12 the examiner Dead at 93 Cardinal James Francis McIntyre seen in this l970 file photo former Roman Catholic Ar chbishop of Los Angeles died Monday at age 93 AP Photo Didnt OK plastic bottles KINGSTON nt CP Dangerous 15litre glass bottles might never have been introduced in Ontario if the soft drink industry had been allowed to use plastic con tainers six years ago as it wanted to spokesman for the Canadian Soft Drink Association says The provincial government did not approve plastic as container and Tiebor Gregor executive director of the associ ation said in telephone inter view thats just one of several points the public isnt hearing about these days He said the province wouldnt allow plastic containers because of the litter they might create The government and soft drink officials recently held meetings oti the torpedoshaped bottles which have injured at least 54 persotis Two weeks ago federal Ion suinet Affairs Minister Allan Lawrence asked for voluntary recall of the exploding bottles but an official with the minis trys product safety branch said the recall didnt seem to be much of solution Published reports said major soft drink bottlcrs agreed to an idea put forward by federal officials that the bottles carry Hazardous May Explode label but withdrew that deci sion when ocaola Ltd ob jected to the governments idea At news conference June 28 Lawrence excluded the Coca Cola bottles from the voluntary recall ln government tests 15litre oke bottles similar in shape to the companys smaller bottles exploded one in 29 times compared with 28 of 29 bottles used by other com panties tiregor said the soft drink in dustry has been victim of con flicting priorities between the federal goveiniiient and Uni tario Meanwhile he said the fed eral government is concerned with safety and so the future for glass containers the type of material the industry is tint pelled to use the most is uncer tain Many officials in the industry say the public is over reacting and are saying the industrys track record has been superb Ron Segal director of mar keting for tanada My 111 To rotito said his company has had only three complaints of our bottles exploding out of the last seven million bottles we put on the market But the onsumers Associ atioii ot tanada wants the bot tlcs banned immediately move sortie manufacturers esti mate would cost them at least $30 million Published reports said the pHlet meetings between the industry and the federal government led to behindthe scenes bickering and hit terness with the companies jockeying for market position Yvonne Miles president of the consumers association said in an interview that consumer represent es should have been itid to the meetings Mrs Miles said her na one organization has appealed to Uttawa for such rights but has not been invited godmday July 18 1979 Tolvor we RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LiMiTQUANTmES Mens Bays Wear Fabrics Notions roars TSHIRTS100 cotton NEW SH 44 pair 3colors Sizes SML Spools color choice Sizes SML ch hltttlgr0und polished per bag 12 colors bags Women Teen Wear UPS BRIEFS polyestercotton MISTER THREAD 10 P05 SMITH MAID CROCHET COTTON Garden Shop PLASTIC norm POD 44 for in green color 16 OT POTTING SOIL an all purpose soil in 44 Paints Wallpaper 144 144 CamerasMusic Stationery DIHI TANG FOLDERS ashpswr2m144 144 NYLON PAINT BRUSH SET Set in cludes and brushes not TRAY AND ROLLER KIT paint roller with troy kit IAIMENTIAN PENCIL CRATONS 12 per pkg Assorted colors pkg PINTO ALBUMS pages per LAUNDRY VARIOUS TROPICAL PLANTS 4V2 pot Your choice bu 100 mercerized cotton assoned colors units 100 ACITLIC ruuom Gcu cum st les my short sleeves assorted st les ooriost 550 yds OShes In pOCk type eh PINITO ALBUM REFILLS ft 8mm mum JUMIO mu ioo° Gets the dirt 00 every me MALLORY IATTERIES AA size Olefin Celaspun machine litre size box Limit boxes 10w cum 15 volt Duracell batteries page um pages LAMES TSIIIRTS nylon cotton precision die cost per package models Your choice polyester blends various 144 2144 per customer washable stain resistant oz each per pack 2144 pull 144 EMAIGEMENI SPECIAL 501 Pl with esawm JUMIOEROSTEDTARN TOMA MIT sturdy die cost it or prints CmOineri °°X1 rel Gillsi FATHch SUITS 100 Whonylon machine metal vans cars heovy from your negatives for nylon in an assortment of washable2009r out box equipment mil mat CASSETTE TAPES Household Stationery colors Sizes to 14 0011 IETTTS OUICRPOINT KIT sq design instructions needle ollmaterials III Drapes Rugs VINYL SHOWER CURTAIN LINER 10 color choice ouch DRAPERT PLEATER TAPE yds white only ACCENT RUGS 18 30 PLASTIC