10A the examiner Frjdgylul E7 1979 the book page Examination of premier best Lougheed book yet For many Can aians to the east of it and gimbany for some to ti of it too Alberta see curious place these days We know about the prairies and the Rotkies we know that Calgary and Edmonton are booming with the highest house prices in the country and the most jobs and we know that Joe Clark is The Man from High River But what does Alberta want we ask rather plaintively as we watch our energy bills mount Just who is this guy Lougheed anyway Allan Hustak CBC reporter tries very hard to answer this last question in his book about Peter Lougheed tIcIeIland and Stewart 2119 pages $1195 and he does quite well indeed Peter Lougheed comes from one of Albertas first political families but he is also the pro duct of notquitepoor childhood surrounded by faded grandeur He was jock good gutsy football player who had shot at the pros who was big man on campus and who got the girl of his dreams He is also man without any real political ideology other than his belief that he can do better job than the other guy whoever he may be SURPRISE WIN Lougheed first put it all together when he defeated the Social Credit government in I971 That government had been in power continuously since 1935 Guide helps with money management Books on haw to manage money fill many library shelves But new one written by team puttogcther by Ex ecutive Compensation on sultants Ltd has one rare feature chapter with specific advise for women on money matters The book called Its Your Money is uncluttered offering clear crisp sentences and only 194 pages including 12page glossary It is really an attempt to define personal and financial objectives for people on such concerns as budgeting credit savings insurance income tax investment and retirement Here are few of its basic but profound observations The best time to negotiate credit with your bank is before you need It Credit is just another word for debt Buying term in surance and investing the rest may make lot of sense if you really do invest the rest and it your investments Work out well As for women the authors observe that the best kind of financial management for them is to establish their own independence apart from children and husband Women should begin to establish their financial foun dations during their first work log years Communicate with husbands on all financial mat ters they advise but dont ab tlicate your financial respon siliilities Women who are accustomed to relying on their husbands in comes can easily panic about money and make unreasonable financial demands The authors say the answer is marriage contract where the assets are divided so that if rivorce comes the womens Inancial rights are clear and few had given him much chance of toppling the dynasty indeed even Lougheed himself really did not expect to win But win he did at the head of the new urban sophisticates of Calgary and Edmonton aided by slick packaging and pro gramming And what would he do with power He would work to in crease the power of his pro vince to get it better price for its oil and to use that power to build manufacturing sector within Albertas borders He was fortunate in that within two years of his acces sion to office the Yom Kippur War of 1973 touched off the Arab oil boycott and the fan tastic price rise with which we nowlive He was also fortunate that he faced Pierre Trudeau and the Liberal government in Ottawa for the arrogance with which he was regularly treated bolstered his stock within Alberta enor mously BORN LEADER The result was that Lougheed became if he was not original lyl an Alberta nationalist con vinced that he could give the word and his people would follow Is this overstated Witness Mr Hustaks book My consti tuents are Albertans first he quotes Premier Lougheed as saying They will follow me they will follow me wherever lead them will never surrender to Ottawa There is just touch of llouies XV or Charles de Gaulle or perhaps even Pierre Trudeau in that but on the basis of his smashing election victories Lougheed just might be right But right or not Lougheed is no charismatic leader His speaking style is wooden and he is probably more than little vain Certainly he is not short on ruthlessness nor on the ability and desire to manipulate the press His cozy relationship with the Alberta media well laid out by Hustak is more than CHOOSE YOUR CAR THE BATTERY SHACK LTD AUTO MARINE IND DIESEL BATTERY REPAIRS FREE INSPECTION 453 Dunlap 7373363 PRATT moron SUPPLY moon msm THE DADMAN RADIATORS HEATERS AIR CONDITIONERS 1020150 7262113 VICS GAS BAR Licensed Mechanic General Repairs Safety Inspection Station 24Hr Towing Froo Enhotoo NW1 No 90 7206130 Automatic and Standard Transmission Local Towmg Spoclalllts Froo Rood IDoy Sorvico Writton Worran 7372291 little frightening and his zeal when he took office in cleaning out the senior civil service makes Joe Clark look like cautious man BEST ANALYSIS Hustaks book is certainly the best look at Lougheed that we have His approach is generally fair but favorable to the premier and while he pulls his punches in places he does lay out the shortcomings of the regime EVENING 600 ammo NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 Nac NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEWS GETTING IT TOGETHER ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME FISH TALES 645 LETS ALL SING 700 DATING GAME CHIPS CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE 0000 OEOOOO HOW TIc TAC DOUGH ANGIE NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 BONKERS NEWLYWED GAME FAMILY FEUD OFF THE WALL Slorrlng Alton ï¬lms Hoiono Udy Woody undo ID 680600 ANE WYMAN