din Blair goes skating Actress Linda Blair is held aloft by the current US Singles Champion Jim Bray as they film the movie Roller Boogie In Los Angeles Wednesday The WI movie tells the tale of wealthy Beverly Hills girl played by Blair who learns to disco roller skate with poorer Venice boy played by Bray The movie will be released In November AP Photo entertainment Editor Stephen Gauer7266537 Ottawa scores coup with Massenet revival OTTAWA CP lf Bruce Corder looks these days as though he has swallowed very large canary its because he is part of fairy tale that seems to be coming true Corder is in effect the pro ducer of the National Arts Centres July festival of opera the man who rides herd on the budget and this year it has an international coup and hit on its hands the revival of Jules Massenets long neglected opera Cendrillon Cinderella It stars Frederica von Stade the current superstar of world opera as Cinderella with Delia Wallis as Prince Charming Ruth Welling as the Fairy God mother Maureen Forrester as Cinderellas stepmother and Louis Quilico as her father The show opened Saturday and won unanimous praise of the critics all of whom noted its lavish appearance One even likened it to the kind of show only the Bourbon kings could BRUCE ORDER hes pleased afford and that only the highly subsidized arts centre could afford in Canada That brings Cheshire cat grin to Corders big round face in many respects it was less costly than other big operas the centre has produced even con sidering recent rising costs be cause of inflation MAY RECOVER COSTS And there is strong possi bility that most of the seting costs of the big production will be recovered by renting the production to opera houses such as those in Washington New York and Houston Tex Cor der said in an interview Cendrillon calls for four sets Cinderellas kitchen Prince Charmings ballroom forest glade and an antechamber to the princes court Corder praised designer Henry Bardon for his imagina tion in designing the sets using to large extent materials and parts of sets the centre already had in storage The forest glade for in stance came from Bardons own Midsummer Nights Dream set for the Benjamin Britten opera given its Music students finish exams The following are successful candidates in examinations held recently in Barrie by the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto The names are ar ranged in order of merit ARCT piano writtcn first class honors Jean Tumor Grade theory history and anaIySis honors Michelle Harper history first class honors Marcel Potiin and Marshall Martin honors Susan Winch Grade theory harmony and history honors Katherine Engcl counterpornl and history honors arol Stebbings and Sandra Mchely harmony first class honors Marina Smith honors Karen Kelr ly counterpoint pass Steven Komar history honors Shawn Pollett Debra Oliver and Kevin Rooney equal Grade theory harmony first class Theatre The Sunshine girls will be handing out poster buttons and Argo tickets at the Imperial from 630 to 730 pm at the theatre and at the Barrie DriveIn from 730 to 830 pm North Dallas Forty new film about football makes its Canadian premiere at the Imperial on Aug Watercolor artist Quebec He will have 40 to 50 EXPLORE and sounds Sunshine girls visit Sheila and Jeanette two of the Argo Sunshine girls visit Barrie Aug to promote new film opening at the Imperial Watercolor paintings by Graham Scholes will be featured in sixweek show at the cultural wing of the Simcoe County Museum starting Aug 15 Scholes Barrie artist and art teacher is vicepresident of the Barrie Art Club and has displayed his work in numerous shows in Ontario and paintings in the show Also on display in the cultural wing will be travelling ex hibit from the Royal Ontario Museum titled Rural Ontano Artists Impressions The ROM exhibit includes 22 pain tings based on the theme of the dignity of labor honors Roxrlena Binns Robert Todd Sinclair equal Kevin Rooney and Janet Wilson honors Allan Baedak Garth Greaves equal Dawn Sutherland pass Karunohu Hirata and Scott Fcnn history honors Sheila Swedborg Grade rudiments first class honors Nancy Bebb Jane Anderson Darlene Moran