Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1979, p. 6

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Scarth Brenda Joanne Scarth daughter of Dr and Mrs Scarth has graduated from Queens University in Kingston with an Honors Bachelor of Science degree in life sciences She has accepted research position in the pharmacology depart ment at the university Miss Scarth is graduate of St Josephs High School and Barrie North Collegiate Boer Edna Boer daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Boer of Stroud has graduated with an Honors Bachelor of Arts in English from York University She will enter teachers college at Brock University in the tall Miss Boer is graduate of Barrie Cen tral Collegiate Dressmartnq OPEN TUESSAT 94 graduates Cpattis Quantais tillage Cilantq 43ml Carrying large selection oi Calico ior Qudtmg Just arrived are our Christmas Calico Prints Phillips Guy Richard Phillips son of Renee and Pip Phillips of Barrie has graduated with distinc tion from Carleton University in Ottawa with Bachelor of Arts degree in low and political science Phillips will continue his studies at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto He is graduate of Bar rie North Collegiate Martin Lynn Barbara Martin daughter of Mr and Mrs Vern Martin of Barrie has graduated with honors from the travel and tourism course at Humber Col lege Toronto Ms Mar tin is now employed with Cosmos tours of London Ontario She is graduate of Barrie Central Collegiate lifes Editor Claudia Krousew Ewiii be ticultural societies outside of Barrie but within District 7266537 the oxamlncr Tunday July 17 1979 Award for outstanding contribution Local residents invited to send in their nominations Barrie area residents are in vited to nominate members of the local community for the Lifestyle Award presented an nually by the department of na tional health and welfare Society prepares for annual summer showi Barrie Horticultural Socie tys annual summer flower show takes place on Aug 16 17 and 18 at Bayfield Mall Judging the show entries will be Miriam Drennan Convener is Helen Smith assisted by the societys ex ecutive members special invitational class pen to all hor 16 comprised of about 223 societies Asters marigolds house plants and hall table ar rangements are the four sec tions of competition in the in vitational class Local members can enter cut gladiola house plants and collections and African violets while novices will be judged in separate class for house plants daisies hybrid team roses marigolds and zinnias Entries will be accepted on Aug 16 The department launched the award program in 1977 to recognize outstanding con tributions by citizens who volunteer their time and talents to develop health awareness and better health lifestyle in their community While 86 Canadians have received the award in the past two years Simcoe County is not represented in that list Most Ontario recipients have been Ottawa or Toronto area residents Of 25 awards presented in Ontario seven have gone to Ottawa 11 to Toronto area and one each to Hamilton Kitchener Trenton Thamesford Sault Ste Marie Russell and Cornwall Recipients have volunteered their time to causes such as mental health swimming and lifesaving physical education and fitness birth control Cana dian Cancer Society home for the deaf firstaid training recrational sports transporta tion for the handicapped alcoholics rehabilitation legal aid and youth work Persons or groups may nominate any anailiaii rcsi dent who has activer given ol his time talent aiiil energy to the improvement of the health lifestyle of his community or has had significant involve ment in the improvement of provision of health related facilities and services Nominees must have llnlItlr taken these activities on voluntary basis and not for remuneration The nominee must have been active in promoting an iin proved lifestyle either for period of two years or for shorter period during which time significant number of in dividuals may have been per sonally affected Nominations must be submit ted to the Secretary Lifestyle Award Committee Depart ment of National Health and Welfare Brooke Claxton Building Ottawa Ont KIA 0K9 Announcements of the awards are made periodically during the year at the discre tion of the minister of national health and welfare Committee discusses Kempenfest promotion total of 62000 advertising tabloids will be distributed on Aug to promote Kempenfest in Barrie on Aug and reports the organizing commit tee people and places Food budgeting Parents Without Partners Harrie chapter will hold general meeting and orientaton on Wednesday in the Blue Flame ltoom of Consumers Gas on Ierris Lane Barrie Ierjo Armstrong Simcoe County public health nurse will speak about nutrition and food budgeting For more informa tion call 7284360 Iluronia tour Barrie Horticultural Socie tys tour of Huronia on July 21 features visits to Jungle Zoo at Elmvalc Bue Mountain Potter and the Candy Factory in Toll ingwood Kaufmans Furniture Devils Glen rows Nest and ollingwood museum and shipyards Ilus fare is $5 Some sites have admission fees The bus leaves at 830 am from the ELECT ROLYSIS lydiu llrenchult ti Qualified PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL FREE CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 7372671 Member