12 the examiner Friday July 21 1979 40artlclos fonds PHILIPS P358 Mlnl Computer USED The Royal Victoria Hospital will sell the above magnetic stripe computer complete with payroll accounts payable general ledger and fixed asset programming Good condition Contact DENNIS 7289802 Jy28 COLOR TELEVISION 26 Inch solid state floor model excellent condition Cost $895 W2 years ago Asking $425 or best otter Telephone 424 1854 loot CAST IRON BATHTUB with porcelain linish made 1947 Make an ot ter Can be seen at 190 Shanty Bay Rd MOVING MUST SELL Hot Paint fridge and stove six months old Telephone 737 3995 IN POWER DRILL and stand trill bits and stand bench grinder wood lather stand mtor and tools orbital sander block and tackle rope insicl logger 13 hp electric motor kitchen hood electric golf cart needs work battery charger garrard synihro lat 75 turntable phone 726 6256 DEEP FREEZE Cubic tool in ex ellent condition Asking $175 Phone 728 6993 afterb pm WEDDING DRESS head piece and veil tor sale size 11 traditional white worn once last month Priced reasonable Telephone 737 0235 zitboats and motors SALE PRICES ea Johnson Outboards Alathorn leafs Serka Fit for Johnson Evin40 Outbde Sport Haven Marine lurk Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 Dartlees Are Jon little lit letter We Alon lent Clien Sport Haven Marine Barrie Shanty Bay Rd 726 lOOl Aulfl CANOES or Painted Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Royalex Canvas Aluminum Keyetis Complete stock at BCCOIIOUOS TrMJOI accepted HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orillia Ontario 705 3255141 530 GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Covered slips available $200 to Oct lst CERTIFIED MECHANIC 0N DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercruisor Dealer Brokerage Boats for Sale Btu 4872122 TF 36150 1979 18lt PETERBOROUGH boat with 140h Johnson SknBar Built In tank Sleepei seats Bait well SPORT HAVEN MARINE BARRIE Shth Bay Rd 7261001 23 197116 FT SLVERIJNE 1974115 lnrrury and FXUIIIFIV trailer Corlverli Illi lap ski ITIIJUII paddles bumpers Illsl new IIIKIIIIOIT Telephone 322 1111 IS III 111 197 22 STARCRAFT HOLIDAY out board 115 Johnson 2000 lb Little Dude llilllr low hours like new $7400 ll lwst illlilr 726 l57 NF loot GRFW 150 fiberglass llarit lilll iruisnr Sleeps slx Head Stove inrt trudge New AM FM track stereo and It plus many extras $5000 cash and taki ith1r payments 728 6465 16 sTARiDAF Aluminum Boat Sit Mercury outboard trailer likenew Askiniltu 700 Telephone 416 729 3968 II LAP ALT loop Vtf 16511 Mer IlllStr inboard outboard lull in SlrUlTItllillWl llViVlblU mp Lflllrl opening Windshield power trim Fast dependable econnmii al 726 0670 726 6407 72 FOOT FIBREGLAS SFARAY 725 hp convertible top depth sounder illVlT Iaititnr limitian tank berth used trV little excellent condition iIiptmniUb 1680 rwnntgs EDAR BOAT ll 49991iiy IllTIl Ill FIBERGIASS raulm Inbimrit 114 0446 atil ITI 1975 GRFW 735 tully IITUIDDlLI con llllltln In luitis iWIriit slip and Winter illtrrltlt tlll lune 1980 Telephone 37 1377 IntniltillfRIiLASx 50 hp MERCURY nlilitrii start With alternator gas tanks triilir Olllltletvwilllwatersklis inrt 1tsstlil $2000 bust illtir 1170 II tillTl ill Aix liltlilsiln iars rout illiropilt 77861117 tUhE retinishiit ailiuslatlln steel lll lresllils IITI tik It 16 It also lflLl itel $185 will nillit rIITll llstall inmplvte ilmk top lriii on looking at location also Used marine railriinil in good on dillml tor 18tt boat 510 Call 137 0067 16 lnilt Al LIVIINUM CANOfh1uly us ltI like new Reasonable WTIII Box 751 Harrie Telephone good condition Call Hoilt Imwer nil tandem Telephone HITAT lal ks Tnleplmnn 42trticles wanted CANADIAN sll VER OINSttititri l907 Aniirri an below 1961 Na ktllltKIILtll tan large or small Canadian stamps am watilws postiilrits irwiIlory 7261661 iveniiuls 726 1161 CASH roe OLD FURNITURFIIO1ks dishes illit UILIIILS ilmks