Corinna Garricok Heather Mch Robert Bckking Heidi IICISL Diana Kaye Richard Paure and Terry Thompson equal Morris Gervais Kenr neth Parton equal Katherine Dawson Mary Anne Wodchis equal Janet Dav1s heather Mount equal honors Lance Hamilton Lynn McLaughlin equal Dara Boyer Albert Kleinikkink Joanne Nesbitt equal Jodean Barry Thomas Gattrell equal David Mulholland San dra Snider equal Russel Flack Jennifer Harris Debra McPhalter and Tammy Palmer equal pass MaryLou DenDecker Mary Keyes Barbara Rasnowski equal Darlene 0thrane ELALE world of exotic wildlife Including Lions Tigers Leopards Buffalo Camels Zebra Flamingos Llama Deer and exotic birds Large petting too See animal trainer wrestle with Smokey the bear 20 Se MTTI IS ADVERTISEMENT Janice Mencus Peter Vanllemerl Juanita Hanney Ilcathrr Panicnler equal Lynn Johnson Sandra Skinner equal Lisa Allin Shelley iii son Lorrie Peacock anti Alicra Schulllr ltqUiIIl Grade rudiments first class honors Leanne llcikkila Frances Elliotson Kathryn Carson Indy llolt Glenna Schneider and Sonya Winchester equal Tracey Allin Elizabeth Iarinan Sandra Paul Karen Wright equal Rowcnda Cotter Kim lrestaya equal Dayid Evans Alan hilds Elllin Leask honors Barbara Hatkc Mark Lanning equal Suzana Szell Preliminary rudiments first class honors Brenda Brooks Jennifer licrgram and Wendy Brooks equal Pauling Kleinr nick Joanne Lynch Torn Mills and Sharon lleshka honors Eliibcth Spencer and Kim Melicr CBC entering film festival equal The CBC will participate in the first Banff International Festival of Films for Teevi sion to be held in the Alberta resort town Aug 23 to Sept The English and French television networks have entered 18 films in competition and another 12 in the non competitive screenings that will compromise part of the Festival activity The festival first of its kind in the world of filmmaking for television is sponsored by the New Western Film and Televi sion Foundation of Canadaand organized by the foundations president Fil Fraser Edmontonbased film pro ducer The festival events will be centred at the Banff School of Fine Arts Carrie Hunter is co ordinator located l5 unites north of on Many 27 lint south of Elmvnlo 705 322I 12 Open Only Illl tii dusk Canadian premiere here last year Parts of Prince Charmings court came from twiceper formed La Traviata The centre has number of im posing stage staircases that would do Even some of the pillows and furniture came from such ear lier productions as Le Comte Dry and The Magic Flute The machinery that enabled the Fairy Godmother to float onto the set was adapted from the lift that brought the Queen of the Night floating on in The Magic Flute All that was totally new was Bardons kitchen scene which looked like baronial mansion It was nearly all paint on flat surfaces instead of moulded wood or plastic cut to look like stone Bardon is not only de signer but scenic artist Cor der said He has great imagi nation and uses paint lavishly Corder who was house busi ness and catering manager for the Royal Opt ra House Covent larden before joining the arts centre as deputy directorgen eral says this years July festi val will be in very good shape in relation to its $12 million budget when all the bills are in Opera productions sets and handheld properties are nor mally rented by one company to another at nominal price of about $5000 Corder is holding out for double or triple that price for Cendrillon partly be cause the NAC is the only house in the world with production in hand Murrays films HOLLYWOOD AP It was called The Last Great Holly wood Party IV and fittingly it offered filmed history of the towns faded glory The annual event has been held in the past at Hamid Lloyds estate and Pickfair this summers party was held on the backlot of the Burbank Studios formerly Warner Brothers Donors to the City of Hope hospital and research centre were guests along with Rita Hayworth Rudy Vallee Mary Brian Harriet Nelson Steve Allen Carmel Myers Robert Cummings and other celebri ties Freddy Martins mellow music provided the proper tone for nostalgia Even more nostalgic was the entertainment that preceded the party It was new movie titled Ken Murrays