The Barrie Examiner Monday March 1977 By BRIAN BAKER COLDWATER One Sunday recently we decided that this might be good chance to enjoy sightseeing trip One trip that spontaneously suggested itself would take us from Coldwater in Mendonte Township and along the top of Tay Township to Highway 12 beside the numerous lovely bays of Georgian Bay and then to Historic Midland and Penetanguishene We reached Coldwater by scenic Highway 400 from Bar rie with maple woods on every side still holding their glorious colors of red and gold At the in tersection of 12 with 400 two righthand turns took us to far famed Coldwater Coldwater Canadiana and the charming twostory Woodrow log house built in 1840 by Mr and Mrs Archibald Woodrow from Scotland It has been nicely restored as museum and place where one can buy all sorts of Cana dian and Native Canadian crafts ranging from local pot tery to Eskimo soapstone carv ings Purple and white chrysan themums grew in the garden STAGE COACHES plaque notes that this house was passed by stage coaches running from The Narrows Orillia and fording the Col dwater River nearby to meet the steamer Gore at Sturgeon Bay For thousands of years this also marked the end of an ancient Indian portage from Orillia to Georgian Bay the river being deep enough to carry canoes from this point down to the bay The village of Coldwater itself we found as usual cozy sunny place with many buildings dating well back into the 18005 One of the most fascinating of these buildings is Argyll Epletts threestorey red painted frame feed mill originally built in 1833 by the Government for the Ojibwa In dians who lived in what was then the Coldwater Reserve The mill has operated con tiriuously for 144 years The millrace and weir gates of this formerly waterpowered mill may still be seen An impressive stone and pla que in front of the Library note that Coldwater was the home of George Gray born in 1865 who held the North American shot putting record for 17 years was never defeated in competi tion and broke twenty world records and won 188 troplies and medals His Home now owned by Joe Barron on Sturgeon Street is marked by most expansive limestone ar chitecture Almost like some Dutch canal the Coldwater River is the Villages back yard cross ed by iron bridges and shaded by elms and maples It is hard to believe today but in the mid 18005 wooden sailing ship was built here and sailed down the River through the Great Lakes and across the Atlantic Ocean to London England rNoting isofoot wooded ridge of hills running east to west south of the village we returned to Highway 12 and turned north towards Flessher ton originally known as Bushs Point after pioneer settler We followed the routes of the CNR and CPR railway tracks Great swamps and half water halfswamps lay on our right with bigh high voltage hydro transmission line towers wetting their feet to cross Mat chedash Bay Five mallards lifting water with their feet rose from the bullrushes and flew low across the water ON THE STEPS leading up to Penetanguisheiies great St Anns Roman Catholic Church Father le Caron who held first mass in what is now Simcoe County gazes at his crucifix as the symbol Stores and marinas catered to the tourists TRADING POST From Fesserton we could look across the Bay towards the site of Cowans Trading Post once known as The Chimneys because of the big stone chimneys remaining into pioneer days from the log house in which FrenchCanadian fur trader George Cowan lived and did his trading with local and Muskoka Indians for furs from 1778 until his drowning deathin 1804 Situated upon pleasant hill we found the village of Waubaushene established in 1840 and so called by the jib was who knew it as The Meeting of the Rocks for here one notes many great granite boulders and limestone out crops George Duncliff whose grandparents came over from England in 1874 described how his grandfather in the house George himself still occupies worked as cobbler finding good trade in making heavy spiked boots for the lumbermen and log drivers who worked in the nearby lumber mills and on the river andlog rafts Just south of Victoria Har bour we visited the site of St Ignace where in 1649 two of the most famous martyrs in the New World Jesuit priests Jean Canadian finances theme of Stroud WI MRSWW CAMPBELL STROUD Convener of citizenship and world affairs Mrs Rix ke about the Canadian esta lishment and the relatively few who actually run the finances of the country in an address to Stroud Womens Institute The fastest growing province in Canada is Alberta With its oil wealth There is no inheritance tax or sales tax in that western province it was pointed out Canada has taken great strides forward in the ast 37 years said the spea er in stressing individual respon sibility toward building an even better Canada Canada belongs to all of us An oral contest was held about the counties of Ontario paper on current events was read by