20 the egarniner Wodnooday July 13 1979 Jackie Burroughs Moira Wylie and Joseph Show in scene from the Show Festival production of Blithe Spirit Director Leslie Yeo announced this week that the play will go on fiveweek tour in Canoepageant reenacts mitt Blithe Spirit to go on tour the fall The play has been hailed as one of the best of the festivals I979 season CP Photo historic Simcoe voyage An important event in the history of Simcoe County will be celebrated Aug to when three sailrigged canoes and party of tilt will recreate the 1793 journey of John Graves Simcoe the founder of Toronto and the first lieutenant governor of Up ixrtanada The route of the 30 explorers will trace Simcocs trip from Soldiers Bay on the Holland Itiver north on Lake Simcoe to Ienetanguishene Bay The IilllrltlV reenactinent will in clude stops where Simcoe and his voyageurs will be met by costumed descendants of the regions first pioneers and to days communityleaders The voyageurs will arrive in the Barrie area on Aug At 930 am theyll attend ceremony in Shanty Bay to honor the original settlers in the black community lay wreath at the grave of Lucius OBrien founder of the Royal Canadian Academy of Art and then attend service at St Thomass Church at 10 am Writer plans to be character actress BOSTON iAIi Jessica Mitford has been muckraker for two decades scraping her pen against the likes of prisons the Famous Writers School and the funeral business Now she says she wants to become character actress Ive retired Miss Mitford 62 said in recent interview Id like to have job as character actress The author of The American Way of Death and Kind and Isiial Punishment adds that alter making similar com ment in London she was of fered the role of woman who does in her son for money was all set for the part she says It fell through be cause wasnt member of Ae tors Eqinty Miss Mitford came to the hated States from her native England in 1939 married law yer Robert Ireuhaft four years later and didnt begin writing IIIIIII shi was to an chased out of every got to the FM she says eX ilaininu why she turned to writ nu Park show conceHed The Sun Seed Jam Band con 4II scheduled for Thursday iyeiiing at ientennial Park has been cancelled the next con tII in thi Iilk iic For Ieo pli ill ot paik concerts Ill be Jul it eiitennial Iark when woitish entertainment ill be teatiired From 1948 to 1956 she was secretary of the Civil Rights Congress an organization that was on the governments list of suspected subversive groups couldnt keep any ordinary job because the FBI would come around and tell them was suspected of being om munist she says She began writing the first of two autobiographies inter rupting her work on that to write Trial By Headline an article published in 1957 on newspaper coverage of the are rest of rape suspect She has written numerous ar ticles and five books since then and twice has been college professor One thing that stands out in her writing is lack of rancor The articles leave the impres sion that Miss Mitford had good time investigating and writing My feeling is the less you show the anger the more effecv live it is think it is just the normal way do it It comes to me more easily than to write the sobsister angle For her book on prisons she said rather than paint path etic picture of what life behind bars is like decided to go after administration and the orv The keepers the guards are the interesting ones Its not natural to want to be prison guard therefore they make an interesting study Asked whether muckraking takes special type of person Miss Mitford says that nice people cant do it ORilliA THEATRES The travellers will arrive in Barrie at noon escorted by the Barrie Canoe Club and then at tend civic reception Later in the afternoon they travel by car to Midhurst for reception by the Simcoe County Council in their chambers FIRST HELD The canoe pageant is the first of its kind ever held Its spon sored by the John Grave Sim coe Foundation in cooperation with the