VEHICLES hard plastic ieeps racing cars etc MARIELIlED IALLS hours of fun Choose from 190 minute track tape or 3C6O cassettes SCARFETTES 50 cotton 50 polyester various prints for LADIES SCARVES 100 acetate twill prints stripes dots mt dots 144 FASHION FLOWERS on pins OILONG SCARVES acetatetwill or combs assorted for 144 144 2144 CarryOut Foods CMNISH NENS delicious taste treat Cull MUTS Delicious fresh baked DEQR TOILET PAPER rolls per pack ply WAX PAPER REFILL Imfeet per roll SCOTT FAMILY NAPRINS 180per package REYNOLDS ALUMINUM FOIL 12x25 roll 6144 2i 44 2144 3144 DOVE DISH LIOUID SOAP 24 oz container SoapCleaning Supplies for 44 AIR CARE SOLID AIR $332112 44 JETS SOAPSCRUI PADS FLEECY FABRIC fabric 10 48 colors with 36 or 24 36 WOOLCIESI All rooms ylesscolors fringed mot assorted Chilly Choose Irom your 12pods per pack pack cups 01 hot or cold colon favorites idom SPIC SPAN ClEANER 44 beverage cups so per Lingerie Bros 27 mm RUNNER clear Stops static cling leaves 6000A cum trestle b0 Pkg 1301 beercups deco 44 clothes smelling fresh 23 2am mggggvifgmrngflgigg soperpig 44 $55 232 44 cum RUNNER 100 nylon oz bottle Limit bottles per Eleni MUFFINS tasty ClemaCondiï¬oneL 44 mum SANDWICH viiio rea ast treat COINS shes SML rubber backed 36 Wide customer pack pl POWDER CLEANSER no Ioobogs Per box um unusf C0 05 Dismfecting cleanser for bu various fabrics 74 °PP° mum 01516 mnxtrcurucncum colors Sizes SML machine washable BUB for those summer Ml an amp cuuil For 2ox22 bags white pair RICE MAT 100 rice fibre 18 8805 per pad pk 009h10b532°15i19 DICII only 15per pkg GIRLS BRIEFS BIKINIS 100 nylon colors 2144 LADIES IANDEAU IRA polyester cotton white Sizes 3440C each ouch Linens Towels 144 TEA TOWEL PACKAGE 100 cotton towels per pack pkg MAPLE LEAF CHEDDAR CHEESE delicious mild cheese WOOLCREST WINDOW CLEANER with ammonia 20 oz bottle with spray pump 13 oz plig 044 WOOLCREST GARBAGE BAGS 10 per pkg pkg 044 144 CandiesCookies MR FREElE POPS 16 per 2144 26x36 175 ml SUNBRITE OVENMITTS pack in assorted ouseware BUYS Smoklng Supplles oi printed cotton mi flavors i402 pl iloiiiiio noun covn Teflon low GIRLS vrsr mam mm p9 iiiiiiosoii ICE mms cover fits oii standard ironing ll 44 mm Ptmeev IIEFS 100 cotton of foam back not 044 flavors per pack 128 boards cemury Fllerle Flwmo cottonpolyester Sizes pl BLEACH Lightens and brightens while cleaning and disinfecting 128 oz bottle Limit bottles per customer 144 2144 2144 only US PLAYING CARDS plostic coated playing cards in various colors GENIE DISPOSAILE LIGITER Zip top lighter gr DARE SUMMER CANDL Morshmallow peanuts bananas 280 gr bags CWFEE MUG Royal Alma Staffordshire Stonew are White with stripe or vegetables 600 tubes tobX to 3X AOTLIC BOOTEES for newborn White pink blue yellow ASSORTMENT OE SOUEEIE 44 TOYS Your choice no CLOTH ncuor 100 cotton terry per pack on 044 IATH TOWEL 100 cotton colors in tor check PILLOW PROTECTOR 100 2144 SETOF TUMBLERS oz oz 10 01 or 13 oz size in topaz or strawberries bag in assorted col our conoii III vinyl polypropylene zipperciosing gm rum 9m 044 bockedacolors white20 x27 02 09 or lose FOIL BAKEWARE heavy WK pm vinyl MUROT PILLOW COVER cotton summer roasts be 44 duty aluminum re per package sizes corduroy color choice each om moms huh nut usable assorted to Wontmi Pharmacy named by 10¢ huh SMLXlasuper coco chip or peonu2 OVENMATES for rLMoï¬mofDomnmnlw bunerjoogr box Microwave 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FACIAL TtSSUt wih Stripe Milo Go 15 balls per cleaner burning 10 lb bag NAME Set of plastic 5019 f0 roomos for the family $333M ma ml Picrunr mun 2+ angers p0 pack uc DISPOSAILE toes gstiolnmem 0f COINS Sink chain combination lock ll WHO Ingvm mm Imp All0 mlms pedoge loss ouch CNIPPED FOAM metolbell cacti 44 QAIIOL n4 sumac Ixm°ï¬re dean Ynomm coo 0090 sun tlyiiottiiiio foam 350ml Size bottle ii p995 Im sebum Oï¬ durablea lighweigh 44 slylo lit iliuiiiotai Nun 53 wnsu oompm 144 DELICIOUS pink ui wliitu 14 144 to PLASTIC TRAVEL BAG 150ml size container stylesB colors broken sizes unmmp 05 nylon OVAL FRAMED PICTUII uppins from gouge plasti magi 50 Non ms for the family consrunlon per padoge PM 46 pit lllln iii plush limits imp lung or drYlng and non Toe or cross vamp ERISIEE moulded pIOSIIC llotol port zItll lite 52 lung to irmonng Regular size construction each um SHADE lip on ulimlu MAMHK CEPACOL MOUTNWASH VuituIy til till ORR Iron mop 5mml5129 b°llle MN 44 DECOIAIOI WAII riiioui unit 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eve 344 244 444 44 44 44 so 76 BAYFIElD STREET DOWNTOWN BARRIE Use These cards in Woolworth siiirsiicross Canada