Mrs Ayers Motto chosen for the meeting was listed mans feet should be planted in his country but his eyes should survey the world In the absence of the president Mrs Campbell who was vacationing in Hawaii Mrs Brady presided There were 19 members and one visitor present Once largest COLLINGWOOD Staff Back 66 years ago in 1911 Colt ingwood was the largest mult nieipality in Simcoe County with population of 7077 it was shown by old records Orillia had 6835 people then Barrie 6428 and Midland 4660 $3100 Peter StS 2nd Floor Orillia 3252601 A1 Visits Georgian Bay sites Historic tour in county impresses of strength The mass was celebrated in the fall of 1615 at aragouha north of Lafon taine in the presence of Samuel de Champlain ac cording to early records Baker Photo de Brebcuf and Gabriel Lach mant were put to death after hideous tortures by the Iroquois invaders of Htironia In Victoria Harbour we en joyed tour of the village noting the fine brick homes and many unusually interesting andwell kept frame house number of rather cute veran das the white and black frame Catholic church and another charming frame and board church St Johns United the municipal building anti even marine lighthouse overlooking the highway and gaily painted red and white We had picnic in the car chilly wind was blowing off the bay overlook ing the bay Methrxlist Island and other pretty islands across to Port Severn and the mouth of thechern Down the 6th concession of Iay we visited the historic site of St Louis in loop of the Hogg River where in March of 1649 Iroquois invaders sacked and burned the Huron Indian village of that name and cap tured the two Jesuit priests mentioned above and dragged them back to St Ignace and their heroic deaths TRESTIJJ BRIDGE More surprises awaited us in Port McNicoll starting with the amazing Canadian Pacific Railway trestle bridge which swings across Hogg Bay in tremendous arc over 2000Iect long and 50 feet high Port McNicoIl came to life when in the late 1800s the CPR decided to establish their eastern grain terminals here The town is marked by many unusual buildings like the community centre with its overhanging upper story bay windows the early hotel the little falsefronted stores beyond the redpainted rail way station recalling past glories of railway and boat ex cursion travel and above all the great and sombre hulk of the castlelike grain elevators standing far out on natural causeway trip up to Flat Point and the site of the first stone uarry in Ontario off Watersi Drive was rewarded with the discovery of 30pound slab of greyblack limestone covered with ancient fossil sea plants Sparkling trickles of water ran down the 20foot quarry face On this trip we would take brief tour of some of Midlands farfamed tourist attractions not missing the panoramic view from the lookout atop the hill behind halfcenturyold Mar tyrs Shrine with im imposing twin towers built to honor the four martyr saints who died for the cause of Christianity in Simcoe County in the 16005 Across the road we find Saint Marie Among the Hurons re constructed in authentic detail and built on the exact site of the original Saint Marie mission built by the Jesuits in the 16205 305 Here may be seen the first stone walls and the first canal built in the New World plus fantastic museum of the period and most of the reconstructed mission buildings including livestock compounds with real pigs chicken and cows loafing within Adjacent is Wye Marsh con servation area with nature theatre underwater waterlife observation ports and board walks running through the marsh wheje rare waterfowl may be observed close at hand COUNTY GLIMPSES To show paintings RILLIA Staff Alan Wilson Severn Bridge artist will give demonstration in the art of pastels at meeting of the Ori lia Guild of Artists to be held at the Young at Heart workshop on Peter Street this Monday evening new exhibit of paintings and crafts will be on display To show slides HAMPSHIRE Staff slide presentation about trip to the west coast will be shown by Mrs Barnes at meeting of the Good Neighbor club at the Christian Fellowship chapel here on Tuesday March at 10 am rossland WI CROSSLANI Staff Members of Crossland Womens Institute will hold their next regular meeting at the home of Mrs Joe Klein Gebbinick on Wednesday March Early preparations for the annual district meeting which will be held at Knox Presbuterian church here with the Crossland branch as host will be discussed The district meeting has been arranged for Tuesday May 24 WI at Vasey Waverley Staff Ar rangements have been made by members of Vascy Womens Iri stitute to hold their next regular meeting on Tuesday March when plans for coming activities will be discussed Am looking For Person Wholl Con invest $2500 in his or her own business Can follow proven plan of success Con accept leadership and responsibility Con become involved with products used daily Con accept $25000 to $35000 