nenrai ¢n Struggle continues for quadriplegic woman lill KNAISE The Examiner tarolyn Mackie 36 wont say shes bitter Its just that dont know how much mon can stand find niyseli getting so down that Im crying all the time she says Ms Mackie who was left paralyzed from the neck down after car accident in October 1974 still lies in ward bed at RiVerdale Hospital in Toronto where shes been for almost year She wants to get out and Earl llaskim ot Barrie is continuing his struggle to get heroin ltiiected once by Harries social services departnient llaskiin tit year old employee in the printing department at Georgian ol loge believes help Wlll coini trom somewhere lli Sltflgtslr the answer may lie with the ltntario govern ment which would pay for tto percent ot the nursing and in home care Ms laikie Will re more it she litt the hospital and liarrie approved her applica tioii Ms lackit would need weekly yisit from Victorian llItltl iilll4 as well as daily help from liiiiiicniakiI to gel ltll up then dress and Iced hii tin weekends Ilaskiin could iaic tor lltl lie has taught litiii llill needs to lie lone 0813th Itli ountiiig the nursing isits it iii tlIll rate nursing costs in month yould ltt $39 four hours day help from lioiiiiiiiakci at an lltllll would total sjtiioa lIIliIIllI Itoili seryiccu iniount to total ytti month of which the plum nice would coyir $3 or no pii cent The cost to laiilt llltltliiti would be only not no it iiiciiiti lliit solution lltl thi illtt would be much more economical than the sigtoo liltttllll or you day it now pays to keep ls liclIi in hospital ycic not really asking for money inst chance for taioly ii to get out of liospilal says llaskiiii iaiy lilycit social set Ill tlllIIlIillltltll Ioi ltaiiie has money had little or nothing to do llI tlic wll llii siiil decision not to help ls liclie ilyeit questions llaskiin seriousness about loiigteiiii ttlltllilllllilll to Is lackie but Haskim challenges that in Jcrcncv llaskini says he is not finan cially able to cover her medical two costs but would rent bedroom apartment they could living ex sharc and penscs Cthl Meanwhile Ms Mackie lies in hospital confined to bed 24 hours day in room with three elderly women who also require chronic care WANTS EH II She depends on llaskims weekend visits and the holidays Carolyn Mackie left quadriplegic after car accident was in Barrie recently with Earl Haskirn if it werent for him she wouldnt have any escape from Riverdoe Hospital in Toronto where she lies confined in ward bed 24 hours day Examiner Photol VCaQadianPharmaceutical Association suggests itll ii tillt itlii than ssoci How i2 Hosi kitoyy llltt ltllilll=i fieWr and ask PM it rs ti llltillt To lama in lllilil iili ll sli IsiI illi rs1ue1i IlIlylti itttlt pie iziniii iiiiei iii iitfo ti villtiNI iicitivi illillitllllilll lti itttltllltll Iilllttltt ilitl to Itie lIIlilttJliiiILIl eat of the it til the piiiciaiii lityï¬til pI ltilIILL tlll 1nltllllllyll liilll iiliiii 1iitl Illilyiiyy lhc association which iepicwnt loom lllllllllltl tll Itltli tlllitllllliill ieii Hi lttllllitlt iilyriiig paimt lIIt to llttttilllllnitl lllit littllii him to picycnt childicii ioiii iiiilpitig llttnlt llitllwllitlil tillltlllll and thin Boliska Sosa Ann Bolisku daughter of Mrs Sheila Bolrskc of Barrie has graduated With an Honors Bachelor oi Science degree til biology from the Uiiivei sity of Waterloo She was named to the deans honor rat with scholarship from the National Research Council she will can ttnue her studies this fall She is graduate ot Edstview Secondary School Barrie lll and llill to do in in cincigen In addition to ttoi iiurine liiit Tlis piogititit or vb cittipicn Yi sinner ite 1x iy phi fl disappeaio into tiniy illilti stores ilipuitiiei mtiiw mini It It harder to intact ltllnl lllHll lliiilli lIi llll itlttli toiiiiil it com ltllli lttli gttoic lii until lui pti llIll Il tlI iiilwllli lllil liitllltl lit llttl lii Illll Ill liiiii ilttlllllllll Hictlici lllilt iliiig ii iiiiiliialiuii pioliliiii oi it poison con tiol wore also asking parents to locus on other health needs their children may ttyitlllt sucl vs ininiuii tow iiiiI Kid mnis ieiliirei by iayy