Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1979, p. 10

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IO the examlner Monday July 10 It MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ID NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME FISH TALES 645 LETS ALL SING 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE TIC TAC DOUGH WHATS MY LINE LIVE AT THE FORUM Asleep at SUMMER ACADEMY GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT Olé 6690 86996 DD 6990 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT HOLLYWOOD SQUARES HEADLINE HUNTERS MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 In LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Ray Bolper and Eileen Heckert guest star in special comedydrama about the stormy romance between harddrinking drifter and very prim and proper Walnut Grove woman who thinks hes disgrace ape 90 mine THE WHITE SHADOW Coach Reeves takes his boys to Las Vegas for an invitation basketball tournament end the 860860 teem winds up being tekon to the cleanere peat on mine THE WHITE SHADOW Coach Reeves takes his boys to Lee Vegas fer an invitation basketball tournament and the turn winds up being taken to the cleanere birth on all the court Re eat 00 mine MONDAY NI Ht MOVIE 11 Med Mad Mad World 1963 SALVAGE Harry and Melanie interrupt their ettorte to eeivage solid gold satellite in order to try to rescue Skip whoee NASA specs vehicle has run into serious ble Part II 80 mine SPEAKING OUT CE HOT CITY Disco MOVIE ROMANCE is Anonymous Venetian 1971 MASH Fether Muicahy writes proChristmas letter home to his er who is nun Re et MOVIE MYSTERYDRAMA hrietlna 1073 DAVID COPPERFIELD GOLDEN AGE OF AUTOS 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI young mother leaves her baby in basket on the doorstep ol the station for Dr Johnny Fever since she feels hee the only one in she knows Re eat WKRP CINCINNATI desperate young mother leaves her baby In basket on the doorstep of WKRP for Dr Johnny Fever since she feels hes the only one own she knows Re eat AIR SAFET THE HUMAN FACTOR 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOU GRANT Roeei uncovers conflicts of intereat on the stall oi the Tribune including Lou and he writes story that sets off fireworks in the city room Repell BO 75 ROLL CALL ea NEWS UPDATE 619 NEWS 1001 ED MERV GRIFFIN 1030 THIS LAND This edition reports on Night Raiders nocturnal prowlers each as fox and raccoon and the lead Canada hue wbliehed iii the control of rabies DIG 1100 news cac NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE CMANUS NEW MUSIC SPECIAL 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT oIIOW CBS LATE MOVIE THE ROCK FORD FILES The NoCut Contrect emaii time pro quarterback implicates Rockford in blackmail scheme Repeat CRISIS 1950 re Cary Grant Jose er MOVIE R0MiiNCE arden of Allah 1030 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 1145 SECRET ARMY In France Yvette is caught in police raid and imprisoned In lruesele her uncle Gaston is picked up by the Gestapo Repeat 1200 MOVIE C0MEDY II on Cam In 1910 DICAL EN ER MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1210 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING cracus 100 TOMORROW ALL THAT GLITTERS 130 NEWS MOVIE COMEDY Chempeghe I105 scum 1950 MOVIE DRAMA Pic nic 1956 The Doctor says Mono knows no age barrier dition treated by pill taken by Dear Dr Ruble My grandson had mono at 10 years of age Do they contract it from someone else and at such young age always thought it was teenagers and college students who got it Mononucleosis knows no age barrier The kissmg disease term Simply indicates one route of transmiSSIon Theoretically college students once were supposed to do more kissing than other age groups so thats how they got the mono tag stuck on them Actually anyone who has the SpelelC virus for mono can pass it on in droplets from sneeze cough or kiss College campuses are likely places for outbreaks as is an army camp or any place where lot of people live close to one another for long periods Dear Dr Ruble Do you consider the use of cosmetic waxes safe for the removal of facial hair MW Yes It is good method of controlling unwanted facial hair as long as you are