1o the examiner Tugogay July 17 1979 Stewart statements aired in testimony TORONTO The night Robert Stewart was arrested concerning the death of dance instructor Judy Jordan he told police he remembered hitting woman with his car but did not nealize the woman was under his car when he drove off Constable Horst Erlich testi fied Monday that Stewart 30 said he bumped woman heard an angry yell but no screaming Stewart has been Trudeau sons return home MONCTON NH Cli Former prime minister Pierre Trudeau and his three sons ended Maritime vacation Monday when they boarded private rail car here for trip back to Ottawa Trudeau who arrived here from Halifax on Sunday for visit at the nearby summer home of former fisheries minis ter Romeo Lelllane refused to give interviews as he avoided public areas of the rail ter minal The Opposition leader signed few autographs arid his chil dren Michel Sasha and Justin posed for pictures and chatted with people who gathe cred around the ca Introducing the charged with criminal negli gence in the Nov 27 death of Mrs Jordan 29 who was dragged screaming under car before she died He has pleaded not guilty to criminal negligence causing death and leaving the scene of an accident He is being tried by County Court Judge Lloyd lraburn without jury Constable Erlich said Stewart made two statements to police when they questioned him several weeks after the incident In the first he told police he and some business associates had dinner and drinks the night of the incident and he went directly home afterwards The constable said that at the end of the first statement po lice suggested to Stewart that he had taken another route home which took him into the area where Mrs Jordan was killed Stewart then asked them whether they had to tell the judge he had lied You hit the nail on the head his statement read was looking for place to be sick as was swinging around There was this lady on the front fender of my side was turning counter clockwise bumped her She screamed She seemed to fall back pan icked know if got caught by po lice it was drunk at the wheels and there goes my career The impression had when she fell Icould heara bang thought she was going to get my licence number didnt know anyone was under my car went home Stewarts statements were heard by the judge who will have to rule on their admissibil ity in voir dire hearing Al though voir dire evidence with jury cannot be published the judge told lawyers he cannot make similar order when there is no jury to be prejA udiced Previous testimony has shown that parts of muscle bone and brain found on the undercarriage of the car Stewart drove matched Mrs Jordans Forensic experts have also shown that bits of fan shroud found at the scene of the incident matched broken fan shroud in the car Malcolm Robb Stewarts lawyer has told the judge his client admits he drove the car police seized Robb said Stewart also admits he drove into the driveway where Mrs Jordan lived because he felt sick However Stewart does not admit any responsibility for the injuries that caused Mrs Jor dans death the lawyer said r¥ lli Uniroyal presents big bold lineup of RV tires built specially for street vans light trucks 4x43 and campers LARE 78 Wide Base Bias Rib Economicallypriced street tire for use on all Iour wheels high mileage smoothroling tire Slotted 5rib tread deSign is computer designed for excrIlent traction OIITOTIITQ and tread wear Wide base nylon rnrrass With biasbelted construction LAREDO Tiger Paw 70 lilo iiitltl ippeamrit wrth raised white letters lvw rayon titlt stabilize tread area to reduce ltdll squirm and tire wear while keeping more and Campers iimtmr ii the mart Tread Width as much as Mder thrie conventional tires Radial Rib $6 HillW Rer while Steering Ina st qr LARED STEEL Radial Lug hm rm ng Raised wrte LAREDO 78 Wide Base Bias Lug Firstline highmileage tire for economy minded RV owners wheels on 4x43 and on rear wheels on two wheel drive vans campers light trucks Nylon carcass has bias construction Masswe setlt cleaning lug desrgn digs out of mud and snow gives excellent traction Can be used on all Tiger Paw 6088 An extra Wide 9row bias ply rib tread Stiitable tor steer and drive axles on light trucks vans Wide sporty appearance coupled With good traction for braking and giireleratinn Strong nylon Cord plies orowde tllll running tlexmtltty wide tnise antral tiiillt to give high mileage mild and snow radial btillt for all