Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1979, p. 15

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Wanted Applicant must be liable dsle to work sliittworli dlle to read write and speak English ovrn transportation an asset Call or write Pinkertons of Canada ltd PO BOX 664 Barrie Ont 7057264731 or Contact Canada Manpower CENTRE KING STS IN THESE AREA BLAKE STEEL ST AREA DUNLOP CREEMORE EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Phone 7266539 TORONTO BRADFORD ST AREA DUCKWORTHNAPIER AREA edited Pinkertons of Canada Ltd Progressive Company Wanted 75 fulltime Security Officers Benefits free uniforms paid vacation YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOD NGUS DALTON BAYFIELD ST AREA QUEEN ST DAVIDSON ST MULCASTER ST AREA SOPHA WORSLEY OWEN ST AREA RODNEY MOUNTBATTEN ST AREA CUMBERLAND ST CLAPPERTON ST AREA TIFFIN ST SANFORD VICTORIA AREA llirrent profit sharing plan Co paid life insurance progressive career BAYFELD MARY STS GUNN WELLINGTON ST AREA Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier BELL TEMPLE requires legal secretary Please telephone Mr Paul Dusome 776 4511 or apply in person at 58 Collier St WORKERMANAGER lor Italian sand wich pizza and submarine shop Must have experience Golden opportunity Phone 728 9I5l STUDENTS REQUIRED to sell tickets weekend of August 4th 5th and am To discuss details and register call Paul Shortreed at 728 HSBI daily between and Route NAME AGE ADDRESS PHONE PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 ELECTRONICS 77 Job oriented training eading to careers in electronics in dustries Financial aid while in School lor those who qualify Part time iob and housing assistance For further inlorma lion call anytime Reg Meecham Holi day Inn Barrie 728619i July 2221324 OFFSET press necessary 1250 Muliti two color Days Keele Street and Highway area Days call 669 9962 after call 435 5815 SUPERINTENDENT person experience for apartment Middle aged couple aggressive abs LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER to work in convalescent home in Big Bay Paint Must be reliable and like elderly people Part time help also required Telephone anytime 436 3257 WANTED DIESEL MECHANIC and driver operator Telephone 728 7681 am toSp CLERK REQUIRED for warehousing duties shipping receiving packaging and inventory of case and drum stocks Apply in person to Peacock Petroleums Ltd 448 Dunlap St Barrie GRADING bulldozer operator and BACK HOE operator wanted Telephone 124 1668 DENTAL OFFICE RECEPTIONIST wanted immediately Must be consCieh tious With pleasant personality office experience essential dental experience not necessary but preferred Please send resume to Dr Harney Box 70 Stayner Ont LOM ISO RELIABLE MATURE babysit to take small baby into own home While parents work Starting September Preferable Duckworth Bernick Grove area 7216 5099 Monday to Friday BOOKKEEPER up to trial balance Part time for insurance agency Remuneration commensurate with ex perience Reply stating Rualitications to Box 87 The Examiner Barrie HOUSEKEEPER SITTER required to live in new home main concern is child Exchange for room and board plus Telephone Michele 726 4185 WHILE YOUR CHILDREN sleep you could be earning extra money Sarah Coventry of Canada line fashion Iewellery reowres part time people in the Barrie area No kit investment no deliveries Contact Arlene at 726 8030 alter Sp HAIRDRESSER lull or part time must be experienced tor salon in Alliston Closed Wednesday Saturday till Call for interVIew 705 435 737i DRIVER SALES Growing company now accepting ap pllcations tor job openings Call 726 7400 MATURE PERSON to train for waiting on tables Evening and weekend work lull or part time Apply in person to Howard Johnsons 355 Baylield St BARTENDER WINE STEWARD tor evening shilt must be neat courteous responSIDIe person Please phone Paul Carson 737 3497 or Apply in person Shah nons Fine Dining 149 Baylield