odds and units Plelvsnitnnls 728 LOGS WAN 11 Pim SprUi Hemlm KIL With large diameters Huddlqu the Lugst Id 726 1966 evenings 798 5800 44dogs and pets POODI IMMING protessmnal qtuOlTIIITU all breeds piik up amt di iiwry no awn pmStudiii lROPlLAL FISH hisl SIIILIIIH gtl1 town Aquariums all sites at unbeatable priies yeilinus and weekends Editi hill Aquaria 141Ar dauh Road 726 M194 MAvs NOODLE PARLOR Prolis sional clipplm and Irixllllinq harme acuDtid phone 726 0061 OAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dons Coulson term Telephone 705 815 5223 BARRIE POODLE and clipping at all Street East 726 4111 GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTER Pups for sale CKL rcqistirrd llJli iiiil temale See them at lï¬Gruvn st Bar rle alterop 776 1811 01 091 ANGORA GUINEA PIG trei Must QIVl away due to allergies Teltlptlow 720 3612 Cute small POMERANIAN Puppies weeks old eating well SCOTCH 0L LIE temales Male lanq coa CHIHUAHUA one year old Papers available for all dogs vamios or weekendsao 1118 SIBERTKN HUSKYS TEAM I07 sale in cludlno sleigh and harness bes otter Telephone Oro 407 2389 TRAINED WATCH DOGS St Ber nerds male and female 350 Pat or 375 IEPQIF Telephone 487 5510 Salon sharnpnoinq breeds Sophia Mdegsandpots THE HYDRANT Specializing in groom ing at all breeds ol dogs and cats Call tor your appointment now 728 3844 or 458 9333 47home improvements 68 HANDYMAN PLUMBING CARPENTRY Anything Reasonable rates 7264827 Guy 7371140Jht MWFAu15 sogarden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 726 3928 or 7261117 54service and repair CROMWELL CARTAGE and Demoli tion garbage removal John 728 9319 Petr3424 0711 56camping equipment LARGE RUSTIC PRIVATE family campsrtes Seasonal membership 3100 Telephone 726 6805 1968 GMC SCHOOL BUS converted to motor home Sell contained $3500 Telephone 728 8491 1965 GLENELLE House Trailer 17 ft some extras $1600 12 it SPORTSPAL Canoe $175 or best otter Telephone Alliston 435 6079 SOFT TOP TRAILER attached zip pered kitchen excellent condition 5400 Telephone 726 3899 APACHE HARDTOP Camper three way fridge three burner stove sink canopy excellent condition $2100 or best offer Telephone 728 9389 I970 CROWN CAVALIER hardtop camper electric hook up 1979 licence 5450 some accessories included Telephone 728 0158 1971 IROQUOIS SOFT TOP tent trailer with add room Good condition Must sell Best offer 728 7802 57Iivestocll for sale WANTED DEAD or crippled farm animals for tree removal Call anytime collect 705 326 9243 Simcoe Recycling HORSES BOARDED $65 per month Trails and lumps Turned out daily Telephone 487 3284 HORSE TRAILER tor sale compact horse goose neck type in good running condition needs some body work $1200 Telephone 436 I729 HORSE tor sale part Arabian 12 year old gelding 15 hands high reddish brown With blonde mane Good natured and easy to handle $400 458 9377 58livestocl wanted ANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING hlllillfl lou Thi Farmer 3269243 Call collect TF 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm lresh eggs Laying rages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 1811 WHITE ROCK PULLETS for sale 20 weeks old 33 75 each Telephone 456 6124 boleedseedgrain CONDITIONED BALED HAY all types delivery available Telephone 1519 538 2832011 519 538 2549 HARVESTORE STORED high moisture Corn tor sale Telephone 436 4367 or 136 1597 HAY 900 bales smoked dry hay Big Bay Point area 30¢ per bale Telephone Robin or Dave 728 1440 or 728 7361 CUSTOM SWATHING and Combining Bruw Gauley telephone 424 0468 or 4216439 64farm machinery USED COMBINES International Model 80 and 82 Both in good condition Telephone 705 322 I770 66tarmers market FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 FTF 67lrilits vegetables RASPBERRIES Pick your own $1 10a quart boxes supplied tree Laverys Outdoor Centres Ltd Landscaping Garden Centre corner 01 Blake and Grove 7213 9542 68personals