mf W1 Www Ry RI IIARO THOMAS Of The Examiner John Graves Simcoe first lieutenantgovernor of tipper Canada later Ontario and founder of the ity of Toronto will be paid special tribute this summer by the county which bears his name Several municipalities in Simcoe founty are busy com pleting preparations for threeday pageant starting Fri day to commemorate Simcoes only visit to the area iii 1793 The pageant is being held over the weekend to coincide with the Aug ti civic holiday already renamed Simcoe Day by resolution of county council in April The event will take the form of reenactment of Simcoes canoe voyage in search of better water route from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron says Allen Fisher member of the John Graves Simcoe Memorial Foundations adVisory coin mittee At that time the only other rotite was via Lake Erie through the ity of Detroit which although under the com mand of British troops was iti danger of being captured by Americans says ltisher MILITARY SIRAIIZUY The voyage he says was more for the purpose of military strategy than for settlement The original trip took almost iii days hill the re enactment is being compressed into four starting at Soldiers Bay on the east bratich ot the Holland ltiver and terminating at the Naval and Military IJStitldiSllllltlllS iii Penetanguishene Equipped with freighter canoes the expedition of about 25 men will make its way north along the shorelines of Lakes Simcoe and ouchiching along the Severn ltivcr and into the Georgian Bay area says Fisher Stops along the way will include lnnistil and OH Townships the cities of Barrie and Ortllia as well as the village of Victoria Harbour and the town of Vlidland Decked out in costumes of the period and led by harles Humber Toronto teacher and governor of the Simcoe steam locomotive one of the many artifacts that Frank Fisher is restoring for display at the SImcoe County pays tribute to the man its named after Branch of the niterl Empire Loyalists in the role ofSimcoe members of the expedition will be met at each stop by municipal officials also in costume says Fisher These meetings represent the first encounters between Simcoes party and the founding settlers of the county 50 we are having sotlitl reenactment as well he says Each municipalitv however has planned its own part of the pageant and although some aspects are not 100 per cent authentic in terms of the timeframe they represent 1mp0r tant historical events says Fisher FIRST STOI The epeditions first stop on Friday will he Innisfil Park where it will be welcomed in full Scottish tradition by The Sons of Scotland and township officials The evening of festivities is in honor of the Scottish Selkirk settlers who made their home along the Scotch Line of West tiwillimbury lownship around 18151819 says Fisher After hivouacking at Big Bay Point ovemight Simcoe and his canoe crew ill breakfast in Shanty Bay in Cm Township Saturdav morning and then attend memorial service at St Thomas Church in honor of the founding lslay settlers of Simcoe ounty lownstnp officials and representatives of the first settlers hope to be in some type of period costume says Oro Reeve Howard tampbell who will be dressed as James Adams the townships first commissioner home will also honor the expedition with noon reception at the government docks where local aldermen and actors depicting famous personalities in the countys history will be on hand to greet Simcoe Two of the personalities impersonated will be Lady Sarah laitland wife of so Peregrine Maitland Lieutenant iovernor of Upper tinada in 181K and Admiral Henry Rayfield who from 8213 27 surveyed the entire Great Lakes system While based in lentanguishene says Fisher NAMED AFTER DOGS One of Lady Maitlands claims to fame he says is that Fisherville Museum and Bygone Days Farm near Collingwood The farm is open Sundays from to pm and admission is free Charge to visit village is just one big smile Ry IlRl RAKICR IIaniinei orresponilent CtLllNiOOl Operated as project the really believe in by Frank and Shirley Fisher and with no admis sion fee charged lllittlllt Museum and Bygone Days Pam is museum and pioneer village with difference The museum located on the couples tarm on Sixth Street just west of town is different in that the farm is populated with real farm animals sheep and lambs hens and crowing roosters cows and calves horses and colts ducks and geese and even pins just like it farm in The good old days to thrill children iod crown tips ilike What is more unlike most museums which are more iil less repositories for irtitacts regardless of their workinu condition at Fisheryille tltlllllt is being restored to working condition Fisher even plans to restore to working condition 2i toti saddle lltl steam loeoinotit he brought back from the coal mines of Reading lcnnsylyaiita recent ly OYERS EVERYTHING Bygone Days Farm means exactly that says Fisher anything froin the pioneer age up to the recent past anything that is not commonly usul today The term covers everything from pioneer spinning wheel