lt yir EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 IlSth year No51 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday March 1977 NAIROBI Kenya AP US tourist jailed for two days by President Idi Amins police arrived in Nairobi today after being expelled from Uganda the US embassy reported But no exodus of US nationals was expected des ite Amins recent behavior an reports of whole sale murder of gandans An embassy spokesman said the expelled tourist was named Brian Schwartz but he could not give his age or US ad dress Schwartz said he was locked up in Kampala the Ugandan capital during Amins fourday ban against US citizens leav ing Uganda but he said he was given no explanation for his de tention the spokesman said Schwartz arrived in Kampala last Thursday the day before Amin ordered all US citizens not to leave Uganda and was taken into custody on Saturday the embassy spokesman said He was released on Monday night and stayed in hotel the spokesman continued The next day he was taken to the border with Kenya by car and after crossing caught bus to Nairobi Schwartz said he knows of no other US citizens held in jail the spokesman said He was the second US tour Mike Williams stands back to avoid paint splashes as he visits his fouryearold son Niel at an open house at Kid diskool Day Tare Centre on Donald St Tuesday The Paint splash open house is on again today from until pm today When asked what the com pleted painting would be the prompt reply was din osaur Examiner Ihoto CAPSULE NE WS Prisonerexchange pact signed FRANCIS FOX joint treaty WASHINGTON CF Canada and the United States announced today the signing of prisoner exchange treaty that also covers persons on probation or parole Under terms of the trea tyl signed here by Cana dian SolicitorGeneral Fran cis Fox and US Attorney General Griffin Belle fana dians in US prisons or on probation or parole from US prisons may be trans ferred to Canada US na tionals in Canada would havematchingrights Fox said in statement that the treaty similar to an earlier McxicoUS agree inciit will serve as pro totype for Canada in negotiating similar ar rangements with other countries Injured in freak mishap dies PRINCE GEORGE BC CP Sixyearold Heather Gordon pierced through the head in Christmas Day tobog ganing accident died Monday at Prince George Regional Hospital She had been unconscious for more than month Heather was injured when she and her ltiyearold sister Lee Anne were trying out Christmas gift tobogganon hill near their home The toboggan was going an estimated miles an hour when it struck rock and the girls flew off Heather landed on steel reinforcing rod which entered just above her lip and came out through her skull OFL members may strike TORONTO CP Nine senior staff members of Ontario Federation of Labor may go on strike today after negotia tions with the federation broke down Tuesday union of ficial said Paul Forter Spokesman for Local 343 Office and Irofcsr sionat Employees International Union said the contract dispute involves wages and benefits The old contract ex pired Sept 30 ist reported to have left Uganda this week Robert Shinn 25 of Spring Lake Heights NJ said he arrived in Nairobi Tuesday by bus from Kampala and had no touble crossing the border The embassy spokesman said there was no indication that any of the estimated 240 US residents of Uganda will be leaving Most are missionaries living in remote areas Our presumption is that be Firms fined for misleading advertising 0llAA lt That con cernedlooking gentleman in the white lab coat who rcconr mends certain cold remedy had better really be doctor or the advertiser might face charge of misleading ad vertising the federal depart ment of consumer and cor porate affairs warned Tuesday The bulletin listed the names of individuals and companies convicted on charges of INS leading advertising in the cto lwrIleccnilwr period total of ANGIS donations of clothing furnit lracc Hill morning said the family old son bedroom and kit pair of work boots for Itowin can do for the family At most outlets ounty residents are rallying to help the William Rowcn family who lost their home in tirc Sunday morning with help the family get back on its feet Rowcns inothcriirlaw clothing for Mrs Rowen and her fouitycar dishes lamps kitchen lIlllSllS stovc and She said Rowen will borrow truck this weekend to pick up the donations Mrs Hill also said her coworkers at Rast Bordcn are getting together 20 charges were laid and they were assessed 520000 in fines Included in the list of cases were Thc Bay in Toronto was fined $1500 for advertising on Iarkcr Sweaters famous anadian made quality when In fact they were made in llong Kong llity oins and Stamps Ltd and Hudsons Bay of To ronto wcrc fined total of $2 700 on two chargcs for advcrtis ing 100ouncc silver bar for County residents rally to assist Angus family urc and cash to shcsaid this has rcccivcd chin furniture Thc only Mrs to sciwhat tliiy inc man from reemore who lost his home in fire two years ago called last night to of fcr cash donation to the family she said He knows what they are going through Hill said Rowen plans to return to work Thursday after spending today with his insurance company He received special three day leave from his job at Base Borden tolookattcrhisfamilyfollowingthefiic tlnng dcspirntcly she said is bedding