St BABYSITTER school age children Steele St school area Commencmg Septembei l0 I979 Call 725 7387 after LEGAL SECRETARY redoired tor law office Must be experienced Apply Leonard vale 246 Hurontario SI Coll lngwood Phone 445 5551 705 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WAITER Apply in person to the manager New Forest Restaurant BaylieldMall FULL AND PART time kitchen and counter help wanted Apply in person Monday to Thursday at BURGER KING 320 Baylield Street Barrie HOUSEKEEPERmature person tolive in adult homo Modern home Central location $400 monthly Write Box SJ Barrie Examiner THE OLD MILL DONUT SHOP Will be taking applicationslor toll and part time heipat their store located on Highway II lust north of 10th line at Oro 0n Wednes day and Thursday lea to COMPTROLLER Preler accounting degree High growth potential company Full responsibility and authority Telephone FLEMING AND ASSO CIATES to exchange intormation 7283309 mer playmatesrCVall 737 0410 ainers handyman references Modern bedroom apartment plus salary Write Box Bl The Examiner Barrie Ontario 77sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS part timelull time sideline Calendars Sell anywhere ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens oltice supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa 76employmentwanted RELlABLE DAY CARE in my home Riverwood area for temporary sum or permanent care Other 79auction soles AUCTION TDTAI CONTENTS or HOUSE SATURDAY JULY Nth pl sharp no ST VINCENT ST No reserve Illl SECDID Auctioneer Jy24 allpublic notice aligti WATT The Barrio Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Tuesday July 24 1979 at 700 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss the proposed Premier Path Residential Plan of Subdivision which is located west of Anne Street within Residential District Plan The subdivision plan proposes total of 19 residential units Also Public Meeting will be held otapproximately 720 pm Tuesday July 24 I979 in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss the Stollar rezoning application for lands located north of Edgehill Drive and immediately west of the existing apartment building The rezoning proposal Is for Residential RAI high density development Planning Board requests public input and discussion on the above applications Interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their concerns and Opinions Jones SecretaryTreasurer Barrie Planning Board Jy24 Announcements SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES 000th Notices Engagements Cards at Thmks $600 minimum 40 words additional words It cents per word Births sooo In Memoriam no verse $600 Vern par count line extra 23 cent Coming Events $313 per column inch SIbbtlls Mondays Child is lair of lace Tuesdays Child is lull of grace Wednesdays Child istullolwoe Thursdays Child haslartogo Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the San bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inlormalion lor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement Will include the name of your child the day oi the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 PHONE 728 24 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth ol your child in The Ex aminer clippings ol the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The Examiner Classilied 728 2414 VINGERHOETS Neil and Betty are happy to announce the birth at their tirst Child son Robert Michael Neil on Wednesday July 18th I979 at RV Weight lbs 01 Proud grandparents are Mrs Mary Morrison ol Midhurst and John Vingerhoets at Port Colburhe Ont IS deattis INGRAHAM Irene At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Monday July 23rd l979 Irene Cryderman beloved Wile of Donald lngraham in her 47th year Dear mother of Lloyd and Deborah Anne Ingraham Grandmother ol Gregory Daughter of Allan Cryderman and Ethel Bawden Sister ol Allen