Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1979, p. 5

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Greetings Mother Teresa of Cal cutta known for her work with dying poor In Indias capital Is greeted at Detroit Metro Airport recently by Father Gustave Houle of Quebec Canada Mother Teresa was In Detroit to found her second US convent of Missionaries of Charity The mission in Detroit will be in neighborhood of 20000 that includes some of Detroits poorest people as well as nationally designated historic homes AP Photo Accepts call to Cundles The Rev Grant DM Noland has accepted the Call to Cundles Heights Reformed Community Church and started his ministry there July The installation was held Tuesday July 10 at Cundles Heights Public School The Rev Noland was born and raised in Toronto he is married and has one daughter at home After his marriage to Ruth Rennink he started studying for the ministry He studied in the Southern Presbyterian Church in the States and served several con gregatios there Between those ministries he studied in the United Kingdom and Poland His last congregation was in Chicago wher he built up church on parttime basis and was fulltime teacher Afer this church was able to stand on its own feet he decided to look for challenge in Canada He is looking forward to working in this new area of Barrie and to be of service for everybody who is in need of minister He and his family reside at 26 Ashdale Court in Barrie Fame flared faded NEW YORK AP Fame flared quickly and it faded fast for Tom Dooley and Roman Catholic inquiry toward making him saint now has found that the jungle doctor regularly fed reports on Southeast Asians to the US Central Intelligence Agency Hed give information about troops being moved ammuni tion coming in attitudes of people whether they were fa vorable to the Americans or to the Communists says Rev Maynard Kegler US promoter of the cause of Dooleyssainthood Keglers findings are related in story by Jim Winters Notre Dame Magazine writer for Religious News Service news agency run by the Na tional Conference of Christians and Jews Dooley an acclaimed figure of the late 19505 launched his dazzling career in 1954 just year after he got his MD criss crossing the US to promote his Ringle hospitals writing three stsellers and raising million in appeals on television shows and appearances He was cited on the Gallup Polls 1959 list of the worlds mostadmired living men along with the missionary doctor Albert Schweitzer Winston Churchill and Pope John XXIII President Eisenhower sent telegram to Dooley on his 34th birthday Jan 17 1961 saying he had accomplished so much for good and inspired so many others to work for hu manity Has social conscience HALIFAX CP The Salva tion Army is church with social conscience says Col Kenneth Rawlins chief secre tary for the Army in Canada and Bermuda The Salvation Army operates in 83 countries and in more than 111 languages he told Halifax meeting There are 1500 officers in Canada supported by 50000 lay members and 8000 employees he said The Church has 360 corps across Canada and 198 in stitutions involved equally in church work and social ex pression Elected president MONTREAL CP Rev Olaf Rankinen of Hancock Mich was elected president of the Finnish specialinterest conference of the Lutheran Church in America at its an nual meeting He succeeded Rev Raymond Wargelin of Rio Rancho Ariz presudent of the Finnish Evan gelical Lutheran Church in 1962 when it oined three other bod ies to orm the present Lu theran Church in America Specialinterest conferences are organizations for ordained ministers and lay persons hav ing common linguistic na tional or cultural heritage The conference was at St Mi chael Finnish Lutheran Church in Montreal INNISWOOD BAPTIST I75 YONGE ST No II South to am Church School II am Mornhg Worship pm Evoning Sorvico REV MICHAEL STRAIN Pastor FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 156 St Vincent St Phone 7286035 REV II IIEIMAN Join us for worship at and Iam and 7zq0pm no am service on last Sunday of the month Tuna hito tho IACK TO 000 HOUR RADIO MESSAGES SUNDAYS Toronto CHINFM 000 am l0l0 Toronto CNFN 930 am I430 CUNLES HEIGHTS IEFOIMED CHURCH At Condlos Heights Pubic School Candies Rd II am Worship Service and Sunday School Til REV own Round PASTOR Tel 7205069 COME AND BRING YOUR WHOLE FAMILY the examiner Saturday JuIy 14 1979 Points to Ponder Telling of Gods love should have priority By DOROTHY KILBURN Kasturbai the wife of Mahatma Gandhi could not understand why her husband was so insensitive to her religious scruples when he was so gentle with everyone else To think that in her own household which her husband had turned into commune he expected her high caste Hindu to empty the chamber pots of his guests It was un thinkable That filthy work fit for Un Tolstoy the famed Russian writer tried it Gandhi seeking to elevate the role of the Indian in South Africa triedit Holiness clubs are not in Gods plan The last words of Jesus to His disciples were Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and Lo am with you always even unto the end of the age God wants each Christian to proclaim was only touchables Her attitude produced fiery confrontation between them which wellnigh wreck ed their marriage and would have had it not been for her common sense and wisdom The idealiest down through the age has tried to establish commune in order to put into practice his particular brand of purity The early Christians tried it the gospel in one way or another The meeting together of Christians should be for the gathering of strength for common crusade rather than the promotion of their holiness as Broadcasts aired in Holy Land Christian Broadcasting Network CBN president Pat Robertson surveys the scene at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem The first regular Christian broad casts in the history of Israel began recently with the daily airings of CBNs awardwinning program The 700 Club Other CBN programs in the Israel broadcast package bring Christian music and Bible teaching to the Holy land When man asked another what his vocation was the man answered My job is to preach the gospel but raise pigs to pay expenses Lutheran mm Anglican Churches God Is willing to assume full responsibility for the PENTECOSTAI life that Is fully yielded to Him CHURCH Sunday at 945 Bibio Classes for ovary ago mom Chris school 100 am CANT BECAUSE 49 pm St George 700 pm Testimony from Prairie Bible Institute CHURCH Sunday ST swam Barbara Torrio SERVICE Funny New 1000 Anglican Church sglstor your children for our Day Camp Evaihg Worship 700 pm Burton Granvtllo 95 11 Aug 20 24 130 am Pastor Johnson 7232353 0° ome For man who My compk and on up No Sunday school The chhurjhltlhai preaches 830 AM who have lust finished grads six 9°5Pe on HOLY COMMUNION mitt swimming gamos hand crafts Bible stories EUCHARIST 0N mm 02 for information mm This is your am AM EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 333 St Thomas HOLY EUCHARIST 51 VINCENT srREEr BARRIE ONTARIO WAY CH CH Eucharist OTHER SUNDAYS Shanty Bay Sermon MORNING PRAYER Tolophono 7283017 Preacher JULY IS 79 EVSAMOBOL illlch Welcome to one of Barrios Rev chZrye MORNING PRAYER Midweek Eucharist Tues 730 pm Thurs l030 am Most Exciting Churches 950 am Sunday School 1100 am Worship Presbyterian All Welcome 700 pm Service of Praise wesnnrserh and testimony Presbyermn Chum Pastor Courtney will preach todayi PTOIDYIOIIIIII Church I70 Stool St noar Puget in soon 59 Essa Rd MINISTER PAUL MILLS co 14fl19ANNUAl ii CRUSADE at Burton Avo l000 AM with Evangelist Potor Younggren a2ifii M°° ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH mflfiilihm Anne Shift OWEN8WORSLEY STS WORSLEY8CLAPPERTON Coansolor lam at 400 Wham JOINT SUMMER WORSHIP Nursery Care Oiurch School for al agas Provnded at tho samo tims 1000 AM hfontNursaryCoroProvidad fanndyhukm JUl ln Rev Waite preaching Ziiti7it United Churches ChristCentred Ministry Free Methodist Church Aug Sepqt in St Andrews Rev litidizilpmaciung THE REV NULLMEYER is the guest speaker this week at Child care available For transportation call 7284526 Bayfield Dalton 7267821 00 Burton Avenue am ornmg OIS IP Mad Church um supday 37 Burton Ave Barrie 1100 am Morning Worship WORSHIP Our Obect To be th arms of Chri rea hin ou our communlity and enloldieng those In ourSleIlovsfslipgin love Nursery Care Won you oin us this week Hilll Si east ill Loni and pm Amm REV ARAilllllzjsroreEY SUPeWiSion f0 mlv Bull BRUCE SWAMN children up to Syears I030 am Sermon Music Director MR DOUG GARRAWAY Everyone is Welcome Now in Progress thru July 20th Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL ll am TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tuesday 79 pm 7261602 Lnitcd Church Ross and Toronto Streets Next to the RVH Barrie Ontario Invites you to Celebration otWorship at 1000 AM Sonics conducted by member of the United Church Women Speaker Mrs Margaret KoIIy SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN Nursery Facilities and JUIIIUI Congregation Casual attire Visitors and Coitagers CorduaIIy Inwied SALVATION ARMY Music Concert and Open Air Services SUNDAY AT 630 PM CENTENNIAL PARK July through August Weather Permitting EVANG FRANKLIN WALDEN UNDER THE BIG BLUE GOSPEL TENT AT THE BARRIE FAIRGROUNDS MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING God is Providing out His Spirit in mighty way here in Barrie Come Expecting Miracle Prayer for the Sick in Every Service Service 730 pm 030 am Sundays 230 pm 730 pm Only Collier United Church II2 Collier St Near City Hall 1000 AM Church and Sunday School at the one hour FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Barrie 7373062 Pastor Rev Wayne Domm 7268750 945 am Sunday School 00 am Morning Worship Sermon FORGIVE US OUR SINS Special Speaker Mr Harold Siemens 700 pm Evening Worship Wednesday 800 pm Bible Study Prayer Jisus said will build my church Matthew I6 I8 730 Wednesday Bible Study ALL WELCOZIIE

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