She hopes sonic donations will comc in today Hill said the Rowins want to thank cvcryonc who donated to the relief fund livery little bit helps and they arc very grateful shcsaid $30 and suggesting that cus tomers take advantage of this special opportunity to make smart investment The same silver bars were selling for $500 in the area Anastasios Karabatsos carrying on business as Cham pion llairpiccc Co and and Trading of Toronto was fined $2 advertising mag netic necklace said to relieve and eliminate pain caused by headache rheumatism and diz zincss the family still necds City fuel prices up today The good news is that oil and gasoline prices didnt incriasc by the maximum Sltggcstcd by the antiainflation board 1st week The bad news is that theyre up today by between 23 and 40 cents gallon Most Harrie outlcts for gasoline and home heating fuel got the word on price increases from their distributors in time for opening of business this morning Service stations report an in crease of thrci to four cents gallon for regular gasoline Angus league meets tonight Spring is around the corner for Angus baseball fans The Angus Housi League will hold its first meeting of the season Wednesday at 730 at Our Lady of Grace school The league needs coaches umpires timekeepers and otherofficials liiccs ranng trom it to 00 cents pcr gallon lOlII of nini stations con tactcd however had not in creased thcir prices as of early this morning All wcrc still awaiting notification from their distributor The day bcforc the increase was and wasnt busy day for servict station operators depending on who you talked to laudi Willis manager of laudcs Scrvnc entrc said this station had about the best Tuesday gallonagc on record yistcrday Hut Alcc Twccdlc managcr of Downtown Itina said it was pretty well standard day with nowhere near the crush hid noticed prior to previous increases Maybi licence plate day took cvciyoncs money hcconnncntcd All stations that had changed their prices today reported that the same incrcasc applied to regular premium and unlcad ed gasoline Two had upped prices by four ccnts gallon two by three cents gallon and one by 34 cents gallon Ilic increase on regular quart of oil ranged from five to 10 cents The cost of homeheating fuel had risen this morning at all dealerships contacted The in crease rangcd from 23 to 33 cents gallon Leo ykstra manager of ykstras Fuel and Heating said his company did fair amount of business last night just before closing time The increase at lykstras today was 28 cents gallon arI Brunscn Imperial Oil Ltd agent for Harrie said there had been quite an increas cd demand for heating fuel in the last week Ile said he had expected larger increasi than the 23 cents which raised the price to 502 cents gallon at his outlet The antiiinflation board air nounccd last week that the price of homerhcating fucl amt gasoline would rise by between 31 and 40 cents gallon effec tive today Another increase may be as near as this summer according to Energy Minister AlastairGillespie Lookalike invoice scheme warning out Barrie businessmen are be ing warned to watch for Highway work to start in May Construction of Highway 11 improvements from Crown Hill for 47 miles north will start in May says James Snow minisr ter of transportation and com munications Mr Snow said the work should be completed by the middle of this fall The $1767306 contract in cludes grading drainage pav ing intersection improve ments median barrier pave mcnt widenin and widening of Willow Creek ridge There will also be two new overpasses and local ap proaches along the highway in Oro Township lookalike invoice scheme operatinginthc city Lookalike invoices are being sent to businessmen and profes sionat people asking for money for inclusion in classified dirixtory The invoices should be destroyed as soon as possible said Bob Hollywood Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce general manager this morning The information is de liberater ilesi nod to look like an invoice Hit it has disclaimer he said At the bottom of the in voice it states This is solicitation for the order of ser vices and not bill invoice or statement of account due You are under no obligation to make any payments on ac count of this offer unless you accept th is of for Hollywood said there are number of solicitations made in the Barrie area including ask ing for money for Christmas carols booklet safety manual and drug facts pain phlet Theyre all as phoney as hell he said If businessman gets one he should contact the Chamber thats what were here for There is no reason businessman should be vic timized he said When receiving solicitation Hollywood said businessman should ask number of ques tions about the publication in cluding how many will be printed how they will be distributed and where they will bedistributed Then he said the businessman should ask for contract outlining the informa tion in black and white Delaney suggested if businessmen have questions they should contact him at 7263381 or the Chamber at 7266573 Clip 73mm Examiner 15 Per Copy Carrier HomeDelivery 85 Weekly WFATHER FORECAST cause most of them have been there so long there wont be lot of people coming he said But State Secretary Cyrus Van ce said he expects some of the Americans to leave Shinn said the atmosphere in Kampala was far more tense than when was there