PARAMEDIX HEALTH SERVICES Specializing in Home Care Nursing registered nurses registered nursing assistants available under your physicians supervision LOW HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY RATES ALSO Homemakers Housekeepers Companions Serving all of Simcoe rlunly 7374659 Jy30 CANNISTER VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581lf you drink thats your business It you want to quit thats ours Call any time RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie two minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 TF1 EL ARE Why light your problem llilne Let tricnd help Call Telecare 776 7922 anytime MONECA psychic and card reading OunsiIlinq Days and evenings Monday through riday Phone 728 8868 IANFA isyihli Artist Private con sultahon pyvhu parlles Aura por traits Forappt 726 9512 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 00 309 ill and Thursday 30 30 91117374 726 9300 Ext 236 MUSICAL TALENT wanted for talent iontest to be held Saturday August at approximately 10 at Cookstown Fairgrounds ash prizes First S80 So and 365 Third S55 Passvs are dVflllrlOll ior gale admission Interested parties please contact Robert Curran Fdwilrit Street reeinnrn Ont LOM 130 466 2127 ART AND RAF SHOW Mnlslln Park September 22nd 71rd Proceeds Mr Lne Rescue Squad Sponsored by In ODLDFIOIII Order at Foresters Anyone Wistlillit to partiiipati pieas Olllal Darlene Graves lt 718 8260 or wrile 41 Dalton HI Harrie 70lost and found FEMALE DOC Lab 0111 cross yellow white on ttioat Lost on Sunday in GILTICGIT out be heading home to kirkland Lake wers to Bridget SMALL REWARI 16100 10lorteadtoond SMALL GREY DOG last Tuesday Sun nidle Road and 12th concession Vespra Female very old partially deal and blind Please telephone 7372009 or 726 0115 evenings 71helpwarlted SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find receptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ANGUS ORO TWP lNNlSFlL TWP FLOS TWP WASAGA BEACH TlNY TWP hone today and find out how sy it is to get started Highest ommission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE We require the services of an Advertising Representative for new publication The candidate chosen should possess experience in Sales but not necessarily In the field of Advertising Salary is offered on com mission basis well above the minimum SEND RESUMES TO PO8ox 406 IARIlE Ontario MM 415 17057282764 Au2 MANAGEMENT POSITIONS with International Marketing firm presently available in Simcoe County area Above average earnings marketing home safety systems and energy conservation products We offer unlimited ad vancement with proven op portunities in the nations fastest growing industry as stated by the leading iournals For confidential interview contact MR LIBERTY IAIRIE 7266037 Jy2730 25 EMPLOYEES NEEDED $120wk PARTTIME S240wk FULLTIME MALE OR FEMALE Students are welcome Commission available Car necessary Call 7283482 or visit 18 ALLIANCE BLVD Unit 14 Barrie WFTF SHEET METAL DUCT WORK INSTALLER Light commercial work Good wages Phone collect for appointment 8890680 416 Jy27 FORM CARPENTERS required to form concrete manholes in the Barrie area Call 17054455459 27 WANTED STUDENTS to deliver Ex aminer routes as substitutes during summer Flat rate per route Prefer those with bicycles Call 726 6539 Mr White NEED MONEY Fuller Brush Company provides tlexible hours field support top commission Cameron Bower 726 9725 BABYSITTER WANTED Starting August 27th from am to pm daily with light housekeeping also included In Painswick 726 2473 SUPERINTENDENT lor apartment Middle aged couple aggressive abs tainers handyman references Modern bedroom apartment plus salary Write Box 81 The Examiner Barrie Ontario LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER to work in convalescent home in Big Bay Paint Must be reliable and like elderly people Part time help also required Telephone anytime 436 