ews roundup Head of Polysar tells of letter querying rebates OTTAWA CP The president of Polysar Ltd said Tues day night he didnt know foreign subsidiary was involved in questionable rebates to customers until report of special investigation was handed to him Jan 31 But Ian Rush said in testimony before the Commons pub lic accounts committee that he had received copy of let ter from former AuditorGeneral Maxwell Henderson in 1973 raism questions over the payments Henderson wrote his letter to Prime Minister Trudeau saying Polysar Swiss subsidiary Polysar International SA PISA was billing customers at inflated rates and remit ting the difference between that and the actual price to the customer He said it allowed the customer to evade taxes at home and to avoid foreign exchange regulations Those allegations were supported in report carried out for the company board of directors late last year after the Henderson letter was leaked to the press The investigation carried out by retired Justice John Ay lesworth of the Ontario Appeal Court and David Stanley vicepresident of Wood Gundy and director of Polysar said the method of kickbacks also could have been used to defraud minority shareholders in the customer com panies May seek 78 Hydro rate boost TORONTO CPI Robert Hydro said Tuesday that the utility likely will seek 1978 increase of 10 to 12 per cent in its wholesale power rates Speaking to meeting of Electrical Utilities said the proposal will be ths to Energy Minister James Taylor for referral to the Ontario Energy Board Ontario Hydro raised its wholesale rates by 30 per cent last Jan Taylor said Hydro is con sidering an experimental solarheating installation in one of its buildings and is also doing research on heat pumps which would work in conjunction with solar energy ROBERT TAYLOR wholesale rates Uranium shavings stolen BRAMPTON Ont CPI Police say that about 550 poun been stolen from company in nearby Mississauga The shavings containedy in two blue barrels are used by Leavens Brothers Co to make nuclear shields for ex periments by Eldorado Nuclear Ltd owners of shipment reported missing Monday Hugh Spence an information officer with the Atomic Energy Control Board in Ottawa said the metal might catch fire if mishandled but does not contain enough radiation to harm person Sdpence said the shavings normally are stored in liquid an might ignite if left exposed 8117 earned over $100000 OTTAWA CP total of8llT persons had total taxable incomes exceeding $100000 during 1974 the Commons was told Tuesday written response to question by Liberal MP llarold Herbert Montreal Vaudreuili showed half of the wealthy 4080 lived in Ontario By comparison total of 1968 Quebec residents reported total incomes of more than $100000 Other provinces have fewer residents in the highincome range British Columbia 850 Alberta 549 Saskatchewan 200 Manitoba 138 Nova Scotia 113 New Brunswick and Edward Island and the two northern territories because of secrecy about their tax returns Stricter blood checks urged TORONTO CPI coroners jury recommended Tues day stricter checks on blood used for transfusions during surgery in Wellesley Hospital The jury had been told that Irene Sterback 68 died last Jan 12 after being given between 300 and 400 cubic centi metres of blood intended for another patient The jury recommended that the hospital design clearer bloodcontainer labels to be clipped to the pole from which blood is hung and that the label be taken to the refrigerator when more blood units are collected The jury urged that bloodchecking procedures be posted at refrigerators that good lighting in and around refrigerators is ensured and that blood types be entered on patients charts Urges broader pollution probe PETEKBOROUGH Ont CP NDP Leader Stephen Lewis urged Tuesday that the Ontario environment ministry broaden its in vestigation of chemical con tamination of inland waters He told an NDP riding nomination meeting that in dustrial emissions par ticularly from pulp and paper mills are the main cause of mercury pollution of water Lewis accused the Progressive Conservative government of serious economic mismanagement of natural resources and said his party has little con fidence in the environment ministrys eagerness to in vestigatepollution He said industrial plants discharge more