COMpopG HOOM The IonIo Examiner II member of The Canadian Pro CF and Audit lumen of EDI tons ADVE NG USNEG Jack Ken Onmm Published daily except Circulation ADC Only the Canadian Pro may ropublluh news 0H0 In this 0an Itnn managing editor L0 WWW 01 WW WVMM 60 KW Ms oremm Sunday and Wplr crodttod to CF The Associated Iron Router or Agent Franco Prom Ian Mulorew cilv cotter SALES szacx Don Sauna SIMUIOIV NOIIGGVS and local nowu Itovlu publllhod In The Icrrlo Examlnor fltlleFArinnewwvednor BertStevoM Conn H2 Lorne Wass WEEKky by come 38sz 07 mm is editor r1 Yawn Ha an Ba you 95 ens The 3051 flaming clotmn sopyglghtn olLorlginol now and advertising material MI in it gt enJHI to on it 599 barrie and Simcoe county tarpomnis 5mm Stunner afï¬x YEARLYDV carrier WPm lemy JuIy 17 ttflhvn Nutiotix nnrh Bpuilton Rm MUN BY Aga Copyright rogiltrntion number 203615 gistr 6i nuns III III tlvm cm Fr Anpnhv Pub5hed DY Conadmln Newspapers Company Limned Nmiy durum CIRCULATION Ian Km 549 40 Theodvortiur agrees that the publisher Iholl notbclioblo for damages arising out or mom Halka manager an SIMCOE counTy of errors in odvoï¬ilomonfl beyond the amount paid for the spec octuolly occupied Boyheld Sreer Borne onlono 4T6 Nu Imui Ilium 965 Steve White assmtant mnnaqnv $39 00 by that portion of tho odvortinomont in which the error occurred whothor such or utunhen ntltI onto Imomvm fluvfgapo quvw Bum Howcrolt M010 THROW OFF ror to due to the negligence of it servants or otherwise and that shall be no Bruce ROW on pU IS er tIrItv Ar IM MIIVt fwd Alva LnPIanie Es sq Oa par litbllity for non insertion of any advortlscmtnt beyond the amount paid for such llf mitt 0mm Nomiwood Wan Hangar orpydn flu Prior to 1mm Motion Im pmo Don Noni asst tm vman LSEWHERE IN CANADA pump ma Year Th valllhOT rosarys the right to edit TOVISO classify or on advms 720 653 776 6539 726 6537 728 71 776 653 Kim Patttntttn moot years plummets ï¬shing industry ctIISWE IS Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Lets hope that the new federal government wont let itself become either sanguine or spooked by the news that unemployment during June its first month in office was 75 per cent of the labor force down from 77 per cent in May That superstaiistic isnt of much use as policy guide anymore What is more important is the jobless rate among particular groups and the measures that can be undertaken to alleviate unemr ployment among each group For instance unemployment has always been relatively high among teentigers for variety of reasons Many of them arent yet fully committed to work others havent found the particular vocation they want to stick with still others may be unemployed only in the sense that they have failed to land parttime jobs to help finance planned holiday From the other side potential employers may well feel that the contribution of the in experienced teenager isnt worth the relatively high minimum wage that must be paid Or the employer may have neither the time nor the inclination to teach the firsttime worker the fundamentals for exam le that an 830 am starting time means ing at work then not climbing out of bed then ENDLESS VARIETY Another kind of unemployed would be the wife whose family is getting by comfortably on her husbands wages but who would accept the right job if it meant salary that would permit still higher living standard or if it Barrie team Lambert and Emms Electrical Contractors won the Simcoe County soccer championship In l93l Most teams in the league were from Oro Township communities such as Crown Hill Dalston Edgar Guthrie Jarrott Howkestone Photo supplied by Bill Lambert shows these players and officials Front row from left Roy Emms Alf Bromley Tom Duncan Bill Knox Fred Thompson Seated Tom Thompson Pot Graham Leighton Hap Emms Jock Grant John Baxter Standing Alf Pettigrew manager William Lambert Melville Robertson Horace Powell Walter Potts goalie Stewart Page agricultural rep North Simcoe AH McLaren Examiner reporter Horry White trainer Action needed not rhetoric to save lake Dr Stuart Smith Ontarios leader of the Opposition stated the obvious Sunday when he told the Bell edar Ratepayers Amociation Lake Simcoe is dying Anyone who hadnt already realized that is blind The lake has been lying for What rankles though is not llr Smiths belated warning but that precious little has been done about it For several years now committees and study groups have been analyzing the water taking fish counts and trying to decide how water quality can be improved So far there has been no action There have been plenty of reports dire warn ings and rhetoric but no work Everyone is agreed the lake is in trouble Phosphorus is entering the lake and creating good environment for algae growth The algae grows and uses up much of the oxygen in the water and thus places burden on the fish population Lake Simcoe is