Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1979, p. 11

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thosxsmlnor Tuoodoyde311010 television guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 020 NEWS 030 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE COS NEWS GETTING IT TOGETHER ADC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME DRAGONS WAGONS AND WAX 645 car rr roosmen 055 aaaaaeaea 700 oarmo can um House on rue PRAIRIE caoss wrrs nanv TYLER MOORE OW TIC TAC DOUGH DOWNRIGHT DISCO Guests The Trmam1ioeWIlamaMachordan use uswuwésdms SUMMER ACADEMY GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 130 suppers snow Dole Evans FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHOW Guests Motlaaa Manchester Gloria Gem PETER APPLEYARD MAGIC SHADOWS ms nuuawavs all on the no after vltmeho liquor store holdup appeals to former runaway Mark tor 00 FOOTBALL on Riders va ToroMo ate THE George and Ill Dooley are booming duo NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW Guests Roy BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 Arcana DOOLEY BROTHER who ride through the Old West diaponalng tactic to al Ito deserving moltMa even NEXT uovra II 030 ruesoav NIGHT novre our DETECTIVE SCHOOL THE REAL STORY SPECIAL EDITION 000 swam 20 oouexIiv mam11am sum menlaooaptaapoMIoa chasm cook raven sear km aecaera some cam avenues 030 TAXI Lana tacos WNWIUSM thetaImmutable ribos comm eueasou Laure mo PAM 1000 BARBARA wanna sun tan seem DRAMA umwumumum sad It MI Wm QUINCYimmatures unoaamabhaaaam0dwy0 moanamounts mama1mm wash R3001 aha CONE RENCE ON LAW AND ONTEMPOHAIIV AFFAIRS MEN OF IDEAS NEWS UPDATE NEWS 10 usav 0mm um meow usmouuceo 1100 news cac news crv news aal Darren MOVIE 10mm Vs Invlol taco TALK INGNTMUSIC In one 1230 MONTY moons more cracus 100 rouoeaow am tastedehumleaderofthow rammwmmmvm au fiogrlrens NEWS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 85 NOVIE CONEDY Claires Knee ten historically speaking today in histogy July 31 1979 The British garrison of De troit besieged for three months by Indians made night attack on Pontiacs camp at Bloody Run 226 years ago today in 1763 Atlthough the siege of fiz zled out Pontiacs rising was success and the Indian leader captured eight of 12 British forts lt collapsed only when Britain and France made peace Pontiac who was as sassinated in 1709 seems to have been one of the few In dians who recognized the men ace of colonization to his race 1498 Christopher Columbus discovered Trinidad 1790 The first US patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for chemical formulae used in soap and glass 1808 The Ruperts Land Act became law 1014 Austria ordered gen eral mobilization 1901 The United Nations Security Council asked member states to block Por tugals purchase of arms for use in maintaining rule over African colonies barriss story July 31 1967 The Barrie and District In surance Agents Association commended action of the Pro canadas story TransAtlantic Wireless Foiled Famous Criminal The great Italian inventor Marconi proved that wire less signals could be broadcast across the Atlantic by ex riments at St ohns Newfoundland and Glace Bay N3 in 19011902 Later commercial wireless operations across the Atlantic were conducted through broadcasting station at Yamachiche permanent Quebec So it was appropriate that the first time wireless was used to catch criminal was at Rimouski Quebec on July 31 1910 The criminal was the famous Dr Crippen who is featured in Madame Tussauds Chamber of Horrors in London En land Dr Crippen murder his wife and buried her body under the concrete basement floor of their home so he could marry murder was almost and asked Scotlan an attractive typist Ethel Le Neve The riect but nei Yard to investi ate Dr ghbor was sus iclous pen became frightened and fled to Brusse with Ethel who was dis guised as boy They booked passage for Canada on the CPR liner Montrose under an assumed name During the trip across the Atlantic Captain Kendall of the Montrose noticed that Dr Crippens son ate like lady and not like tight around the hips an youn boy The trousers were very split in the back had been fastened with pins He knew about the Crippen murder and that the police were lookin for him so he used his newlyinstalled wireless to sen Yard Ins message to Scotland pector Drew and Sergeant Mitchell were able to board fast ship to New York and be at Father Point where the ships going up the St Lawrence took on their pilots They went out with the pilot and soon had Dr Crippen under arrest He was tried and ha used in Britain but Ethel Le Neve defended by Lord Birkenhead was OTHER EVENTS ON JULY 31 1687 Fort Niagara was built by Marquis de Denou acquitted ville 1759 Montcalm repulsed strong attack by Wolfe 1763 Pontiac defeated British at Bloody Run 1837 Meeting at Quebec formed Committee of Vigi lance with WL Mackenzie as agent in Upper Canada 1874 First party of Mennonites arrived at Quebec to settle in Manitoba 1880 Britain gave Canada all dependencies In North America except Newfoundland The effect was to give Canada the islands in the Arctic 1886 Manitoba census showed 109000 people there 1913 Alys McKey Bryat made first solo flight by woman in Canada at Vancouver racetrack mid hurst by Its Nash 7289565 Al and Ann Spence thank their neighbors and friends for the host of best wishes express ed to them and their family at the recent party held in their honor Midhurst United Church Women catered to the Soil and business meeting this wag