Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1979, p. 2

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the examiner Mondfy July 979 modem High acid rain level kills fish in lakes FORT McMURRAY Alta CP Lifegiving rain can react chemically with sulphur dioxide from industrial plants to form acids which destroy fish life in lakes Hermie Veldhuizen head of the federal environment pro tection services air pollution control section says thousands of lakes in Central Canada and the United States haveacid levels high enough to kill fish Veldhuizen told an Alberta energy resources conservation board hearing that the neutral point in freshwatcr lakes can be exceeded relatively easily It has been estimated that 48500 lakes in Ontario might be affected within the next 20 years The demise of fish has already resulted in the loss of millions of tourist dollars The board is considering an application from the Alsands Project Group ninecompany consortium for $49billion oilsands mining project in northeastern Alberta Veldhuizen said the acidity in rainfall in Central Canada and the Eastern US is running at high levels and the land mass exposed to the deadly rain is increasing dramat ically Scouts converge on Brantford BRANTFORD Ont CP Boy scouts from across North America Brazil the Bahamas Mexico and Denmark con verged on Brantford this weekend for the second Greater Toronto Region amboree To prepare for the weekIong event staff arrived last Tuesday to set up the camp which includes 20bcd hospital grocery store canteen post office trading post and many other facilities for about 2000 scouts The camp has its own switchboard and 16 telcphoncs were installed in the various trailers and tents throughout the site In addition 15 pay telephones for campers to call out side points were installed Lawless town suffering BATHURST NB Cli Nervous businessmen in this ci ty of 15000 kept an allnight vigil Sunday as strike by policemen resulted in state of lawlessness on city streets There are reports of people running around nude squealing tires and racing said Mayor John Duffy in an iii terview Sunday night following weekend of violence Despite what he termed horrible situation he said the ci ty has gone as far as it can on wage offer to the policemen Drag racing and vandalism by drunken mobs brought city police back to their jobs briefly early Sunday They donned riot gear and broke up mobs on city streets before returning to the picket line Five people were arrested and held until they sobcrcd up Duffy said that although he has been told RCMP will not act as strikebreakers he will ask the provinces justice minister to order in the RCMP if the situation deteriorates Body found in river KAPUSKASING Ont CP is The body of Jean Guy Morin 34 of Kapuskasing was found Saturday in the Mat tagami River about 70 kilometres north of here Morin and two other Kapuskasing men have been missing since last Monday when Ontario Provincial Police found their canoe and fishing gear in the river Police are still looking for the bodies of Simond Bouchcr 38 and Ithcal lAoust 23 French ship rescues refugees KUALA LIMPUR tAPl The French hospital ship llc dc Lumiere picked up 837 refugccs in the South hina Sea but hasnt decided whether to go back for 2000 it sighted on another boat Three hundred of the rescued refugees wcrc picked up Saturday from an oil rig supply ship that came across the refugees as their boat was sinking The to de Lumicrc arrived in Singapore today The refugees claimed they were attacked by pirates who raped some of the women stole somc of their possessions and wrecked their engine The Singapore government allowed the refugees to land because France has promised asylum to any of the boat peo ple fleeing Vietnam that the hospital ship picks up Meanwhile French embassy spokesman said thc refugees will be flown to Francc within the ncxt thrcc days for permanent resettlement Resent paying inside money TORONTO ICPl controversy surfaced recently at thc royal commission into discounting and allowanccs whcn some grocery manufacturers said they rcscntcd paying what they described as inside money for supermarket pro motions Archie McLean marketing vicepresident for McCain Foods Ltd said the company spends half its marketing budget for supermarket promotions He told the commission that small minority of retailers put pressure which personally would call immoral on manufacturers to obtain higher discounts Thomas Bolton chief executive officer of Dominion Stores Ltd said that with some popular brands salcs can increasc 10 to 20 times after promotion Payment for thc service usually comes as discount to thc retailer on the special product Fires plague north country By TillI CANADIAN PRESS Forest fires were burning Sunday in northeastcrn Alberta northwestern Ontario and northern Manit oba In northern Alberta 21000 acrc fire in the bush 70 kilometers north of Lac la Bichc was partly under control and crew of 260 firefighters was on the sccnc The town is about 150 kilometers northeast of Edmonton The fire was the biggest of 32 rcportcd in Alberta Sunday An official of the Alberta forest service said siv of the 32 fires were out of control Divers search for more bodies in small lake at Montreal amusement rk Sunday where three people died when boat carrying 38 people over turned CP Wirephoto Three drown in parks lake as tour boat capsizes MONTREAL tCPl An in vestigation has begun into the drowning of three sightsccrs Sunday when totir boat with about 55 people aboard capsized in lake at the Man and His World exhibition Two women and sixrycarold boy all from Montreal drown