Dracula claims another victim his power and strength are irresistible Moviegoers fantasies find outlet in Dracula Hy LORI OIIEN The Examiner Is the renewed popularity of Count Dracula and other vampire movies in North America an indication that modern society is going to the dogs Not so according to Barrie psychiatrist Dr James Henderson director of psychiatric services at Royal Vic toria Hospital is StlfACtilllSstd Dracula fan who has taken professional interest into why Dracula and the folklore surrounding him manage to entice so many moviegoers He recently wrote paper on the Dracula Cult Dracula for all his horror is very seductive appealing creature says Dr Henderson who became fan after see ing his first Dracula moVie in high school Men like Dracula because of his power near indestruc tibility sexual prowess absolute lack of conscience and agelessness he says Liberation aside woman are turned on by Dracula because of his power and strength He has gentleness of sort he never hits or hurts women he seduces and gently rapes them in an annihilating kind of way Movies in general allow people to experience raw emo tion in sheltered setting Dr Henderson explains Dracula stories are so far removed from everyday life that theyre clearly fantasy That why he sees no harm in people living out any sadistic or cruel tendencies through good vampire flick FILMS LESS Illtllll These films are less likely to be harmful in the develop ment of society than the proliferation of war toys and glamorizing such highly destructive institution Television violence manifested in souped up detective stories for example is not far removed from plausible reality Dr Henderson says Its this other area that is potentially damaging He draws parallel between the most recent lames Bond movie anraker and Dracula films Moonraker was stifli ciently removed from reality to allow viewers to enjoy all the violence with no ill effects in his estimation Although people have always been excited by sexual and enticing fiction its only recently that taboos have been weakened to permit this bit of pleasure It is now much more acceptable to acknowledge that ex citemeiit he says Lets keep ALERT Provincial Police Constable Ron Golden demonstrates the new ALERT unit that will be used by area OPP starting Aug to determine whether drink ing drivers should be taken in for breathalyser test When person blows into the unit sensors detect the level at alcohol and the results are in dicated in colored lights District including Simcoe Dufferin counties and Muskoka District has six units which will be used initially in Alliston Orillia and Bracebridge Examiner Photo by Stephen Nicholls All humans have cruel and aggressive drives and since they cant act out their impulses in real life they get gratification out of fiction Dr Henderson says The only possible harm he can see in Dracula movies is to people who are only marginally together in the first place and even then the effect would be temporary have seen people quite upset after seeing horror pic ture but they are easily treated SUSPENDS DISBELIEF He says the average person suspends his disbelief while viewing fantasy film in order to participate and when its over says Wasnt that nice goes out for pizza and returns to normal life Another attraction of Dracula movies stems from their ability to stir up forbidden incestuous themes he says Two areas of human psychology that are strictly taboo in our society are fathers sexual feelings toward his daughter and viceversa and mothers hateful feelings toward her baby Dracula has many of the qualities of disposed father and he is always seducing attractive young women And his victims have been known to turn to the seduction of young children Although ount Dracula as hes portrayed in the original book by Bram Stoker and in films is fictional there was real life figure known as Vladimir Dracula medieval ruler who created reign of terror over Hungary to enforce strict moral and social order To this end Dracula perpetrated horrendous deeds in cluding his favorite impaling enemies His infamy com bined with the vampire folklore of that time and eventually the story we know today developed MORE IIIRMISSIVE Henderson is unsure whether the current Dracula craze and trend toward horror movies in general is passing thing or the emergence of more permissive attitude to horrit ic subjects Society is turning toward these horror films btit have an open mind and am not convinced its an indication of sick society Theres an outlet in fiction that siphons certain drives in human nature Movies are an outlet less socially destructive than other things Thank goodness or wickedness for the movies Charity fund hits $2700 The charity fund for the four young boys who perished in fire near Creeinore earlier this month has grown to $2700 ac cording to one of the municipal employees who initiated the project Jack Lemmon said he is very pleased with the amount raised thus far It will probably not in crease much further he said The fund was started for the families of Stephen George Price 14 Stephen Alexander MacLeod 11 James Hare 12 and John Gabriel 12 who died during camping trip near Mad River The money will be distributed among the boys families who will donate it to charities of their choice wants to rent it what its going todo Rolfe hearing set murder of his wife home hearing bail town country Churches seek centre HirWay Pentecostal Church is interested in buying the Alcona Community Centre and Heritage Baptist Church liinisfil township has never had such offers and carft decide whether to rent the building or sell it The township says Coun Kathe Jans better Moon The centre is rare used now preliminary hearing will be held in privincial court Sept 19 for Aubrey Phillip Rolfe charged with the April Rolfe 30 was charged with firstdegree murder after his wife Alicia Rolfe 