Saturday July 1979 NEWSROOM 72b 553 CIICUlATION 26 6579 Heed safety on the water the examiner ur vim in in and mmcoe Ounfy Published by Canadian Newspapers Company lumith l6 Boylield Street Barrie Onion 4M 416 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVIITISING 26 5in CLASSIIIIDS it The rescue of two overturned canoeists this week on Lake Simcoe is reminder of the need for safe boating practices this summer canoe may look like relatively simple craft but it is not knowing how to handle canoe or any other water vessel is the first rule of safe boating The need for safe boating applies especially to Rarrie with its abundance of water recreation opportunities Every year more and more people become involved in boating activities Most do not think of the possible danger Yet this summer an estimated 1000 Canadians will perish from drowning many as result of boating accidents This is safe boating week in Canada and good time to put safety first on the water The Canada Safety Council recognizes that many deaths from boating accidents if not most could be averted with simple precautions and plain old fashioned good sense If you are an inexperienced boater take good advice and familiarize yourself with safe boating practices Various courses are available through power squadrons and boating clubs to enable you to become safety conscious boater Above all remember to always use approved life preserveis when out on the water Then if you do have boating mishap your chances will be on the side of survival pleasant means of recreation need not be source of in jury or death But the onus is on you for seeing that it is not singcoe yesteryear This early photograph shows Grand Trunk boxcars being unloaded by horsedrawn carriage The location is somewhere in the North Simcoe area Last week several readers were able to identify Simcoe Yesteryear photograph as the Ball Planing Mill in Barrie The site is now occupied by the Woolworths building Barrie scen Ry KEN WALLS Sir John Macdonalds second wife Agnes is the subject of book titled Agnes recently published It has been reviewed by several newspapers What interested me was the following excerpt Agnes was born and raised in Jamaica where her father was part of the ruling white colonial power structure After his death her mother took her to England then to Barrie Ontario where her brother had established law practice re and where she went ice fishing on Lake Simcoe The young awyer soon caught the eye of Macdonald then rising politician in Toron to who hired him as his private secretary Through him Macdonald whose first wife had died in 1857 got to know Agnes and there is some cvidence that he proposed to her in Quebec City during the period when the government met there but if he did she rc jccted him She and her mother went back to England to live rather than accompany her brother to the rough new capital of Ottawa and it was by chance that she met lilacdonald on London street during the RNA con ference This scribbler was curious to know the local connection between Agnes and Canadas first PM So took the clipping of the book review down to the Barrie Senate Chamber which meets daily at coffee shop corner Dunlop East and Fred Grant Street opposite the War Memorial and next door to Bank of Montreal None of the Senators could give this old Ex aminer reporter any positive clue So went down to Centennial Park to examine the pla que erected by the Ontario Historical Board ACCOMPANIED SIR JOHN Plaque in big letters basically reads we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lot tors but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial pogo Send yours to mm to the Editor 1h Mr 0m I0 370 MINE 3$ir Johns spouse resided in Barrie HEWITT BERNARD 182593 Born Jamaica immigrated to Canada in 1856 and set up law practice Became chief clerk 1858 in office of John Macdonald and became brothersinlaw Accompanied John to Charlottetown Conference 1864 which suc ceeded in setting up Dominion of Canada by 1867 Became lieutenantcolonel in Canadian militia Served as aidedccamp to Governor lenerals Viscount Moan and Baron Stanley Deputy Minister of Justice 186870 Buried at Ottawa First PM turned to drink wife to prayer is the heading on William Frenchs review of Agnes the book written by Louise Reynolds Paragraph one states In one sense the job of being the prime ministers wife in this country Is more difficult than being PM Inlike her husband she has responsibility without power and knows she will be judged by standards even more stringent than those applied to him It might be different if the capital were In more sophisticated city but in Ottawa where politics Is the only game in town she has no choice but to play Maybe Mackenzie Kings long reign is explained by the fact that he was bachelor Thats all will outline about Agncs because of her Rarrie abode for few years and she participated in popular local pastime ice fishing If interested in acquir ing the book try the store at Hayfield Mall or public library But to fill out my assigned space plan to include few other items No connection with Agnes but definitely with Barrie So here goes OLOR OlIENTAIOR Red Storey wellhknown native son member of Canadas Football Hall of Fame and Hockeys Heritage has become radio personality Of all teams for Trawna Maple Leaves He will provide color commentary which we testify he can most assuredly with skill and humor for CKO radio statim assisting playbyplay announcer