AAsaAAfl 12 the examlnor Tucsday July 24 1070 TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 110 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEws ABC NEWS NEws ID PARTY GAME DRAGONS WAGONS AND WAx 645 ID GET iT TOGETHER 655 BARBAPAPA 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE CROSS WiTs MARY TYLER MOORE snow Tic TAC DOUGH DOWNRIGHT DISCO emu pi tie Brooks the Duncan Sisters Glen Ricketh Marc Jordan Repeat III NEWLYWED GAME ID SUMMER ACADEMY GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHow NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW Gueat Roger MFAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHow Guests mOIWIIIIflm8cthDOR Re eat PETER APPLEYA MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 90 THE RUNAWAYS Psychologist Stave Arrizio must trace teenage girl who has lied her adoptive parents to seek her natural lhar and father 60 mine IN CONCERT CBS REPORTS BLACK AMER ICA The broadcast will present comprehen eive look at the status of Black Americans 25 years ellerlhehistaric SupremeCourtdeCIsion esegregnlion Part 60 mine PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED HAPPY DAYS The Fonz helps Richie advicolothe lovalorn Repeat MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED SUMMER ACADEMY WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE SUSPEN$E When Eight BallasoToll 1971 AMERICA 100 THE REAL STORY SPECIAL EDITION 900 BIG EVENTMOVIE Biuy pomum Street Kid 1977 Stars LeVar Burton Tina IOWI CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE Ottawa Rough Riders va Toronto Argonauts hra Blacked out areas will air The lnvealiture at His Ernmmence Cardinal Carler Bonkera CFL 79 British Columbia ave Winni eg Blue Bombers TUESBAY NIGHT MOVIE The Hawaiiana19708ter0CharltonHealonGeraI Chaplin THREES COMPANY Janet gnas Into competition with fellow employee when thepoattionofmenageroltnefloriatahopwhere worka becomea available Repeal LIVELY COUNTRY ID BEST KEPT SECRETS EDDIE CAPRA MYSTERIES 930 TAXI When Alexs ear is nearly shot off In holdup attempt In his taxi he stuns his fellow cabbies byquitting and he exchanges his driv ing clothes for waitera tuxedo a1 snobbiah nch reatauranl Repeal TAXI When Alexs earls nearly Cut Off In holdup attempt in his taxi he stuns his fellow cabbies by quitting and he exchanges hIe driv clothesfora waitersluxedo Repeat If Twos COMPANY IE EMERSON LAKE AND PALMER 1000 PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED 13 OUEENS aLVD aQUINCYTheslayingolawidelytravelled pro football player discovered to have had penicillinresistant straIn of venereal disease sets Quincy and health department offiCieI Off on frantic race to prevent nationWIde demic Ra eel60 mins III CONF RENCE 0N LAW AND CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS IE MEN OF IDEAS NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 COMEDY PILOT 1045 ID PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED 100 III NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS an MOVIE ADVENTURE Oporatlon Crossbow was 20 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHTSHowaIoIc eon Gueala Henry Winklor Rodney Danger Gretchen Corbett Repeat 90 min CBS LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONES Blueprint ForACaperBarnabyia hired to investigate the death of an insurance agent RepeatLONE STAR 195281araClarkGabIe Gardner MOVIE DRAMA Lady Car ne Lamb 1972 STREET TALK NiGHTMUSic 1200 cec NEWS in MEDICAL CENTER MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES 1210 MOVIE TiTLE UNANNOUNCED 1225 NEWS 1227 NEWS 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 1245 LIFE AT STAKE In December 1975 seven Southoluccanshiiackedalraininorder toreinforcelheirprolaetthettheirisland should not have been incorporated into Indonesia in 1949 The passengers are held hostagafor13 days and two of them and the train driver are killed Repeat 60 mins 100 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guests Freddie Martin and Buddy Rogers formerbandIeedersduringlheBigBandera 60 MOVIE MYSTERY Ten Iln ton Place 1971 THAT GLITTERS 130 NEws PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 310 MOVIE DRAMA Walk the Line 1970 historically speaking barries story July liiliti lmmcdiati plans for Barrio larking authority wcrc scrap ple at spccial tnccting of thc planning and dcvolopmcnt comnuttov and instead the parking problcm was to bc loft in thc hands of thc cotnmittccs of council As part of thc Simcoc ounty Board of Educations avowvd aim to cqualiI cducational op portuniliis across thc county rccontmcndations to cxtInd kiIIdirgartcn lasscs in tho count wIrc acccptcd by tho board Quccns Iark was invadcd by 430 oungstcrs from 17 city parks who took part