Cryderman Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie alter Tuesday Service in the Chapel on Wednesday July 75th at II I7 in memoriains RICHARDSON Joyce In lovmg memory of dear Wile and mother who Passed away July 21I976 The depths oi sorrow we cannot tell 0t the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Always remembered and sadly missed by husband andlamily BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF thinL To face trial for war crimes the examiner ruuday July 24 1979 15 Nicaragua wants Somoza extradita MANAGUA AP Nica raguas revolutionary govem ment is going to request the ex tradition of dictator Anastasia Somoza to face trial for war crimes but it says there will be no wholesale execution of his supporters like those after the revolution in Iran There will be no death pen ally in Nicaragua and no execu tions ordered by the courts the new chief justice of the Su preme Court Roberto Arguelo Hurtado told reporters Sun day It is possible there may be excesses including executions before we can get regular courts organized said Ar guelo But they will only be personal vendetlas or just plain hate between people and any executions will not be author ized The chief justice said his court will appoint new judges for the lower courts as soon as possible Until that is done he said justice is being adminis tered by threemember mili tarycivilian tribunals author ized to maintain public order and try pvl sons accused of civil and war crimes Later each of their sen QUALITY MEATS BUTT AND SHOULDER CHOPS CUT FROM CANADAS FINEST BEEF ROUND STEAK CUT FROM CANADAS FINEST FULL SLICE II II INSIDE TOP SWIFTS PREMIUM BOLOGNA WHOLE OR HALF STORE PACK BURGER PATTIES OiiSTEAKETTES BREAD 24 OZ LOAF WHITE BROWN CRACKED WHEAT BEATICE FRESH PART SKIM PITCHER PAK MILK DAILY LOW NO LIMIT WHITE LANTIC SUGAR 2KG CANADA GRADE FARM FRESH EGGS EVERYDAY LOW SUPER BUY CIGARETTES ALL BRANDS CARTONS NO lIMIT CARNATION EVAP MILK 385 ML PART SKIM HOMOGENIZED CUT FROM ONTARIO No YOUNG mun STEAK52 tences will be reviewed to de termine if they should stand or go to higher court Arguelo said One of the five members of the junta heading the govern ment Sergio Ramirez Mer cado told news conference the government is going to ask the United States for Somozas extradition and is preparing the charges against him He said the ousted dictator who fled to an estate he owns in Miami Beach and now is aboard yacht in the Carib bean was responsible for the destruction and the deaths of Federal commissioner claims US red tape no commitment blocking northern gas pipeline OTTAWA lCP American red tape and lack of US fi nancial commitment are the obstacles to Canadians ready to build northern gas pipeline says Mitchell Sharp commis sioner of the federal Northern Pipeline Agency The uncertainty in Canada is the uncertainty in the United States Sharp said in an inter view for CTVs Question Period Nobody is going to put up money for pipeline that is PAK QUALITY MEATS 99 AND 89 17g 43 STICKS EA AP REG 785 KINO 795 39 43¢ EA TIN TOTAL LIMIT SIRLOIN STEAKS SWIFTS No GRADE SIDE SLICED BACON LB VAC PACK MAPLE lEAF COOKED HAM oz PEPPERONI SUNLIGHT 24 OZ LIOUID PREPRICED SPEC 89 FAB 12 lITRE LAUNDRY SOAP TULIP I2 OZ TIN LUNH OZ AEROSOL AIR FRESHENERS WIZARD CHILDRENS SURPRISE BAGS KRAFT REG 74 nor cmou MARSHMALLOWS NEw CROP REO AND BLACK CHERRIES IN STOCK WHILE SUPPLY lASTS only going Canada Present US oil costs and shortages and personal assur ance from President Jimmy Carter to see it built will ensure faster American action for continental pipeline from the north he said Sharp who was named as the agencys commissioner in 1978 said funding of the systems Alaskan section would be immediately available if to run through thousands of Nicaraguans He also accused the deposed presiv dent and his associates of tak ing every last cent out of the national bank reserves And he said Somoza is plotting to re turn to