to steam traction engines and on up to early gasoline tractors and such recent lv modern household appliances is powered ringer washing machines ill displayed in their own groupings Todays cast oils are toiitorrow antiques and the name of the game is collect today for tomorrow treasures You must obtain things when they are available often before yoti are ready for it Just iii the nick ot time he rescued an early wooden frame school house from the northwest ward of tollingwood For ages it had been used as garage until recently when the site was wanted for new building and somebody had sug gested the best way to get rid of it to throw match Ill it Saved by the Fishers it ill house the school display in one side and I10tldtlll1 store in the other being this summers priority projtxt There is even the original red and white picket fence to go around it The front yard of Fishcrvillc is titled with early machinery including horsepower machine sulky hay rake wooden rollers early plows buggies and sleighs high wheeled wagons stump pullers seed planters and early haying devices The village itself is built around village pond ted by an artesian well front which visitors can enjoy an ice cold drink Across the stream toll bridge has been built and from an old toll charge book Fisher will make up toll charge board so much for cow so much for horse and wagon and so much for sheep and goats so much tor stage coach The toll charge for pedestrians will read One big smile plcasc RIC HIST il tili The realistic village now contains several original buildings including litti house frame house plastered iousc school church cheese factory blacksmiths shop carriage shop sawmill and even little outdoor toilets known as outlioiises hich work but do not flush One of the most picturesque buildings is 1874 batten house complete with front stoop from Dunedin Here are featured ezirly arts tind crafts doite by Mrs Fisher and by friends Outside gtllil huge liogs head water barrel of 135 gallons cipaciiy limit to ptit up 152 settlers cabin One log house now startling it lishci tllc was discoyered right in the mid tilt of house it ts torn down in ollingwood The house had lltlli built roitn iiound the log house completely hiding it so that nobody knew it was there until the wreckers expos ed it tine ot the most interesting buildings is the completely restored log house titled with pioneer furniture china spin ning wheels and wool carders rope beds wall pictures iii cluding one of Sir lohn iicdonild special partition was built upstnrs so that the woman of the house could go along ill her iiiglldiess to look alter the baby without being seen by the school mistress who boarded with the family The kitchen is the sctt ill for the lhreshermans dinner held in conjuction with the annual steam lay held at Bygone Days harm This year the Steam Day and Threshing bee lll beheld on the weekend of Aug it and 12 and everyone is welcome Fully restored also is the old white frame Knox Church of 138 broght down from tiibtialta complete with altar seats colored windows oigiii and even dedication plaques After it its restoi ed on Ry gone ltays Farm the Fishers daugtztt lcrcsa was married on Aug 28 1977 to Robert Holland in this church ind the couple now have baby boy Thus the church has special meaning to the family vin tagc car on display served as the wedding car Wherever they can be the Fishers are selfsufficient The shingle mill with its upright steam boiler is used to make shingles for roofing and the buildings the saw mill makes boards Metal parts are made in the blacksmiths shop All the wool from the sheep is saved for stuffing buggy seats and upholstery lrs Fisher decorates the buildings with hand made pioneer crafts Friends faintly and interested people men women children Llll chip in to help move buildings to the museum to lYltilxt things and help with the endless amount of work thit must be done Bygone Days Farm is operated entirely out of the Fishers owr pockets and from donations three townships Tiny Tay and Flos were named after her dogs Simcoes party will also make sidetrip to the countys administration building in Midhurst by procession of an tique cars says Al Pelletier county clerk Simcoe will be presented with beaver skin blanket by members of the Ojibway Indian tribe from Christian Island an event which occurred on his original trip He will also witness reenactment of the first county council meeting of 1843 says Pelletier We have rented costumes of the period and the reeves of the municipalities which formed the coun ty at that time will all be portraying the original represen tatives Pelletier says Warden Bill Gibbins will play the role of Aemilius Irving first warden appointed by the province Later that afternoon the expedition will leave for rillia by canoes from Oro Township Park ovemighting there and laying wreath at the Samuel dc Champlain monument in Couchiching Beach Park Sunday morning From there the party will travel up the TrentSevern waterway to Big Chute in Matchedash Township for the for mal opening of the