to lie her illii git Consumers should know more abo iiicone has rash oi some kind pliariiiicis can he used is lirst tiiiic iathcr suiiiei ignore the problem or choose the rung llttiiltitttl health resource tliai llitl the con ll tttitatto pl llliil art tltktli ifiilln tjiif drigs should be presciiprioi sold ll iizsie rec slul it the His crab1 lhi pli TM co till tartoplziiiitzicss lli lie tll llpisi l3lili tw Hs sip ylultl ltt moth yxlul sitlc itttis when not taker is directed tlll ttl could graduates Lenten liiisliutlil of lean eiitcii iiiiil sun of MI Ulltl Mis Fatal Tattle lino uittiluuluil with uii Huiiui Brit liuliii it Applieil ieii itegiee lit ivll eiigiiicui ilig llutlt lllu lliiivmsity Ol Wtilutluu neptcil Hlllllll with Hiiiiislilc AShltIltllU iii llctil Oilclt ttu liiis ll iiiitl tuttgcvilli ciituii is ii giutliiulc tit St lusupli gt High stimui Eustviuw bun niiiiltiiy School Biiie iiiict liui Nutcit Alllltt lttltl uli Ul Mi Utlll Mi thlliiiii lri Lit wt fliii la ltua Uitiilmitml with llm tin of Vetci iiiiii Mdtllt iiic tlduiuc lttllll tltu Uiichi Willi his Mitigiiict iliiuulitci sity Lil iiclpli wile tiiiit lciiiiilm lie Ultlt IIHW livcs iii wiii with li Iciiy Riiih ti yiiiiltuitr tit Eiistvlcn butiiiiltii biliuiil wlici lie liii they share for escape and con versation The hospital confine ment keeps her mentally as well as physically inactive sunny Saturday after noon in Barrie in an interview with The Examiner Ms Mackic and Haskim talked about their friendship They met each other when Ms Mackie was at Lyndhurst Rehabilitation entre in Toronr to and llaskim came to visit another patient Ms Mackie explained that patients can stay at Lyndhurst lor only two years after which most return to the community rehabilitated When her time was up however she had nowhere to go because she needs daily help Her tiTvyearrold mother is not strong enough to take care of her so his Mackic had to return to hospital She says she now needs llaskinis help to get out llaskim says helping her gives him purpose in life Neithcrof them have anyone else Sllll HELPS Sharing will help them both they say stressing however that they do not share roman tic relationship In their many ttlllvttï¬alllttlls they discuss possibilities Ms Mackic who has some use oi her fingers would like useful ctnploynnnl which could also help llaskim cover their liying cpenses llaskim says they are con sidcring setting up printing shop together since she worked tor printing company lictorc her accident and llaskini has been in the iield tor 20 years Ilaskim worked in The Ex aminers printing department for many years and was also wellknown columnist She could also operate telephone answering service adjusted for her ability or teach basic English to new ana dians They even suggest she could do television commer cialsorenter politics Their appeal to the city of Barrie began last October when Ms Mackics social worker wrote to Steve llines then Willi Itarries social scr viccs department asking for li2ltl Illll cads struggle Divorce rate up marriages down ltlHthltl itl Mitt riagcs were down slightly and diyorccs wcrc tip during tlic tirst si months of this year compared Hlll the same period in tétfit says the itntaiio treasury and economics ministry ministry release says there have been tilt34 diyorccs so tar this year up ilinost per cent from the 94 ot year ago There were 27041 mar could haye adverse reactions yy hen takcn itli othcrdrugs Among them are drugs con taining iItllilIIllllttplltlI an III gredicnt in some citrus riagcs in the tirst months of 1929 down 14 per cent from 2143 marriages in the lirst si inonthsot titii llclcn Salisbury head ot the ministrys social and economic data section said there are scycral reasons for the increase in divorces present laws make divorce easier than it was to years ago and iudges are inclined to grant diyorccs to childless couples ut drugs flavored cold remedies llealth studies have shown that acetaminophcn when taken in large doses can cause liver damage Occupational nursing receiving new interest ll lllTi liarbare lroai litdl occupational niirsv lianiiitor General llisigs gratifying ra pen are getting 51 nr ipaainal