gt the examiner Wednesday July 1979 Children moved from home to home should have cases TORONTO CP Children are being damaged sometimes severely because of being placed in multiple foster homes says former family court judge in Ontario Judge George Thomson said his personal opinion is that any child who moves two to three times in any one year should be identified and his case reviewed Thomson head of the chil drens services division of the Ontario ministry of community and social services said such children express their unhappi ness in truancy frequent run ning away withdrawn or hos tile personality delinquency or an inability to form attach ments Few of them can be consrd ered for adoption because they bounce back to their families several times before becoming permanent wards of the chil drens aid society or because they are so disturbed by their families original rejection or abuse Last year the 50 childrens aid societies in Ontario had 565 children in foster homes COST $195 MILLION It cost the Ontario govern ment $195 million for their care The bill included foster home rates social workers sal aries and services such as psy chologists fees Experts say the basic prob lem in the current system is lack of good foster homes in face of the rising numbers of troubled children Children are placed wherever someone will take them with little or no preparation for the foster parents or the children Social workers burdened with caseloads of 28 children on average scramble after emer gencies such as child abuse Unless foster children appear upset social workers visits may occur only once in three months and may not last for more than an hour Children are often afraid to complain because they fear more unsettling moves As re sult they become unhappy and resort to further delinquent be havior such as stealing or run ning away There are about 10000 foster children in Ontario They are dependent on complex multi milliondollar system funded by the province But in some cases their fu ture is more shaky than ever Child welfare experts say foster children are coming to chil drens aid societies at older ages and far more troubled than before Introducing UNWANTED IIAIR Gone Foreverl Carrie Sears HAIR BAZAAR is pleased to introduce stylists Carrie Clublne formerly of House of Belini and Mary Hackney formerly of Victors Georgian Mall Togo party Two students from the London College of Fashion show off their ideas for future fashions Johanna Chapman left and Annette Shelsky model toga style outfits in red at College fashion show Thursday AP Photo Mrs Doris Bowman Ebctrology Therapist Permanent removal from lace and body Eyebrows shaped Sale gentle short wave method Medically approved Fieecmsuitanon and test GOODMAN cumc 1263132 BYmrs Experience Manna oi tint and Amman Ehcuohss Associations They join new manageress Lyane Kelly and stylist Judy Johnston in welcoming all customers to visit Sears Hair Bazaar Sears HAIR BAZAAR Call or drop in for an appointment 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Reg Price set 239 Our Woolllorth He Price E7 NO CHARGE Ow Woolworth Sde Price my 5676 BAYFIELD sr Oowmown 3mm 331225232 SATURDAY 600 PM Use These Cards mWoonorthStores AcrossCanada 234 5678 CM ADIES and Men too reviewed says former iudge Its Cook Book Recipe time again Enter the EXaminers COOK BOOK Recipe Contest Win $300 This contest is open to clubs organizations plus individuals IN CASH PRIZES BOOK RUlES MUST BE OBSERVED Entries must be typewritten or printed legibly and doublespaced using one side of each piece of paper 32 Contestants may enter as many recipes as desired Recipes should not be clipped or copied from cook books or magazines Contestants must sign their name address and telephone number on each entry Entries will be accepted from anywhere in The Examiner Market Place circulation area All entries must be sent to the COOK BOOK EDITOR The Examiner 16 Bayfield St Barrie Ont Apanel of iudges selected by The Examiner will choose the winning entries Product brand names should not be used in entries unless they are vital to the recipe Many of the recipes submitted including the six winners will be published in The Examiners Annual Cook Book August 30 l979 All entries become the property of The Examiner Deadline for entries August 23 i979 ORGANIZATIONS 151 $100 morvrourus Ist$75 2nd $35 3rd $15 Send as many entries as you wish to COOK BOOK EDITOR the examiner 16 Bayfield $1 Barrie 2nd $50 3rd $25