33 was found shot to death in the couples Appear at hearing One of two Midland men charged in connection with the murder of ltyearold Penetanguishene girl last month will appear in Supreme Court in Toronto Monday for bail Garrold Diver 19 is now in custody in Barrie jail and will be in Toronto Monday with his lawyer Bickerton Co accused Neil Gerow 19 has not yet made application for By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner Simcoe Countys Childrens Aid Society is not alone in the fight to provide consistent level of service on budget that does not account for rapidly escalating costs Four year of spending restraint by the provincial government have placed many of Ontarios 51 societies in financial trouble says George Caldwell executive director of the Ontario Association of Childrens Aid Societies To this point four members have not been able to reach agreement on their 1979 budgets with the ministry of community and social services and ve opted for review hear ing And Caldwell said Friday expect quite number of them will follow suit During specially scheduled meeting Tuesday at the county building the countys society trimmed its 1979 budget in crease rquest from 24 per cent to some 20 per cent and in strongly worded motion said it would not voluntarily limit the increase to the some 10 per cent proposed by the ministry MORE DOLLARS Well have to have more dollars otherwise services will have to be cut Caldwell told The Examiner The societies have fallen behind During February meeting the provincial association was told budget increases for 1979 would be limited to five per cent and the association told the ministry an average in crease of 10 per cent was re quired Caldwell said Salaries to staff and foster home rates must be upgraded generally These two areas are problems common across the province he said Officials with the ministry and the provincial association have been meeting regularly in an attempt to work the poblem out and another is scheduled for Aug Caldwell said If the talks fail to produce results most societies will go the review board route review panel made up from representative from the pro vince the childrens aid association and the the examiner Saturday Julv 28 1979 today municipalities being served hear the case and make recommendation to the minister who has the final word Caldwell said the societies caseloads are increasing and that some 13000 children up 1000 over 15 months are in care Children in care are fed clothed and housed by the society PREVENTION PROGRAMS He also said cuts in spending could jeopardize the societies Chidrens aid societies suffering financial woes prevention programs Some 30000 children are seen in the their own homes by case workers If that service is trim med many of them could end up in care which is by far the most expensive service provided Caldwell said Don Jackson director of Sim coe Countys society said dur ing recent interview that the service locally has been diluted and that some por tions would have to be cut if the mnney is be there Paving dispute plagues doctors BARCLAY If dispute is soon resolved on whether or not section of Boyd Street should be paved Innisfil may have two new doctors In 1970 Jerry Jaqt service station owner was given per mission by the township to open and construct at his own expense Boyd Street Jaqt constructed the road to the townships specifications and supplied the municipality with detailed plan showing the proposed location of the road and culverts prior to con struction said Richard Groh clerk The doctors require rezon ing of the road before they can conduct business in house they hope to purchase on Boyd Street for use as an office They have conditional offer on the home but the offer expires July 31 Under an original site plan agreement it would be necessary for the doctors to pave an existing portion of the short road If the township rezones the street counctl should restate that they will take no liability for the maintenance of the road there is no parking allow ed on the road and an agree ment should be entered bet ween the adjoining property owners with respect to the maintenance of the road said Groh The neighbors however have not reached an agreement on maintaining the road The relationship between the two neighbms is not the best at this time said Coun Don To marks for military dental rogram Koopmans The doctors plan to have parking for 12 cars but Ja is worried that when the lot is ull people will automatically park where they can including on his property Mrs WallArmstrong says the doctors would only use the portion of the road that is already paved Council will call special committee meeting Tuesday at pm to discuss the matter with both the doctors and with Jaqt They plan to win cavity war By NANCY FIGUEROA Of The Examiner CFB BORDEN There is one war the Canadian military plans to win the war against dental decay The highest accreditation status of approved was recenty bestowed by the Cana dian Dental Association on the dental assistant and dental hygiene training programs at the Canadian Forces Dental Service School at Canadian Forces Base Borden The accreditation means the association recognizes the pro grams conducted by the school as meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements of the association The accreditation of the hygiene and assistant pro grams at the school is feather in the cap not only of the Cana dian Forces Dental Services School but also of the Canadian Forces says Capt Marv Ir win dental school information officer Canadian Forces training is sometimes characterized in the civilian community as very narrow and specialized with limited application to civilian life he says The recognition of the programs however is evidence of the quality of in struction at the school and of May sponsor Viet family The Central United Chruch congregation