ed in manmade Dolphin Lake in the middle of thc La Rondc midway area when the boat flipped over in 15 feet of water as it approached the dock police said The dead boy was identified as Maurice Catavolo of Mon treal Names of the two female victims were not immediately released Thirteen people wcrc rushed to hospital and treated for shock and minor injuries ex hibition officials said Eyewitnesses said the 20 byeightfoot pontoon craft styllt ed to resemble an old paddle whcel steamboat listed to one side and took on water Frightened passengcrs ran to the opposite side caUsing the boat to sway several times and turn completely over The boats captain 22 yearold David Charland was the only nlllilSSllEl aboard Mileage marvel Frank Maier waves from his specially constructed car Sunday after travelling 60276 miles on liter of gas His diesel engine set record for the Hockenheim circuit liter is little under third ofa gallon AP Laserphoto Food poisoning probed WHITBY Ont CP Durham Regions medical of ficer of health is conducting an investigation into an outbreak of foodpoisoning that may have contributed to the deaths of two elderly residents of Whitby snc ordcrcd the investigation Friday after bcing told of cases of salmonella poisoning at Fair view Lodge Nursing llomc Daisy Nokcs 90 died Friday and Claudette Douccttc died Saturday after bcing ad said Jacques Filion chief of operations at Man and His World The twotiered boat which has an official capacity of 60 passengers has always been operated by single cmploycc since it was introduced to the lake five years ago he said RIDECANCELLED The boat is privately operated and had clean safety record but the ride has been cancelled at least until the fin dings of coroners inquest are known Filion said Artificial insemination acceptable OTTAWA CP Although still shrouded in legal fog ar tificial insemination is quickly becoming an acceptable alter native to adoption for couples in which the husband is infertile says Civic Hospital fertility specialist Dr Peter Garner said in an interview Friday that about too Ottawa women have chosen ar tificial insemination at either the Civic or Gcncral Hospital since January Thtc technique has success rate of 75 per cent few years ago virtually no one chose the procedure said the codirector of the two yearold reproductive cn docrinology and infertility unit Garner said that only Ontario recognizes the legitimacy of children produced through ar tificial insemination while in other provinces their legal posi tion is unclear He said the ivic maintains regular pool of about two dozen donors most of them medical students who are genetically screened for hereditary disorders and are roughly mat ched in height weight hair and eye color to recipients husbands Exsenator sa Attempts to topple Trudeau would be bad for Quebec OTTAWA Ili Any at tempt to topple former prime minister licrrc Trudeau from the leadership of the Liberal iiirty will have thoroughly lad effect on ucbcc says re tired Senator lZugcnc Forsey The tendency will bc to say tlicrc arc llIl blankcty blank English doing the dirty on one ol our Ixiys again think it would be onc of the most fooliin Imssililc things for the Liberal party to try The 75ycarold foriiicr uni versin professor and trade une ton official who retired from public life after nine ycars in the Senate made his comments during IV Question Icriod lllltIVltW taped Friday ltiiic 22 for broadcast Sunday Ilc said any iiiovc to dislodge Irudcau would opcii gold mine of opportunities for Qiic bcc lrcmicr Itciic Levesque Levesque leader of the sepa ratist larti Qucbccois has said rcfcrcndtiiii on Quebec llltltr pciidciicc will be hcld next year Forsey an expert on the con stitution said Trudeau may not be rcmcmbcrcd in history books as peerless prime minister likc Sir John MacDonald but certainly as one ofour best He said that without Trudeaus guidance and lead ership during the late 1960s and turbulent 1970s the present situation with regard to Quebec would have been very much worse than it is He said Prime Minister Clarks most hazardous test by fire will be the Quebec referen dum on independence Clark has made good start at presenting the case for feder alism through his appointment of FrenchCanadian cabinet ministers from the Senate and Frenchspeaking clerk to the Privy Council Forsey said Apart from that the best thing he can do is to take wise counsel from people who know Quebec well and be careful to say the right things Forsey said he doubLs there will be any major constitutional changes in the near future Human rights investigator will make racism an issue OTTAWA CP Canadas top human rights investigator plans to tell an international conference opening today that the Canadian government is putting up stiff resistance against an inquiry into possible racist immigration policies Naison Mawande the Cana dian Human Rights Commis sions chief of complaints and investigations said in an inter view he plans to raise the issue at UNsponsored twoweek conference of recourse proce dures for victims of racial dis crimination The 38yearold Zimbabwe Rhodesianborn investigator said representatives of 36 coun tries will be told of the federal governments refusal to let the human rights commission sift through policy directives memorandums and regulations that are suspected of containing raciallybiased instructions to immigration officers End justifies means impression of course OTTAWA CP Courses given RCMP Security Service officers as late as 1972 left the clear impression that the end justifies the means royal commission into RCMP wrongdoing has been told ln 