AOVE IKING llUStNE SS COMPOKI ROOM lho Barrio Enaminor is mombor at The Canadian Pross CP and Audit luroau al EDUORS SNKKI mm MM mun Hum In it Ivvuy tmmvmn Published daily PH col circulations ABC Only the Canadian Pross may ropublish nows storlos in this crag Elsm manag9 93 MM rsllff wan iM inronmn mm nowspcpor crodiiod to CF Iho Associatod Pross Rotators or Agonco Franco Proso énMUWEWuCifY Edlloï¬ SAL mm nun xaomwm WWW MWW andlocal nows storios poblishad in mum gummy BiIIMcFarlanewlre editor 5V imnr Vimu wrr rw mum REPORTE R5 goynmggtz Hum its INMH 95 ints Tha Barrio Euarntnor claims copyright on all original now and advortising malarial servmg borne and simcoe county cognzzugguse swwsmnw lllu YEN WWW uoatodbyltsomployoosand publishodm this nmspopor MM July 18 1979 gtan Nicholls garb ï¬gulo mm ML Copyright roghnatian numbor mu elm nn Lanthier you car Alltnlly NH PUblShed concdlan Newspapers CompanY Lmled Nancy Figueroa TUl 70 lJItN moi 49 Iho advortisor ogroos that tho publishor shall not boliablo lor damogos arising out l6 Street Barrie Ontario Lorlcohen CLAssIFHED Hmm Wm Hominy minn IMOE OUNIV olorrorsin advortisomonts boyOnd tho amounlpaid lorthospacoactually occupied Richard Thomas Sitwn wnIc assshim mmmum that al th pom 039 owl0 Bum Howt um 819 00 by par nan advor isomonl in which tho anal occurrod whothor such or duo to tho nogliganco at its sorvants or othorwiso and thorn shall ba no Stephen Gauer Bruce Rowland publisher Betty Armer camera operator ga£vod Alva dPIanlo M0 thfiyzro llobtlllv lo non IllIon at any advortisomont boyand tho amount paid for such Terr Fiem Lisa Warry 4llvflll nrmvmn odmtisomant NEWSIOOM iscuunou onnmmc CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS ML Jam Manon p0 nun wrww as mum 720 653 77 6539 72 537 728 24 7266537 Cathy Heather Cnvryl Aiiuvn HM mm SA 00a vein Ml um bully on wmu tin Pntlvmtmi Death penalty twice wrong Members of Parliament should forget any suggestion to restore capital punishment in Canada An announced private members bill for vote on capital punishment in parliament this fall should be defeated The wise and humane decision to do away with the death penalty has already been approved three times in parliamen tary votes and should stand Those who argue that the death penalty be brought back are wrong on two counts We have effectively been without the noose in this country for 17 years and in law for three years During this lengthy period there has not been any drastic increase in the murder rate Indeed statistics show decline in the number ofmurders per capita Secondly violence begets violence Surely our country is advanced and humane enough to put aside the contention that legal murder has any place in our society Dear Editor Your editorial Relations dispute lets end it July 14 Ex aminer was excellent But can it end With the Ministry of Community and Social Services supporting the human relations programme to the tune of some $121000 maybe new dispute has come forth Is this not making it compulsory for the Board to continue When this county is being asked to increase financial aid to Family and Childrens Services those who op pose the human relations pro gramme are paying for its support Your business By VINCENT EGAN lusiness and onsumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service At last the worlds biggest oil consumer the United States is going to defend itself against the oil cartel Since 1973 the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC has been waging economic warfare against all of the oileonsuming countries of the world And until now the leaders of those coun tries including Canada and the US have done little more than wnng their handS submit to constant price increases and hope for the best Out of all the peripheral points raised by US President Jimmy Carter in his extraor dinary speech of July 15 however came clear commitment to stand up to OPEC The US will do that Carter showed by setting quota on the physical volume of imports of crude oil the 82 million barrels per day that were the average in 1977 Thats to be only the start of the new plan for defence against OPEC although its vital step American dependence on foreign oil is to be cut in half by 1990 according the goals set by Carter OPEC THE FOE This is the kind of action that may well succeed in diluting the monopoly power of OPEC we want your opinion Somothlng on your mind Sand Lottor to tho Editor Ploasa make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let tors but it you wish pon name will be used include your tolophono number and address as wo havo to vority lottors Bocauso of spaco limits public intorost and good tasto Tho Examinor somotimos has to ad condonso or roioct lottors Lottors to tho Editor aro run ovory day on tho oditorlal pogo Sand yours to lotion to tho Eltor lbs Indoor on 370 ll MM 476 letters to the editor It has been found