not one pf the few people who are aller gic to the wax material Dear Dr Ruble Can one ve shingles without having the blisters HS Yes The common sign is multiple small fluidfilled beads of blisters often around the waist There may be just hreas of reddening in cases where the blister stages to not develop Dear Dr Ruble Would the usual premarital test for sy philis also show gonorrhea Mrs0R No vaginal smear or cul ture is required for that Dear Dr Ruble Have you ever heard of foot fungus con mouth HF Yes Griseofulvm which is an antifungal medicine can be taken in pill form Dear Dr Ruble Is it possible to catch emphysema from ones husband or from cats Mrs 888 Emphysema is not con tagious Some common en vironmental or pollution problems may be affecting both of you Dear Dr Ruble am 71 years old and just recently found out have couple of pockets diverticulosis in my large bowel My problem is what foods to avoid with this am also diabetic and this new problem is giving me trouble with my diet We read you ev ery day AMS Dont allow couple of colon pockets disrupt your all important diabetescontrol diet Almost everyone your age has some diverticulosis Adequate roughage is sufficient to avoid constipation CONFIDENTIAL T0 MRS AFI Cortisone is effective in reducing the joint inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis but that doesnt mean it should be used by everyone who has that problem The article you mention discussed the problem of woman who had to take cortisone drugs for life She did not have arthritis For her it was necessary Your doctor feels that cortisone at this point would be heavy artil lery for you He is probably correct Other antiarthritis drugs are all you need at present When possible corti sone is avoided because of side effects and the difficulty in withdrawal from it Take your physicians word for this AShOGra Bornloo 30001 Wour Birthday July 17 1979 new and important friend may enter your life this coming year through someone you at ready know The three of yOu will share many pleasant times CANCER June 21July 22 Be optimistic and expectant today but also be realistic Should you hope for more than youre entitled to you might be se verely disappointed LEO Julv 23Aug22 Your first Winthrop HADTO PAY 3OCENT5WR TA57I2iC Short Ribs efforts are likely to be your best Ones today but if you dont grab the brass ring on your initial try you may not have the followthrough needed VIRGO Aug23Sept22 Friends are willing to go to bat for you to limited degree today Should they feel you expect too much they may withdraw their support LIBRA Sept23Oct23 Take nothing for granted commer cially today improper assump lions could turn profitable thing into loser SCORPIO Oct24Nov22 You could he deprived of some thing today where team effort is called because of lack of harmony between you and your THATS Nonum My FATHER $900392 PAID cw 21 b5 HEY 6YLVE5TEIZ U6T 9Aw EUY 6TANPIN6 OUT HERE FER SEVERAL Luririterpart Put It together SAOITIARIUS Nov 21Dec21 You may Itll be at your best today in tasks requiring pa iirrirr and perseverance be Cause yriu might try to forsake Quality for speed CAPRICORNIDOCJIJIHJOI Normally you re rattler nau IlOU taking gamble but today you may involve yourself In something that looks like Sure thing on the surface Face values can be deceiving AQUARIUS Jen20Feb19 Dont let yourself be pressured Into making impulswe deCI Sions today it you feel you need more time to think things out take it PISCES FobJIFMarch 20 Too much of good thing could be $900 FOR LEMON WHERED HE GET IT bed for you today Exercrse necessary disc1pline so that overinduigence doesnt gain the upper hand ARIES March 21Aprtl 19 Be very prudent in matters relating to your personal finances today test you do something foolish that could offset your gains IAURUS April 20May 10 Youre marvelous person to be around today when every thing is gomg your way Should an unexpected crisis arise it could be another story GEMINI May 21June 20 Its admirable to want to help oth ers how and where you can but today dont try to do of promise more than youre ca pable of HE WA6 MY TEACHER PEMANPIN6 PAV MENT For 749T LESSONS BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag THE BAD lMlTATiON OFA BEAR DOES