3252 WANTED DIESEL MECHANIC and driver operator Telephone 728 7681 toSp DENTAL OFFICE RECEPTIONIST wanted immediately Must be conscien trous With pleasant personality ollice experience essential dental experience not necessary but prelerred Please send resume to Dr Harney Box 20 Stayner Ont LOM ISO RELIABLE MATURE babysmer to take small baby into own home while parents work Starting September preterable Duckworth Bernick Grove area 726 6099 Monday to Friday WHILE VOUR CHILDREN sleep you could be earning extra money Sarah Coventry at Canada line lashlon iewellery requires part time people In the Barrie area No kit investment no IfllVlFHS Contact Arlene at 726 8030 alter rn HAIRDRESSER lull or part time must be experienced tor salon in Alliston Closed Wednesday Saturday till Call for intervew 705 435 7371 BARTENDER WINE STEWARD for evening shllt must be neat courteous responsible person Please phone Paul Carson 737 3492 or Apply in person Shan nons Fine Dining 149 Beytield St LEGAL SECRETARY required lor law uttice Must be experienced Apply Lennard Noble 246 Hurontario St Coll ingwood Phone 445 5551 705 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WAllER Apply in pirson to the nianauvr New Forest Restaurant Baytiild Mall 11hebwted EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINISTRY OF HOUSING HAS VACANCY FOR HOME VISITOR SALARY $1301300 $1481480 PER ANNUM LOCATION MIDLAND 8A8 Person required to conduct home visits with individuals applying for assisted rental housing Responsibilities to Include visiting both family and senior citizen applicants In their present homes to determine priority of need assessing their suitability for housing ascertaining type and location of dwelling best suited to meet individual needs prepare comprehensive reports on each visit offer counselling of practical nature and refer clients to appropriate agencies for spelcalized assistance provide information on Housing Authority policies and procedures as required QUALIFICATIONS Grade 12 education minimum with several years related experience In the social services field SKILLS Well developed Interpersonal skills ability to prepare clear concise reports ability to communicate tactfully and effectively both orally and In writing valid drivers licence is essential Bilingualism will be considered preferential asset Written applications to be submitted to Mr McCann Manager Simcoe County Orillia Housing Authority 303 Midland Ave Suite 208 Box 608 Midland Ontario L411 413 CONTROLLER We are newly formed subsidiary of European marketing and distribution company and require controller to set up and control our financial and administrative procedures The ability to work without supervision and make decisions is of prime importance as the position reports to the group headquarters in Zurich The position calls for person with strong accounting background CA RIA CGA who can implement new systems and motivate staff The key areas of responsibility are customer relations shipping and warehousing including import documentation sales commissions and financial reporting From cold start the company intends to grow rapidly and close liaison with the sales department is required Experience in the Direct Selling Industry would be definite advantage Candidates should submit their application in writing including current salary and telephone number AMC egg To Les Clark Alfo Metalcroft Corporation 274 Bayva Drive Barrie Ontario l4N 4Y8 Jy28 NEWSPAPER Advertising Salesperson leading provincial daily requires an experienced retail ad vertising salesperson capable of assuming senior account duties immediately with prospect of increased supervisory duties in the future Here is an excellent career opportunity for man or woman with proven record of success in advertising sales and layout as well as retail promotions If you enioy selling If you rise to the challenge of obiections with ideas and