Ill thc an nual ctcativc arts day which was living hold for thc sccond ycal in row Ilordcn rcsidcnts rollId up Illtll slccvcs to sIt an illvilmt blood donor clinic rccord for thc basc total of €113 bottlos lop pcd thc prtwious rccord of 612 which had bccn sct in January ofthat year ltobcrt Armstrong was ap pointcd gcncral managcr of Barrio ounty Ilub it was an nounccd by Prcsidcnt Iiordon lcighton and thc board of dircctors Iom llughiis gcncral managcr of thc Ontario Humanc Socicty spokc with mcmbcts of thc board 01 dircc tors of thc llartic Socict and cxplaincd what could ltappcn it tho animals for rcscarch bill which was bcforc thc lcgislaturc was passcd lhc llumani Socicl Icll this Opening day would go agatnst thc whole philosophy of Ihcir work prcvcnling animals from sul Icring lhc Simcoc ounty Board of Education announccd its inten tion to turn ovcr the former Barrio Public School board ad ministration building on trove Strccl tor usc as an audio Visual rcsourcc contrc Irs Doug Sarjcant won thc ugh trophy cmblcmatic ol the nine holc novicv ladics chum pionship at thc IIarric Gold and Iountry Club ltunnorrup Mrs It Itcid lost on the first cxtra holc In scnior softball Church Mobilc llomcs and Lakcvicw Dairy IiattlId through nin inn Ings with lakcvicw airy cmcrging thc winnor Rose Mcrae of Winnipeg is busy packing parachute at the first day of fhe Canadian Parachuting Championship at Gimli about too kilometres north of Winnipeg The competition started Sunday and continues through until July 29 CP Photo The Doctor Says All associated with hormones By PAUL RUBIE MD Dear Dr Ruble Why do some women develop facial hair and others dont have single strand was told it always means some kind of gland problem Is this so Most women who see few hairs on their face in the morn ing mirror can rest easy It is all associated with hormones and glands but it rarely repre sents any medical disturbance Facial hair is male sex characteristic Men have beards because their bodies produce more of the male hormone androgen than of the female hormones Women have the hair follicles but because they have low levels of androgens the hairs do not grow out The most important factor in female facial hair is inher itance Some races have more such hair than do others Popu lations of the Mediterranean area have more body hair than those of northern Europe for example Orientals and Ameri can lndians are among the least hairy Certain hormone medicines women take can cause unde sired hair growth and some women may develop hair above the lips or on the chins at the time of menopause Not anything to panic about The hairs usually grow to certain length then stop Sudden pro nounccd hairincss in women is significant when it is one of sev eral other symptoms that add up to real gland problem If BRIDGE cYour CBirthday the cause can be pinpointed and treated the problem dlS Juy 25 1979 appears moreactivethanusual so Dear Dr Ruble am 57 and have an irritable bowel Is there diet for this My doctor tells me to eat everything and if something doesnt agree with me not to eat it any more Would you question this ad ciaf calendar is very likely this coming year You could be come involved with two differ ent fun groups and enjoy them equally LEO July 23Aug 22 Some thing youre wishing for can vice become reality if you are wont question the ad prepared to do whats Vice but might add to it In reqUVed nSIead OI walling upon another to do it for you VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Goals Eeek Er Meek problem cases some doctors routinely advise elimination of raw fruits and vegetables and spices Bulk laxatives help t00 by giving the bowel bit of work to do oweTERM SixIrena meow HAS MERIT Dear Dr Ruble My brother has emphysema and has hard time breathing Sometimes it is worse and he will start wheezing when he breathes He takes medication and has pressure breathing unit to help him He brought his pillow down to me to sew The threads had come undone What was in that pillow was mixture of foam and small bits of feathers Cant feathers be bad for person with breathing problem He will believe you MrsDC Most chronic uncontrolled asthmatics have emphysema to some degree And of course feathers are one of the most common allergyproducing sub stances known The purchase of featherless pillow would be wathwhile experiment Zoonies Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Wolf in sheeps clothing 724A Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South West North East South 19 24 Pass 29 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Most bridge players would double six hearts with the West hand few would take the conservative action of passing and Opening the jack of diamonds Against