Police probe torce claim ge 3ng etggmtner Wednesday Julyrl 9797 Qews roundgg JFK slaying probably conspiracy WASHINGTON tAfl Was the 35th president of the Tinted States murdered by conspiracy involving gangsters Iid other conspirators plot the killing of IRS civil rights leader Ihe assassinations committee of the House of ltepresentatives in divided decision says that may have been the case when in Nov 22 1063 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas tn April 1968 Dr Martin Luther Kinng was gunnwl down in Memphis Term The committees final report the product of twoeyearslt million investigation said Tuesday that Kennedy assassination was probably conspiracy and King may have been Ilut three of the committees 12 members filed dissents to tire conclusion that Kennedys assassination was con spiltlty itnich less conspiracy by mobsters One of the three dissenters Representative IIarold Sawyer lltcp Mich said the ctTnspiracy findings in both the Kennedy and King assassinations are based on sup positron upon supposition upoti supposition Worst over in salmonella outbreak WIIIIHY hit lII The director of environmental health for Durham Itegion said the worst is over for residents of nursing hottie where there was an outbreak of salmonellosrs However Ilt Ied Watt said Tuesday there are many cases of the bacteria infectiotr in the region and an estimated 200000 to 300000 cases each year in anada Watt said there is salmonella in every community at all times but the disease is not Usually reported because it usually does riot kill anyone Salmonellosis was diagnosed as secondary cause of death for two elderly residents at the nursing hoirie who lied in hospital about two weeks ago The doctor said most people do not know they have the dis ease lhey might have an intestinal upset fora few days feel bad and stay hotne or go to their doctor who may treat the symptotttic complaint but doesnt do the testing CP Express talks break down Il lltfl TIi Negotiations between Express and the union representing 2700 striking workers broke down luesday afternoon hours after they started ollin tribbons spokesman for the IIrotherhood oI Railway Airline and Steamship lerks said neither sidt changed its position at the meeting which was called by officials from the federal labor ministry spokesman for the labor ministry said no further talks are planned and the ministry will not call the two sides back to the table until they are willingto talk Blood clot killed twin NIAGARA FALLS flirt It nehalf of the worlds heaviest set of twins was killed by blood clot that entered his heart air official fora local museum says Billy Mctiuire 32 who weighed 747 pounds lied in hos pital Saturday after being admitted for respiratory trouble He was in town with his 727pound twin brother Benny doing promotional work for Ripleys Believe It or Not Museum Benny said his brothers respiratory problems started after July fall lrom motorcycle ridden as part of the twins promotion work for the museum In the fall Billys weight damaged his kidneys liver lungs and heart all of which were normal size Dentists fee guide available IttltllNltt WI The Ontario Dental Associations fee guide is available to the public for The guide shows how the dental association recommends dentist set his fees and lets patient compare his dentists fees with those suggested by the association tIlIIIA lint ltfPi Pror LOBLAWS COIRRECTION He was lucky Demolition man Stan Ogle falls off the roof of house he was working on in Leamington Warwickshire England Monday Stan 4t escaped with broken leg and two fractured ribs This picture was made by amateur photographer Roger Wagstaff of Leamington who was passing the scene on his way to buy newspaper AP Photo Urges police stay out of rehabilitation HALIFAX Il anadian police officers often get the short end of the stick in their relations with the national pa role service the head of this re gions largest police depart ment says hief Fitzgerald Fry head of the liloman Halifax police de partment said Tuesday that patrolmen sometimes find par rolees in violation of their par role for such offences as fire arms possession and yet noth ing is done about it They say parole should not be suspended because it should wait for trial hicl Fry said of the attitude of parole officers in such cases But when you find guy on the premises with gun in his hand there should be suspen sion Fry told delegates attending the annual convention of the anadian ongress on the Pre vention of Crime national citizens group he thinks policemen ought to stay out of ichalil ilation work CONTAINER KILLS SIIEERNESS England lIl An elderly man is reported to have died while clutching an opened bottle of heart pills He couldnt open the child proof top Home Auto Lilo Business sarjeant vb Insurance roo oarRim mi Barrio 0m 0102 Complodge Tent by Compmoster 1313 12 74 Separate lr ring and sleeping oreos SEASONAL save on selected items for enjoyable outdoor living Shop early for best selection at clearance prices flawed Tough negotiations predicted OTTAWA lCP Workers should he prepared to face de termined and tightfisted man agers across the bargaining table in the months ahead the onference Board in Canada says Nathan Laurie the boards director of forecasting said Tuesday that many companies have built up such large in ventories of unsold goods that strike would almost be welcomed There will be some read iness among mangers to be come little tougher in negotia