Shooting Stars Its not exactly new movie however as some of the footage goes back 50 years when the comedian first started making home movies of Hollywood to send to the folks back east Down through the years Ken Murray filmed his famous friends and he has shown the results on television specials and in oneman shows across the country But 95 per cent of Shooting Stars has never been seen be fore and 65 per cent is in color he says When did my oneman shows even on Broadway where appeared for month the footage was black andwhite and silent with pi ano accompaniment Shooting Stars has some dialogue and score LIMAXES CAREER Murray 75 considers Shoot ing Stars the climax of his long career which has encompassed vaudeville Broadway films radio television and the long running Ken Murrays Blackout Murray has found enthusias tic reception to Shooting Stars With little help from friends like Bob Hope Gregory Peck Model lers hostl980 convenï¬on The Lake Simcoe Railway Modellers will be hosting the 1980 regional convention for the National Model Railroading Association Hans Blocksdorf chairman of the convention said more than 250 deleates are expected to attend from as far away as Timmins and Rochester New York The convention will be held in Barrie at the Continen tal Inn The last regional convention held in Barrie was in 1974 Presented in the intern of good Canadian Muric by the Bani jayren Saturday july 28 at 500 pm MOLSONS PARK BARBIE ONTARIO lél Heritage hinu Gifts and Fine rts QUEEN STREET COOKSTOWTV ONT 705 4584 WEN ALI HIIK MOMSAT IllT SINIHY l27 Starring of famous stars set for release ttgw MICKEY RODNEY liver teenagers JUDY GARLAND playing tennis Jack Lemmon and Rhonda Fleming Murray conducts tour through Hollywoods social history roughly the period from the talkies to television What tried to do was tell the story of lively group of people who worked hard and played hard and managed to build great industry Murrav says CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our bot fast delivery Free on orders over $900 in Barrie Free delivery limits IO°o Discount on PickUp Orders over $900 Phone 728881 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE New in Town Youll find friend where you see this sign Ofll Blli MM For more information call Phone DAN MacDONAlD and TUDI WIGGINS Directed by Vernon Chapman er PUSI Tiflles splendid mystery Thll most superior thriller by LUCILLE FLETCHER At Georgian College Theatre Hwy 400 At Duckworth St Barrie Evenings at 830 pm Matinees at pm Wed Thurs $400 550 and $700 Box Office OPEN At Georgian College IN BARBIE Mon to Sat 10am pm Phone 705 7284613 Tickets also available at BARRIE Bayfield Ticket Centre Hayfield Mali Jacksons Grill 57 Dunlor St Sam The Record Man 10 Dunlop St COLLINGWOOD Jozo Weider In IOHYJIIDH Centre 601 tst Si MIDLAND Parker Variety 29 King St ORILLlA Huronia Trust Company Mississaga St the examiner Friday July 27 1979 15 WWI sellEM My Air Conditioned Ample Fm Perkin Refreshment Contra to serve you EVERY SUMMER THE CREAM OF AMERICAN YOUTH GOES TO SUMMER CAMP AND THE REST GO TO CAMP NORTHSTAR our cmrm 7269944 AT 715 930 DAILY llllllllil llilllllllllllllilllll Illlllli 51m Willilll llllllllll llliSIlitlllii Milli Milli MIMlllllill lllllllllllllli MIMHMM llllIIllll lllllfllt llllllll HIM lllllllillliflllllli Ellllltlllflllll liliSlllffilMlIlMll llllllllllllilli MllllMlli llllflllll IIIIIIIIIE Mlllllllllllltlllllll llillillllllllllltl llllllilJlIlllMllllllllï¬llllllltllifll manuals mrmmiiinirur KIRK DOUGLAS ANNMARGRET ARNOLD SCHWARZBNEGGER RUTH BUZZI FOSTER BROOKS MEL TILLIS PAUL LYNDE From the Producer ulNotioiml Lampoons BILL MURRAY 99 PARAMOUNI outscmnmiim Aii nitNISNL sriivi AT PM DAILY COLUMBIA PICTURESMSE RASTARMUHT ENGELBEBG mm AHALNEEDHAMW KIRK DOUGLAS ANNMAHGHET ARNOLD SEHWARZENEGGER THE VILLAIN 53532 FUSTEH BHUUKS RUTH BUZZI jglllï¬llELllM STHflTHEll MARTIN HUBERT TESSIEII MEL TlLLlS trimming BILL JUSTIS $123322 PAUL MASLANSKY WZCHUBEBT LANE MURT ENGELBEHE 033 HAL NEEDHAM $333593 HASIAH FILMS Nc F° Mums iii nurs um um mminnit Cohddn Phone 43514 ALLISION oflnni HIGHWAYK 89 MILES FAST or ALLISION THE SECOND FEATURE AT THE DRIVEIN ONLY CHINA SYNDROME