six mon ths ago particularly at night But there werent all that many soldiers on the streets There were small wandering First US tourist expelled from Uganda groups and the occasional truck would go by carrying several soldiers At no time did feel any per sonal threat Ugandans met who realized was an American werevery friendly There was no harassment of Americans Shinn estimated about 12 other US tourists were in Kampala but said he did not meet any US residents Most of the latter are missionaries living in rural areas In Washington Vance told reporter the US government is very pleased by Amins re moval of restrictions on the Americans on Tuesday and the easing of the crisis would expect that some of them would probably be leav ing Vance said dont know what the details would be Well have to watch and see Meet King Arthur and Queen Louisa game of Rebound was an attraction to the king and queen of the irovc Park Honic for Senior itiiens Winter arnival Tuesday and Wednrsday The king Arthur Roots and queen Louisa Fawn were elected to their positions by the other residents of the home This was the homes first winter carnival for the residents Examiner Photo Post office vandalized on weekend second such incident in three weeks Harrics post office was van dalized this wcckend the sc cond timc in three weeks says postmaster Albert IIcclcs Mail has been found ripped open and scattered across the mail room Police are investigating the WM llltitklltS says Ichles The only time the post office is left locked and unattended is 2am 104 pm Sunday Dan latcisoii Iifti and Ran dy Wood liieclniiiics at Four Seasons Sports and Marine Eccles says he wont pinpoint time the incident may have occurred We suspect whoever has done this may try again so we dont want to reveal periods of time they could be doing it He says damaged and destroyed mail was found in the working space of the building with contents spread over the floor overhaul the engine of an Arctic at racing snow mobile Four Seasons is one While only four parcels were damaged during this weekends incident says Eccles it took four days to sort out the mess after the first occasion He says little was missing once the damage was sorted out We dont know what theyre getting at he said When we went through the four parcels after this weekend there was of many Wasaga Htiltll rer rcationoriented businesses that has prospered because nothing missing whatsoever He says he doesnt know what the people breaking into the post office are looking for unless theyre looking for drugs or money Eccles says the damaged mail is being resorted and sent to destinations with ex planatorylettersattached Police officials were unavailable for comment of the boom in winter sports Examiner IIioto Trail helps his snowmobile business IlyJOIIN Illtlltl IZxainiiicr Staff Writer WASAGA REACH Selling snowmobiles in Wasaga Beach between 1067 and 1070 was good way to starve according to Bing Jowett owner of Four Seasons Sports and Marine Ten years ago Mr Jowett decided hed had enough of working for someone else so be packed up his family and mov ed back to his hometowu Wasaga Beach and opened garage to sell and service boats and snowmobiles For the first few years Mr Jowett said we didnt know which way was going to go But by 1071 the winter sports boom was in full swing and his business began to boom as well Since then he has moved from the garage to the present location at the corner of Mosely and 19th Streets and has put three additions on the original building He now employs two fulltime and two parttime mechanics two office staff and often Iias enough work to keep some of his children busy as well TRAILDIIHT Mr Jowett credits the trunk trail which runs from Barrie to Collingwood through Wasaga Beach with attracting more and more snowmobilers to Wasaga Beach every winter Riding on the trunk trail is just like driving on highway he said Its really made difference in snow mobiling around here Mr Jowett said he expects more snowmobilers to visit Wasaga Beach once good trail maps are available and the Chamber of Commerce promo tion program reaches more people in southern Ontario But more snowmobilers can also mean more headaches for the Wasaga Snowmobile Club of which Mr Jowett is member He said club members von vinced private property owners to let the club set up trails on their land and he wants to make sure that visitors respect the property and operate their machines safely Snowmobile sales said Mr Jowett have run in cycle since 1971 IN YtLIJ That year he said the business hit its peak but then dropped off in 1974 and 1975 because People got tired of running up and down in straight line But now that the trails are becoming popular he said business is picking up again Mr Jowett said he expects to 055 $500000 this year but he attributes much of this winters success to the abundant snowfall in the area One of six district directors of the Huronia Snowmobile Association Mr Jowett said one of the hardest things he has seen in the past few years is the number of area snowmobile dealers who have been orCed to close their doors He said 30 dealership fail in the last three or four years They failed he said because the owners did not stay open all vcar You have to go all year he said Its just as crazy for ski resort to stay empty all sum mer as it is for us to stay closed all winter