both 13 have titled their project Aerodynamics An air conditioner wind tunnel and miniature glider serve to il lustrate their study of air as it flows around objects Cystic fibrosis teeth Stonehenge clouds dreams reptiles plants and the human body are some of the other sub jects delved into by Warnica pupils of every age Science teacher Dave Michie who started the fair said hes noticed considerable im provement in the quality of the exhibits in the four years that the fair has been held He said the exhibits were somewhat unrefined durin the first few years Now stu ents are paying more attention to the exhibition aspect and us ing colorful backdrops and il lustrations to complement their projects Medals are awarded to the top three exhibits in each of three divisions as judged by the teachers There is also prize for the project most popular with the public Visitors can cast ballots for the entry of their choice