than twice as much pollution into water ways as municipalities but pay less than onequarter of the cost of sewage project to clean up the water Speech missed NB jobless FREDERICTON CP An unemployment rateof nearly 30 per cent in some sections of New Brunswick went un noticed in the provincial governments speech from the throne Opposition Leader Robert lliggins said Tuesday king to reporters after the speech Higgins said the SIEIIIEN LEWIS accuses ls ad ress lacked anything economic He declined further Taylor chairman of Ontario the Ontario Municipal Elec tric Association and the Association of Municipal Taylor presented in about two mon ds of spontaneouslycombustible uranium shavings have Newfoundland 53 each No figures were provided for Prince the small number of rich residents and the need to maintain comment on the legislative package saying he has lost con fidence in the government The speech read by LtGov lledard Hobicliaud in English and French indicated the government because of financial restraint is relying heavily on longterm measures and the private sector to ease the unemployment problem Election would irk voters PORT HOPE Ont CI Ithpeaker of the Ontario leg islature said Tuesday that voters would not be pleased about 59 an early rovincial election unless major issue surfaces Russel Rowe Progressive Conservative member of the legislature for Northumberland said that although the three parties are preparing for an election the present minority government has been working fairly well Are you sure its not going to hurt That might have been Honored Actress Bette Davis is shown in Bttli llills Tuesday night after receiving special award honoring her It years of film viork She became the fifth recipient of the American Iilni Insti lutcs cowted Life Achieve mciit award It was prclt scntId on program featuiw ing an array of film pcr sonalitiis who have worked with her over the years Il Photo WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $700 In Barrio 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over $700 Phone 72888I 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE tastiiigtlaxuiiis IIiIyIIIIIiiII tIIItItl Itltitttl ttII UIIHIIHIII JAIIUIIIG iriyuig IsI lllt tlItIIII tHIIt ltt iIIsI happen It Iiinkt Of course it doesnt the question Bill Leninion is asking clinic assistant llan nelc Lascar Monday night at the Red ross Blood donor Airspace French sees victory OTTAWA ICPI Roger Ie mcrs is confident that support ers of two languages in Quebec airspace have victory within their grasp Dcmers president 01 the As sociation des Gens dc IAir du Quebec told student group at the University of Ottawa on Tuesday that the only question remaining is when and how the use of French will be extended in aviation communications in Quebec Moderate llnglislirijiaking aiiadians are swinging behind the official federal policy of gradually extending bilingual air traffic control in Quebec as safety permits he said think we are arriving at maturity that we didnt have and think that thinking people are ready to admit that Ircnch in anada is going to stay and people must work in French in Quebec llc said he is certain the cur rent federal inquiry on bilingual air traffic control will favor use of two languages in instrument flight operations in Quebec Instrument flight rules apply gentrally to commercial airliners LICENSED UNDER LLBO uowano Johnson you select from Menu TURE OF YOUR PARTY You 11 buy it the ï¬rst time for price and the second time for flavour Ask Iiiyimrly whos been in illt Iol Slmpjw IIin ilIIIIit lll Imn III III gunit IlmiI tttlllt ml pop Pf foi Choping III mwh Innimi Cop mph 107 Put It thtalitilht III IIiIy Iiiiclim lttutlltillt inilIIIIImlily km priu You see uKe tlIIIIIIIJItti all those tIIHIIdHlINItIIHIIIUII 1I Ilinls lit In gt IIII IIIIIH BARRIE Heres your chance to have the biggest best BIRTHDA PARTY Look what you get FREE Your own dinner that the and Free Birthday Coke for you to shore with your family and friends Balloons and Loot Bogs AND FREE SOUVENIR PIC Home of the Salad Bar 7269641 355 Boyfield St tlltJHi to sell Ith pup it lllt pm is no In nurse um you taste IIf litllf nIIlI IgtI IiiiiIng ll 244001801 TU $263 534 BAYFIELD ST Itippmitt Sears Just join the H0 10 BIRTHDAY CLUB and you can invite your friends to great time fright