Nicaragua with an army The chief justice said mem Washington altered financial guarantee for the project He said there are no outstanding questions to interfere with the financing of the line in Canada have been urging the Foot hills company to prepare their financing plans and be ready to present them to the National Energy Board on the hearings on the prehuilt part of the line Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd is to build pipeline from bers of the national guard who have taken refuge in Red Croslt centres Will be given safe con duct out Of the country if they are cleared of war crimes charges Each case will be reviewed to determine if any are guilty of war crimes he said Alaska along the Mackenzie Valley The commissioner credits his agency which has coordinated pipeline strategy among government industry and the public with having placed Canada ahead of the US in its construction timetable SWAP NOT LIKELY Sharp said there is not much chance of selling Alberta gas to the US in return for later Alaskan supplies Ulrich Bedart of the Red Cross said the relief organ ization has about 3000 to 4000 national guard and their fami lies in its custody and every day we are getting information about more He said there have been no reports of reprisals against guards by Sandinista guerrillas But he said there were reports of reprisals against guards by civilians and he refused to discuss them Sandinista sources reported two truckloads of proSomoza gunmen fired automatic weap ons Saturday night at the Hotel Camino Real where the five members of the junta and the 18 cabinet members they named are staying The hotel is on the eastern outskirts of Managua near the airport and is surrounded by Sandinista guards The sources said the guards returned the fire of the gunmen and drove them off but two of the guards were wounded The war is still not over Ramirez said We are not go ing to tolerate resistance from the Somocislas We will not lollt crate it from the ultraleft or the ultriivright NAME BRAND QUALITY PRODUCTS AT FROM THE LOIN TENDER JUICY BONE OR WING STEAKS BBQ SPECIAL TRESIIIT MINCEO MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 23 OR LESS FAT CONTENT CUT FROM CANADA BEEF CHUCKS BONELESS BBO STEAKS CUT FROM CANADA BEEF BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP I0 OZ 29 09 59 239 99 I59 89 262 148 I38 158 PKG PAK ounurv MKAYs FRESH CUT BACK ATTACHED CHICKEN LEGS AND BREASTS NO LIMIT FRYING OR ROASTING CHICKENS FROM CANADIAN PACKERS SWIFTS OLD MILL SMALL LINK RANDOM WEIGHT SAUSAGES BUTONI 800 GR LARGE TIN RAVIOLLI I0 OZ STEMS PIECES MUSHROOMS TOMATO UICE TRtlll l00 Oil SOFT MARGARINE McCORMICKS REG 99 CANDIES LITRE IS FLAVOURS ICE CREAM NIAGARA OR KENT ORANGE JUICE CASE 24 $1399 SPECIALS EFFECTIVE JULY 25th JULY 3IST INCLUSIVE SUPER FOOD MARTS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED YOUNG 112 229 SOUTHERN JEWEL PURE RECON CE 24 oz TU BS FROZEN CONCENTRATED I2 OZ DISCOUNT We reserve ttie right to limit to average family needs NO FRILL PRICES CUT FROM CANADAS FINEST BEEF TROPICS FINEST FRUIT No FANCY CHIOUITA BANANAS iliiiiis 49¢ NO LIMIT LB FARMS 97 7¢ LARGE ONTARIO NEW CROP CANADA No GRADE POTATOES SUNKIST USA FANCY 35AN6E549 ONTARIO No lARGE Eitticiz ONTARIO No GRADE LARGE LETTUCE DIRECT FROM BRADFORD GROWERS EA ONTARIO No GRADE CAULIFLOWER SNOW WHITE IQCOUNT USA FANCY GRADE CANTALOUPES 23 COUNT VALLEY LB FROZEN 89 iiiisc FROZEN CONCENTRATED NIAGARA I2 OZ LEMONADE PINK WHITE CASE 24 $699 69F 29 LB 69 69 399 389 22 LB II LB 20 LB IO LB PAILS PLUS 100s OF FEATURE ITEMS SHOP AT THE HOME I00 GUARANTEE ON EVERY ITEM SOLD PLUS 100s OF FEATURE ITEMS ANGUS STORE HOURS CNNER COUNTY ROAD IO AND HWY 90 DAILY am9 pm THURS FRIDAY amIO pm SUNDAY HOLIDAYS II am7 pm BARRIE 4T ESSA RD DAILY9am6pm THURS FRI am9 pm Monday Closed ALLISTON NO FRILL Tues Wed Sat am pm Thurs Friday am pm

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