1970 induction course given at Ottawa headquarters students were told that any evi dence they obtained unlawfully is admissible in court The information was part of pile of documentation tabled late last week in response to re quests by Mr Justice David McDonald in charge of fed eral inquiry into illegal RCMP wrongdoings The documentation provides responses to questions Mc Donald has asked Parliament itself still pro motes this idea Members two years ago repealed wiretap law provision that made evi dence inadmissible where it was gained illegally The jusnfication Ol this is that evidence is evidence no matter how it is gained and if police break the law in gaining it they can be prosecuted later The fact of such prosecutions are rare The result may be the con clusion that an RCMP officer came to in assessing the effect of the 1970 courses that the law could clearly be interpreted to imply that the end justifies the means In were 1972 course students asked whether it was against the law to refuse an ac cused pcrsons request to call lawyer The answer No it was not illegal was based on supporting court cases Our legal branch advises now that there are numerous in cidents in case law where the opposite is cited where cases of this nature were thrown out theofficer said As late as 1972 Mounties were being taught that an ar rested person had no right to call lawyer Rescue planes possible but not yet official OTTAWA CP Defence Minister Allan McKinnon said Sunday he does not object to sending Canadian Forces air craft to rescue stranded refu gees from Malaysia and Hong Kong camps have no objection to it at all he said If that is the de cision we will send them defence official had sug gested Saturday that McKinnon favored sending commercial planes instead of military air craft That comment came after Immigration Minister Ron At key said he was planning to fly Canadian Forces Hercules transports to the South China Sea to pick up refugees McKinnon said Atkey had asked him about the possibility of using military aircraft but there had been no official re quest Ior planes McKinnon said the military 707flect is being used to rotate personnel stationed at Canadian Farces bases in Germany but we can make planes available if that is the decision The immigration depart ment under the defeated Liberal government and now under the Progressive Con servatives has refused for about year to let the com mission examine its documents and staff for evidence of racism The Liberals took the matter to court hoping to fend off the investigation for good But the matter was not resolved and Conservative Immigration Minister Ron Atkey said recently he plans to pick up where the Liberals left off Miwande said the majority of about 40 complaints of racial discrimination the commission plans to investigate were made against the immigration department all kinds of atrocious things its simply incredible Among them are deporta tions denials of visas deten tions and harassment of mixed marriage couples that appear to be the result of racist PRIZES outot out of plus bonus JACKPor WINNER $27065020 growing ABOVE REGULAR NUMBERS WIN IN ANY ORDER No OF WINNERS PRIZE VALUE femflTl Next Draw Sat July 14th policies Mawande says be ex perienced racial discrimination himself when he came to Canada Mawande may compare notes at the conference with the delegate from Britain where the governmentfinanced Commission for Racial Equality has requested an inquiry into possible racial bias in the immigration service Mawande wonders out loud why if the Canadian govcm ment has no racist policies to hide it does not open immigra tion policy books to commission investigators His statements come on the heels of controversy Atkey stirred up last month by saying publicly that his department has problems with some immiA gration officers at ports of en try who discriminate against visible minorities coming into this country as new immi grants BONUS NUMBER 32 $3l 58880 $361140 BAYFIELD MALL presents mitted to hospital carlici in thc nursing homc week Dr Jean Gray said Sunday Their First vexJ VflflW Vsage Furniture China Glass BAYFIELD MALL BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Where new things are always happening Moll Hours 930 om to 930 pm Mon to Fri 930 am to 600 pm Sm HELD OVER ho to tho trunnion noponoo so hurry ml plus SUMMER MONTHS FREE Your Summer Fun for membership at tho Barrio Fltnou Club moans Memorabilia Collectibles INFORMAL TALK AND INFORMATION SESSION Citizens of Residential District in the City of Barrie are invited to participate in an Informal Toll ond In formation Souion regarding the future plans of their residential neighborhood The purpose of the meeting is to discuss with you information collected the Barrie Planning Board regarding future development trends This type of informational méeting will only be effective if concerned citizens are willing to participate and present their views and problems If you have any questions regarding the development or the redevelopment planned for Residential District please attend our Informal Talk and Informational Session on Thursday July 12 1979 between the hours of 700 and 900 at the Essa Rood Presbyterian Church on Essa Road at Burton Avenue that for tho prtco of on mombonhnp loo you bring luond FREE Thats right for tho price of Bonus Vour mcmborshlp tlmo woo officially mm till September but you can uu our locllltlos nowl Thats right tho summor months are FREE for both of you JOIN TODAY 00 Cdl 737228 65 Collier St Boriic Member of IPFA Ovor 1000 affiliates oorou Conodc

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