at this Howard Johnsons restaurant Regular Childrens plus OTTAWA CP Four law yers who say they are tired of watching people go to jail for possession of marijuana have formed national organization intending to push the govern ment into fulfilling promise made five years ago to lighten penalties for marijuana posses sion The group which plans to open its first office in Van couver this week is the first to receive foreign charter from NORML the US National Or ganization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws which is cred ited with having marijuana of fences removcd from the laws of six states We want to end all criminal penalties for possession and use of marijuana lawyer Ted Seifred explained in recent in terview We dont advocate the use of marijuana but can find no medical moral or legal justification for imprisoning those who do use it ably isnt ready to have the sale or distribution of marijdana made legal But he said most believe people convicted of pos sessing the drug should not re ceive punishment more severe than fine NORMLCanada estimatcs2 000000 Canadians including 43 per cent of all college students have smoked marijuana TlIE BROOKDALE PRESENTS EVERY IIESIMY THURSDAY NIGHT singles mingle In Borries Most Luxurious Lounge with Disco Live Entertainment MAMA coco clinic in Barrie Examiner Iiotot Examiner Want Ads 7282414 featuring this week The lirookdalc Inn l50 lunlop St 7284312 DOUBLE FEATURE THE BOOK CRITICS RAVED ABOUT A4 ruin lilt idicnture up the with the best painfully rculistli AND Now MOVIE CRITICS ECHO THESE ACCOLADES It all adds up to in cu fling onibmutimi idi Iiiturc uupmuc murder and srntul Irllstlitflutl At the wow IIIYH Shout for hitth Illlt tIic oh of alerting AmiIII on ImIIIciii to thc an L1 ttiIdIIii Its lll our on ii hm Ayurd your story there Is trilniy mrnm CLIFF BOBEHTSUNERNEST BORGNINEMENRY SILVA moss mm NOW PLAYING AOnitinAcl II vu and ALSO SHOWING IOWL COMPLETE SHOW FROM 700 SHOOT AT 700 PM DIARY AT 990 PM gnoxwg ARDUNLOPST 728 4681 IMPERIAL CINEMA SCR€ISQIID Held Over 3rd Week 645 PM 915 PM KRISEOEFERSOH l0 NIECNI II AM no vn llARBIII Slillbtlll IJIIiIIRISUIIIKSINnA MINDAlt Pl IillS Will ISIUI IS lltllil huimilxaltlilliï¬ haledDIlIIAlllllllfllt mime Miriam SililltNll mmnnmnumuut immmimnm manhunimuimuunum uhhtwr mm comw lwni Ammm Siefred said the country prob The Barrie Examiner wednesday March 21977 Siefred John Conroy and Ro ger Jatko all Vancouver law yers and Toronto lawyer Clay ton Ruby make up NORML Canadas board of directors WONT SIT BACK Ive practiced criminal law for the last six years and Im tired of sitting back and watch ing people go to jail for some thing like possession of mari juana Siefred said NORML Canadas policy statement says the organization fully supports discouragement policy towards Fully licensed steak and to top it off 7269944 CINEMA 1259944 CINEMA anything can happen and usually does IMPERIAL CINEMA cacao sew NIIIIAINIUII wioiy toil ULZIE STEAK PIT and TA VERN 29 Dunlop COMPlETE MEALS ONE lOW PRICE French Onion Soup Dills French Stick House Solod Steak Baked Potato Pastry Coffee 850 to 995 depending on your choice of we have Roy Belmonte for your listening pleasure Tues Sot 612 BuIIeLMLIIIo Youll howl at the adventures he has with his instrument COLUMBIA PICTURES present Timothy leas DOUBLE FEATRE cum EASTWOOD THE EIGER SANCflONr UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR 710 PM 905 PM liOt UMBIA IILII IIQI In it II I1 kt tit III II Hm RAIJI PM VSkt iwutmtwi FORM tribute to American ingenuity Wain WWIhf Olen MD ME MI FD Mt MAHONI mmmplm WWII ill l3 ll Lki BI and MORDI Al RKIHLFR Al IN AN IQ Itmtmeit II I3 NARI and MAX PALESKY Ask lighter penalty for drug possession the recreational use of all drugs including alcohol tobac co and marijuana NORML Canada also strongly discourages driving cars or other vehicles while no der the influence of marijuana or any other drug and recognizes the legitimate public interest in prohibiting it Siefred said that since the government promised to lighten penalties for possession of the drug five years ago nearly 100000 Canadians have been convicted of the offence 7263831 make reservations Confessions Of Pop Performer 715 Driving Instructor Eiger Sanction pm Car Wash 915 AND AS AMI ENIEIIAMIEIT Held Over 2nd Week WE In ECmL scan mo