citizens of Simcoe County John Simcoe will be por trayed by Charles Humber president of the Governor Sim coe branch of the United Em pire Loyalists and teacher at Torontos Oakwood Collegiate Institute Paddlers from the Canawa Canoe Foundation will be outfitted with firearms and clothing authentic to the period Besides Barrie Shanty Bay and Midhurst commemorative ceremonies will also be staged at lnnisfil rillia Big Chute and the Iluronia historic parks The pageant concludes with an evensong service at St James Churchonthc Lines in Pen languishene on Aug at 530 pm According to John Fisher chairman of the John Graves Simcoe Foundation it provides unique opportunity for On tarians young and old to ex perience living history The foundation is provincial government agency set up to further the appreciation of Sim coes contribution to Canadas heritage In his brief fiveyear tenure Simcoe founded thriv ing community created the first parliament and abolished slavery EVERY SUMMER THE CREAM OF AMERICAN YOUTH GOES TO SUMMER CAMP AND THE REST GO TO CAMP NORTHSTAR IllMA 7269944 7I5915 From the Producer of National Lampoons ANIMAL HOUSE BILL MURRAY Milli Mï¬ï¬l llll MUHHII II IN WIN HIIIIIIN HIM IIIIIIIIIIS Slllllllllll Hill IIIIISIIIIIHIM IIIISIIIII IIIIIIII lllIIH Ullï¬lll Ill lllllllll PHIIIIIII ll MIISIE Ill Illllll INIIHI IIIII JIIII INSIIIN III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS III IIIIIHIIIIN IIIJNIII Ill IIIIIII lllllllll IINIISIIIIIEIIHIISIIIPI IIIIIINIII HIIIIIIIIIIIIBIMII llllllNlllIl IIII Illllllllllll Hair offers nostalgia trip to 605 By STEPHEN BAUER Of The Examiner The neverneverland of hip py happiness has never been more exuberantly portrayed than it is in the film version of Hair at the Imperial Backstage The 1960s musical was the emotional centrepiece for generation of young peo ple who wanted to believe that all the hippy cliches about free love and free living were really true the film takes those cliches stretches and glorifies them and turns dated musical in twohour celebra tion of dance and music The story silly and super ficial provides an excuse for the freewheeling dance se quences choreographed by Twyla Tharp and for the ex cellent songs by Galt Mcer mot The songs bear only the slightest connection to the scenes they appear in that makes the silly plot seem even sillier But the actors in the film seem to be having good time and that means the audience has good time too Treat Williams as Berger the hippie leader plays the part so well hes almost believable The scene where he crashed debutante ball to dance on the ï¬rM II IIIIII IIII IIIIIH IIIIIPIIIII I5 llllfll Igllllllï¬ II IIIHIIIIIIEIIII III II llllllll IllIlN lSlllllllN IPIHIIIIIIJIII HIIIISI WKIIXD AS WI litflllllfl Throughout history he has mm boom of menwith terror and the hearts of Women with desire If tabletop is outrageously funny John Savage of Deer Hunter famei isjust as good as the con fused Claude naif from Oklahoma who gets caught up in the hippy world of Berger and his friends while waiting to be inducted into the army in New York City Beverly DAngelo as Sheila is sexy and appealing Annie Golden as Jeannie is silly and appealing That about sums up Hair silly and appealing The movie is about five years too late to find wide audience Anyone who remembers the songs the best thing about the musical wont be disappointed by the film And anyone prey to the seductive comeon of nostalgia Prrrrnied tn the miner good Canadian Muflt by the Bum jayaer Saturday july 28 500 pm MOLSONS PARK BARRIE ONTARIO will get his moneys worth Reliving the 19605 sure beats coping with the 19705 BLOODLETEE Theres good reason to feel sorry for Audrey Hepburn in Sidney Sheldons Bloodline at the Imperial 8t shes not only the victim of nasty murder plot shes also the victim of trashy attempt to exploit the CINEMAS if 7269944 HELD OVER 3rd WEEK wtiunuuvnmPnrï¬ths TOM SKERRITI SIGOURNEY WEAVER VERONICA CARTWRIGHT HARRY DEAN STANTON JOHN HURT IAN HOLM mYAPHET KOTTOéimn EXECUTIVE