gradually changing from cold water lake to warm water lake The results are disasterous Not only do the fish species change but the recreation value of the lake Cold water fish such as trout and Whitefish are much sought after by anglers the warmer water fish such as bass and carp are not The increased algae growth is depleting the lakes trout and Whitefish and killing an $11 million year Recreation suffers too Who wants to swim in lake that is filled with weeds Whose shore is lined with green scum That can be smelled before seen Lake Simcoe is lying and were all watching Enough of Dr Smiths rhetoric and political votegetting Give us action Lets see Dr Smith be true to his word and begin pressur ing the Davis government to act Lets see him bring up the problems of Lake Simcoe in the legislature and get some When he does everyone in this area must be behind him It will take not only laws but the work and support of everyone who lives on the lake Then not only will Dr Smith have pro ven himself man of his word but one of the greatest natural resources in this province will have been saved The many faces of unemployment qualified her eventually tor Unemployment Insurance benefits Still another would be the newly arrived immigrant perhaps unable to communicate in either official language and with few or no immediately marketable job skills The almost endless varieties of unem ployment demonstrate that there must also be variety or flexibility in the approaches to solution to the problem The Trudeau Liberals showed little such flexibility Their strategy was combination of the broad brush stimulating construction which does little for the teenager or the mature woman or even for the unemployed construction worker because red tape usually delays the start of such programs until the need for them has passed and nlliative measures higher unemployment nefits for longer periods SOCIAL VALLES Among the seven industrial countries represented at the Tokyo economic summit conference last month Canada has the highest overall rate of unemployment even higher than in the notoriously slack economies of Italy and Britain There are reasons for the difference however European highoschool students accept the idea of vocational training more readily and when they enter the work force they are willing to accept low wages during period of apprenticeship which in the end guarantees them steady and rewarding em ployment Canadian young people prefer to keep their options open much longer encouraged in provinces such as Ontario by watereddown curricula that prepare them neither for university nor the workplace WI trimmer ELVIS gtV Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service There is so much initial confusion that no one wants to say much yet but Prime Minister Joe Clark might be facing some rebellion in the ranks over his decision to establish twotier cabinet The prime minister has yet to define the roles and responsibilities for members of his inner cabinet so the restive members of the outer cabinet have some difficulties being specific in their criticisms But most of them clearly dont like system which ap pears to give more clout to certain selected £5 oy JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The meanest result of the latest world oil price increases is that otherwise poor Third World nations who have oil are beggaring their fellows who have none Where black Nigeria gets richer from hiking the price of her highquality petroleum other black nations like Kenya and Tanzania in Africa or Jamaica and Guyana in the Caribbean see only an in crease in their balance of payments deficit from this The same is more true with giant India where the Petroleum Minister has estimated the latest OPEC price hikes will add $15 billions to that countrys foreign exchange costs In Kenya the press in Nairobi openly at tacked their Middle East brothers for making the allvital hydrocarbon more ex penswe The effect on the oilshy Third World countries is not only financial but primarily in the humble lifestyle of their peoples The simple kerosene stove is an absolutely vital element in the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people in the poor nations who need it to cook food DEVASTATING COSTS For societies living close to subsistence or with parts of it beneath that level any small increase in fuel costs can be devastating This makes nonsense of the fingerpointing which rich Western nations experience from mainly Arab leaders each time the price of their oil is increased They tell us to change our admittedly fancy lifestyle and cut back on our too many ways for consuming oil and gas But these Islamic oil states have already REFUSED TO TAKE IM GLAD TO SEE THE AMERICAN $UPREME COURT GOD WE TRUST OFF THEIR COINS ministers and may threaten their traditional parliamentary responsibilities have