will meet Sunday after the 10 am worship ser vice to discuss its position on bringing Vietnamese boat refugees to Barrie committee was formed few weeks ago to study the possiblity of sponsoring familt ly and will report its findings to the congregation Sunday said Rev Everitt Ashton associate minister He said the church will most likely sponsor some refugees the effectiveness of the Canalt dian Forces system of training says Capt Irwin BEGAN IN 1943 Dental assistant training in the Canadan Forces began in 1943 at the Canadian Dental Corps Training Centre in Toronto Formal programs began in Ottawa in 1947 with the formation of the Royal Cana dian Dental Corps School In 1957 the school moved to its pre sent location in Base Borden Both the hygiene and assis tant training programs first received accreditation in 1973 Every five years however the courses are reviewed by the Canadian Dental Associations Council on Education The aims of the school are fourfold says Col Jim Wright commandant of the school The school offers post graduate continuing education courses and provides training program for all dental aux iliaries employed in Canadian Forces dental services It pro vides consultant service for all dentists inthe Canadian Forces provides complete treatment services for all military members and it evaluate all new dental equipment and sup plies being considered for use by the forces It is the only Canadian Forces dental services school Its graduates can be posted to work anywhere in the world that Canadian Forces are sta tioned DENTAL OFFICERS All dental officers at the school have received their Doc tor of Dental Medicine or Doc tor of Dental Surgery from one of 10 Canadian dental schools prior to coming to Borden The dental services greatest emphasis is on preventive den tistry says Col Wright Most dental disease is preventable however it takes considerable involvement by the patient he says Thats where the total system breaks down The patient must be willing to do his share to prevent dental diseases he must be motivated says Col Wright The move to preventive dentistry philosophy occurred about 12 years ago says Col Wright Prior to that the military took care of dental problems the same way most civilians now take care of den tal problems As Col Wright says We took care of the pro blems as they were presented to us Preventive dentistry has significantly reduced dental disease among members of the Canadian Forces says Col Wright At the base preventive den tistry includes regular check ups for all talks about dental disease and information on how to prevent disease properly brush teeth and control plaque by using dental floss RECALLEI At least once year military members are recalled to the dental officer dentist At that time the dental officer reviews dental care with them and evaluates the effect of lessons previously given Ideally discussions are held on onetoone basis says the Colonel however usually at the recruit areas we will discuss it on larger scale Onetoone however is the most effective method Major Mike Bouris dental officer left and Cpl Mary Boulay dental assis we tant right work on Cpl Gail Fugeres teeth Preventive dentistry is one of the main aims of the Canadian Forces Dental Service School at Canadian Forces Base Borden The schools dental assistant and dental hygiene pro grams recently received the highest accreditation status of approved from the Canadian Dental Association Examiner Photo Every year the school has about 42 graduates from the dental assistant course and about six graduates from the dental hygienist course The instructor to student ratio is higher in the school than in most civilian dental schools says Col Wright The number of students train ed each year is based on dif ferent guidelines than those us ed in Civilian schools he says The forces train only enough students for the jobs available We train enough to maintain sufficient number to fill all positions The type of training also dif CFB BORDEN The role of women in the Canadian Forces is changing There are greater opportunities for women now than ever before says Col Jim Wright of Canadian Forces Dental Ser vices School at Base Borden There has been total review of the trades open to women with the result their fers from that done in civilian schools At the base students dont just study and leave says Col Wright In the Canadian Forces Dental Services School students receive an ongoing series of training sessions TRAININGWING The training wing of the school has staff of 16 in cluding five specialists Thre is about one dental of ficer to every 500 members of the Canadian Forces says Col Wright The most recent figure from Statistics Canada shows that in Ontario there is one dentist for Womens role is changing scope for employment has expanded tremendously says Col Wright Females however are still not generally allowed at combat situations or at sea This rule must be taken in to consideration when ap plications are made to attend the dental school at Borden Officials must insure enough men are enrolled because of every 2309 people Base Borden the most up to date equipment in that it is replaced in sevenyear cy cle says Col Wright Theres always new material and equipment We always use the highest quality equipment and supplies available On average those in the forces have better dental health than civilians says Col Wright Those in the military receive free dental services most civilians do not More important however those in the forces are constant ly reminded of the benefits of being dentally fit the areas women are not allowed to be involved in such as combat 0f the dental schools six students studying to be den tal hygienists there are 75 per cent males and only 25 per cent females 0f the 42 dental assistants normally training in year about 60 per cent are female and 40 per cent are male mm Hï¬w