PRODUCER RONALD SHUSETT PRODUCED BY GORDON CARROLL DAVID GILER Ina WALTER HILL DIRECTED BY RIDLEY SCOTT STORY BY DAN OBANNON Ina RONALD SHUSETT SCREENPLAY BY DAN BANNON MUSIC JERRY GOLDSMITH PANAVISION EASTMAN KODAK COLOR BiYPELUXE nonou new Sourdotlucx AVAILAIAI ram cumin coor qu Inn rum IOOI Etc $3 IIIRII lll tltllllll IIIIIII llR PtlllllPS 7de lieaï¬f stittlrrAinfs SIDNEY SHELDONS BLOODLINE OMAR mm KAI RKE SIHRII SCRNEIIXR STRAIGHT boxoffice appeal of bigname movie stars who fill the credits to overflowing Hepburn provides the only reason for seeing the film at 50 shes still as beautiful elegant and refined as ever Shes played the victim so many times before she doesnt have to bother acting Its enough just to look terrified and THE JOB CONNECTION When you graduate from Georgian College you loin group of omployables much in demand by business and industry Our fulltime skill programs run year round Under the continuous intake plan you start any Monday and graduate in 40 weeks or when your objectives have been completed YOU LEARN AT YOUR OWN PACE Starting now in Barrie Stenogropher General Clerk Typist Cabinet Making Basic Building Construction programs For information and counselling about possible financial assistance contact Georgian College Barrie 70572851 Ext 224 00 WITH GEORGIAN COLLEGE THE JOB CONNECTION Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerk helpless at the appropriate moments Bloodline has plenty of those moments the film is kind of corporate soap opera involving Hepbums attempt to retain control of her fathers multinational drug company Potential conspirators among her board of directors include Omar Shariff Romy Schneider James Mason and Irene Pappas highclass talent that stoops to strictly lowclass per formances The film is waste of talent money and time NottaWasaira Phone 4351411 ILR AlllSION ONIAlll HIGHWAY 89 MILES EAST OF ALLISTON HELD OVER 2nd Sensational WEEK ROCKY 11 IS WINNER Joei Siegel ABCTV Rocky is better made film than its Oscar winning predecessor David Ansen Newsweek Hocky soars Better than nocky champt ï¬Rex Reed Syndicated Columnist Rocky will please everybody who liked Rocky An audience bellringer 6ene Sham NBCTV Today Good news Rocky tans Rocky II is knockout Poople Magazine mnmmmcuoav STALIONE IUII QQlIIICQ onnIInonoIIunoio noazm CHAHTOFFIRWIN WlNKLEmem SYLVESTER STALLDNE BOCKYIITALIA SHIRE aumvouuc cgggmmriingigpsss MEREDflHiéc BILLCONTI BiiLBiiï¬fiil IRWIN WINKLER ROBERT CHARTOFF III msulcuovanis ORIGINAL MOTION PICIUIII SCORI AIBUM 0N UtttlID ARMED RICORDS Copytfltt I979UMIG mm Lolputltvon Atogmvumm KWIEIIXO LS Ill IIIIIVAIIIII Tlinittttnisls 7C OQIQQIIIIIOQ IIIOnQoooooltotil IOoIoooosson gel CI ENEVA léWEST 51 3266331 1mm AI rm oliViiu WARNING WISICONDIHWII misurmomu El ii it Ma mad1c Munro mum um um CINTNI llPSTICl 5m HAW HEY kins memoir Mlle 1m Mlonbalm nun Ill DIIVlItl WI Kill ur ION wl ENTERTAINMENT mm Hie storycontmucs MATINEES DAILY AT 130 PM NIGHT SHOWS AT HAI IIIE mums coyin BE riiis YEARS muse gtVARIIIV it cg ï¬rst NHL non mum inmui bo Vbu United Artists aQtI no uuouucuuuuu on on ion Where all the other Bonds this one begins Albeit it Itioii till ROGER lillltlilE JAMES noun 007 liii wuoig Miiuiiiiiiiiiui it DRIVEiii THEATRE ll WI NllAlIOUS SECOND ufllll llllllfll all Ill RI WWI INN will In um 3266542 IN IM train the Piudmei til dllnllnlI1iltpixil ANIMAI HOUSI BILL MURRAY NO IOOKS Vile Buy Sell and Trade New and Used BoOks IECMNICOLONO WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIOND THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG RIDES AGAIN sown CONWAY DON KNOTTS MATHEW KENNETH ELYSSA DAVALOS JACK ELAM noeem PINE And NANNY MORGAN mm by DON 1AIT goon UIuCI to noofltooo snoutcocoon oI lloot AN IfllfllIII IISTIR PI RS MICNAII BUILIR MIIOSIORMAN RAGNI FADOM3£DUIWIS HAIR KM WAGE WUI WltilAMti BMth WI Ami sum 009$ WENT DON UACUS Dill BkRMS vecommendrtt Autumnion int renouuvourmomu munummur INPEIIAI IAGSTAGI Bow to sundownnousnoonuooou TRUSIRHIRHWUI MM WARP 4AA