SHOW MAGIC SHADOWS EB BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 PROJECT UFO no MORK AND MINDY Mmdyo rivol Irom high nchooi dlyl Ioto hor night on Morh in opirit OI rovongo Ind Impressionistic book conveys life and times of four kings By FRASER IacIlIII Britain grew and flourished as never before from 1714 to 1830 during the reigns of the first four Georges That says author Christopher Sinclair Stevenson is more than reason enough to write impressionistic accounts of all four kings un der the title Blood Royal The Illustrious House of Hanover larke Irwin and 217 pages $2095 SinclairStevenson like many history buffs found all four absurd and unattractive concluding that they con tributed little or nothing to the gaiety of nations or the development of civilization democracy and the arts Yet by 1930 the strifetorn tensionfilled kingdom of 1714 ouccoodo in melting Mindy groonoyod With 825 TH WALTONS JimBaboon Io Docomo mlniotor ottor clooo coil with on occidont prompt him to roovoiuoto hlo Ropooi 60 min TALES OF WELLS FARGO COPE tr LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY ll MOVIE WESTERN Thundor ot Drgnaa 1064 KING OF KENSINGTON Whon nhor convolutod oorioo oi ovonto Lorry ondu up oponding tho night at Tinoo uponmonl lhoir tranquility lo inlorruptod by tho unoxpoctod arrival oI TinAo poronto II LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Lovorno ond Shirioyo burning dooiro tor handoomo 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empire It had developed political sys tem based on two parties and taken further strides towards parliamentary democracy Although it lost the American colonies the manner of the IDS ing showed that democracy was attainable without wholesale slaughter It quelled three ris ings aimed at restoring the Stuarts to the throne It halted Napoleon Bonapartes seemingly unstoppable march to world domination The arts flourished with ex traordinary bursts of genius in painting architecture music and literature The author doesnt mention it but under the four Georges the British also ousted the French from North America taking CARTER COUNTRY saw Teddy Io Iuriouo ohon Chioi Roy io chosen Moot Diotinguiohod Alumnuu by Clinton High oonioro SOAP Donohuo cornoo botvvoon Joooico and Choolor Corlnno porouodoo Tim Io Ioovo hto covo Jody introducoo Alico to the Compboilo Bun Whiio holping Donny hunt for Eloinou kidnlpporo Iooo lomolhing which no will bollovo Ropoot EB CELEBRITY COOKS 1000 DAVID CASSIDY MAN UN DERCOVER Otllcor Don Shay intiitrotoo gong oi toonogo opoodcroxy Dunk robboro and ouopoclo that polico lloutononl lo Iuing him to not thorn up tor Iothol ohootout 60 min HAPPY DAYS Whon Joonio cotchou hor oupor hunk dulo Ior hor owoot oixtoon birthday running mound With onolhor girl Fonzio often to como to tho roocuo W3 BARNABV JONES Bony Jonou lumo nctrou with Small thoator group to Invootigoto action at otrlngo ovonto that Ihronton the unity of it loading Indy 8mm 80 mino 2o20 In FANTASY ISLAND FAIRE ET DEFAIRE €19 NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 BARNEY MILLER When roporlo of polio corruption cluoo Bornoy Millor and his mon to bo lnvootigolod by tho Inlornol Altair divioion oil at Barneys doloctivoo hovo to intro nowIonglod liodolocting voico onoiyzor toot and oil pos ono Ropool GRANoEs RELIGONS 1100 In 92 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA Va Rhapoppyzbiou NEWS AUTOGUIDE Guaranteed finish never to require waxing for as long as your own your car Litetimo guarantee in writing 500 Blth 7286233 See us for Speed 5P5£n US I7M MIIm IIlouI StomN Beds 159 Ann St 71172340 TB NW Till ALL IN CHEVY CITAMN TODAY pg 233 Word Scmcoe Meta LVletuo Stereo CH Arrusurth Serwce ins allation I27 Bradford 51 PARKWAY AIITo RECYCLERS GOOD USED PARTS FOREIGN DOMESTIC 321 Fifth 7202503 7373372 paulsadlon motors inC You can advertise in this AUTO GUIDE space Call 7266537 todoyl over what now is Canada as well as the Mississippi Valley and the Great Plains of the United States Midwest The conquest of Quebec paved the way for the American Declaration of Independence but it assured Britain sub stantial stake in the Americas IMIRIZSSIUNISM Blood Royal makes no pre tence of being scholarly his tory of the four kings and their times SinclairStevenson him self emphasizes that he has written highly im pressionistic book that at tempts to convey some images of their lives and times Most books on any of the Georges take close look at their sexual activities This one is no different 25 NEws 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoot Johnny Coroon Guool Johnny Mothlo 90 CBS LATE MOVIE MASH North Koroln Ottonllvo undo moooivo numbor oi cuuolltioc to tho 4077th Ropoot WILD ROVERS 1971 Storo Willim Holdon Moldon MOVIE DRAMA Tho main Soidloro 1970 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 1145 THRILLER 1200 MOVIE COMEDY HoIIo afghan Iou OVIE COMEDV Star angled Girl 1071 MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES 1210 SWORD OF JUSTICE 1230 EB MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 100 TOMORROW EB ALL THAT GLITTERS r19 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIE TiTLE UNANNOUNCED 130 NEWS EB MOVIE HORRORCOMEDY Comedy of Terrors 1963 200 at MEDICAL CENTER 245 MOVIE DRAMA pm cult Of Happiness 1911 PRO ECT VALLEY RENTALL CARS TRUCKS AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS 726IlII Banko Hall Ltd 8P SerVIce Smon thotimo Warranty Froo Eltirnotoo 304 Ihko 726515I 16M Ave 7266666 Momborlhb Solo lop CAAOML Low Gruvoc 7260265 24 Torture AUTO BODY My Norimonsilh Comploto Auto Body Sonic 46 Forndoio Dr 726795I ITS US ORRUST 224 one 7287901 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