NOT FOOL ME PIERRE you WONT COME OUT rLi COME iN AFrEiz You PIERRE ARREST YOU THE NAME OF THE SAY THATs Luquious FUR COAT you HAVE historically speaking reveals any evidence of horses having been there Recreai committee OTHER EVENTS ON JULY 16 Bame mother lw°v Mm dally crossword HE WONT BITE AS LONG 1647 Father d8 Quen discovered Lake St JOhn Howard Jean BUSh received ACROSS 44 Satan for one Answer to PreVious Puzzle barries story July 16 1965 The Ys Mens Club held testimonial dinner for Russ Davey executive director of the Barrie YmYWCA for six years who had accepted posi tion to join the staff of the YM YWCA of New Westminster How Did Horses Get To Canada On July 16 1665 ship unloaded 12 horses at Quebec The Indians called them the moose from France However they had seen at least one horse before because governor Montmagny rode around Quebec when he was there in 1647 The Indians had their own name for him too Onontio which meant great mountain It is difficult to tell when the first horses were landed in presentday Canada The Norsemen had horses in Green land and may have brought some to their North American settlements Baron de Lery is believed to have landed horses at Sable Island and Canso in 1518 and there are still wild horses on Sable Island There is little vegetation for them and they have to paw the sand to find fresh water 36 It was announced that On tario Premier John Robarts would attend the Central District Progressive Conser vative Associations annual meeting and election of officers to be held in the auditorium of citizens awaited their decision on whther or not to subsidize Barrie Ambulance Service The service wanted $6500 from the city Council said it would give the company $100 month re tainer fee for three months At the end of the threemonth period after the services detailed financial statements ere reviewed final decision would be made Barrie businessman JH Jack Wright was named cam paign chairman of the 1966 Bar rie United Appeal Mr Wright took on the task of raising Defense bags WEST 0742 OKJIOHG VKB OQG OK105 Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East 10 16 24 40 South 10 Pass 39 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead its quarry be found Only in the heart suit and only if they can be taken right away Oswald Therefore the winning East player leads his queen of hearts at trick two Alan This gives South hand and does give West that diamond ruff If he covers West leads heart back and again the ruff is waiting Alan Note that if South held the ace of hearts in stead of the king he would make six instead of just five provding East returns diamonds at trick two That one almost worthless bird would have escaped Aelt the lxurts After 400 years of exposure they have become undersized 591367 mime 10 United Appeal You hold 7453 but hardy Emma agtencffil When Anthon Henda went west from Hudson Ba in am enma 10ec i754 and probably becaine the first EurOpean to seeythe Cgmnglltig atcceplsdAthC Skfl mgzzswérthéwgfidthbégfi 33 Rockies he was surprised to find that the Blackfoot 3f eSBrgmptogne 559533525 except when you need two Indians rode horses They never traveled in canoes and could not bring furs to the Hudson Bay posts His Hudsons Bay Company bosses would not believe him when he got back year later but it was true So it is possible that the first horses in present day Canada were obtained by prairie Indians from Mexico where they had been brought by early Spanish settlers It will be interesting to learn if current investigation of Norse settlements in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia 1647 Iroquois burned Fort Richelieu Centennial Park The develop ment was to be completed by Junel 1967 Frances Crowhurst was the overall winner of the Bicycle Rodeo held at Queens Park sponsored by the Barrie City Police in cooperation with the her brown belt in judo an ex tremely high award for birds badly Alan East takes his ace of diamonds and sees that bird in the hand He can give his partner an immediate ruff Then he looks further and sees that he needs two tricks more Where can they 46 Cooking let Wyoming reader wants to know what If anything we bid in response to part ners oneClub opening We respond one diamond so as