that the helping professions social work psychiatry psychology often do not really help that much and these services make things worse for some people Family and Childrens Services could best help the child by restoring the family and by helping abusive parents change their behaviour concur with you the school system should be to provide good sound academic training for children and leave the emotional and sexual training to the parents Yours truly Nixon Barrie President Carter takes the plunge It is OPEC setting its monopoly prices at several hundred times the cost of producing the oil that has brought about the crisis of the 19705 And it is OPEC that is the enemy not the oil industry the favorite scapegoat of dema gogues When theres shortage of bread Ortega Gasset wrote the mob sets fire to the bak eries In todays energy shortage the demagogues are leading the attack against the industry that tries to maintain energy supplies Its too early to predict how OPEC mem bers will respond to new market situation in which their best customer is no longer passively accepting crude oil and handing the cartel blank cheque in exchange One possibility is that the cartel could be weakened as membercountries vie with each other to maximize their share of the 82 million barrel daily market at cxtortionate prices And it also seems possible that such competition could bring those prices down especially if the US government were astute enough to exploit the competition perhaps by calling for tenders and buying from the lowest bidder ENERGY PROGRAM Judgment on the other aspects of the Carter energy program should be suspended for the time being The creation of an Energy Security Corp for example may channel public and private efforts toward development of new reserves and new techniques On the other hand the corporation could turn out to be just another sluggish bureaucracy comparable to the US Depart ment of Energy which in its two years of existence seems only to have hampered the natural efficiency of the marketplace or to its Canadian counterpart which under former minister Alistair Gillespie treated the energy crunch chiefly as means of in creasing government revenues from taxes and royalties To continue to do nothing in the face of the constantly increasing demands of OPEC would have been fatal By standing up to OPEC however the US can turn the tables and give free rein to its own industries to overcome the crisis that the cartel has induced Other oilconsuming countries whether less dependent upon OPEC as is Canada or more would do well to follow the US lead away from meek dependence upon the cartel anti toward selfreliance Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Yes am aware that constant carping about one particular cabinet minister promotes the possibility of personal grudge But in this case there is no such grudge Its just that our chatty minister of immigration Ron Atkey insists on pounding us With pronouncements that fairly beg for rebuttal As freshman cabinet minister the 37 yearold Toronto lawyer is rapidly establishing himself as calamitous con servationalist While most other members of Joe Clarks new cabinet have been quietly familiarizing themselves with their new assignments Atkey has been the in The worl today By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Once again the success and future of democracy in India the worlds largest are in serious trouble The occasion is the breakup of the coalition of parties in the Janata Party after the dictatorship imposed by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the elections in which all parties in opposition beat her Congress Party The head of the socalled Janata Party has been Prime Minister Moraji Desai an 83 yearold vegetarian and mystic who resigned few days ago The immediate reason was that vote of noconfidence was to be held in Indias Lok Sabha or Lower House which Mr Desai knew he would lose The longterm reason is that the former Prime Minister has been losing members of his cabinet with consistency that could only lead to resignation By the time he resigned thirteen of them had left the Janata Party cabinet and presumably will return to the various parties they represent These parties have both religious and political connotation the former relating to Indias historic and often destructive religious divisions WHO WILL FOLLOW Candidates to succeed him include Defence Minister Jagivan Ram 71 who had been jailed during the socalled national emergency of Mrs Gandhi and Defence Minister Charan Singh Mr Ram would be the first member of the Untouchables community to become Prime SCOOPS All YESLONG TIME AGO MISSIONARIES l5 HOFE 0000 0000 defatigable Tory toastmaster popping up in print or on television with remarkable array of revelations He certainly has way with words Without reviewing his entire governmental career of chatter we might