hard work send resume with full particulars to BOX 84 THE EXAMINER 16 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE ONT DIRECTOR OF NURSING RESIDENT SERVICES Must be registered nurse currently registered in Ontario Must possess good communication leadership and in terpersonal skills and the ability to coordinate supervise and maintain appropriate programs of care and services for 42 developmentally handicapped children and adolescents Experience in pediatrics longterm care setting andor mental retardation preferrable Duties to commence in September 1979 Submit resume and salary requirements to MR TELFER Administrator ARK EDEN NURSING HOME 1973 Ltd RR Stroud Ont LOL 2M0 Starting immediately adlo lhaeli DIVISION OF TANDY ELECTRONICS LIMITED NIGHT COMPUTER OPERATOR Computer programmingoperations 12 hour shift days on3 days off Apply in person to RADIO SHACK PERSONNEL 279 Bayview Drive Barrie Ontario 252730 experience necessary FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC required for fulltime position Must be experienced on farm machinery High wages fringe benefits for right person For further information contact LESLIE SOLTY and SONS Ltd Ill COOKSTOWN Phone 705 4589125 M4 CHflVE FITTER Tottenham metal stamping plant requires Machine fitter with iig and fixture making experience Top hourly rate and benefits offered FOR INTERVIEW CALL 4169364245 TOOL DIE MAKER Tottenham metal stamping plant requires tool and die maker for maintenance of progression dies Top hourly rate and benefits offered Day shift 730 am pm For interview call 4169364245 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT ex perience necessary to assist manager in high rise in Barrie Apply to Box 85 The Examiner Barrie IM LOOKING FOR Representatives in the Barrie area interested in earning S200 or more month on part tlme basis For Interview call Mrs stokes at 325 3270 30p MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS needs Beauty Consultant tor our Home Debut Program Full training provided Full or part time Call Kate Tingley 726 0622 PERSON REQUIRED to handle full line Vending Machine route in the Barrie area Applicant must be bendable and have drivers licence Apply In writing to Box 86 The Examiner Barrie PART TIME TYPIST with some knowledge of bookeeping Call Levonne Mitchell 728 5566 EXPERIENCED BARBER Telephone 436 3326 WAITRESSWAITER required Apply in person to Flrenze Restaurant 54F Maple Avenue alter 30p MATURE PERSON to live In and mind two children aged seven and 10 In ex change tor room and board Telephone 458 4428 anytlme STUDENTS desiring to earn 375 to $150 per week Ce11726 6037 EXPERIENCED SALESPERSON re quired tor Iedles wear store For inter Viewitll 728 6066 71h wanted HOUSEKEEPER mature person to live in adult home Modern home central location $400 monthly Write Box Barrie Examiner MECHANIC WANTED for small con struction business Telephone 424 I668 WAREHOUSE PERSON Meture responsible person to take charge or carpet warehouse Stock control cutting carpets and some deliveries Call lrvine Carpet House 23 Collier 51728 5566 FULL TIME JANITOR needed im mediater at Barrie Racquets Club Must supply own equipment and have previous experience Call Paul at 7379121 CHEMIST manulacturing preler BSC Chemistry 728 3309 to exchange 91391 HOUSKEEPERCOMPANION Live in home atmosphere Liberal time all Letephone 728 4404 allerglg noon TAXI DRIVERS full time Must have good driving record and neat ap pearance Apply in person only at United Taxi 8Maple Ave THE OLD MILL DONUT SHOP will be taking applications for lull and part time help at their store located on Highway 11 lust north ot 10th line of Oro on Saturday 9am tollam zc 72fsales helpagent LIGHTING WI NOTI We have been at it in Canada for 34 years atd our sales force are making more money now than ever before If you are now selling restaurants motels hotels office and apartment buildings churches banks