Petcr Maher and sports director Dave Lafavc whoever The Bank of Montreals Barrie downtown location was briefly mentioned in the Agnes item My Iccal interest is that of Ms site was where The Examiner was printed and published from 1914 to 1958 the Wilson Bldg which was originally the King Block The first two managers are very familiar to some localities Ron Mackie who was ap pointed Senior VicePresident of Manitoba service work On move to Ottawa he was we ceeded in Beautiful Barrie by Ralph Franklin who was appointed Senior VP for Western Ontario Division Ralph was local star in golf and speedy gamc called bad minton bird hittingi BUSINESS 7266537 sources ADVENSNG UWES livh mm inrvmmt Cagelson managing edgier Len Sevrck manager Marian Gouati nrrnuntnnt tan Mulgrewcity editor SALES Dilly Mll in unliminr Bill McFarlane wire editor Bert Stevens Vkk Am WM Dave Fulle sports editor Wayne Hav comm Hm It mlnuan Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor Aden Smith REPORTERS Steve Skinner ill Inynuv Stephen Nicholts Barb Boultnn pm mi Dennis Lantnier CalvnFelnpchUk iAIini Nancy Figueroa CIRCULATON inmr usmoi Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gaucr entertainment Betty Armor camera operator Terry Field Peter Hsu CLASSIFlED Freda Shinnnr innicr Morton Darin Homewood Bill Hnlkes manager Steve White assistant manaum Mica itr hon Peoav Chapell SUDNVW 8th Her rott Aivn LaFinntI iHFJtlmm Lisa Wnrry Elaine Porter Chnrlekon twillmun um lntlnminn COMPOSING ROOM lnnn iv wan 12 tnrinmn Manchu lm mil1n Him Near ast Milan lllbllvhd daiiy except Sunday md Slafutnry hOltdflVS WE KI by carrier 75 Innis rrAFJi Yby rarrmr S1910 nVNIiliBarrw 40 Thu odvortilor oqrou that the publisher shall not liobla tor domoqol arising out ot error in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the spot actually occupied advertisement in which tho error occurrod whether luch or ror ll duo to the negligence of it nrvantI or otherwise and thorn shall be no liability tor non insertion at any odvortiumont beyond the amount paid for Kb qunL COUNTY on by that portion oi 0h Momu WOW OFF Ht 501 Ill WlllWl IN CANADA HI 001 our Whomm mom Wino am was THE CHAIR RECOGNIZES THE REPRESENTAHVE FROM IRAN WITH SUGGESTION FOR AN OIL PRICE INCREASE Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service What the fedralist cause in Quebec has been sadly lacking is some hearttugging emotion While Premier Rene Levesque and other members of his Parti Quebecois government have been bringing tears to the eyes of their constituents with patriotic songs and speeches the federalists have been largely responding with economic fact sheets As prime minister Pierre Trudeau did not appeal to the emotions of his fellow Quebe cers he appealed to their good senses The separatists were the enemy and the former prime minister always felt and probably still does that they can be defeated by clear cool logic Now to large extent his torch has been passed to Quebec Liberal Leader Claude Ryan who everyone agrees has never been accused of wearing his heart on his sleeve Ryan brilliant scholarly aloof is capable of presenting an ironclad case on behalf of federalism he proved this by getting himself elected in byclcction but his audience is never moved to stand up for spontaneous and tearful rendition of Canada as Rene Levesques audiences will do for Mon Pays Instead Ryans audiences will go home convinced that separation doesnt make economic sense and that Que bec will be on balance better off within the federal framework EMOTION NEEDED And while the federalist forces have so far done well in byelections and now seem to be leading the public opinion polls no one is underestimating the power of Levesques emotional appeal during the coming refer endum debate Many federalists have long felt that they should be equipped with similar arsenal it Am ENE LEVESQLE patriot approach It appears they finally have it As soon as Solangc ChaputRolland announced that she was severing her journalistic ties to enter active politics it was clear that new emotional element would be injected into the federalist cause Along with her probing curiosity which she displayed as host of popular television public afeairs program and with her clear and independent logic which she displayed as member of the Task Force on Canadian Unity haputRolland is also an emotional Canadian Furthermore she has proven herself an effective conveyor of these emotions IVE GOT JUST THE VEHICLE Federalist cause in Quebec sadly lacking in emotion She is going to seek the Liberal nomination for byelcction in the riding of Provost seat previously held by the Parti Quebeciois There is every indication she will win the nomination and unless calamity strikes the Liberals there is every likelihood she will win the byelection which Levesque has said he will call before the end of September And in fighting for seat in the National As scmbly it is clear that ChaputRolland will be offering Canada the same passionate support she has frequently expressed for her own province In fact there have been occasions in the past when one might wonder whether her pas sion for Quebec was perhaps too powerful for federalism But that was before Con federation itself was threatened Now she says its time to be passionate for the entire country PASSION SHOWS In journalistic farewell to Montreal newspaper the popular TV hostess lets it all hang out The coming campaign she says will demonstrate that my