annually as realty This is rapidly expanding corporation Immediate action is the Iroy to Involvement continuation of Oh stylus shown and ltlllli Irirzlurlriiq ruriri your imam rriitrrm Ill wlutu route or iiririli ureter lenses one your flffllitttllltflll erlhlllly iqniuul breakout your how of rust from Wltlt tllllltll 04 lmltlrr ll reyreultiss Joannq uiilutmri lflltllll llltltl anti llltllill llyts for only $1300 more ltw llllttl ti sint rtil lyric iii EYEGLASSES your him if of imrrirI irririi lunar iriii lvlilllflll lllll CAll NOW 4167457001 WEST COAST SEAFOODS CORPORATION MEMBER or mm BUSINESS BUREAU Off William Street at Midland Lake Park we visited Huronia Museum famed for its Huron Indian exhibits rare glass ioneers tools and household ef ects marine displays with one devoted to pioneer aircraft builder Orville Wright Next door the wierd false faces of early Huron residents beckoned us to Indian village with its reconstructed long house sweat pits medicine doctors but high palisade and museum Mountains of crushed limestone and other bulk materials by the shipload marked Downtown water front along with the great grain ter minals Knox Presbyterian church with its circular aud itorium on Hugel Street and St Margarets Roman Catholic Church with its outstanding carillon of Bells and Grey Sisters Convent across the road caught our attention Entering Penetanguishene via Highway 27 through the gateway of silver bugling angels marking the Tercenten nary of The Town we drove two of the most pretty miles of our trip along the border of fjord like Penetang Harbor with view across the blue waters to Magazine Island and the color ful fall woods along the opposite shore In Huronia Park littered with bushels of acorns we found three intriguing plaques one dedicated to original Jesuit and Recollect priests and early explorers including Brule and Champlain Another is do dicated to Lt Miller Worsley and men of his Royal New foundland Regiment who in September of 1814 in open boats captured the US war ships Tigress and Scorpion The third plaque on t0p huge boulder marks the site where ageold enemies the Huron and Iroquois made the peace and buried the hatchet in colorful ceremony in 1921 ONCE NAVAL BASE Near Asylum Point we looked down on The Naval Es tablishments with its red naval Barn log and frame homes and military buildings faithfully reconstructed and the buff colored brick officers quarters still remaining from when it was built in about the 18305 and where officers could hold dances with invitations going out to the local influential residents Connected with it is St JamesontheLines Church built on the military reserve in 183638 where the private soldiers could stand four abreast up the centre aisle while officers and their ladies could sit through the service in the wooden pews We noted such graves as that of Capt James Keating 17861849 Mary Marbcrly 1879 and Prof Kynoch of the University of Michigan 1966 ur trip concluded with visit to the tremendous stone structure of St Anns Roman Catholic church with what must be the most outstanding ex panse of religious depictions in stained glass in Simcoe County Three great bronze bells weighing total of ton and half are dedicated to Father Iaborcau and martyrs Bre beuf and Lalemant the steps outside Father le Caron in bronze holds cross while at his feet skull rests sym bolically atop bible Vï¬rt v1 v7 VY 57 Saving Confederation prime needRynard Members of Opposition par ties in the House of Commons have res nsibility to subject any bad egislation to sharp criticism before further action is taken Dr Rynard MP stressed in his latest message from Parliament Hill The North Simcoe MP poin ted out in most of his nearly 20 years in Ottawa a5 Conser vative member he has been on the Opposition side or with minority government The function of an Opposi tion is to oppose bad legislation when it is introduced by the government he said explain ing this function brings out the facts in the open before Parlia ment and often contributes to ward better legislation for the people of the country No Ordination at Alliston ALLISTON Pastor John Kenyon of Grace Baptist Chur ch received his ordination in special service which was at tended by ministers and laity of other Baptist churches in the area Participating were Rev Wuest Emmanuel Baptist Church Barrie and Rev Bigelow of Collingwood In the evening Rev Stuart Sylvester pastor of the Bramalea church was guest speaker with the LifeLight Singers providing musical numbers The congregation celebrated their fourth anniversary under the leadership of Mr Kenyon Services were held in the Orange Hall before acquiring property on Highway 89 east of Town Guest speakers for the Sunday services were Mr Sylvester and Rev George McAlpinc of the Evangelical Alliance Mission Mr Bruce Men of Barrie contributed vocal solos at the morning service and fireside hour and refreshments followed the Sunday evening service