of AEAEPO Wellington Hotel in Barrie To reserve call the bookers at 7283873 between 10 am and pm 7266798 or 7288248 Barbecue planned Members of Barrie and District Association for the Physically Disabled ar invited to the home of Verna and Elaine Knox 217 Superior St Stayner on July 21 for barbecue Come at 430 pm and bring lawn chair and either salad or dessert Supper is at pm For more information call 7372757 40 years or older rillias MidWay Social Club for persons 40 years or older meets on Tuesday at pm at the Huronia Trust hbspitality room for general meeting The club will hold Mid Sum mer Dance on July 21 at 57 Co bornc St in rillia beginning at pm Admission is $250 for members $3 for nonmembers The project was decided at the July 10 meeting of the Kempenfest committee The Examiner is producing the tabloid while distribution will be through The Examiner Market Place The Barrie Ban ner and Markle community newspapers At the meeting the commit tee boosted the total number of tabloids to be produced from 26000 to 62000 agreeing to Tie cept $450 in costs for the 36000 extra copies Among other advertising ven tures colorful Kempenfest brochures have been produced and will be distributed to many local outlets such as the Highway 400 Information Cen tre hotels and motels doctors and dentists offices as well as the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce office Although due to oversight the Kiwanis Club of Barrie is not mentioned in the brochures the club is actually responsible for much of the Keiiipcnicst promotion and is the founding organization of the festival now known as Kempenfest Kempenfelt Kellytshirts will be available during the till day festival but sales oulets have not yet been announced The Kempenfest committee meets again on July 24 to discuss further planning details Midhurst announces Autumnfest 79 Midhurst community will hold its Autumnfcst 70 on Sept 22 Everyone is invited to enjoy and participate in celebration of the advent of autumn reports led Bax chairman of Midtiursts recreation and hall board The days program will in clude various activities such as parade sale of baked goods an auction sale and hall game as well as contests for children BAYFIELD MALLS SPECTACULAR CARNIVAL DAYS wm THROUGH SAT JULY 1321 Join in the fun with all Bayfield Mall Merchants TAKE ADVANTAGE or SPECIAL CARNIVAL DAYS SALE ITEMS AS ADVERTISE IN OUR SUPER CARNIVAL DAYS FLYER STARTING JULY 18th THROUGH 2m PECIAL ADDED AWRACTIONS FOR THIS SALE ONLY Childrens Petting Zoo Pony Rides Win prize every time at the Barrie Civitan Club Games Booth Free childrens cartoon at Baytield Cinema July 2i only Shows at 30 300 Clowns Balloons Fun and Savings for all MALL HOURS MONDAYFRIDAY 930 AM T0 930 PM SATURDAY 930 AM TO 600 PM was Van Der VenneWright Mr and Mrs Van Der Venne of Brentwood an nounce the engagement of their daughter Har riette to Dave Wright of Toronto The wedding is to take place on July 2i at the Church of Our Lady of Assumption in Brentwood Procolor Photo Moira21 DevittRuebusch Mr and Mrs James Devitt of Barrie announce the engagement of their daughter Deborah Audrey to Richard Thomas Ruebusch son of Mr and Mrs Richard Ruebusch The wedding is to take place at St John Vianney Parish in Barrie on Aug l8 at pm Cowper Photo lt SchutRobertson Mr and Mrs Ray Schut ol Barrie announce the engagement at their daughter Deborah Joanne to Christopher Noland Robertson son of Mrs Joyce Robertson and the late Mr Gerald Robert son the wedding to take place Aug at pm at St Marys Church Barrie This announcement appeared lncorrecrly in Saturdays edition of The Examiner 43 engageiaems Ann Lander Always takes two to tango near Ann Landcrs Ive read guilt many letters in your column from women who go 11 and on about rotten men who cheat on their Wives or skunks who mow In with trusting ladies and deceive them into thinking the will be married or young gullible girls who were bum by smoothtalking operators whose only aim was to scori You owe it to your readers to present more balanced pic lure Madame Lambrs be happy to hpr illre are some facts married 23 years ago Since that Illllt have been to bed with at least 75 women most of them married lhcv range from my sister Inaw pillar of the church about whom there was never breath of scandal to the woman next door the mother of large family oiiiplctely rcstwctablt and very busy tNo ont would believe sht had the time much less htenergy for an extramarital affair The point am trying to maki is this Men who fool around must have willing partners Why dont you cVer say anything about THEM In all the years Ive been chasing skirts Ive never once been turned down In fact most women bedded down wvrc so aggressive and eager It was simply matter of determining an appropriate time and place So tell it like it is because Ive Iiion Tinr And Back Dear Back hold no brief for the playmates of Tom Cats because Im well aware that it takes two to tango The reason dont print the other side is because not maiiv men write to me about it Very few Don luans end up dit ched heartbroken or pregnant Did you say 75 affairs in years How in the world did you find time to write to me Dear Ann Landers Can you use one more letter on the gripe from the directory assistance operator hope so because Id love to see this in the paper When