wk point direct aworld fh lfl nd half water the examiner Tuesday July 979 IIO Thirty Thousand Islands unique in the world By BRIAN BAKER Examiner Correspondent MIDLAND With musical tootling of its whistle the doubledecked 70foot cruise ship Miss Midland pulled out of Midland Harbor and headed north towards the worlds greatest concentration of islands the Thirty Thousand Islands We looked back on Midlands shoreline dominated by great grain elevators the flour mills Decor Metals Indusmin Silica plant with its mountains of stone and the town with its treelined streets Sheltered by headlands and islands most of the way we By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner Tottenham trustee to the Simcoe County Board of Education Frank Prothero would like to see people take an increased interest in the affairs of educators and educationup to certain wouldnt like to see parents telling teachers how to teach but there are other ways they can get lnvolved Prothero said during recent interview He said some 20 per cent of the countys population take interest in school board affairs and about the same number vote for trustees Its pretty small group Prothero said but reasonably vocal one Hardly day goes by when dont get call from someone about one thing or were not to encounter any heavy water despite the high winds blowing periodically To our left stood the headlands of Penetanguishene Place of the White Rolling Sands in Indian and North Tiny Township To the right we passed Present Island and Big Snake and Little Snake Islands and red and white lighthouse One of the nicest camps we passed was the SimPresca church retreat Best known of the islands is Beausoleil Island the heart of the Georgian Bay Islands Na tional Park Over 200 campsites are located on this lovely tree covered island of six square miles Many famous Indian board Communication challenge says Tottenham trustee another he said Generally theyre just looking for informationthe parents in the county and my area are good to deal with Prothero said He first served as trustee with the Tecumseth Township board in the years just prior to the 1969 birth of the countywide organiza tion Since 1971 he has sat with the county board and has served during several of the years since as both chair man and vicechairman find being trustee very challenging because it changes minute by minute Theres always somthing dif ferent coming up Prothero said Chairman of the boards transportation committee Prothero also sits with the committees that handle salary negotiatons with When Grant Andrade lnnisfils deputy reeve isnt at the municipal building he can often be found in Alcono tending to his donkeys Mother Hanna Just common says lnnisfils deputy reeve By NANCY IIGIEROA Of The Examiner ALCONA Grant Andrade Innisfils deputy reeve is just common working guy he says so himself Sitting outside his shop Grants Haulage and Contrae ting on Adullam Avenue Ana drade dressed in working clothes and smoking pipe is surrounded by things he loves Sassy Sally Mother Hanna antiques and lnnisfil Township Sassy Sally as he calls her is donkey gt one of five that he owns Hanna is Sallys mother For the past 13 years An dreade bachelor has bred donkeys In few months Sassy Sally will be sold to good home he wouldnt let her go anywhere else Andrade wants only the best for her and her future brothers and sisters He feels the same about In nisfil Township Andrade who has lived in Alcona since 1944 when he was five has love for thc area Thats one reason why he ran for municipal office Now in his third term on council Andrade has real desire for anything in af fordable reach that will make life better for lnnisfil residents PRIORITY As he sees it the number one priority of the township is the preservation of Lake Simcoe Its the lake he says that has made the area desirable Andrade the second oldest in family of 16 children is chair man of lnnisfils planning and development committee and vice chairman of the public works and health committee As well he is Simcoe oun ty Council member member of the Simcoe County Health Board is councils represen tative on the South Lake Sim coe Conservation Authority is member of the Alcona Businessmans Association and is Lakeland Hall Board member He admits however that if he had family it would be dif ficult if not impossible to beon council He refers to councila as fulltime position For him the most difficult aspect of council is all the reading that must be done Reading is not love of mine he admits Yet he chiefs are buried in the old In dian cemetery GIANTS TOMB Now far to the west hovering on the horizon like mirage we could see Giants Tomb Island the outline of whibh does indeed resemble the prostrate form of the legendary giant who rebuf fed by an Indian maiden who refused to marry him tore up rocks from the mainland and threw them into Georgian Bay forming the 30000 Islands Ex hausted giant Kitchikewana laid down never to awaken again We were in world of half land half water Some islands were mere rocks almost awash FRANK PROTIIERO more interest teachers and support person nel think generally parents are quite happy to have some sporting few tufts of grass Others were the size