marine railway Sunday evening Simcoe will arrive at Victoria Harbour to be met by canoe escort carrying Trader George Cowan whose trading post on the east coast of Matchedash Bay he actually visited 0n the original trip SAINTE MARIE MISSION Monday morning the party will be escorted by Trader Cowan t0 the mission of Sainte Marie Among the Hurons near Midland Following visit to the Martyrs Shrine the expedition will move on to Penetanguishene for an inspec tion of the Naval and Military Establishments where meeting between Simcoe and native Ojibway chiefs for the purchase of Penetanguishene Bay will be reenacted The fourday voyage will wind up with church service Monday afternoon at St James onthelines Church in Penetanguishene Potato capital salutes potatoes Alliston prepares for festival By IRIS LADI Exa miner orrespondent The Alliston Potato Festival which annually draws thou sands of interested spectators to the potato capital of Ontario is scheduled for Aug to 12 this year The community event has been in the planning stages for almost year and is now ready to go with many of the town speople participating Alliston town police will be watching for signs of trouble but not in the usual manner Constable John Latimer will be riding his horse in Riverdale Park where he will be able to get good view over the many heads while Roger Gadd rides motorcycle in and out of the crowds onstable Rick Milne will be driving the departs ments unusual Volkswagen bug with its Rolls Royce front end and complete sound system during the parade multitude of events are planned during the Potato Festival to suite every taste and provide entertainment for everyone Shoppers looking for bargains will be able to buy wide varie ty of items at reduced prices during the sidewalk sales which mark the beginning of the Po tato Festival on Aug and con tinue through the weekend FESTIVAL QUEEN Local young beauties ages 16 to 22 will compete for the title of Festival Queen and will be judged for appearance person ality and talent at Banting Memorial High School on Thur sday evening The successful candidate will receive variety of gifts in the form of certificates jewellery and cash and will of ficiate at other community functions throughout the year says Larry Keogh chairman of the queen contest On Friday and Saturday afternoons thrillseekers will be able to view surrounding areas from an aerial perch iii hot air balloon at the Kellogg Salada grounds on Church Street variety of events planned for Friday night are designed to meet everyones idea of fun bed race beginning at pm on the main street will be quickly followed by one of the Potato Festivals main attractions the grand parade More than 140 entrants are estimated to be preparing number of floats and costumes for the twohour parade which will include bands tractors Carlsberg horses antique cars steam engines and more Spectators will be given chance to participate in the Festival by joining the annual street dance on the main street following the parade Admis sionisfree Potential gamblers can try out their luck or lack of it at the Monte Carlo held in the Alliston Legion or compete in the street bingo which begins Friday and continues all day Saturday Saturday morning at marks the start of another Festival day when hordes of hungry peo ple fill tip on pancakes and syrup until noon Satisfied customers can then wander through flea market on the main street to purchase hand crafted items paintings or jewelery while youngsters are entertained by noon hour pup pet show SKAIEBOARIHNG Some of the Potato Festivals more daring and younger par ticipants risk bruises all day Saturday as they display their skills in the freestyle and slalom skateboard competi tions number of potatooriented games will be held at nearby Hiverdalc Park both Saturday and Sunday afternoons Besides the traditional frisbee toss beanbag throw and ping pon Peter Wodchis who organized the games also included aspud dartthrow target shooting us ing patato man and spinn ing for potatoes Of course he says all of the prizes are potato chips The fun continues all day Saturday with soccer and baseball tournaments horse show and display of antique farm equipment The Alliston Union Public School will be host to wet antics throughout the day when local Allterrain vehicle bought by province Ontario last week purchased new type of allterrain vehicle for areas which had previously often been inaccessible by land Hydro test reports state that the Summers Bush Machine is capable of climbing steep hills deep ditches and large logs and can travel through swamp mud sand gravel and muskeg while carrying three occupants We have been trying the vehicleout for month before buying one for the Sudbury of fice says Fred Forrest Fleet Supervisor for Ontario Hydro North Bay The vehicle used five gallons of gas day when tested on hydro line patrols The reports indicated that it provided smooth ride over rough terrain and rated it as being more suitable than othert types of machines previously used for the variety of work carried out by