Iifes Editor Claudia Krause 7266537 Angus Guides earn trip to Bermuda For the Angus iirl Guides and their leaders nine months of odd jobs ranging from doing dishes to cleaning ditches has finally brought them to their goal in Monday at 730 am they leave from Angus Lions hall bound for Bermuda where theyll spend the next eight lays sightseeing camping and hiking 40 guides in the Angus company the 17 who are 13 years and older are going on the trip with three leaders says Nancy Bennett organiei varin of odd jobs since last October has raised the near $6000 needed to cover their travelling costs she says Among the many fundraising events the girls washed dishes and checked hats at dances held by the Itoyal tanadian Legion hall in Angus With an agreement from lIlt Angus Lions Tlub not to charge the tiuutes the regular $100 an evening for hall rental they raised $1000 from four teen dances they held at the hall Both the Lions and Legion ladies auyiliary made dona tions toward the iiiides pro Jeti The group held hike arthon that raised inotlier SL000 Then there were the cleaning jobs The girls cleaned up the Angus park and were paid toi their work by the parks board for fashionable elegance REENWO DDS 913 Dunlap W7285195 Theres even some early DAY DRESSES FORMALS CASUAL WEAR 2025 up to on EVEN SOME SPECIAL BRIDAL GOWNS 20 OFF SOME HALF PRICE Back to School styles colors you can save on now 247 336 SINGER SEWING CENTRES AND PARTICIPATING APPROVED 0f At INi SORRY No layowoys During Sole Georgian Mall Bayfield Street 71837960 proached the very special Singer They also cleaned tip the local ditches and were paid by thi township Work together stay together is the old saying says Mrs Bennett guess it worked tor us She adds that the girls have been close knit group IIII uides troin Bermuda visited the Angus company tyve years ago so tlie trip to Her ninila will complete the change The Angus girls will bi stay ing at tlie llerinuda Iiiiiles campground Pipe drum corps asks for funding By NANCY IItiIICIIUA If The Examiner BARCLAY The Army Navy and Air Force Barrie and listriet Pipes and IIlllll Band is in need of financial assistance says Bill Mcurdv band manager The band was organied years ago and involves residents of Barrie and district with about half the members from Innistil Township he says Last Thursday Mcturdy ap townships recreation committee of management fora grant to aid the band The committee however plans to present the matter to council for final decision The object of the hand says Mcurdy is to provide recrea tion and teach music to the communitys young people Before joining the band most members had little knowledge of musical instruments ollingwooif Stayner and rillia have pipe and drum bands and McCurdy said he thought Barrie and district should also have one Now it has but more funds are needed to keep it alive Wintario has approved grant of $3003 if the band has firm backing from Innistil township council says Metur dy Barrie has granted the band 8100 So far Innisfil has not con tributed $20000 ll£i lll pipe and drum band is big money item says Mcui= dy He estimates 320000 will be needed to fully outfit the band They are now borrowing uniforms Most instruments are borrowed from anadiaii Forces Base Borden The band has played in the Barrie and Stroud Santa Claus parades and the band is already booked for it other apr Xarances this year Mcturdy hopes to raise about $2000 from those 10 appearances As well ach band member pays $1 week at practice ses SIIIIIS Meurdy would like to even tually have junior and senior band but that at $200 for just one kilt the band will need financial assistance summer after The sleek practical Sherbrooke cabinet with nomar walnut finish plus zigzag machine that does it all Sews elastic and stretch fabrics Makes buttonholes and sews on buttons Overedges and mends also featuring Snapon presser foot Pushbutton reverse liadeinaik ot Singer Company at Canada td Illm may vary Credit terms available Innisfils recreation commit tec ot management suggested that if the Bands name were lnnisfil anil listriet Iipe and Drum llaiid financial assistance might be given by hitownship lheres only so much room for identifieition on base drum head replied Aleurdy totheirsuggestion WestonScorns Mr and Mrs Oscar Weston of Barrie announce the engagement of their daughter Gall Lorraine to Donald Wade Scorns son of Mr and Mrs Don Scorns of RR Barrie The wedding Is to take place July 20 at 630 pm at Hiway Pentecostal Church graduates John Campbell Tupling son of Mr and Mrs Don Tupling of Barrie has graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario in London Tupling is employed with Clarkson Gordon and Co and will be con tinuing his studies at York University He is or graduate of Barrie North Collegiate Campground vacancies by phone Barrie area ltslfIillls can nov call Incal number on Fridays and Saturdays to receive Illirltlrlllt minute in formation acancaies in pro vincial and privatelyrrun campgrounds in tntario The service is cor operative venture between the ministry of industry