Elsie Buie and Vera Bertram are holidaying in the Windsor area with Mrs Buies daughter Edna Smith and Elsie Monteith were honored by their Midhurst friends prior to their recent vincial Government in abolishin the assigned risk automobi insurance plan The Assigned Risk Plan was criticized in the Legislature because the remiums were so high that rivers with bad records were forced off the road Hawkestone are residents held their centennial celebra tion Sponsored by the Womens Institute which was headed by Miss Barbara Gray the festi vities attracted more than 1200 visitors during the day and parade with 25 entries Miss Mary Prophet of Hawkestone was selected Miss Teen Queen and was con gratulated by Dr Rynard MP member for EastSimcoe Several hundred persons at tended open house at the Blue Mountain Camp for crippled children to visit with the pa tients and witness firsthand the work of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children Robin lost his cape and Bat man himself was forced to flee for safety when the caped crusaders made special ap pearance at the downtown Bar rie Woolworth Store crowd estimated at 3000 persons was on hand for the special appearance and to take advantage of the bargains of fered by the store While resorts and the Barrie tourist centre reported depressing lag in the number of visitors that summer Ross Channen curator of the Simcoe County Museum said that to that date 21000 persom visited the museum Officials at the Barrie YMCA were awaiting results of the tests carried out county health authorities to etermine the cause of stomach disorder affecting 28 children on an overnight campout Bernie Ceilings won low gross In the Simcoe County Invitation Tournament at Andersen Park Golf Course Base Borden move to Barrie The afternoon was spent playing euchre They were both presented with two readi lamps by the communi ty Mi hurst Historical Society resented them with storical late and hashnotes Mrs mith and Mrs Monteith would like to thank the community for their kind wishes Midhurst Community honored Melvin Wright with communit party prior to his recent ding Melvin and his fiance Laura were resented with chest of stain steel cutlery Olive Walt is in tal in Calgary While holiday she broke her hip Her brother Albert who was travelling with Olive and Ver nar suffered heart attack and 1s also in hospital in Calgary We wish them both speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Ken OBrien Julie Laurie and Sherry recently returned from trip to theEast Coast Midhurst Ceilidh Garden Club met recently for garden party at Russels Mr Synott looked after the gardens Special mention goes to the following Rev Kemp John Shannon George Hollows Mr Newson Hunter Russo Car Donn borne Orser Walter Craig and Ed Szymanis The Doctor Says Most common inflammation By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble have thy roid condition called Hash imotos disease Is this very rare Both sides of my neck are swollen and am very puffy have had all the tests and am taking Synthroid once day for life Is it cancerous Will the swelling go down in time Hashimotos disease is an inflammation of the thyroid gland that produces painless enlargement goiter This is not cancerous It is far from being rare though and is frequently found in middle aged women although not limited to females It is the most common form of thyroid inflammation About third of those who five this also have an under tive thyroid gland and re quire thyroid hormone supple ments Synthroid sodium le vothyroxine contains the prin ciple hormone produced by the thyroid gland It can cause decrease in the goiter size However subsequent reduc tion in the swelling doesnt mean the medicine can be dis continued It is more often than not needed for life Its worth mentioning some of the conditions that can occur along with Hashimotos They include rheumatoid arthritis Sjogrens disease dry eye syn drome chronic hepatitis liver inflammation and pernicious anemia B12 absorption prob lem In stubborn cases of Hashimotos disease cortisone may also be needed to control inflammation Dear Dr Ruble How about good diet for peptic ulcers have one and am at loss as to what should eat or not eat Most doctors tell their patients to avoid foods that seem to upset their stomachs This may or may not include highly seasoned items some juices and uncooked fruits and vegetables It is an individual matter Foods that definitely should be avoided are those known to stimulate stomach acid production chiefly caf feine and alcohol Aspirin products are to be avoided also because they irri tate the stomach Frequent feedings of smaller meals and milk between meals can be tried Dear Dr Ruble letter from the 39yearold woman with weight problem re minded me of doctor of mine who is now deceased was in his office for checkup when he got call from his secretary saying that Mrs Soandso was in for her diet schedule He produced it the secretary picked it up and handed it to the patient Being curious person asked what the diet was He proceeded to explain that she had weight problem and it was due to overeating Then he chuckled and said this If she only knew how simple it would be to correctwith little special exercisefl asked what exercise He said She should sit at the dinner table eat portion of each item and then stretch her arms grasp the table push her chair back and say Please excuse me have had sufficiency shall never forget that Incidentally lam not overweight presume you are still using this wonderful