of an average house with little summer cottage perched on top Others covered many acres and are the summer homes of millionaires and the more af fluent Canadians who have built real mansions on the islands The owner of the Miss Midland Jack Frame pointed out on the other end of the scale on marine map shoals reefs and banks that do not quite break the surface but could spell disaster to any unwary boat of larger draft On Govemors Island is four storey house complete with an elevator At one place hydro involvement he said It is difficult he added for parent to find the time to examine all facets of the system of education As long as their chilren are getting an education they parents seem happy to leave running of the board up to the trustees Prothero said more in formation could be made available to the public but in creased involvement would not necessarily follow Passing along information would however improve peoples understanding of board policies services and philosophy he said Communication is the big challenge for trustees or ad ministrative people it is one of the biggest problems this board has front on Sassy Sally lnnisfil residents he says have lot to be proud of and thankful for Ex aminer Photo by Nancy Figueroa working guy prods himself to do it do it he says but its realjob As for his other council duties he says enjoy the job Its fulfilling FIVE CALLS On average Andrade receives five phone calls day from his constituents The calls range from complaints about roads to queries about township happenings In general however he says lnnisfil taxpayers are not bit chers If taxpayer is concerned about something he advises them either to write or to ap pear before council If someone takes the time to do either of those things it is usually an in dication there is genuine con cern and action must be taken he says Andrade enjoys meeting peo ple and says council gives him an opportunity to do so He is not however the really social type Although there are always problems to solve lnnisfil Township is an absolutely ex cellent area and is an area that should be developed through steady rather than rapid growth says Andrade He refers to the township as not rich mans county but as county with hard working people Patting Sassy Sally and gent ly puffing on his pipe Andrade says have great pride in this township No review of alarms says city review of the fire alarm system asked for by Ald Doug Jagges was turned down at Barrie general committee ses sion Monday Ald Jagges asked that Fire Chief Jack McAllister review the system and bring back recommendations to council The alarm system is operated by Georgian Protection Ser vices Ltd Six Barrie aldermen requested an inquiry into the company and its relationship with city hall lines are strung across the water at others one hydro pole being dug into the bottom of the lake Some tiny islands are reached from larger islands by foot bridges In many places water is pumped directly from the lake by pumps sitting on the rocks Passing up the inner channel beside Whalens Island and Waubanoka Place of the Set ting Sun Island we looked at the cairn marking this as the route taken in the early 1600s by Samuel de Champlain the ex plorer This was also the route of many later explorers like Sir John Franklin the Arctic explorer It was one of the gateways of Huronia leading by water east to Quebec and nor thwest to northern Canada and the West It was not hard to visualize the furladen canoes of the Huron Indians being pad dled swiftly northward on the North Bay route to Quebec ROCK SLIVERS On two tiny slivers of rock projecting above the water dozen or so small bushes are growing This was the kingdom of pair of song sparrows who were nesting there It seemed incongrouous to hear these two birds happily singing away so far from the mainland We saw homes and estates of many important families in cluding the Eatons island estate the home of the Heint zman piano makers family the Keefe residence and the home of Ed Black the cameraman One must hand it to William Davis premier of Ontario that his brown frame cottage is no lavish affair On Lambert Island was the sum mer home of Orville and Wilbur Wright worldfamed inventors of the first successful aeroplane In beautiful Cognashene Bay we turned around for the return trip between Beausoleil Island and the mainland Frames son John who was licensed captain on the other cruise boat Lady Midland had told us earlier The view from the cruise ship Miss Midland as she travels through the Thirty Thousand islands The that we used to take mail and supplies right into Go Home Bay when hundred cottagers and Indians would come aboard It was quite thing for the tourists but it took lot more time and there were too many headaches to it so we had to abandon that part of it For miles the boat Wound bet ween the islands sometimes as close as 20 feet from shore and along channels that looked like big rivers REI TOMAIIAWK One island Tomahawk Island young peoples club and camp is positively iden tified with large red area is the worlds greatest concentration of islands tomahawk painted on the Other landmarks included all the windows are broken shoreline rock Brebeuf Lighthouse on