the feeling that the 18 of us on the outside are going to be secondrate ministers said one If the 12 ministers of the inner cabinet are going to be allowed to make key decisions the rest of us are reduced to the role of committee members In Pierre Trudeaus government there was highlystructured committee system which included the powerful group on planning and priorities But all committee recom mendations came back to the full 30member cabinet for final ratification In Clarks two tier cabinet system it seems that the 12 The Third World yet another blow produced superrich and vulgarin self indulgent middle and upper class any of whose luxury purchases would sustain thousands of the poor and starving in countries with no oil And there is little sign they have made any genuine arrangements to relieve conditions around the Third World One exception is Kuwait which allocates about nine per cent of its oil revenues for sub sidizing oil purchases for the Third World states which have none But this is drop in the bucket The proud Arab states who are inclined to preach at us about the high principles of the Koran which they claim to keep have forgotten entirely about thestrong element of being ones brothers keeper in that holy book Meantime at the high level of government decisionmaking which for the poor countries without oil means paying their way new concerns have arisen about ability to repay loans All the developing nations have major outstanding loans from the worlds major international banks and from private lenders The only way these can be repaid is from foreign sales of countrys output in the case of most developing countries commodity like sugar copper coffee nickel and cocoa Often the world prices for these are not fixed in the producing countries but are de pressed by the major importers in the con suming rich nations of the West or by commodity cartels Unlike the OPEC oil cartel which manages to increase oil prices each time and get away with it the other commodities of the developing nations are not increasing to meet the higher oil prices Joe Clark may be facing rebellion in the ranks member inner cabinet will be able to make these final decisions without consulting the other 18 members MAKES DECISIONS When he announced the formation of his inner cabinet the prime minister said that it will be responsible for establishing the over all priorities of the government and for major policy decisions flowing from those priorities He said at that time that its members would be Justice Minister Jacques Flynn Privy Council President Walter Baker External Affairs Minister Flora MacDonald Finance Minister John Crosbie Secretary of State David MacDonald Supply Minister Roch LaSalle FederalProvincial Relations Minister William Jarvis Treasury Board President Sinclair Stevens Energy Minister Ray Hnatyshyn and Trade Minister Robert de Cotret Later after after an outcry from western MPs that the inner cabinet had no representa tion from British Columbia the prime minister added the name of John Fraser who is postmastergeneral and environment minister What Clark is attempting to do explains an aide is to streamline the system so that the decisionmaking process is less ponderous He feels the twotier cabinet system will be far more efficient than the previous com mittee system under which smaller groups of ministers spent days reaching concensus only to have the full cabinet rehash all the arguments But the new system like the old has many potential pitfalls Perhaps the prime minister can manage to soothe the bruised egos but what he appears to have done is create two classes of ministers without fully appreciating the effect this will have on the regional and personal jealousies that exist in any cabinet Already certain outer cabinet ministers are wondering in critical tones whether they will have to answer for policies that have been formed by members of the inner group David Crombie spends more money than anyone and he has no voice in the inner cabinet complained one minister Another asked whether it is right for Ontario to have five ministers in the inner group while Nova Scotia has none So far the prime minister has not been specific about what type of balance he is trying to achieve on that inner cabinet This may emerge more clearly when the inner cabinet holds its first fullscale think session in Jasper late next month For three days the 11 members will go over the gov ernments policy priorities for the coming Parliament After this the results will come before full cabinet and as one minister said if they come in the form of decisions instead of recommendations there could be trouble ahead The way things appear he said he could be forced to stand in Parliament and defend policies which he didnt help for mulate And that he said with obvious disdain will be one hell of way to run the