Lead nQrth division Georgian tykes move Up tho oxornlnor Wodnoodoy Juty 1a 1919 17 scoreboar Weltcrn Conicrcnce ll snioul LEAGLE lStiatrrlélegtnc £3 Glifen309nmtm6 Edmonton 30 88 Eut dl 81m INNISFILMENSLEAGLE ac PCL cl °°m Standingnonalle Calgarv AMERIA LEAGLE Montreal 57 g5 ortthvlllon LTPu Winnipeg 1o 28 P211111 h1cago 10 21 Georgian Sports took over of tho Barrw Minor Baseball mgï¬rug IOsélileï¬ atgfntgï¬ig PctGBL Philadelphia 50 41 519 GeorginnSpom 023 1g thtiflffalljgmte 10 11 an sawmhwan 29 1111 first spot in the North division Associationtvke d1v1s11m Still TN Baltimore 39 31 656 P1ltsburgh 46 39 541 Marrowlnsurance 12 Radiosmck 20 mm mm da hillWOSHlElKS Boston 56 32 636 St Lows 44 42 512 LetitidHenghts Moftats ll Edmonton 52 Saskatchewan 20 ln 1rgos Roultvs game hlmukev 54 38 Nev York 37 49 A30 13 Marsslleclanca 0mm Golfllaven 411 BritiSh Columbia 25 Montreal reorglans Waynv Hm hll york 49 11 3111 11 nos1 KirkSKldS 1103 157 OlvmWRm triplo and 110111 11 against Superior Mum KFk Detroit 45 45 31111 11 Houston 54 411 574 HarperTwe 90134 Monday mung mm mm gtmv played at Allandztli ONPHEHIHltlh15leimlhm lovuluntl 42 411 1117 17 rim111111111 411 45 SIG 511 Resullsillly9 RMBQardjadehackz Tommo at Hamilton 111111 11111 losing cause hitting Toronto 211 111 11 11= $1111 Francisco 45 411 4411 11 BelICamda1earrilectr116 GolmavenawaReamstamz Winnipeg Calgary SChM b1 Wm Sun 1111211 13 53 441112 1rgoRea11y1lL19nsClub1 mhmmm ca MtArlhur and Shnnt tickctls Km STS at 0U tulltornla 53 111 5111 Atlanta 311 52 429 1111 SuperwrMuftlcrllVirgoRcaltyS RodBeardsGmmawna vuthhzirlhits l1rthurutr1 huprnors Brodie MdtDOIMt Touts 32 2111 571 ms Angvlvs 36 57 3117 17a L1onsClubIZGliaggEmffkflT RadioShack6MoflatsS lacrosse WlDFl in gt touhlr llil lgtlllgl$ tinnusolzt 4H 41 5219 TutMin ltrsult errglan Spors Ir culls Fl pk In the lions luhuqrd Kansas 1111 44 17 4114 111 AllSlur Game at Seattlo HarpgrhreibntarssMot mm algal 0r11111pltthtH hrls lopp IXH hirago 41 511 111 11 N1 AllSlun Al AllrSturs 11 LetitiaHeightsHKwksKIdsll Sic95 1130 111H BarrliiTillun M1 ing picked up lht 11111 and hit 21 BmMkOm gmu pm 5011110 411 54 4211 151 Thursda amts Wail arch11mph otroonsriarkmiirqfll homtrun wnenssvcnv HP plckm Up WM 25 265 301 mum mag 1ll32117lilll BARRIEMDDISTRHIT Tutde Rtsull Houston at Pittsburgh o1ngw is on LADIESLEAGlE f3 35 nmmmal Emit Btll ztnztrlu and ligt1litéil mocersrovmv mm llllllfld hfmfd lawns tilstar 11 at Stfllllt unclnnutl 11 st Louis Ivy 12 Barnes 51m lzcmws mum at Wrmmh tvrctnu1nwitir1lutopthchouth runs to spur 11st1111n Allsturs Al Allswrs No York at Mn Diego BGMOly 17 psi Fahplas 11 Blarrn aim division With it points In ro llll 11ctor1 Lion lottr Thunda Marni111 hat 112s S11111111 1stvx ii 511 listnctltecreatlon FustballlAngur 11m gumps Hp gmutlzt BMCk Slllmg dlnHu ï¬flllmn tnT 31ng rmu 7pmBurrivvsyirrnfrilMulhurst impulvd smh Elvmnv HY gum M21115111 80506 gt BARRIEANDDISTRWT Tl garpflgrdtr BIzinzlgl43vtLla£faul while Wm mm whlmxml Mrthunical 18 tnd Lot1t1a Mark ford 1111 hump jun mklmm Yrk 11111111i1i11111s11 unrixa Pu BaVgggghrnï¬iuEggpéhï¬tglggrw3 Hum More r09 runs or Toronto lem 01 wlTFAP MldhurstAnflus vs Midhurst Angus 110 lul 11 tommg on H1 rghts dcfcat Kirk K1dslt ll and drm Minlh Hl uni mm Minnow