exercise BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag High point defender play Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer West West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass South Pass Opening lead In this hand from the Cavendish invitational prac tically every North player doubled Wests opening club bid Things proceeded many ways from there Most Nonthouth pairs arrived at four spades by South and one unfortunate South wound up with loss of over 200 IMPs when West found the killing defense West was sure from the bidding that his only chance to beat four spades would be to develop an extra trump trick so in sp1te of receiving discouraging three of clubs on his king he contmued with the ace and another South took the trick with his queen and led the deuce of spades whereupon West continued the kill by going right up with his ace of spades and leading fourth club Now there was no way to keep the defense from getting second trump trick Why did this defense lead to 200 IMP loss for North and South and correspond ing gain for East and West Because at 17 other tables game was bid and made in spades hearts or notrump TMe difference between minus 100 and plus 620 or 630 was 13 IMPs which when multiplied by 17 came to 221 IMPs Aslt 3M EXPO You hold 10 54 Hawaiian reader asks what we respond to part ners onediamond opening bid We respond two clubs With good hand bid your longest suit first 7318 daily crossword ACROSS 43 Parforations Declare 51 Female Mint Bird clsss abbr Envision 52 Work with 12 Antiquity needle 13 War fluld 35 Same prefix 14 Harm 33 Explosive gas 13 Of equations 53 Law dagru 17 gs Lost 10 0rd to call so oy cnontlon 01 Dry 19 Sodlum 62 Pm of shoe chlorldo 33 Mike lace abbr Papal 20 can on 22 Small child DOWN 23 Lyrlclst Gershwln Indian maid 24 State Burrowing Eocltlvaly animal 27 trangannt Wild party 32 The sun Scorc tiny refix Scrstch 34 ollactlon Crust 35 Automotive so Actor Wallsch clety abbr Gaga 36 Fraternal Smoke and member fog 37 Encore 10 Houutop 39 Brudmaking feature ingredlant 11 Epochl 41 Conquered 16 Scouting I4 Hustle group abbr II chily 21 Hank of twins member 22 Three prefix to Type of jacket III III In WW IIWWW III III Answer to Previous Puzzle 23 Wrath 43 Quotas 24 lhrost 47 Part of alrrng wor 26 Constellation typwr 26 Large door pl Iword 28 Abstract 49 Christianla bQinp 50 Ear pm 29 Bblw 51 Dispatched brother 52 30 Back talk 31 Egyptian deity 33 Bowing 53 Novelist 38 Tax agency ngnold lbbr 40 Rather than Mm panic 57 Spy group 42 Mac Ibel tung 58 Youth Bernice Bedaosol Om Aug 1919 Youll have wonderful opportu nities to achieve financial and material accumulation this coming year However you must pay special attention so that youre neither wasteful nor complacent LEO July 23Aug 22 You might be banking too heavily on what you think is an acein thehole If you dont take things more seriously your ace could easily be trumped Vlfinthrop WHO 15 Yale FAVORITE AGREES SIR LAUR VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont believe everything you hear today Someone with unscruv pulous motives could be set ting you up as his next pigeon LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Inves tigate fully any undertaking requiring you to put your hard earned money on the line Youre much too eager today to leap 0n anybodys bandwagon SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Un derplay your selfinterests today Go along with the will of the majority Even if your ways are better others wont appre ciate any interference SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Be on guard today Youre likely to commit major over slght that will have to be recti fied quickly or large head vi ache WIII resun CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 You have tendency to look at things through rosecolored glasses today Its wiser to let hardearned experience guide your actions AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 If an agreement isnt all you were told it would be dont hesitate to immediately renegotiate If you dont you stand to come out the loser PISCES Feb 20March 20 This is one of those days when you could jump into things without thinking then skid around cor ners trying to make everything right again ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Only the sweat of your brow will accomplish necessary tasks CDNFOUND 11 MISS 10111E THEYRE $1 FOR You Born Loser NONJF AM JUSTUMDREQSIIJTHE WALDSLIPIUIOBEDWIIHOUT WAKIIJO dAWS BC 0m can he ran Bugs Bunny Short Ribs WUNZEL CANT CLIMB nIrs MESS as my SPLIT ENDS 29 Dunlop St 7373860 outsimxwi mama NORTHERN STATIONERY 71 114 PEOIZ RD My nv 10 has In knot ear lT In or T0015 FLEA MAKKET on iflbv an Inc in nu us Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service ID Bur You YOUR OWN me Bur HED PROBABLY STAN TO DEATH IT WA9NT MY FAULT today Youll be disappointed If you depend upon pals to help you out TAURUS April 20May 20 Dont turn deaf ear to advice or suggestions made by others today If youre willing to face some hard facts things will work out fine GEMINI May 21June 20 You had better take your work seri ously and not depend upon lick and promise to get you by today Otherwise therell be the dickens to pay CANCER June 21July 22 Your wellplanned budget might just as well be scrap of paper today Youll ignore it com pletely in favor of your whims of the moment NONSIIM Hi 351 NMHMO IF IT 16m YOURE 1k are TROUBLE We ISNT HAVES VERSUS HAVEIOFJ ITS THE

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