all these players South would make the con tract with correct play which is to lead the jack of hearts and let it ride after West ducks This play wins daily crossword ACROSS 41 Directing 44 Old Testament Arabian ship book Water barriers 45 Cowboys 300 Roman nickname 12 Cowgirl Evans 46 Make 13 Racecourse mistake I4 Epoch 48 Bears 15 Of South 51 Spy group American abbr nation 52 What It 17 Womens 55 Tibetan patriotic gazelle SOCIeIY abbr 56 Less well 18 Truly behaved 19 Radiation 59 Pounds abbr measure 60 Diminutive suf abbr fix 20 Threnody 61 Information 22 Spike of corn abbr 23 Accountant 62 Certainly abbr 63 Forest animal 24 Chicago 64 Cats and dogs mayor 27 Scorning DOWN 32 Doublereed Instrument Normandy pl invasion day 34 Caustic Wild rabbit substance Womans 35 Cote sound name 36 Young bear Very small 37 Confederate Dope States Army Grasping abbr Male adult 39 Human Drow5Ier monetary unit Grant OJ 00 II 11 Frank and Ernest 50 percent of the time If you rose with the king your chance is somewhat less than 50 percent When this hand was played in matchpoint game every declarer except one made six hearts al though only about half the NorthSouth pairs got be yond game At one table expert South was playing against an ap parent lamb who really was wolf in disguise The wolf in sheeps cloth ing led ace and three of Born Loser trumps Can you blame South for hopping up with dummys king We cant Even though Wests play is far from unreasonable Ask the Inert You hold H3 It 10 You respond two dia monds to partners one 30 spade opening and rebid three diamonds after he goes to two notrump He now bids three notrump An Ore gon reader asks what we would do We pass We have told our partner that we dont like notrump He has gone to three notrump in spite of that Let him play it Answer to Previous Puzzle Bugs Bunny L65 6E5 IF we FIND YER TROUBLE II III 10 PreCIpice 11 Actor Grant 40 Egypt abbr 42 Greek letter 16 Depressmn inI 43 ecumer tials 21 Stripling 47 Hhurrah for 22 Scrutinize 23 Behave 48 Homer childisth 49 Dressing 24 PhySICIans gown 5H 50 Impudence 25 Touch 51 Clever Cart of the ear 52 Motion ewe picture 29 Defense 53 Demrmme 30 missleco balance tendere plea 54 Greek god of 31 Departs love 33 Viewed mowe 57 BFOKG bread 38 Hockey team 58 Pourboire THE FACTDRIES THAT BLOKE OWNS ANov AN ONLY 90 THE SAME SCHOOLIN 01 ID NSL NOR 737 3860 HERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St can be achieved today thrOugh the use oi subtle indirect methods This does not imply you should do anything that could be interpreted as being underhanded LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Be sensitive today to the needs of those youre fond of If neces sary place their interests above your own This good guy role suits you SCORPIO Oct 24NOV 22 In situations where there is some thing of real value at stake youll come Into your own today Courage is the asset you can draw upon SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Year judgment is exception ally keen today particularly OIZAw your swoao ENGLISH PIC3 Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service ARE 0U THE one into 6AV60 MY HUSBAMDS um WM bUDIZOVB HIMTO THE IDSPITAL AF 1512 THE 505 HIT HIMZ when it comes to Striking bar gains Youll be fair to yourself and to those with whom you deal CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Something youre involved in that appeared rather stable may be subjected to an unex pected change today The Shift will benefit you AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Allies who have been depend able in the past will be SO again today One situation you may learn of another yOU may not PISCES Feb 20March 20 Use your intuition and your imagi nation today if you see ways to improve your personal working conditions as well as the lot of those who labor at your Side ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Bornlce BodaOeol Youre gifted today with both initiative and imagination Put these qualities to productive use such as inspiring those whose Spirits need boost TAURUS April 20May 20 In joint ventures today its likely your ideas will be the ones that gain the greatest benefits for both of you Its not time to be modest GEMINI May 21June 20 Be assertive today without being overly aggressive in Situations where you are confronted with opposition Sheathe your strength in compassion CANCER June 21July 22 Focus your energies and et forts in ways today to strengthen your foundations so that you may feel more secure JUST IMAGINE IUHAT THAT COULD Do To THE Hot DWIl 1979by NEA Inc Reg Pat OII OIINDvhiA IN Reg US Pat Oilllbv NEA IM tn Reg 05 Put all no lie Sn 00a raNAaumo ANDYS SPECIALE THE ONLV CLASSMT WHOS NEVER PESTERED IM FOQ 308