ga =w¢=x=z ggpw whrm 13 12322 Beats Brewers Field days over for Joys TORONTO tCP Last Au st Dave Stieb was an out ielder for Toronto Blue Jays Class farm club at Dunedin Fla Monday night the 21yearold Stieb start and evened his record at The only time the Brewers threatened was in the sixth in ning when they loaded the bases on consecutive singles the examiner Tuesday July 10 1979 Jones Konihowski twins gold SAN JUAN CPI Diane Jones Konihowski said Ill have to fall on my face in the 800 metres to lose the womens pentathlon at the Pan American Games The middle distance event last competition Monday night at the track and field program merely solidified the Edmonton teacherbroadcaster as one of Frederick too had prepared for the Games Jodi Anderson Fredericks teammate took the second place silver ahead of Jill Ross Of London Ont Anderson had 4434 points to Rosss 4112 Konihowski said her ex panded business career she is doing promotional work for amateur not year she said started back in January but got ill in February and was off for another month She returned in time for pentathlon invitational meet in Austria in May but coulz score only 4497 points well off her personal best of 4768 at the Commonwealth Games CAM TO WIN Konihowski said she could have eased up inthe final two events But felt had to go out and put in good long jump and did She did 620 for the event And her two minutes 142 seconds for the 800 wasnt much off the 121 she ran at Edmon ton but she credited Ross who sport with BC California nativewas restingin Wllh 10wa out and Toronto the 10p penlilhlttlS In the television as wellasteachingat But while wasnt really won that segment of the pro the Toronto clubhouse after hOIdngaHllead BUtSlleh EOI WOTM the UniversityoiAliiertar had read compete here did gram in the commonwealth gitching his ï¬rst majorleague DonMoney to hit into run Konihowski compiled 4605 slowed down her training comedowntowin Games for giving her fast aseballvictorya rounhitj scoring double play and retired points in the fiveevent pro program After Frederick pulled out time decision over Milwaukee Dick Davis on grounder to grain three of which were is for three months Brewers in an American Short 5188 Wider hurtling Vim after the Commonwealth League contest bean sun Thelast two events Games ir Cdrnn last It feds really ood really the long jump and 800 were gMnsaid theJayg inhmuna TIESPhlggléï¬lorlhwhs run as part of the scheduled selecti evenin ro ram agent 318 the 1978 Jun fr John Mayberry each belted The gletegran international vR BEHER OUlliEIder during his high game runs to lead the Toronto who says her next goal is gold F0 school and university days line at the 1980 Moscow tilyiiipics ERlNllNC Stieb was converted to pit inniggzvhgfh HOYT loses TlghT decrsron admits she didnt prepare as Cher at Dunedin last summer hard for these ianics as she He was 20 in our starts with from Milwaukee starter Lary Derrick Hoyt of Cranbrook BC rubs elbows with Pedro Cruz of Puerto Rico has for previous mnpmmm JOHN Toailsistszsiriess IrricluslfryI and goyernimogt 205 earnedrun average This goqgnfsm 10 FY loft during their lunlor welterweight fight Monday night in San Juan Hoyt lost Ive got to be pleased shi quC Pro year prior to being called upto th ence 0r ghh Om bydecision cp photo said but its too bad Jane COCKBURN management employee Toronto he Went 50 at Dunedin eyear Frederick had to pull otit after To assist skirted professional and manogflnem With 424 ERA and 52 at Syr Woods made it 24 in the sec the highjump id acuse of the Internationl 0nd inning with an insidethe Frederick the Ailttlltilnpttlr person8 to eller l0 our 93 or P0 Leaguewitha2l3ERA park homer that gave Mil tathletc was standing second 66 MORROW ROAD by the employer All four hits Stieb gave up waukee centre fielder Gorman after coniptlintl ll BARRIE wrt rinf ti gondayvï¬resingles with the Thomas black eye Woods MONTltEAl CF Skylab Title quicker yoiu witch In gï¬egrflmumuAmlf at hurdtS Sh 728 52 Please callusor mo rewors gt ess ime vous em titt um two of them lle slriflfi £333 i$iishi2nilii5i illitfuillifi 323i Siplfliiigchér Shim and theIckschgncviiiuhim131i undwmh LiclxtnirnHumuis and walked three in recordinga straight into Thomass face as Montreal Expos to wait around get hit CF11 km the wkmg b9 mm But Sh kmW 5h UUMHJ Piiiitors to own AND ssocum complete game it was his third he went up to try lorthe catch forits arrival loquacious torchandw an American space laboratory out win and thats what she came 1R olOok Dr RR No barrio OntL4M456 there was no kidding about his in Ski Slut