country OIIO AT LEAST IN ONE SENSE TllEiR MONEMRY SYSTEM STILL HAS PRAYER Come fly with me By LEONARD NOBLE Prime Minister Joe Clark having recently returned from his high summit economic meeting in Japan is packing his bags once again This time hes getting ready for trip to Africa and in particular the City of Lusaka which is the capital of Zambia Thats where the biennial Commonwealth Conference will be held during the first week of August On his way to the Conference Mr Clark plans an official visit to Cameroon on July 28th and will be welcomed by the Cameroon President Ahmadou Ahidjo They should have few things in common to discuss since Canada has assisted Cameroon with dredging equipment made in Prince Edward Island and drydocks that were manufactured in the Province of Quebec In addition while there he will know doubt look in on the wellknown Canadian Cardinal Leger formerly of Quebec Following the Lasaka Conference the Prime Miniter will move on to Tanzania for couple of days which has also received lot of Canadian economic assistance From there hel go to Kenya which is another place that has gotten considerable aid from Canada and in particular the Technical Training College which is assisted by the University of New Brunswick Then its back to Canada where hell be preparing for the opening of Parliament in the fall LISTEN IN You may wonder how it was that Maureen got to go along on the working trip that believe Joe was planning to take by himslf and his aids Lets listen in as Joe and Maureen talk Dear he exclaims rather hesitantly as they relax in the lounge of the Prime Ministers Harrington Lake summer home Yes Joe answers Maureen somewhat quizically noting the apprehensive attitude of her husband Maureen somethings come up and Im going to have to leave town for little while says Joe rather plaintively But Joe replies Maureen with note of irritation in her voice you just got home from Tokyo the city of geisha girls and com munal baths Now now dear skoffs Joe Youre making something out of nothing Can you imagine Margaret Thatcher and me in hot bath together They both grin at each other but Maureen knits her brows and gets serious again Where is it to this time she asks Africa says Joe nonchalantly Africa explodes Maureen What ear thly business have you got in Africa If some canniabal doesnt eat you youre liable to be hit by dart from poisoned blowgun Aw come on Maureen Youve been wat ching too many old Tarzan movies Im going to some modern cities in Africa and theres about as much danger there as me falling off log Anyway Ive got the whole itinerary booked Ill back about the middle of August Now listen Joe darling dont care if youre the Prime Minister or not if you think youre going to leave me home while you go galavanting around the world youve got another thing coming When do we leave Backgrounder West influence gone from Iran TEHRAN Iran AP Kojak The Streets of San Francisco and American soap operas are gone from Irans stateowned television An evenings entertainment now is more likely to feature interviews with workers an economics lecturer and the confessions of torturer Islamic authorities also pride themselves on having purged Western influences from the national radio banning most Western music and female singers Programs now revolve around resounding anthems and poetry frequent special announcements and interviews with revolutionary personalities Broadcast officials believe that the elimination of Western shows from Iranian TV and concentration on more serious matters will help strengthen the revolution But many Iranians are switching off their television at night and resorting to listening in their automobiles to Western music on tape players instead of the single state radio chan nel Western tapes and records still can be purchased openly in the country Theres no entertainment left on television except few programs theyve been forced to put on because the people in sist on it says young Iranian professional An irate letterwriter to local paper stormed at TV officials You have mined the only entertainment of the Iranian people What are you going to do to make up for it FEW STILL SURVIVE few Western Programs still survive on TV including Britains The World at War series US and other foreignmade cartoons for children and some old movies But religious and political programs are the big primetime choices and even childrens shows are spiced with politics On one recent evening programming began with stirring revolutionary anthem God is Our Leader and Iran will Live Forever and rendition of verses in Arabic from the Koran the Moslem holy book Since most Iranians cannot understand Arabic an announcer explained afterward what the verses meant Following newscast mainly govern ment statements and foreign news woman modestly covered by headscarf introduced cartoons for children