Tyke Bamecwgltwmmmmon Ottawa 30 I9 VespraspmorrastballLeague slossmsupprmrMum Virgo Realty p1tcher ory it arss dnltd Imlam at Kansas my Bellulnada 01110 77 1s mamnflumsrmm Montreal 21 gumplffgm pm Other results suwlions iubs Kirk was outstanding 111 his fortunatply Fords output was argoxfltamer m7 Furgenrewulgmruï¬z 10mm URONMMNORLEAGPE 11315105135191 Painswlllk llirk 11u1 heat Girnrtl Broudlmm l2ll teams Victory over Lions lllli not enough to givo Marssa w1n 99 9r 818 PO Hamilton lg 30 Bampmzolwyllkg PmeOWï¬rdS HermStlTriliSm lizlrpvr lIrt ovcr Murss Kirk Parnell lht win hit 21 lhtylost liirlttoliurpcrllre s1on Ktng Painswwk llurru and District Slow lllth lmugut Solthall pm Georgian Sports vs ivy Kearsey School Brown Homlwrs vs Tht Shutterbug Hillcrrsl School Mary Browns Chicken vs ivttans Allandaie Heights School Home and listr1ct Glrls Softball 700 pm Pnlympia lustuurnnt at Mollutts USN Furs Fenntls nrmrs 1130 pm Ml Hours at loll iluvcn Fennclls Corners lnntsiil Mvns League 700 p771 ANA vs Lolnutr ltzrlll p711 AM vs QHShearl1rk itarrw and District Ladies Softball 112111111 Tllllthl Basthall 630 pm Marss Mtthltnltnl vs Terrys Catering irocniicltl Buns MaSllr vs Klean Auto Body Allan dulrn lturriv Minor Baseball Assotm lion South divismn Tbal 600 p171 Wrights Snnunlnughlng vs Hunmo oln Wusil Ftrrls HMHA North d1v1ston Trhall 030 pm Girard Brnutlloom VS Starr Electric Kcarscy Park EMMA Soulhdw1s10nTykP 600 7111 Bull itu1ld11l llayfuId Suntxo ztr Wash HMBA lltwvt Souer 630 p711 iyn1pir Rest ihiipott Sprint Scrv Johnson Slllllilr on st Hanson Elect Mapll irovo lmwur lllll llakv vs lhumhprinl odringtnn Barrie ptlnnsl Minor Smvr ASMXHIlIOH Pvtww 030 pm Buns Mnsltr linkvry vs Muhtr Show Johnson lilltl lollyA bvans vs lnyou Jets mlringlon iIrtnu itvstuurant us inflinv Pilgrnns ins Radio Shack Ys Men vs ll 11nd Plumbing ltlvvrwood Ilghlh lttiMSA Atom GRAB Sales Managers ed Tag Sal At Graham Ford Sales we have Red Tagged each of the brand new i979 Ford cars and trucks that have been in stock over 90 days Now is your chance to buy brand new 1979 at an un ayl results BARR RACIIW MAUIII IINTIHIIS WEI JllY Ill 1970 POSTIIMH 715 ll FIRSI NME PACE MILE M50 believany low price Dont do Come in now while the selection is at its best compare the red tag prices and drive home bargain This Red Tag Event ends July 2ist BlitKhllUl lirliljit lrtl1111 with ltomlwt l11111 I979 FORD lTD 40R SHADYIHLLHAP Harris TWlllillllUlXiF Jillll JRJUE Byron gt lltgcrlionnnin t1 Annorud lsl1nny Jarvis ltoptlt1ll1l Stoddurt CHECK THE PRICES BELOW PEOPLE HV DA SFAUNI RIITR1YT MIIJIUSO YlLUNljHOH Hrucklrl EASTER STYLE Muir AN ANAHIANCONTENT lllltifslli AVtlllll on itinctiltnr it Rutlivtlgi Gr litiIrWorthy Mttluri 6vlltitsGlrl Jams ALStllIlJUllllllI GnztlJohtiA ll ounll lMII MILE will Hmmk tr lllllWHllAZlll Dunn do Ed any dr gt HVAIL lkr spocal Edmon dr Mpiznigh bIIUIO Futura Ohio Coupo Polar whlu v8 auto P5 P3 AM df Light mod blUO 50 mrup WI6Mb=dn THMMYMMK TH dark i°d° WW 2a Mod hm mllcllK 311 500 v5 auto lllpup tool radio Gmexu wsw VB auto PS PB AM cY ad Imky vi or mm but 910w vtnylrool tutono point 01781114 Ir df HR7ax14 WSW plOfOf pkg hVY Lily witrwlitl Jams r°di°r PO SW overdrive paint 78 WSW 11m WSW 11m P5 P3 dolulo bump thorust t1 