SIVU 960 °Y usrng Just one hour and htrt for Koni hon70572a1243 minutes and 92 pitches to toss pawlmm agmll SlWS VWIV tllllpilmt PM sevenhit 30 National 43ng Dodgers which iitcludcda lo son Untied Stuhls rmk run Slnill lht llh Hmmti official later coiillilticd that se league lacrosse titles Harm iivimm aimed the the other learns with their play junior home vague ham and carried most aluablc pionship on the weekend in Bar player mentions along ith rie Minor Lacrosse Association 91le slurl hit119 lilttlkt playoff action at Assikinack dntrépm gnflttfftrlltl tol lltc SChiiltziiis finished the tlld2t 50mm Km ll playoff titt fm first wni The one day playoff ciidcd lo Hayfield Mall and llarric Door Fibi kflrw 911 If5 Systems but earned the title on ggiajrnlimï¬y injséfllxnt the numlwr 0f gm 30 Hour Toad Falllfllm ml houselcaguclacrosscillsigned ilth ltillll fllllhllf lhl scunlukl K9 todeveloptlicsport in thcarea Im0ml0 05 Watson him it instructors Bolt Webster alid UMIJL fly Sf 01 hfhfSl lunlllr giiilllfml Ken Holt placed the llllllll timingHillitlï¬ghlr Sml Bro JOHN and on fun and stlccccdtl reports In the senior division Barrie Jnhn Ambrmm Hmmwld JUNPimunA Pacing defeated both Les licr train arid Allandale onstruc tion for the clialripionship tircg Stalby won the most valuable player award in the jllllltit division thci juniors Vhtl illllttl lIltIlllUll HS llll 51 in the league wcrc Bobby ndar lllZSIHY Baseball III at tiillingwrod Harrie it lllllll Ill til in Iiiillia Irs at Allisltitt South tlltttl IItllIll Julglit Fastball 7pm Hayfield Furniture at Harrie to ill itw in Barrie Floor and all at Mr lranurnssmn Queens Park Harrie arid District Internimliatc Fastball lAattuc piii aitpllis lnd at illicit Farm ttl piii tlptiiiilsts liairlc Mcrr tlltlllh tidhiirst lark Barrie and IlfrIlf Itocrcatlolial Fastball League iolf ieiictal irc l£lllt our liiilt licttcr ball tlairiitoliiitr ltili Lacrosse pin lltiiitsxillc at llarric lccvucs laticu lllld llairii Minor laicmssc Assntllllltlll Millhall lll lliiiislil Lions Georgian tl St 81 Il Mar filllilluns hickin lit ihitaiis s1 Lefnn Ktlllt School liarrit ant ls hlx tllnllll iii INFORMATION SESSION llis Ml Ill Shiiriiirk iiiilivioifgiiit t1 Thin ll Citizens of Resrdential District in the City of Some 13 are invited to participate in on Informal Talk and In iI IliaMuir mo Qtiljlitruh formation Soulon regarding the future plans of their is lrllt llfll Il c3120ElmHRH resrdentlol neighborhood The purpose of the 13$ $2if ftllliiilliniiimim meeting is to discuss with you information collected 1nliNew Him by the Barrie Planning Board regarding future III Iil rtt lnasiirilicst Antiqueslutiiiilis lac development trends ThlS OT InTOTmOTIOHOl The surfingon 313$ PM Mm Wk Nrm meeting will only be effective if concerned citizens From $61250 Manuals are willing to participate and present their views Wlmzcal 90099 iijm John Ellis constructor vs and problems If you have any questions regarding AmsHCOncephon iilleirï¬iii Kahlillimitiiiiliiiiiaiinmm the development or the redevelopment planned for =1 Wm duhf1m 1erde Residential District please attend our informal traincumincilia Talk and Informational Session on Thursday July ï¬lfï¬llii 12 1979 between the hours of 700 and 900 of the lljlifl Esso Rood Presbyterian Church on Essa Road of titnu Burton Avenue to it ill ltlllllil iglit ltts Iitlllll liclitthiti Kcliiiriitcl Ha sm try Victoria Wood is back in Barrie with 18 ft master bedrooms patio walkouts all new all brick 1979 single family ALL CLAY BRICK EXTERIORS coloured bath fixtures Classics With price value and grand foyers colonial mahogany interior trim quality 999 youll think youre libraries roughin central AC dreaming So act ngw and ovoid roughin central vacuum separate livingdining rooms the stampede Choose from main floor laundry centres pLUS the classiest exierior designs bedrooms or 9nd balmen 59 mases for the money youve ever seen But 23 ft family rooms 5° 50de 05 dont wait At these low pre 21 ft gourmet kitchens 1° cc garages Slandmd construction prices well be sold main floor mud rooms 05 339 m°del Ype out in days Probably hours breakfast rooms Take Hwy 400 north to Hwy 2627Boytield Sfnorthlo Cundies Rd Turn left on gt Cundlesto Lillian Crescent and right on Lillian to sales centre SALES CENTRE OPEN Sat and Sun 10 AM to PM Mon to Thurs 12 noon to PM JJ Closed Friday xix Phone 7371437 Barrie lA pix 8835666 Toronto VICVictona WDcvelopmcntéomomtion inc SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION Call 416 5338972 Sale Expires July 31 st Canadaslcadlhgbuilricrofqlralitylnnics