hospitals schools Institutions Industries factories etc we now offer you the best deal in Canada Highest conmlulons paid every Tuesday on automatic yearround repeat business Efficient proven premium program Age no barrier car necessary Sideline or full time No technical knowlege needed as our Sales Manual shows you how to make money with your very first call Choice protected territory of Barrie must be filled immediately Write Daytron Box 420 Hamilton Ontario or phone 1416528 8502 Jy627 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens ollice supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa PERSONS REQUIREDlor home insula tion sales in the Barrie area Full or parttime work available Commission ed sates leads supplied Phone 14355681 76employment wanted CGA GRADUATE seeks employment in Barrie area Varied experience In general accounting financial statements cash llows budgets com puter taxation individual and corpora tion For further inlormation write Box A94 Barrie RELIABLE DAY CARE in my home Riverwood area for temporary sum mer or permanent care Other playmates Call 737 0410 77legal MORTGAGE SALE OF RESIDENTIAL PREMISES UNIT 75 LEVEL In J7 SIMCOE CONDOMINIUM PLAN N0 at 63 FERRIS LANE BARRIE ONTARIO TUESDAY JULY 31 1979 at9AM All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe and being composed of Unit 75 Level as shown on Simcoe Condominium Plan No registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Simcoe No 51 at Barrie and its up purtenant common interest being the whole of the said parcel Terms cash or certified cheque to be paid in full at the time of sale Selling subiect to reserve bid For further particulars and appointment for inspection apply to ARCHER COLWILL 406 Codrington Street BARRIE Ontario Telephone 705 726 8904 Jy27 79niiction sales ALLEN HORNER Auction SerVIce BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Farm Household Antiques OAppraisals RR No BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE LTD 7264841 SUMMER RESIDENCE 14454884 Auction Sale Saturday July 28th at 10 am for Harold Suggltt at 75 Berry St Meaford Ont Sale of antique and modern housefurnishings major and small appliances etc inc ex cellent pce solid walnut older dining room suite antique glass chino crystal silver cooking utensils etc plus much more Century Farm Auction Saturday August 4th ath am sharp for Harvey Carscadden lot 19 Can Collingwood Twp miles sauth of Thornbury or mile north of Ravenna Ont Sale of high class farm machinery inc tractors one Int No 574 only 2300 hours one Zetor No 8011 74 hp only years old Conskill furrow plow Int wheel disc Int No 10 seed and fertilizer drill MF mower Int No 990 mower conditioner Int No 241 big round baler elevators lifters etc orchard equipment inc brush hog 300 gal orchard sprayer fork lift ladders baskets etc Int No 540 manure pump for 10 ft pit Husky 1500 gal liquid manure spreader with tandem wheels and brakes Husky 1000 gal manure spreader Feed 200 big bales of hay square bales of hay and straw plus large quantity of antique housefur nishings and collector items and some modern pcs lumber rails scrap iron shop equipment and many misc items Terms Cash farm sold Faun Auction Sale Tuesday Evening August 7th at pm sharp for Peter Gurklys Lot 10 Can Sunnidale Twp miles south of Sun nidale Corners and mile west or miles south east of Stoyner Ont Sale of all farm machinery inc tractors inc Int No 350 tractor Formal tractor full line of cultivation equipment haying equipment inc MH baler Na 67 sows beef cows calves and yearlings 2500 bales of hay etc Wed Aug 8th at 530 pm sharp for Stan White 446 Hwy 92 Wasaga Beach Ont Corner of Golf Course Rd Hwy 92 Sale of all housefurnishings maior electrical appliances one upright chest freezer garden hand tools etc Terms Cash Saturday Aug38 11 at 10 am Large Estate Auction for the Joy Stephens estate Glencairn Ont bedroom home circa 1870 and