111111ru1l FR78x14 ifOnl lg let DR78xl4 convonloncfl gip P5 P3 Moor bumper 97p clcc dot AM accent grp Oi remote 1d L7ax156Py mud Imthtltflnkfl S111kS reo guards tires AM W1 bum 9d mule interval wipm dual m11rorhvvdutv battery UX mow 650 va snmkrmw lamp accent rodir 19 mirror dcl AM radio out accent 97 Mirror Ilght grp Wlf wheel dolux whlc°yrl WMOI COVOFI Stock NO 60 MNWHUIHLE bod side 5° 7° ma Stock No 2110 ListPrico Sixrtnltonwl Brooks gr tell remote mldb ck No Price 56545 $8056 IOlitlll 11111211111 11111191311 mink Ska No 2039 mlo JCk No 2049 Limp €3633 ID AtillJIANNllI Jonis Lis1price$8077 List Pt $6363 StANlllIHAMIKH ltil eliiiizxnlxioili l2ll1111111n n6 mm Rulwnï¬ong urns Ttrtnnlnruuun it llupzissn llhll tit11 It tunmnghmn llun1p1v1 Il alvtxnw it 1111 on Altill2llillltll NOJUKHI it Rndkm dr Midnigh blue lllitliil it1 1979 roan r250 mum 501 79 FORD CUSTOM ix11111l11 li1111 4x4 dork iode metallic 1979 RANCHERO 61 P5 P8 clock ool 500 Wgn antique BuntiKSIWmm 7°°°° 581 v8 Explorer Pkg mod 0k WW at 1979 coumm PICKUP 1979ronortso 6mm es creme 50 ve 111110 111218111111 ll 31111191111 Pickup Raven block 50 7400 GVW outo P5 Vs 030 PS PB buckeé I919 GRANADA DR Red 20 cylly speed pickup Vaquero glow deluxe grp ES PB GR78x14 WSW it lliitliitllfl Ve Enabler 918 tilt steering wheel 560 Hméxu RWL Dove grey 41 cyl tr0n5 P3 70 amp 49L 6Cyl Explorer Pkg elec idiot 95 093 dOlI l0 Nhvalimil Scholwld PS Steenng mned Siip rear OXIe burn er °Ul°m P51 P81 AM radiol banery slap bumper QlOW point AM radio dual ers pom reme mlrror hVY dUY 1111111111111 11 i1r1 520° GVWv AM snow plow prep pkg ï¬es ï¬ngduxfoss ns 0R75x14wswmeseec Stock No 551 List price step bumper L78xlS 40 remote b0°Yv 590 Wh°°l ll7l1li 750x16 8ply tires spare 91 ion det Stock No 2258 List WSW tires Stock No 11 1t decor grp covers hvy duty ll mm tire mud snow tires rumin 050nk 2227 price 56537 5631 nice S7224 wlre 1oel covers body suspension Stock 2230 fllm hmlmm OCl N01 633 Us Price m9 0c RED 51de mldgs Stock No Llstprlce$70°7 List pr1ce$845l NJ hm llil Vllï¬ Hi ll lttllllt llIl1illlt llll ltronkslr 111Isllli11111 Moon l111lli 1111111 ltuddon UnllfllKlllllkll itrlwards SIZI IHtil III 5000 57 Ill lbillll lums HIV illlt Trim Frushs 111171 ll Sumr 1919 00 10 on Silver metallic 58 V8 1979 FORD 1979 MUSTANG on l7 If linilil IHF 111 sill rm 1919 ANDAU do Dc mum I979 MUSTANG DR Camel gi0w metallic 50 00 P56 PB AM aqo I979 FORD 510 Ton erine lllrll V6 V8 Gum psi p3 AM v1ny roo tutone paint 97 FORD E51 MIDMMH 1311mm r1171 50 V3 501 V8gutoPS 91 root Bright bue demxe behs 78x 500 dr Midnight blue cum Clam my ii KEITHS ATTORNEY Lugmi Wm pg 133 wnyl root split anch not mrs cloth nm B78x14 radio paint strIpes WSW metallic 50 v8 GUOII CR78x14 WSW ï¬res on MARJ RAMiilJZR ilï¬llW dumwoovo trim Fmaxu WSW F979 WSW d°° SW tires P5 P8 elec deluxe belts FR78xl4 tam gonv Spare p5 p3 AM radio 5pc option PS console Marltslmallv l11111 tlru cementcool warn con spore con 19110 AM radio WSW res conv Spore ron rear umperg FR8x14wsw ï¬res elec whie L6 YIN T0Nk trom ruv do PE bumper rub strips elec elec del AM radio 1111111111111 11 inmx stun dgPbump ub nnpl bumc ole del ext accent iron18 rear bumper gds def ex uccem def ex cue grp duo rear speakers if speed oyerdrive elec it