and tourism and the Ontario Iriyate ampground As sociation anipers can call TBIivttflilJ in Barrie or collect to the ministrys travel centres in Toronto tl not 9m 1000 Monday lirough Saturday Iteports are available from all campgrounds in tintario as far north as the North flay area Village of Jeanne Leong daughter of Mr and Mrs Raymond Ramsay has graduated with Masters degree in city and regional planning from Harvard University Mrs Leong is an economist and housing analyst with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp at the Ontario regional office in Toronto Nancy Lynn Wallwin daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Wallwin of Barrie has graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from University of Western Ontario London She is graduate of Barrie Central Collegiate people plaoes hild car issues public meeting for child care workers in the Barrie area will be held at Barrie Iublic Library on Wednesday beginii ingat 730 pm Held by Information Barrie the meeting will cvplorl sir vices provided locally and possible problems AS picnic Simcoe ounty hildrens Aid Society holds its annual picnic for foster families on chncs day from 10 am to at ro Memorial Park In case of rain the picnic will be held July lit For more in formation call 7200587 VLIEIIIS llllll0ll Barrie area women who are veterans of World War II are in vited to the 21st annual reunion of Canadian Womens Army Corps Veterans in Toronto Sept 28 and 20 For more information write Stocking large assortment of Sanderson Woeller Waverly $5 $14a yard Open TuesSot 94 Residential Commercial Indutriol Mortgage loans Intorim Flnonlng Vocation Iloino Mortgages INVESTMENT CORPORATION EEERs PEE MORTGAGE SERVICE 131i327 99 Royfiold St 7280599 BERT RIDD MORTGAGE MANAGER to WAC Veterans lteunion hairmair Shirley Wood Ileesakcr 2m Niagara St Toronto Ont AlTiV lJ Meeting announced la Leclic Icaguc holds meeting for women interested in information about breastfeeding on July III at 10 am at the home of Ieri Williston ill irgilwood rcs Barrie Mothers wanting advice or help can call these numbers any time TLIiIIEITI 737mm 72887 liltilHti or 72077713 Antique show sale An antique show and sale will be held at Molsons Park in Barrie on July and 22 Ad mission is free Hours on Saturday are t0 irm to It pm while hours on sunday are 10 to pm Music anthology Six actors from Erindlc fol lege in Toronto return this sunr mci to Barrics irove Park Home to present The Almanac an anthology of the last 00 years in song dance and drama The performance begins at pm on luly 24 Admission is for seniors For tickets and information phone Joan Walker at 7201003 Bazaar bake sale Lakelands Senior iIiens tlub 285 is holding bazaar and bake sale with white elephant table at liakclands Hall in Alcona Beach at July 27 from I0 am toll pm Music anthology Six actors troni IIrindale Col lege in Toronto return this stun mer to Barries irove Park Home to present The Almanac an anthology of tl at 00 years It song dance and di una The performance begins at pm on Iuly 24 Admission is it for seniors For tickets and information phoneJoan Walker at 730 i00il ELECTROLYSIS LYDIA HRENCHUK Qualified PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL FREE CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 7372671 An LOnders Carelessness t7 causes loss ma Ann am writing in response to imitRidden the woman who shoplifted $55 purse and wanted to send cash to the store anonymously but she said People get ripped off in post offices lot and Im afraid to send the money am an employee of the ost office operate an LSM letter sorting machine am you would not believe what the public sends in envelopes Ive run across whole sets of keys wristwatches rings cufilinks and money Naturally many of these envelopes get caught in the machines The en velopes get tom and separated from their contents We have no way of knowing re these things are supposed to go Whenever find such items turn them over to my super visor plough Ann tell you readers to follow few simple in structions It All objects sent through the mails should be in boxes and insured if they are worth anything Itecently womans opal ring turned up out of nowhere LUckily was able to locate the envelope intact because it had return address on it Ill personally advrw doublesealing important enve lopes With strip of Scotch tape across the tap Many en velopes come open because they are sealed carelessly or the quality of the glue is poor It IIthI your name and address on every envelope or package so it Will comeback to you if the person has moved or the addrms is incorrect ttIlIilI postal employees are not perfect but we are not the crooks some people make us out to be Arkansas Iteader Dear Ark Theres not much you can tell me about the public when It comes to what they put in the mail You have no idea how often readers send for booklets and enclose stamped envelopi addressed to ANN LANIJIZILS instead of themselves have also received empty crivelorxs because they were poorly abated and the letters fell out These are only few