approx acre lot plus all antique furnishings circa 1840 to 18m and 1951 Ford car Ont of Simcoe Countys pioneer familes Saturday August 18th at 10 am Joseph Leach estate Duntroon Large auction of farm equipment and all antique contents from storey stone home Century farm Wed Aug 2210 am estate of late 00 Paul Village of Nottowa Sat Aug 25th at 10 am for Carl Gowan Creemore Ont All antique contents of the old Creemore Creamery Book Your Auction we in advance with the auctioneer who knows the value aid the BUYERS NO RESERVE AUCTION TOTAL CONTENTS OF HOUSE Including bus moped Partial Listing Living room suite stereo color TV dining room suite kitchen set fridge stove bunk beds dressers china cabinet some camper and antique glass pool table microwave oven bed chesterfield lamps tools desks dishes appliances blankets sheets drapes etc Saturday July 28th pm Sharp 320 ST VINCENT ST Auctioneer BILL SECORD Terms Cash day of solo Jy27 AUCTION SALE of furniture household articles appliances some dishes linens antique pieces several carpenters tools garden and hand tools riding lawnmower planer etc for MRS LUCY WILEY to be held SATURDAY AUGUST 4th commencing at am Located at 95 Yonge St on Hwy No 11 iust north of Barrie city limits Terms cash No reserves as home sold and Mrs Wiley is moving to an apartment VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR STROUD SCL 23 Jy27Au2 18 tenders Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Renovations of Residence for the Ministry of Natural Resources at Angus Ontario NR66976 Renovations of Washroom in Residence 815005 at the Tree Nursery at Midhurst Ontario NR66973 Renovations to the Interior of the OPP Detachment on Highway IB Huntsville Ontario SG67050 ALUMINUM WINDOW CONTRACTORS Supply and install Aluminum storm windows on Duplex at the Muskoko Centre in Gravenhurst Ontario CM66925 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until pm local time on Thursday August 16 1979 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Ollice 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For Further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Ontario Services PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other school subiects 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 ROSE ROSE Olenrod Accountants Samuel Rose CA Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Plano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford 51 7284718 POWELL JONES CO Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario one 7287461 Tele IL Jy27 Announcements SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thu1k $600 minimum 40 words additional words 11 cents per word Births 8600 Memoriarn no vane $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coan Events $843 per column inch 81births GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth 01 your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available lor Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your triends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 2414 BOBBETTE Bob and Deborah nee Dwinnell are proud to announce the birth at their son Mathew Gerald lbs MN 01 on July 1979 First grandchild lor Mr and Mrs Don Dwinnell and Mr and Mrs Bobbette ot Barrie Special thanks to Dr Peachey Dr Johns and the lourth lloor nurses HALEY Mr and Mrs Mike Haley would like to announce the birth ol their lirst child Robert Gordon Albert on Ju ly 1979 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Special thanks to Drs Henry and Johns for their attention and all the nurses for their excellent care ot both Robert and Beth Bilengagements VANDER HEYDEN SYNNOTT MMR AND Mrs Frans Vander Heyden are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Yvonne to Dave Syn nott son 01 Mr and Mrs Bruce Synnott The wedding will take place on August 18 at pm at Our Lady 01 the Assumption Church in Brentwood MAW JONES Mr and Mrs Bert