Ontario Hydro Eric Summers manufac turer of the Machine claims that the 16 lowflotation tires povvered by eight axles are guaranteed to travel through any density bet ween solid ground and water and states There is presently no other known vehicle which is capable of travelling through those elements It willrecah top speeds of 20 mph and can make complete 360 degree turn on dime Sum mers who has driven the vehi cle up hills having steep 45 degree degree angle suggests that this is not recommended while the machine is carrying more than one occupant The bush machine will be us ed by Ontario Hydro employees when maintaining hydro lines spraying weeds and travelling under lines which had previous ly been inaccessible to land vehicles rounding $5500 Bush firemen play waterball com pcte in ladder and bucket races and put on waterworks display with their hoses Its the best fire training possible says Dave Evans an Alliston volunteer fireman It familiarics everyone with the job because its just like an or dinary tire practice Thats why its turned otit to be real competition The guys are try ing to improve their speed all thetime The afternoons activities will be followed by beef barbecue beginning at 430 pm at the Kellogg Salada grounds The amount of food will be more than enough to satisfy the hungry appetites ot the 2500 to 3000 people who nor mally attctid the meal etch year John Graves Simcoe the first lieutenantgovernor of Upper Canada If that isnt enough food for one day buffet dinners will be served at two of the four dances held during the evening The Festival committee has added square dance for the first time to its already varied agen da including teen dance Kinsmens dance and Legion dance which will finish the day Sunday morning activities will begin at 830 when athletic types can ptit their fitness to litmile test during jogathon The less energetic can enjoy music provided by various gospel singing groups at 10 am in ltvierdalc lark Another flea market this time in the park should alleviate any disappoint ment suffered by anyone un able to attend the previous one Midway rides which ran all the examiner Tuuday July 31 1979 day Saturday will continue Sun day afternoon Sunday afternoon at River dale Park promises potato peel ing contests among celebrities and competing teams guaran teed to create lot of laughs as they engage in donkey baseball The day will be completed when the versatile Alliston Con cert Band begins to turn out its music at 630 pm Roger Hayward chairman of the Alliston Potato Festival Committee says Its been busy year This is about the fifth year for the Festival and theres no question that it has grown lot in the last five years We hope to net $25000 this year and our first prime project will be to expand the library with the money Alliston mental health program gets underway with provincial help Plans are underway to imple mom mental health program in Alliston by November of this year following approval of $69596 grant by the provincial ministry of health The program is the result of South Simcoe study which was undertaken by 15 health Workers and educators in re cent years to determine the need for emotional and mental health services in the area It will provide Alliston and sur communities with therapy and counselling outside of the hospitals Mary McGill registered nurse and coordinator of the program says We will be us ing new idea of putting more stress on preventative mea sures and will be educating peo yeah ple as to the cause of their own problems She states that such services have previously been available in Alliston only through general practitioners and counselling services The program is new departure away from traditional mental services with the government going into community programming and focusing on health rather than illness Initially the mental health service will become day treatment centre making grou therapy available it require and providing counselling for marriage and family problems see high percentage of pgople coming into hospital cause of psychiatric help but also suffering from marriage knoquur county William Wright of Stroud correctly identified last weeks entry In Know Your Contest as the Old Stroud School bell and wins two free steaks courtesy of and Super Discount in Barrie Angus or Alliston If you know the answer to this weeks entry send your entry to Know Ydur Contest The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 problems says Mrs McGill The centre will also in vestigate problems related to the elderly and assess the need for home visiting Once counselling has become established Mrs McGill says modified day program will be implemented so that people can take advantage of the services for one hour time period three days week program like this would be in lieu of hospitalization for depressed people Provincial funding for the Alliston Mental Health Pro gram begins Wednesday Mary McGill is looking for suitable premises from which to operate the service which will be staff ed by psychologist psy chiatrist registered nurse