titlrs vi IN izls Illllq Llstiiv ir iiiir ofvi flit coders lr Ytttlitxii prons tiniw is lie vHlt IHI siiiii lli Mimir who Royal Siuart Rayal son of Mr Barrie wt iii an Honors Bachelor graduated at Arts degree in ieligioii and philosophy from the University of loioiito He is graduate of Eastwew Smomlmy School ltl Battle tllfll is wan king ttiibt ttlc ttcwapupci HOW the illicit illull tiii did little more than dispensing pillsandapplyingbandages But health and satcty on the job is on the minds oi more peo ple these days and many oc cupational nurses say it is about time Canadas first occupational nurse was rlive Bradley who was hired in Wild by the llymouth Cordage to of Welland Uni Today there are more than 1200 occupational nurses in tin tario alone Brian Austin medical ad niiiiistrator at Iiiilasio Ltd steel nianiiiiicturing company lltlt says thi more than to per sons tllkltiLl in the medical unit ottin deal with the emo tional problems oi employees It amazed us in fact the irlvantagi that has been taken of this service iUstin sa hanilli some yery tiiiiitipriilileiiis at times llii Ilotasco Illlll serving Item employees mori lower bark pains than anything else followed liy knee and hand innirics lost cases are minor llll tiire are more mayor Illltt iiinal problems than serious phy sical IIIJUIIts What draws people into oc ttlpilltititl nursing loi Brian ttlill co ordinator tor the Occupational Health Medical tentre at lcliistcr lniyersity and nurse tor to years it is ncyci knowing hat he ill see tict In hospitals you know what you are doing every day it routine Occupational health was an openingI ticld challenge ot too many people were going in In It ll ippialiil is UlI llltl llii iiioic 21 the mole llk iI litivill Huiln yllixclpcoplc ti tlioii licilllt liiiililtlg that tititsitlc iiiiisiiig like tallying willi NUllll itti tllitl lliciii lioiii cycii ethnic group Iltil ilt alilgl il illlpltH tiiitil ilii lcalii ilioul llicil liolilviis lllll uliiil they do iiui sc ioi oli Iy ilcaltiigI assistance in getting her out oi hospital llaskim says the city had then encouraged him to apply can only say shed be real credit to the City of Barrie he adds Alter 10 months and no pror gross Ms Mackie says she feels so depressed that shes on the verge of suicide She says she cant go on much longer aithough llaskims energetic attempts give her some hope There are only two possibilities for me now Either get out or do the other isUiCidet Ann Landers Hitting ar Ann Landers read your column regularly and al though dont always agree with your advice think you gave lot of common sense when it comes to raising chil ren have perplexing roblem with my lamonthold son He is very active chil large and strong for his age Just recently he began playfully hitting me would tell him no and that would be the end of it In the last two weeks however the playful hitting is beginning to get to me He climbs up in my lap says Hi Mommy then whacks me right in the face believe in spanking as last resort and have spanked him couple of times for doing this but it hasnt solved the problem In fact he has been hitting me even more The strange thing is that he never hits anyone but me This whole thing has put terrific strain on my patience Can you offer solution Qorried Dear Worried First stop hitting the child It only teaches him that you can inflict pain and as you have already discovered its no deterrent When the youngster belts you tell him again in very firm manner No you must not hit anyone Then put him in chair and make him sit there for 30 minutes no TV no toys no books nothing to amuse him Thirty minutes will seem like an eternity to an l8monthold This punishment conveys the message that hitting is unao engagements ceptable and you are in control And this is what you need to get across Dear Ann Landers have written you at least 15 letters during the last eight years of my life wrote the first timel fell in love wrote when he broke my heart wrote later when was thinking of marriage wrote seeking advice during that marriage wrote when began to think about divorcing him wrote after my divorce wrote when realized was gulping too many pills and