Maw 01 Barrie are pleased to announce the engagement at their daughter Carol Ann to Frederich Hugh Jones son ot Mrs Marilyn Jones and the late Mr Fred Jones at Woodvllle The wedding is to take place at Central United Church Barrie on August 18m at 4p B4marringes SANDERSON SIMPSON Keith and Myrna Sanderson Shanty Bay are pleased to announce the marriage 01 their only daughter Myrna Joy to Brian Ross Simpson son ol Charles and Lena Simpson 01 No Shanty Bay The wedding is to take place at Central United Churci Barrie at orlmk on September Ist 1979 8Sdeaths BOLTON Charles At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday July 26 1979 Charles Bolton in his 8151 year husband 01 Bessre Dollnellr lather ol Audrey Mrs William Postl at London Betty Mrs Paul Morliinl or Coldwater Pat Mrs Ted Geriu Itf Windsor Harold ot Barrie and the late John Bolton Survived also by 13 qrana children and one great uniiimrnlil Friends may call at Steckley Funeral home 30 wilrsley St Barrie dfrl pm Friday Private selviic in tlm Chapelon Saturday July Barri Intelltlill Barrie Union Cemetery PAPADIMITRIOU NICK Ilruprtetur at East End Variety Storel Al the Royd Victoria Hospital Barrie on thfld July 26th 1979 Nick Papauirllitiian in his 36th year beloviil husband lt koum Trianlafiluu dear father maim Mary and Bobby son at Ndy Papadinlitriou brothel tf litTl Christine Anna and ttrIpn rielias may call at Slti kley Fund at Hollie JII Worsley St Ball le after 79 ill Friita Servure in It illapel on Saturday luly 28th at 10 lll InterimIll Barrie Union Cemetery STUNDEN Alexander At the Ron Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday July 26 l979 Alexander Slulldtll lll his 9151 year beloved husband in the lati Viola lotlnson dear lather at Hotel DAmbroslo and Reta ldlt Survived also by grandchildren and 15 ureat granmhilitrerl two brothers Altriit ill Ileetilll lllil Lllallis ill filll Manley lredei eased by meat grallili hildrin brothers Waller Albert and George and Sisters lillian Burger alldAllille tlill Friends llldy call at Sleckley funeral Home 10 Wilrsley St Danie alter 7pm Saturday Olltpltlt servne in the llapel on Monday July mm at 111 Intel mum at Barrie Union Illlllfv SI 7284 761 Commercial Residential CUE CARPET UPHOLSTER CLEANERS gWALL T0 WALL CARPETS grilles FURNITURE PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED Iarrles First Commercially Operhtod Truck Mounted Carpet Cleaning Unit IN THE MATTER OF THE CLOSING AND SELLING OF VICTORIA STREET BETWEEN GLENN AVENUE AND SUN NYBRAE AVENUE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL COUNTY OF SIMCOE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of lnnisfil will after the publication of this notice at least once week for four successive weeks consider and if deemed expedient pass by law to close and sell Victoria Street between Glenn Avenue and Sunnybrae Avenue as described in the said proposed bylaw AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his lands will be preludicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent THIS NOTICE IS FIRST PUBLISHED THE l3th DAY OF JULY 1979 RICHARD GROH ClerkAdministrator Township of Innisfil STROUD Ontario IOL2M0 Jy132o27Au3 40artlclos for ale VOLUME SALES 21 Mary St Barrie DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE cu ft Refrigerator 3139 Used Double Pedestal Dull $10 New 24 54 Double Pedestal Dorks $159 Chrome Vinyl Stacking Chairs 20 $1699 Over 20 $1599 New Salesmanl Dotti with Lorin s109 Swivel Arm Chair s4995 Swivel Socrotnriel Chairs $3995 Executive Swivel Ann Chain $8495 Secretarial Desks Left or Right Return s299 Used Drawer filing Cabinets $690071 site New Metal Stnttonely Cabinets $12995 500 PAIRS SUMMER SPORTS SHOES CASUALS Most sizes Variety of styles BIG DISCOUNTS Full Rolls Nylon Carpet $499 foam Rubber Pad per yd SHOP AND SA VE DO WNTOVIVVFNM NOTICE Deadline lor classmed word ads pm day previous noon Saturday