bserving Thinking Day group of Brownies and Guides with their leaders attended the morning service of St Johns United Church on Sunday Pledge for Simcoe North 4H boys Members of Simcoe North tll lubs have pledge to im prove their skills and leader ship Thirteen rlub leaders incl recently at the Hrookdalc Inn here they Bradford Rotarians BRADFORD Staff lwcntyrtivc years of activity was celebrated by members of the Bradford Rotary club The late Jim Webb was the first president when it was founded in 1152 with the Aurora Rotarians the sprmsors Later the Iiiad ford club sponsored the lltcton Rotary District lovirnor Norman luild of Brampton was among those sending con gratulations WEDNESDAYS SATuRoAvs ARE OF FOR THE PRICE TRAVEL DAYS ROUN TRIP TO TORONTO WITH TRAVELWAYS nn Wllll lllI purchase it tilll rrzqiilgir round trip lnrr 131 Orillia Sf 95 flowni lwr adults lltlt touvther tor lllt lrirnrl llltlllvtH lilltl il llt llllillillltltllltl wrlw lay lltllllll thum tilay ii141d ENJOY New Golden Carnot Hostess Service Seven Days Week Lots of Free Parking At Both lerriiuitils Why Drive Hth your car Willi us on our lot And R3lilltl CARRIED ON ALL DEPAIIIURES SAME DAY SLRVICL IPARCEL EXPRESS Bus Linus Ltd TRAVELWAYS LTD Call 3267377 For your reservations planned how they will go about it Wayne Simpson left of the Dairy Club and Henry Vander Wielcn of the Minising club were among the adult leaders reviewing last years pro gram and planning for this years activities Examiner Photo tiny resentment is held he com merited T00 HASTY Coiling attention to discus sions about Confederation and how to make it work Dr Ry nard pointed out it was in troduced under Bill 037 which dealt eseentially with taxes sharedcost programs and gants Shared costs are giving away to tax points he said adding the comment While this is part of the picture the real one is the fight to the death by Prime Minister Trudeau os Rene Levesque separatist Premier of Quebec who recent ly defeated corrupt Liberal government in that province Mr Trudeau has been arrogant over the years His haste in in troducing legislation across the board has on examination backfired The move by the Trudeau Liberal government to make the federal public service bil ingual was termed as almost complete failure educationally and financially by the 20year member Mr Keith Spicer commis sioner of bilingualism made that fact very plain he said There was only one place where another language was learned and that was in childhood when one first learn ed to talk But in Quebec Mr Trudeau did not go fast enough so the previous Liberal govern ment in that province made it unilingual by introducing Bill 22 Common heritage Turning to another phase of the bilingual issue Dr Rynard said What was being forgot ten was the great melting pot on intermarriage between races That is what was helped to make the United States great They have common denomination the English Language which is worldwide Even Mr Trudeaus own famil is only onequarter Fren if indeed that much England itself was the melting pot of the Fijench and English and changes have occurred in its language We have emas culated words and introduced new ones As the North Simcoe MP sees it language is not really the basic government problem to day It is economics it is jobs and it is the incentive to improve ones lot to become builder of the country and not parasite he said Dr Rynard praised Mr Trudeaus recent speech before the US Congress in Wash ington DC in which the prime minister stated that Canada would hold together Solid block The president of the United States Jimmy Carter wants Canada united as solid block and there is no doubt that this is best for Canada He is surely demonstrating his friendliness and willingness to be good neighbor said Dr Rynard of Mr Carter In further praise of the prime minister Dr Rynard conclud ed Mr Trudeau gave speech the equal of which has not been heard since John Diefenbaker was prime minister in the Eisenhower years Let us hope that we can now work together with our American cousins to our mutual advantage HR Block has seventeen reasons why income tax you should et them prepare your return Reason Number Seven Ft Block has offices open all year long Preparing income tax returns is their business and that requires being available to help whatever time of year that help is needed You can know that Block will be there H8R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY om TO pm SATURDAY 900 tun TO 400 pJII no APPOINTMENT tumult1264322 15 DUNLOP ST EASTBARRIE ALSO IN Scars GEORGIAN MAll DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS ALSO IN Canada Trust 91 DUNLOP ST ascension EHUSAllE Ill lHE Nllilth Special TV Series ft iz Cliff Barrows Geo Beverly Shea Tedd Smith Don Hustad Spotrral guests on the series Johnny and June Cash Andrae Crouch Joni Eareckson Evie Tornquist Chuck Colson The Murk Family Norma Zimmer Myrtle Hall titt lltl WHY HOMES