wheel amt we bertervmmtt rims topotthHIIHP DOSilitms ril 4mg and drive wheels on two aupearamn fwr vrt tread desngn prowdes wheel rlrm light trucks and vans Rugged great tractiiirr Lrll 0r mad Escellent slotted lug tread delivers traction anywhere Slttlliki WWWQ QUil running and Steelbelted radial With big bold look good We wear Wide base dt Kink Sign tor the bold uutROVAL 110 BRADFORD STREET BARRIE comer of Vespra 7285965 HQURS MONFBI 800 130 SAT 800 1200 NOON Last respects Pallbearers carry the casket containing the body of Senator Claude Wagner out of Roman Catholic church in northend Montreal Monday and past the Wagner family Left to right behind the solidoak casket are family members Christian on l8yearold son wife Giselle Richard 21year old son Wagners mother and 23yearold daughter Johanne CP Photo TORONTO ltli Ontario Communications Minister James Snow has offered the federal cabinet compromise solution to the tele communications squabble in volving Bell Canada and NCI Telecommunications In his letter to the cabinet Snow said the Ontario govern ment is prepartd to accept the Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecotnmuriications Commis FOR senor PRINTING SEE 103m cocTauitN WED 66 AAQRROW ROAD BARRIE 728282t Printers Since l960 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BBO BLADE PAK QUALITY MEATS BUTT AND SHOULDER CHOPS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CHUCKS BONELESS ONTARIO FRESH YOUNG FRYING CHICKENS LB AV CANADA PACKERS JUBILEE VACUUM PAK SLICED SIDE BREAD 24 OZ LOAF HAMBURG AND WIENER ROLLS PACK amass atqu sort 100 ARGARINE Mitt 149 ms 39 DAILY tow noumr CARTONS 00 CASE $1399 HOME ALUMINUM 18 INCH NABOB GROUND TRADITION LB CUT FROM ONTARIO No YOUNG STEAK BACON FOIL 09 299 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BBQ RIB STEAK PAK QUALITY MEAT FRESHLY MINCED REGULAR GROUND 30 OR lESS FAT CONTENT PAK QUALITY MEATS PAK QUALITV MEAVS msu cur BACK ATTACHED FROIEN CONCENTRATED CHICKEN LEGS on BREASTS FAMILY PAK iUIRNNSRORE PAK BREAKFAST 9m MIRAGE SWIFTS NEW IMPROVED WIENERS 20 BOX SI980 LB PAK PIIK WHITE LEMON ADE FROZEN CONCENTRATED KENT I2 01 ORANGE JUICE CASE 24 $I399 CAKES FARM HOUSE CREAM PIES LITRE IS FLAVOURS ICE CREAM BBQ SPECIAL lB WHITE LANTIC SUGAR KG PACK EA mu PARKERS nos HOSTESS too PAK IBTANT COFFEE ONTARIO No NEW CROP GREEN ONIONS I001 USA SUNKIST ALL SIZES ORANGES 49 NAME BRAND QUALITY PRODUCTS AT NO FRILL PRICES ONTARIO NEW CROP CANADA No GRADE POTATOES 99 USA VINE RIPE LARGE RED SLICERS TOMATOES NIAGARA BRAND I2 OZ TIN 389 McCAINS FIESTA FROZEN ONTARIO No GRADE NEW CROP RADISHES sions conclusions but allows that if the federal government wants to put off decision ex pected later this month for reasonable period of time to consider the policy im plications Ontario would be prepared to go along and participate in any further discussion An Ontario official indicated 10 LB BAG LBS nu YOUR own BAG CASE 24 $699 BING 159 891 PLUMS 139 as 49 OILS 59 19¢ SleHTlEJS COMPUTER CORPORATION Ito rolocotod to 89 COLLIER ST to provide the required facilities for its newly expanded Computer Service Bureau For information call 73720 CANADA No GRADE ONTARIO LARGE LETTUCE DIRECT FROM BRADFORD SELECT YOUR OWN CANADA No GRADE ONTARIO LARGE 59¢ altar 59s ONTARIO NO RED CHERRIES FILL YOUR OWN BAG USA No ONTARIO No GRADE LARGE I6 SIZE NEW CROP CABBAGE ONTARIO No FIELD cucummsZ 39 LARGE No SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS Snow offers compromise in BellCNCP squabble that reasonable period of time means six or seven months This would allow the final cabi net decision to come after federatprovincial conference on communications scheduled for this fall In May the CRTC threw the doors open to competition in the data transmission field by al lowing CNCP to to use Bells telephone network 99¢ M9 69 FANCY SANTA ROSA 59$ PLUS 100 OF FEAIURE ITEMS SHOP AT THE HOME I00 GUARANTEE ON EVERY ITEM SOLD PLUS I00 OF FEATURE ITEMS EVERYDAY LOW SUPER BUY ALL BRANDS CARTONS NO LIMIT CARNATION EVAP MILK 305 ML PART SKIM REGULAR HOMOGENIZED TIN TOTAL lIMIT SUPER FOOD 39¢ EA 43 EA to ovorogo Iomily SPECIALS EFFECTIVE JULY 18th JULY 24th INCLUSIVE CIGARETTES REG 785 795 DISCOUNT MARTS Wo ruorw tho right to limit ANGUS STORE HOURS CNNER COUNTY ROAD I0 AND HWY 90 DAILY arn9 pm THURS FRIDAY amIO pm SUNDAY HOLIDAYS ll om7 pm BARRIE ESSA RD DAILY9am6 pm ALLISTON NO nu Monday Closed THURS FRI am9 pm FRILL Tues Wed Sat am pm Thurs Friday am pm