Quinlan and AM FM appearance ext accent grp dual la remoe Mirror by def Michel rodlol hl1rrx 11111 dot AM FM Itorco 01 dud horns leh remoe acne grp dual remote vaSulmliillux 11 1111101111 och dwmommon pm or tinted glass dual protectlon grp styled horns lett remote duty battery deluxe res from Wheel drlvo AlsuEthillillZ any bottury light group PW ram rori light grp PW steel wheels Stock No mirror light grp Stock mrOI IL 99 luxury wheel cover mock mmos wre 99 tricolor tape stripe Stock NoJoKIn 11 Bodkin wh my body mg luxury hoolcovlrs Stock 2130 232 Listprice $7074 No 2134 Us price wheel covers Stock No 2145 surï¬ng7 covers Stock 2175 List 21ml Priceswn NINTH RAtF PAtll 111 31511 mldg smk 223 Li PM 295 upnnsm 570 2136 mm W7 pme 3733 ZURRUGRATTAN it no no no JIMMY YORK lmintssn 16 TAG AG 116 tllNTLOMAt lllll Mi SpnngShimr ll1r11s RIC Pm Kt 11ttts11ntlu lunts R11tkt1sl111r It iurttn Goodnult Fur lv tdlurv GiPurltvtKllrrunt Lokhart ALSUELIGIHLE Mounlunds Mister limin IKuHIMHnl11773 Phil1111111mm sum 1979 11174011741111 Lagdaya dig day 9331 giggle V03 1191 send I913FOIlziisob cuo 3x 99 1979 roan mm 19791=A111MONt on ht mode blue 33 1979 rumour 1111 auto roar 019° an 111s11ss1111 1111 111 um one palm smpes v1nyl root splI door glass cargo door metallic 58L V8 auto lt1uhlln11111111 liltlillllt2ltll DR 60 P123219 im croh mm cigar gher 90301er Cy sac wr glossy pass sea L78x5 Ps rar door gIOL 9r rKUI4WE llutttrmltitum ll Minor Rod l6 cyII 59d Green 16 cyl cigar ligh lA auto BR78xlA W5 B78514 41°C rec res spar 91 Wd 90 38° 909 1111111 11 tunmngham ovordrtvo 00 WSW snow block 11111111hurluss Moorv Michelin radial mas speed oyerdrive elec ttrr de tires P5 P8 rear bum A1s11lll1lilll1 on Wh driv del Mlcheltn radial accent bumper grds elc del mirrors high AM radio ext accent grp dual mirrors stock 2015 List price $6499 £5874 western mirrors hvy duty shockl hvy duty roar Iprirggs Stock 638 LIItpr 9M ll11r Hr mil ttholls Egan 11 Annvrult tricolor tape ripe AM radio Stock 2179 List lco $5923 11111111Pu1s LANDUVHR Md 1Pl It Washington Bullets ugrcttl Fr1 mu day to give their tirstyrountl picks in the 1980 11nd N82 N11 tional Basketball Asstxmtlon drafts to Detroit Pistons to tires front wheel drive body side mldg Stock 2181 List price $5797 ESE$5426 xe wheel uck 2005 List del int or deluxe vers Stock 20 1oric055162 £94649 de spc mirrors light stock 2035 List 65 7699 compensate for tho s1g11111g oi mo wuco freeagent guard KtVlll lortlr 4114 maroon light and 50 Buuels geiltml Wilugtr I979 FORD IIONCO Anuonn Am VI 111119 95 PI tutono point Ferry and l1stons otlmals 14 Midnight 19¢ 53 vs IIIam Incl wzxmmllrtznzz reached agruomont on the mm auto Ps 91 dzoiotilocrtrltogg 17115841 711M oiltonal tires pcnsatlon said Mark iru smo 9le Hm hm Mir away on Carria chrome spokesman tor the Ilulltts No carnl hiomo as mxnwmnr ï¬ts gt7n mirrou handling pkg MINI windoth ttntod 60 amp body ndc mldg no tom AM Indlo 60 amp ollmnutcr con concc rum too 01mm NAME 41 um w1 my an Itool wheel St I150 ll Pl ltd rylod noel whoIr Stock oc pl monton Oilers of the National 11pm511 69 174 i10669 tacky 12 974 379 nuyï¬eld at Candles Him 737 at 111s 11 to mac and genurul manager of Houston Apollos of the Central turm ttum 2310 so Hockey League thicrs No