just refer briefly to the ministers stunning performance in taking credit for Joe Clarks illconceived policy to move the Canadian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem While other ministers were wriggling in agony over the issue Atkey went on national television to proudly identify himself with the proposal He talked about all the times he had been in Jerusalem before proclaiming that and others have had substantial input into the question SHARES CREDIT And even then when the bitter Arab Worlds largest democracy falters Minister from Indias lowest caste even though the caste system is technically no longer permitted Former Prime Minister Desai has faced cabinet resignations throughout his 22 months in office the first of these being threatened by other ministers who had hoped to become the new Prime Minister At the same time the Janata government has managed to bring substantial benefits to the Indian economy The country is now largely selfsufficient in grain even though horrendous distribution system still results in much hunger in rural India The country has done well with its balance ofpayments and pushed exports of tradi tional as well as manufactured goods and Indian tourism inspite of few very bad weather spells has also flourished But above all the press and personal freedoms which Indians know in abundance compared to the total authoritarian system of Communist China both countries with hundreds of millions of people were restored by Mr Desai All these gains are now in jeopardy as the mixed political parties of the Janata alliance begin tojostle for new positions The shrewd Mrs Gandhi who was over whelmingly reelected last year becomes major factor in politics once again The former Prime Minister created splinter party from within her Congress Party to run in the election OLD PARTIES STAY But the latter party remains strong it corrosive element for Indias political future as working democracy familiar as it was from independence in 1947 with the perks and corruption of long years in power WT WAS EXPECTING SOMEONE YOUNGER AND PREITIER Tory toastmaster Ron Atkey never at loss for words reaction was wellestablished Atkey con tinued to ponfiticate like the star of football game who wants to talk about the great team effort that made it all possible We re searched the matter and we didnt come at this matter lightly was just one of number of persons in the party both can didates and otherwise who contributed to the evolvement of the policy And while everyone was still trying to figure out why Atkey would want to remain identified with such dumb move he went on to infuriatc the Arabs further by saying their bark is worse than their bite An incredible comment from minister of the crown After that of course we had Atkeys critical comments about alleged racial bigotry among his own immigration officers charges that stired up understandable resentment But worsc was yet to come as the minister plunged headlong into the Vietnamese refu gee problem with those downright em barrassing comments about Canada setting an example for the rest of the world Weeks later the only example that emerged was our uncanny ability to become entangled in red tape and argue over the suitability of tran sportation facilities for the refugees Its bad enough to have your refugee policy in shambles but its particularly unpalatable after your minister of immigration proclaims that it is important not only to do our bit but to demonstrate th the world that we are compassionate nation BETTER NEWS Canada will no doubt have some better news for refugees during that forthcoming United Nations conference on the problem As one departmental official said it wouldnt be wise to announce all our new measures now and then go to that in ternational conference where the eyes of the world will be on us and have nothing con structive to offer If we are as Atkey so eagerly put it nation that really cares am not so sure that staging should take precedence over sub stance Anyway this takes us up to the latest and clearly the most startling Atkeyism As provinces cities community organizations and individual Canadians are overwhelming the federal government with their concern and generosity toward the Vietnamese boat people the minister who should be lending inspirational leadership sees fit to go on national television to warn of possible backlash if too many refugees are admit ted to Canada It was difficult to believe Here is the man who is Canadas key spokesman in helping to solve that horrendous refugee problem not to mention his responsibilities in encouraging immigration to Canada and while frustrated country waits impatiently for his ministerial encouragement we are treated to these negative babblings about racial backlash Some encouragement If we are still in the process of setting an example for the world just hope that other