the Further on its modern counter We passed by other in island of the same name nam part the Delawana Inn near teresting islands like Governor ed in honor of the great Jesuit Honey Harbor is well patroniz Island Minnicognahsene priest who dicdamartyr at he ed by family vacationers Island Little Gibraltar hands of the invading Iroquois tourists and conventions Penetang Rock markingthe old in 1649 At many places More headlands and wide tugboat channel from the lighthouses and marine open expanses of water marked IumbermillsofMuskokaLittle markers added to the in our return to home port in Beausoleil Island divided from the main island by Little Dog and Big Dog Channel Picnic Island and Royal Island Quarry Island is noted as the site from which in 1830 the sailship AnnieJane carried stone to build the military bar racks at the Penetang naval establishments Midland and views looking east into the entrance of the TrentSevern Waterway the entrance into once strategic Penetang Bay and southward into Matchedash Sturgeon Hogg and Midland Bays where once again you know definitely where water ends and land begins teresting scenery At one place two flashing lighthouses are lin ed up to guide big grain freighters in and out of Port McNicoIl Gin Island Smooth Island Burks Rock Gull Rock the list of islands is endless The once lavish Royal Hotel now abandoned dates back to 1902 but boasts air conditioning Students in Agricrew program gaining valuable experience By RICHARD THOMAS Of The Examiner Country life has its charms but working on farm involves more than strolling through the cornfields in the fresh air or just feeding the animals It also means cleaning out barns painting and mending fences digging postholes and fending off swarms of bugs under the hot sun as group of five students in Simcoe County are discovering through the ministry of agricultures Agricrew program But despite all this members of the Agricrew team working out of the ministrys south Sim coe County branch in Alliston say they enjoy the job Most of these things you kind of expect says crew foreman Debbie Dale struggl ing to pull an old fencepost out of the ground on farm just outside of Cookstown But the heat does get to you especially during haying when youre working in barn 20yearold biology student at the University of Western Ontario in London Debbie lives on small farm near Beeton and is no stranger to such chores Neither is her sister Diane 16 also member of the crew who although she enjoys the work sees it as summer job want to get into horses she says But for the three other members of the crew the pro gram is providing valuable ex perience for future in farm ing Mike Harris 15 the youngest member of the crew says the two things he hates the most are baling hay and working overtime He lives on threeacre farm near Bradford and farming is the life for him This makes the Agricrew pro gram worthwhile to him he says and we also have good time Its neat it really is says Joan Mcruer 17 her face glow ing after the task of uprooting stubborn fencepost Farming is what have always wanted to do but this is the first thime Ive really got ten down to it and worked on one Ken Motton 18 the fifth member of the crew says he in tends to buy his own farm one day The hours are long and you have to know what you are do ing says Motton who lives near Hockley Valley and has worked on farms before But Id rather be out here than pushing pencil in an office The crew which has been working since midJune and will finish on Aug 17 is one of three in Simcoe and Dutferin Counties helping farmers cope with their heavey summer workloads says Bev Rawn regional coordinator for the program So far the program is going well and the demand from farmers in the area is high he says The South Simcoe and Duf ferin crews are booked solid until the end of the month and the North Simcoe crew only as afew days open Farmers have been pleased with the work being done especially the older ones who no longer have the help they need Rawn says Working as part of crew keeps the students enthusiasm high as long as they dont get every little dirty job the farmer doesnt want to do he says But we havent been taken advantage of Funded by the Ontario Youth Secretariat but staffed by the ministry of agriculture the program started as pilot pro ject last year and is now in ef feet in 63 locations across the province The crews are hired to farmers for $90 day with fiveday limit says Rawn and the ministry refunds $15 to the farmer for each day at the end of the program Bev Rawn right regional Agricrew in Simcoe County lend coordinator for hand to Joan Mcruer centre and Mike Harris left as they remove stubborn fencepost Examiner Photo Reg Rawn of Creemore correctly identified last weeks entry In the Know Your County Contest as the Church of Christ the Disciple in Glencairn and wins two steaks courtesy of and Super Discount stores in Barrie Angus or Alliston If you know the answer to this weeks entry send your name address and phone number along with your entry to Know Your County Contest The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 Winners are selected by random draw of correct answers and will be notified by mail