to give him chance to bid fourcard major at the one level ©Ftotd mom in Macrame TO THE PAPEKIAEWE Vic an us Vat ism by NEA VAGSIIZ Hobsons choice He can THANK Barries Central Collegiate Ju an Ck or he can cover Fl UP WITH 515m canada story lyzi 0982 Oswald If he ducks auegopami N6 WHATI HF Cty counCl met and manV East has his second bird in As DONT FROWN 1671 Saint Lausson at Sault Ste Marie claimed west Roman dei for France woman and espeCIally for Mrs Joy seams OR WING 1759 British gunfire set Uppertown Quebec on fire Bush She aPcompllshed me Bathroom 49 Stole cattle 1783 Loyalists were given grants of land feat Emily W3 months She We 53 Swagger 1792 Lieutenant Governor Simcoe divided Upper was going t0 try for her 30 Geedl 57 Gold lSp Canada into counties belt 1108 held by ODI hand E95h 58 Smear 1860 New Westminster BC was incorporated as f1°fw°menm the world fimj 60 Garden city Barrie Plaza shortstop Corby 15 Midaem implement 1866 Fire destroyed four blocks of Charlottetown Adams lhe strength 0f pamm 61 Ocean 1923Saskatchewan voted for government control of SeVelal COHSIStem flights had 15 navel 52 Behold Lat liquor taken over the lead in the Bar 17 coHege 63 Smallsword 1926 Canada rejected US plan for joint development and 5an Semor 50m degree abbr anew of St Lawrence route from Atlantic to Great league bamng race CO Choose 55 pone ll Lak lected 21 base hits for strong 20 Uproarious ewe CIIY 43 Fungus es orn osar 438 average 22 Toy DOWN 23 gholemCITa 45 Mother 24 weep au arsus Cafey sowe Green stone Invnatmn Chicken 29 Spaces sponse an 47 was by CAREFUL lt 33c 066 265m Ios today In history Domes gmmlmous mng 491 WW 34 peas Proclamations naiy ntarctic sea Hawa Scold 28 or ships 50 Animal wasiii is IlII l6 i979 advancing In its direction Tcn foundir of the rs 36 island near Done with abbr chemical hri tian FLOOR II gs years lat rel3 3mm SCIfnlfITIOVCIIIIHIuSINHIL COSICB Fm 0f 30 Mideast 51 Suds maker lIr 085 51 Anastasta Tschziikovsky 18m Thi city 37 Wod aChlecue seam 52 33le It and his family were shot to claimed to be the Clark mimwr action Agnes 31 Efficient 54 Assault death 61 years ago today In youngpg daughter the Grand cor mitgkd 39 Lubricant for Moorehead 32 River in 55 Hawanan 1918 in the cellar of the house Duchess Anastasia but lg Short role Europe where the were im risoned Wm 41 Southern Ado MM 35 Over Gerl swmms cldm remains in disputc 56 The Communist soviet of amnn Rum exh €55 pTQCIdlmld lathiopia state abbr to Hindi dialect 38 Sllgma RV In 1d PSI constitution 42 Religious 11 Mrs Truman 40 Flightless England Ekdlcrm 111 0U ltiti Jcswt Father Joan do 15 Tm in 59 W3 excculc the royal Romanov Qum discovered Lak St Joan em Labor 98 family when it learned that the Czechoslovak Legion was bell ewart by The llcfrny Bowling group is still enjoying their Mondays at Bradford Plaza Rowl inQuhcc lIlZI Mary Baker Eddy neighborly news There were 34 members and one visitors Helen Smith of Toronto at the Lefroy Senior will be Aug at Springwater Park Sorry to hear couple of our Barnum and Buiiry circus per formed undci canvas for the last IIIIII noon some had dip in the pool at the home of Gord and Deb Mitchell on the 6th Line Chief Rod Black and co ordinaor Bob Heatfield who ID to on Citizen Club on Tuesday June 1n the b0 12 letter was read to firemen angvemgié 99 4553232 the club that the County Picnic joyed steak barbequc Dep 01 THOUGH ED LEFr you FOREVER FLORRIE did great job of organizing the 47 Those getting strikes With red members are leaving the own Fu head pins on Monday June it try aywere W959t 53 Bart Wright Marg Tom and Ethel Kane will be Just so he wouldnt et Catsm and Mary Wilson moving to England about the to Anna nesome Gord Mitchell had 15 Inc The most head pins picked for middle of Jply St father and mom Mr and thcladies went in Marg Fischer The Le roy an rou Mrs Mitchell ests on with three and for the men Don Firemen joined ina Spring Get Fathers Day we as his Whitmnrc with four The 5050 Together About 10 couples Swen Eleanor and husband Dunlnp was split between Bob Wilson started off with round of golf crest and niece Dayna Hawer 737 3360 and Fit Watts at Big Cedar Later in the after chuk of Oshawa

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