of be things deal with daily could rite book on the subject hear Ami Landers bought secondham gunar three year ago and learned to play by ear Everyone says am very good if sing too Last week my girl got stoned and started to hallucinate Sh ihought my guitar was mad dog and broke it to pieces Do you know of girierou columnist who will lend me 8140 to buy new gunar promre to pay it back hen get famous Lppa icnst It Dear ljppa Sorry chum fresh out of free money Theres an oldfashiond solution to our problem It is called work do lot of it myself and recommend it Dear nn Landers When my husband Itffl my stepson logo demanded return all the gifts he had given his father sach as ristiateh stamps for his collection and digital clock When married his father widower ith four childreni this boy was three years old He always resented the fact that his mother died and his father remarried In your opinion should comply with his request Kankakec Dear Kank Lnless his fathers JlII stated that these items were to be returned to his son see no reason to give them back unless you feel like It re and dont think you do For what its worth New additions to the family By MARGARET WORTH We havent had new baby in the house for quite few years and now all at once we have four Ad mitted these are not as demanding or worrying as the regular kind but they certainly know how to make their presence felt We thought about it for long time then we talked about it for while then we checked with city hall to see if its legal tit is and finally last Thursday we took the plunge and bought some ducks Four small bundles of squawking hungry inquisitive pecking fluff Three yellow one black Buying them was easy Pick any four lookalikes put them in box and take them home It was at home that found out about the noise thought in my innocence that replete with water and food they would sleep quietly Three of them did chirriping softly to themselves The fourth one Blaekie reared up widecyed with indignation and gave loud and vehement voice clamouring well into the night his squawks echoing through my dreams whilst memories of two oclock feeds stirred briefly and faded gratefully away Since our ducklings are very tiny yet they have to be watched over carefully when they are outside Along with everyone else take my turn ducksitting usually settling myself comfortably in sunny corner with library book half an eye on my charges but most of my mind deep in my book Maybe thats why they seem to get into trouble when theyre with me This morning one floundered into my coffee cup while another nosedived into clump of thistles extricated them and turned my eyes back to my book Undaunted Blackie took oft again this time determined to conquer the world tibediently the other three waddled after him short wings flapping fluffy tails tipping let thciii go and sure enough in couple of minutes four sets of smalliwebbed feet were scrabbling close beside me anxious to return to the safety of their box think we will enjoy the new additions to our family even if they are not quite the usual household pets The nice thing about having ducks around is that can look forward to frein egg for breakfast every morning and it the worst real ly comes to the worsttheres always Christmas dinner taken care of this year Pollys Pointers Cant reverse shrunken wool POLLYS PROBLEM DEAR POLLY Without thinking washed 10 yearold wool sweater with mild soap in cool water It is now smaller size than can wear and the yarn is not as soft as it once was The dry cleaner could not help so wonder if there is anything you could suggest DOROTHY DEAR DOROTHY am afraid there Is not much you can do If professional dry cleaner could not help your sweater For future use you might keep the following letter from reader notice you sold the sweater was 10 years old Have you worn It In the meantime Forgive me for saying so but you have not it may be your own size has changed bit too POLLY DEAR POLLY Woolen sweaters are so popular again As am spinner who has learned how to wash wool properly feel should pass some Pointers on to your readers The temperature one washes woolen sweaters in is not so important as long as the wash and rinse water are exactly the same temperature use cool water and liquid concentrated washing compound The sweater should only be gently pressed pushing the water through the fibers and never agitated Water should never be allowed to run on the garment place the sweater in the water after the basin is filled When wringing out do not wring but press and squeeze to remove the excess water Do not lift the garment up while it is heavy with the water in it Press the water out against the sides of the basin Wool has tiny hook on It and unless the above directions are all followed these hooks will come together and felt the wool The squeezed out garment can be put In the washer not on delicate cycle and spin dry to get the rest of the water out Lay it flat to dry or put on plastic hanger sure the garment does not stretch at the neck or shoulderl Never hang unless most of the moisture to out SALLY