smoking too much pot wrote when Mr Wonderful came into my life Now Im writing again because am seriously considering getting married Even though he helped me kick the habit lm scared love him more than Ive ever loved anyone in my life but feel he deserves someone better Shall let him go The First Letter That Made It To The Mailbox Dear First Letter Marry him and work at making it last forever Im betting on you dear Dear Ann Please tell me why so many hotels wont allow pets People do lot more damage Ive heard of only one article stolen from hotel by pet gym sock Humans steal pillows draperies bed linen pictures towels everything they can get past the desk Pets wont abuse help Guests are very good at it Ive seen it happen dozens of times Whats the logic Pa Dear Erie What you say makes sense but have you ever been kept up all night by guest barking in the hotel room next to yours Well have and its annoying Even drunks respond to complaint from the security officers but dogs 77 never Consumers Advocate LeaskoCosgrave Mr and Mrs Ewart Leask of Barrie announce the engagement of their daughter Margaret Jean to John Robert Cosgrave son of Mr and Mrs Martin Cosgrave of Bernardsville NJ The wed ding is to take place on Sept lot pm at Central United Church Barrie Are freezers economical By JOY WOOLANI Is frcelcrfood plan an economical way to buy food You must decide for yourself after answering the follow ingquestions Havel freezer What dol usually spend each week on food What foods do we usually eat Is it easy for me to get fresh fru1ts and vegetables cheap Ivfl If you alredy possess freezer you would not need to become involved in freezerfood plan and would JVOld the many hidden costs such as insurance cutting wrapping and membership in the food plan You will be surprised at the actual amount you spent each week on food itself it is not that much tanada has the see cond lowest food prices in the orld in relation to ey eryones expendable dollar Would the foods delivered be thosc that we would cat and are the quantities correct So often those with these plans have to still purchase extra foods and there the week budget is increased rather than made smaller you are able to obtain fresh fruits and vegetables eas why bother with one of these plans Many freeicrtood companies have gone out and left their customers in the lurch so if you it join one of these plans ct everything to acting the freezer the finance charges the grade of meat and Tr amount and type of cuts you will get and or course fc guarantee Owning fr zer provides several ixli if mg in this agricultural area You can rug ac shame goats at low prices and freeze for later us You cut fsrcsci zdS your homegrown produce and ya ca ock week Jl the weekend and have easily preparer icas rosc work ing days disadvantage which is soon Iearice air that you eat more thdb you normaliy wuuio ycause its III the freezer and your husband sooi has to be tray at not to phone you up and say get those steaks out of the freezer lm bringing the team home Mr dinner Cost of hydro and possibility oi pow er faiaies no cont nunig worry but if freezer xs kep tl ed wh nutritious food bought or acquired cheaply surely Inc adyantages oy er ride the disadvantages ii Pose CaldwellBigg Mrs June Caldwell of Barrie and Mr Howard Caldwell of Sparwood BC announce the engage ment of their daughter Sandra Lee to Stanley Calvin Bigg son of Mr and Mrs Larry Bigg of Lon don Ont The wedding is to take place on Aug 25 at pm at Central United Church Barrie Ste ingard Photo Student builds model home Bill Lboiiibs of 8mm noihs on NI scaled down Poster coordinator of the skills trades programs said students work on small protects then con struct fullscale hause to give them practical ex perience in laying floor touts framing rooting shingltng dry wall and trim work The last stage of the program is cabinet making and gradua tion protect of their own choice verswii of bungalow itiimg his Carpenter Gerteiiil class Lil Geoigitm allege Barrie stu dent in the 40 week piugiuiii Coumbs built the model home using tiluepiiiits he demgned and drew hiiiiselt The house is 39 by 46 inches scaled dawn trom i400 squaie house plan Tony