countries are not paying too much attention illl TELL ME HOW ARE FAITH AND CHARITY lt From the legislature Media bashing order of day By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO For an outsider it was fascinating Although the issue was really the con troversial Rolphton nuclear station that some want to close as unsafe mediabashing seemed to be just as much the order of the day The most thunderous applause at the meeting held in the heart of nuclear country at Deep River northwest of Ottawa was reserved for one local resident who attacked the media It was obvious the 400strong pronuclear crowd was right behind the sharp things shop keeper Catherine Dalrymplc had to say about general media coverage of the nuclear busi ness Conversations with audience members chosen at random just heightened the at titude What upset them was not so much in dividual stories but the general tone of reporting about the nuclear industry in general and the nearby Rolphton reactor in particular NOT TRUE They believed that antinuclear voices none closer than 30 miles from the plant had created the impression local residents and workers feared for their lives For the prevalence of that false idea they blamed media coverage As Dalrymplc put it if depended on the media for nuclear power information would be absolutely terrified They have opted to take the easy sen sationalist approach rather than the more difficult objective and responsible one If the public is to answer the question of nuclear risks versus benefits they must be given both negative and positive facts and these facts must be put into perspective to which they can relate Instead the media give us onesided negative view Information that may be of positive nature often gets little coverage GAVE EXAMPLES Dalrymple who lives near Rolphton went on to give some specific examples of her generally quite valid criticisms In fact the only place she went wrong was in describing the motives behind antinuclear stories as being desire to shock so as to sell more newspapers or improve ratings Yet the real difficulty the nuclear industry faces is not the individual news story however biased on inaccurate it may be but the cumulative affect of dayafterday hammering Unfortunately for those who favor the nuclear industry the biggest ongoing story in town nowadays thanks to the neardisaster at Three Mile Island is nuclear power DO HAVE POINT And naturally enough the Canadian media are going to be looking for their own Three Mile Islands At the moment Rolphton as an older station with some problems is the fa vorite target That makes it tough for the Dalyrmples and townsfolk of Deep River who are proud of the job they or their neighbors have done with nuclear power and of their incredibly good safety record The objection the audience had is not that the messenger carried bad news but that it carried nothing else In that regard Dalyrmple certainly has point Interpreting the news Boat people UK quandry LONDON CP The forces of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher are caught in crossfire because of their hesi tant and reluctant response to the plight of the Vietnamese boat people Cartoonists columnists and radio com mentators are in full cry arguing that Britain either has already done too much or has far more to do First Mrs Thatcher argued that Britain could not take more than limited number of the refugees Then after an apparent change of heart on her part the cabinet decided Brit ain should offer sanctuary to another 10000 Her ministers led by Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington convinced her that Britain could not go to the United Nations conference on the subject without specific generous proposals in hand The conference in Geneva Switzerland this week is Britains idea statement on the British offer which might still depend on the response from other countries will be made by Carrington before the Geneva talks open Friday The British government is being pulled in two directions by the issue There has been increasing pressure from Labor members of Parliament and some Con servative backbenchers to be more sym pathetic to the refugees WANT LIMITED NUMBERS There has also been hostile reaction from such groups as the 1922 Committee of the Con servative party which wants the Con servative government to take strong line and limit the quota to the previous figure of 5000 The decision to take in another 10000 came following meeting between the prime minister and Kurt Waldheim UN secretary general at 10 Downing Street In addition to pressing Britain to open its doors to more refugees the UN is hoping to talk Britain into contributing £5 million $125 million to UN fund The government says some financial aid is likely but it isnt commenting on the target figure The practicalities of the twoday Geneva meeting are beginning to cause concern here Wsmu