tions Wage gains in the last 18 months have been outpaced by costofliving increases Last year average weekly wages iii creased 62 per cent while prices went upttt per cent The board private eeo nomic forecasting organization is predicting more of the same for 1979 The average takeirome pay will increase by 86 per cent but the cost of living will again rise 92 per cent During the first half of the year prices have gone up more rapidly than wages but this pattern shows signs of shifting as more contracts are signed outside the influence of govern ment wage and price controls Even so most workers will find by years end that their real buying power has declined the board says If they try to make up the lost ground in con tract talks they are likely to be gneled with indifference at best strong resistance at worst Laurie said this could lead to period of labor unrest and rlifr Greek national ordered deported ltilttiNlo itii Vailto Andtonitaa one of elght Greek nationals arrested Ianl Week iiiat tiwen Sound for working illegally iii anada by picking woiiir at golf course wasordeied deported Monday An adjudicator at the iiniingration lteaiingi found Andto nicas 34 had remained iii lanada alter lir xiator vrsa had expired Aposoltr Mpuias the netoral in be heard was set free 70 colours to choose from Our Reg $399 $499 Mens Shon Sleeve Knit Shins Assorted fabrics styles and ficult negotiations For several years the federal government has been urging lar bor through its various in flationfighting agencies the antiinflation board the centre for the study of inflation and productivity and now the na tional commission on inflation to restrain their wage de mands Harold Renouf inflation commission chairman says the responsible course for workers is to live with rising prices without demanding large pay increases Laurie foresees several up setting prospects for workers looming on the horizon ompanies may cut production as they attempt to work off their unsold stocks This could mean plant shut downs and layoffs Somc companies may keep their skilled labor on staff even though they are not needed These employees will have little work to do until inventory levels are reduced WA few companies deliberately provoke their workers into strikes iving managment convenient in terlude to deplete inventories The board is predicting 1979 unemployment rate of 78 per cent and 1980 rate of 82 per cent may NEW CONCEPT IN LEISURE lIVING Agree nusrrc CEDAR FURNITURE IDEAS SZGS Reg 5349 5399 Boys Short Sleeve Knit Tshins Crew neck Pol STQGd many cotours fabrics FOR HOME COTTAGE Our vincial police have begun an in ternal investigation into cunt plarnt by an tttillia couple that police used excessive force July 11 in arresting their 21 year old can ttiinond arid Wilma Mathers say police nearly strangled loliii Mathers who was charged with assaulting police officer anrl drinking in tulillc place In the same incident which recurred at townhouse develr pinent across the road front he police detachment Michael Henry 13 and Danny Bylaw 20 ot ttrillra were also charged Ilenty wrtli attempting es cape and assaulting police of licer and Ilylow with obstruct mg iirstice arid assaulting po lice olllcer COMPLETELY INSTALLED LOBLAWS WISH TO APOLOGIZE FOR AN ERROR IN LOBLAWS 8v PAGE ADVERTISEMENT OF WEDJULYI81979 THE ZIGGYS FRUIT COCKTAIL SALAD IS JELLIED FRUIT COCKTAIL AND NOT FRESH FRUIT COCKTAIL SALAD AS ILLUSTRATED ON PAGE OF lOBLAWS ADVERTISEMENT WE REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED SUPEIOR ousriruaiorr Cu416 5338972 ISale Expires July 31 st Gardening tools and supplies 6ft pushup umbrellas SALE Mens Swimwear Clearance Assorted styles fabrics and abs Our Reg $499 to $699 SALE and 40 SALE Boys Swimwear Clearance gt Pbécs 0c Sf 33 uC 35295 Our Reg 53¢ to 5599 SALE 20 and 30 Lawn furniture and chairs Lawnmowers Barbecues and hibochis 10 Dodger MX Sidewalk Bicycle Dcitrichcrblcsrribiizor Our Reg $249 SALE Not all items available in all stores LADIES save it 09 in our Ladies Wear Dept 05 the big summer fashion clearance contit rues IRLS 714 INFANTS her It out this clrcrronce selection Even the little ones step out with low prices Seasonal Dresses Blouses Coordinotes Sunshifts Skirt Sets Shins and Tops Swimwear Handbags Maternity Wear Assorted Pants Assoned Shons Slippers zhirt Seasonal Skins Short Sets Headweor restaurant Cl Cold Roast Beef Sandwich served wrth French Fries and Cole Slaw llriltrr ond shirts II ntylr Attractive Seasonal Dresses IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIll 1m error The Special Birth lltlS COULUQC Linc ti MM of colOur negm fritlr lit I30 Or L35 C41 pliri Lvt ltrr Cl00l0tt citd printtic that tune sec00d SUI of HILItIttH trarctl Il lltt illlllt rre for fO only 9¢ per print Otte gtn Ll vslr Nap may Otter glfIh Jory II Trust Towers IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII All prices ettecr until clown Stiroritiiv llll 1W lItl quantities last Towers Barrie Nlltll1lll rind Sweaters Versatile Jumpers Aw Illtyl st Aunorterl Short Sets and Shorts Skins Murry utylw lylllty xllll pltfll irrirl Jtttlt Mr It utylt lit icltn Swimsuits thllklllx llllt it in sly lt Sr nonul Shirts and Blouses Infants Wear Clearance i1lltd rompers shore sLIiritlils IITTWCQI and sassy sets as well LIX newborn SILL sun surts VOIIOUS ltlltttcs and colours Trust For SelectionVolue and Satisfaction Sportswear Skirt Sets and Pantsuits 010 kcm gt307 It Domeld Rd va5 No 26 and No 27 nuo4vtilt