nationalism has always been deeply rooted in Canada and all those who openly suspected me of being disguised separatist will stop thinking that passionate love for Quebec denies passionate love for Canada As she put it she can no longer face the referendum hiding behind camera microphone or typewriter She decided on provincial politics because that is where the battle will be won or lost and she is convinced that Cluaude Ryan is the only politician still able to induce all the other premiers to adopt bold measures to restructure our federal system am proud to use all my strength to defend country which is mine to share with others mine to keep for others The Barri Exominor mambo at The Canadian ProI CF and Audit Bureau at Circulation ABC Only the Canadian Pro may ropublinh new stories In this moopor credited to CP The Associated Press Routers or Agoan Franco Prone aid local new Moria published in The Barrie Examiner tho Barrio Exumlnof cloirnn copyright on all original rim and advertising material created by its nmployool and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 203815 register 6i Tho Publllhor rouon tho right to edit ruin cloutty or reject an advertise For all seasons trouble make By TRAYNOR MCFARLANE Why are you doing your nails we asked with an icy calm Chipped she replied from the cheater field without looking up 1If only shed linksrt up it wouldnt have been so had Why are you asking she said in that airy way she had Its this shirt the neck buttons missmg Sos the button right at my navel Werent missmg when washed it your shirt mean She laughed here She began searching among the It or so bot tles of nail polish arranged on the TV table like so many toy soldiers Right hand poised in midair over the army forefinger extend ed she began muttering while reading the labels plum naturelle misty cod tartan au whitewash and all the rest You never fasten the top button at work anyway she suddenly pouted There Thats the one she cried pouncing on small bottle RISING VOICE We could contain ourselves no longer and said in voice noticeably an octave higher than usual What about my fawn shirt and brown trousers There are no buttons at all on the shirt and the zipper on the pants is broken You seem to just dump stuff in the washer dry it and thats it Where is your sense of values Nails hairdos makeup shirts pants theres moral in there somewhere She still didnt look up just kept applying the paint Always complaining she said in that ex asperating Marilyn Monroeish way she bad You forget about the bad birth had with Our Youngest You never mention that STEAM HISSED Hes 27 now we shouted feeling our face writhe into deep shade of heliotrope Steam was hissing from our left ear bad sign with us Doesnt matter it takes long time for all the muscles and things to go back to normal And feel just cant cope with things any more We jumped over and with one mighty movement swept the multicolored regiment of bottles off the table They clattered to the floor Got the Guide she asked buffing nail See whats on Channel7 We stomped into the bedroom seething lifted our blue shirt from the bed and ate it interpreting the news Women break new ground By JOHN WARD NEW YORK CP There is new coin jingling in American pockets and the United States treasury is waging campaign to keep it there The coin is $1 piece bearing the likeness of Susan Anthony 19thcentury suffragette It is the first time an American woman has appeared on US coin The coin is slightly larger than quartet and lighter than the larger heavier Dwight Eisenhower dollar the US stopped minting last year The treasury would like to see the new dollar become popular but the Federal Reserve which distributes US coinage is cautious about making predictions The Anthony dollar appeared this week when the Federal Reserve began circulating the first of 500 million freshlyminted coins spokesman for the reserve said initial reaction was good but it will be at least two or three months before it is known whether the coin will stay in circulation Weve had some reorders he said The First Womans Bank has already run out and so has the Chase Manhattan which is think better indication The new coins cost about three cents to make and are expected to last 15 years dollar bill which costs just less than two cents has life expectancy of about 18 months Highdenomination coins have had poor track record in the US The Eisenhower dollar is rarely seen outside the casinos of Las Vegas and Atlantic City and the John Kennedy soccent piece is also scarce Backgrounder Hand accidents rate new clinic CALGARY CP So many hand injuries occur through carelessness in operating power and chain saws lawn mowers hay balers grain augers and snow blowers that hand clinic has been opened at Calgary hospital The Foothills Hospital clinic also treats burned hands hands crippled by rheumatoid arthritis paralysed hands birth defects and infected hands Most of the problems says clinic spokesman result from accidents in dustrial domestic and recreational and usually involve loss of skin or amputations that require skin grafting procedures Often tendons and nerves in the hand have been injured and require delicate surgical re pair says Dr Dale Birdsell plastic surgeon and director of the clinic the only such one in Alberta MENDING TAKES MONTHS The most important aspect of recovery is to eliminate stiffness in the hand and this re quires months of physiotherapy and closely supervised care