worked for the telephone company seven vears ago learned how the operators look up telephone numbers They dont use an ordinary directory like the public gets They have book called frequently reprint These vol umes are updated for the use of the operators everv it davs If your telephone is installed in say September your number will not appear in the white page dIICClOIV until the next issue is printed the following May But it WILL appear in the operators reprint lot sooner So It reallv burns me up when an operator says in condescending one of voice The number is listed in the directory as feel like saying Look Toots it might be in YOLH directory but its not in mine Why shopld resent people calling her If no one needed directory assis nce shed beout of job Doesnt Miss High and Mighty realize the reason she there is to provide service not her place to iudze people who ask for lie slopwhatever reason Uld Pro Dear Pro Granted some folks are just plat lar and would rather call 411 than look up the number the directory but as you and others have petrified out there legitimate need for directory aSSlStallCE and inanlx uou for making it clear For What its Worth In the name of conservation MARGARET ll ORTH Anything can be turned the right way Lak he physxcal fitness elderly Joggers puff well have been the tj tion We haye al tweet are emission levels many of us have switchw sntslier and most of us have certainly bewziie iwsre of lower speed limits leading to less fuel txitisuinpttei Speaking of fuei LIISILII1I0I some of us have taken things step further Iy hustxiiid normally quiet and ra tional soul is now the very pmud owner of 400 cc motorcy cle lr mg hard to look as if he is simply serving his country better he careeis off into the blue helmet securely fasten ed and small satisfied smile on his face This is not the first bike in his life by any means long time ago we both boasted twoltwheel transportation Then when the infants started arriving motor scooter and solo bike were replaced by varied assortment of threewheel beauties in the form of motorcer Sidecar combinations In fact it wasnt until the birth of our third daughter was piecaiiously imminent that we finally graduated to more conventional forms of transportation The bike has to be the most cherished of Peters posses sions at the moment In order to house it safely the shed at the hack of the house was ruthlessly cleared Three years of fondly accumulated junk hit the garbage in one short after noon patch of grass was cleared from the double doors and small neat patio appeared All the better to wheel it in and out It is washed polished and patted as often and lov ingly as any new baby is cared for and conversations tend towards caburretas and pistons and the advantage of automatic starters over the old kick start really dont mind at all It takes me back to the years when my kitchen was filled with eager young men eating their way through piles of home baking while they exchang ed tall tales of daring deeds on the Scramble track must admit to twinge of apprehension yesterday though when Peter handed me dollar bill with crested Black Rider stamp right in the middle IS gust handled become about seamed glance at ears ago they may Or what about pollu fiallys Pointers Baking soda cleans cards By Polly Cramer DEAR POLLY have some very nice playing cards that are soiled and wonder if there is any way they can be cleaned er ANNE DEAR ANNE You might use doughtype wallpaper cleaner Also you could dampen soft cloth dip it in baking soda and wipe each side of each card After cleaning either way sprinkle talcum powder on the cards and shufer time or two to tv room at the MunICIpal Sav lk ings and Loan Corp building Iltt llllltKIlltltlly talk 64 Dunlop St Barrie The ttthllItill will be given on July talk is sponsored by the Barrie 21 at iii iii In UIIIIIIUIII rillia EckankarSatsangs All FABRIC 503s= SINGER SE WING CENTRE Georgian Mall restore that slick feeling You must be patient to undertake such job In many cases it would be better to use that time to buy some new cards FULLY DEAR POIIY have couple ofenergy savers When need melted butter for crumb pie crust put the needed amount in pie plate set it on the top of my toaster and push the button down two different times By then the butter is melted When only want to soften the butter to go in frosting put it in bowl that is put on the gas stove pilot light MARGIE DEAR PIIY IM can remove that musty odor from her books by putting them in paper bag sprinkle with whole or ground cloves clamp bag shut and let them stand fora month This has worked for me on rag doll toys and traveling bag MRSAB DEAR PIIY When have leftover egg yolks after making something that calls for the whites only peach the yolks cool them and then put through sieve They are nice for salads canapes and garnishes After washing slacks or any trousers always hang them by the legs The weight of the wet garment will remove almost all the wrinkles and they need little pressing Instead of buying new blanket edging when the binding Is worn crochet an edge on both sides of the covering AUDREY DEAR POLLY always had trouble finding the end of the clear adhesive tape until used the potato peeler It finds the end of the tape very easily MARIAN Barrie

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