tho oxamlnorza Wodnoaday is 1979 ASSORTED COLOURS SYMPHONY Schools out Prince Andrew l9year old son of Queen Elizabeth II ended his school days Monday before entering the Royal Navy in the fall churchlll by Mrs Saunter 77524 There was an excellent turn out at the Memorial Service at the 6th Line Cemetery Minister who spoke were Rev Ainsley Croft of the Churchill and Gilford United Church The Rev Malcolm Fife of the Stroud and Lefroy United chur ches Pastor James Benson of the Bell Ewart Community Batist Church and Rev Mark Reeve of the Stroud Presbyterian Church who gave the main address highlight of the June meeting at Churchill was the reading of personal biographies by the members of Churchill Womens Institute These will be typed and placed with pic ture in the Tweedsmuir history The speaker was introduced by Mrs Saunter and thanked by Mary Sloan convenors of the program Miss Sloan commented on the motto We should take from the past its fires and not its ashes Happy anniversary was sung KAM LUNCHEDN PREPARED FRENCHS MUSTARD CANADA GRADE SIZE SARA LEE FROZEN LARGE EGGS 9139 22 OZ PKG 12 OZ TIN OUR REG PRICE 159 OUR REG PRICE 151 ASSORTED VARIETIES PFEIFFER SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE CORN OIL SDFT MARGARINE 15 OZ JAR to Mrs Gordon Kent wh was EGULAR OR TROPICAL NOTES Stephanie Krische of Bogota Columbia South America is Mrs Krische came from France where she enjoyed starting at two oclock for an arm REG PRICE 239 °r wre ASSORTED VARIETIES from 69 pm Wednesday from SWEETENEDFLAVOURED SPECIAL MILLIONNAIRE SPECIAL FRUIT FLAVOURED SPECIAL 25 Saturday mm 1139 1009 ray Graham who is convalesc PKG CONT 02 TINS ing from surgery at Barrie OUR REG PRICE 65 that day celebrating her wed visiting her daughter Anita months vacation The Bookmobile comes on Ju 15 pm hospital and to David Donnelly 16 SAVING ding anniversary VonGraffen for three weeks Mrs Franks and Mrs Myra Taylor Misfield Yorkshire England have been visitng the formers sister Mrs Arthur Jones LIBRARY NOTES 24 02 Central Library at Churchill com is offering movies for children every Wednesday afternoon ly 12 with new selection of books for summer reading Make note of library hours Monday and Friday nights KDDLAID BRISLIIIC BRIGHTS Gerwen wishes to Mrs Murv 42 98 55 RICHMELLO SPECIAL ORANGE FLAVOURED SPECIAL recovering from an illness 60m Rngxgglstlge ahrilgvenclihtso 22 Oz 13 oz Mn 10 PKG PKG OF Twhgum 10 thcStodVdart home on May ROYALE WHITE DOMINION EWSFTSEERSXT uapmli3 PINK 0R YELLOW SPECIAL IN TOMATO SAUCE SPECIAL lendly 10 ancestors are among the pioneers of West Gwillinbury township The Aselstines have three sons who visit on weekends All are enjoying the fine grounds on what was the old doctors property for over 50 years Mr and Mrs Russel Brown ing are making the acquain tance of their first grandchild Kimberley Ann born June 25 to Mr and Mrs David Irons nee Shirley Browning of Toronto Congratulations to all Mr and Mrs Bonney visited last week in Barrie with his brother Ernest and Mrs Bonney Mrs William Noble of Toron to was recent visitor with her daughter Mrs Walter Brown ing and family Mr and Mrs Nelson Brown ing have been in Belleville with their daughter Ruth ahd hus band Harvey Young Sympathy is extended to the family of Cora Canning who passed away July at the Home and Country Nursing Home at Thornhill Miss Canning grew up onthe Fifth Line West and lived in this community for many years before moving to Barrie Interment was at the Sixty Line cemetery on July Friday arn l0 pJn arn 10pm Simcoo Plala Monday am pm Tuesday arn pan Wednesday am pan Thursday run ID pan Friday am IO prn Saturday arn pm BATHROOM BEANS WITH 63 3395 PK9° ELM BEEF STEW BEEF CHUNKS ASSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL ORLIVEREBEEFCHUNKS SPECIAL DRBALLARDS 1502 TN on BALLARDS nocroon Tï¬f 69 3321359 DOMINION TOMATO COATED MALLOWS GRANOLA OATMEAL COATED MALLOWS WITH COCONUT SUGAR DADDY OR PEANUT BUTTER CHIP DADS BISCUITS GENERAL MILLS BOO BERRY TRIX COUNT CHOCULA COCO PUFFS OR FRANKENBERRY CEREAL ASSORTED VARIETIES HUMPTY DUMPTY PDTATD CHIPS CORONATION BREAD BUTTER KETCIIIIP PICKLES 200 oz FL 02 PKG BTL BOTTLE OUR REG PRICE 99 OUR REG PRICE OUR REC PRICE 109 OUR REG PRICE 129 Values We redeem alt manr competitive tood chain newspaper coupons for 10 more All competitor aï¬efllve newspaper coupon vaiues are applicable on the regular price of like merchandise carried by unï¬l PEPSODENT TDDTIIPASTE 100ml 119 TUBE OUR REG PRICE 151 Georgina Mitchell Its3232 Bob Wilson took the chair and conducted the election of the new executive officers These are President Flo Watts First VicePtesident Elsie King Second VicePresident Marg Corner Secretary Pete Cavens Treasurer Charie MacDonald Recreation Com mittee lna McKnight Pete Cavens Bob Wilson Charlie MacDonald Birthday Cards and Cards to the Sick Flora MacDonald Marg Cavens Mary Wilson and Evelyn Reid Kitchen Committee headed by Ellen Hipkiss and helpers in cluding Marg Cavens Flora regular price less competitors coupon vdue plus 10 or WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DOMINION STORES LIMITED MacDonald Helen Siebert and the Dominion adVerttsedspeciaI price Gwen Collins Property Manager Frank Hipkiss and aggistantg Dominion Dominion guarantees that should speciï¬c Item not be canned by Dominion eg competitors private label then substitution wli be made on an Item of simiiar size and quality 05mg II an Item Is currentty advertised at Dominion the price charged to the customer wIl be the TUCSOOY lower of either July 24 I979